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“Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thereby share responsibility for the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin” (1 Timothy 5:22).

We live in a time when the expectation is that we will help all people in whatever way they want to be helped.  Listen!  True help comes in loving your neighbor, not in just giving them what they want, but seeking for what they need.  In a culture that does not want to invest time, energy, or true money in another, we who follow Jesus are called to a different place.  Be willing to invest in others, but also be wary to invest wisely.

Lord, teach me to listen to You so that I will be wary when I need to be wary and willing where I need to be willing.  Guide me to see that these things are important.  Many have fallen away from their upbringing and do not look to You.  Let me not be one who causes another to stumble, but instead, one who invests rightly in the lives of others.  Lord, You showed how to be merciful, so guide me in the right way.  

Lord Jesus, You did not do everything for everyone.  Those who hate You use this as an excuse to continue hating.  You have called us to love, but to love responsibly.  Guide me, Lord, to know that only You understand the outcome of these things.  Teach me to listen so that, in obedience to You, I may be guided to do what is right always.  Lead me, O Lord, and give me faith to follow where You lead.  Amen.

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