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The Prayers of the Church

Day of Pentecost, June 9, 2019


By the power of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to God our Father in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord, making intercession for the Church, the world, and for all people according to their need.

A brief silence

Come Holy Spirit! Set our hearts on fire with love for God and for his people. Let your wind propel us out of our comfort zones and into the war zones of anguish, injustice, despair, and unbelief. There, let your tongues of fire kindle our tongues to speak words of truth and power, life and love, challenge and forgiveness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gracious Spirit, purify the Church with your holy and cleansing fire. Burn away its sins and schisms. Warm it with deep love for Jesus and for the world he came to save. Teach it to remember, cherish, ponder, teach and live everything spoken by Christ, especially his command to love one another as he has loved us.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O Breath of God, enliven and sustain everyone who is persecuted on account of Jesus. Give wisdom and gentleness to their words, and courage and prudence to their actions. By their faithful witness, convict and convert the enemies of the Gospel to lives of repentance and faith.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Heavenly Dove, descend upon the hearts and minds of everyone in this congregation. Teach us to pray, worship, forgive, witness, serve and love in ways that shine the light of Christ on the lives of those who need him most; and conform us ever more perfectly to his blessed likeness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Most blessed Advocate and Guide, we pray for those who have never heard the Gospel, or whose knowledge of it is so defective and distorted that they hate and scorn it. Cause their hearts to burn with desire for the God whom they do not yet know. Make them long for an imperishable Hope; for a living Truth; for a trustworthy Way; for a transfigured Life; and for a Love that will not let them go.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Holy Spirit, Power Divine, direct, strengthen, and cheer the hearts of all who risk their lives on behalf of others. Prosper all they do that conforms to your good and perfect will. Grant healing to the wounded, honor to those who sacrificed their lives, patience and hope to their families. When they return home, grant them ways to use their skills and wisdom to build a better world for all.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Come, Creator Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. Bless, renew, provide for, and transfigure this broken world, until it conforms to the will and fulfills the desire of the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Teach, purify and perfect the minds, hearts and wills of all people – especially those entrusted with power and authority; and bestow the blessings of peace, health, knowledge and tranquility upon us all.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Life-giving Spirit, breathe health, wholeness and hope into the hearts of all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, especially: {List}. Grant refreshment to their spirits, and restore them to full fellowship with all who love them. Bless and guide everyone who cares for them in ways great or small; and keep in your special care those whose research and skill brings new hope to those afflicted by suffering.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Most blessed and Holy Spirit, we laud and magnify your gracious protection and lordly power that brings the resurrection life of Jesus to all who call upon his name. We thank you for breathing his eternal life into all the faithful departed. Breathe the love of Jesus into us. Renew our minds and set fire to our hearts. Make our lives overflow with love and with the beauty of holiness, drawing others to Christ. Give us grace to enter into the blessed company of the redeemed, and by your power, to worship the Father in union with his dear Son, our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, forever and ever.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


In the power of the Holy Spirit, we entrust our prayers and petitions into your hands, gracious Father, for the sake of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


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