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by Dennis Nelson, executive director, Lutheran CORE

A woman lifts her arms in praise at sunrise

In the March issue of our newsletter, CORE Voice, we included information about the ministries of two of the pastors who were going to be presenters at the Rekindle Your First Love event.  Another one of the persons who was going to be a presenter, NALC pastor Wendy Berthelsen, heads up a non-profit Christian teaching ministry called Call Inc., which mobilizes ordinary people “called” by Christ Jesus our Lord to “incorporate His call” into all of life, 24/7: home, family, church gathering and “glocal” (local to global). Wendy writes:

We offer seminars and resources that are available on our website: We take seriously that the Biblical Greek word for church (ekklesia) literally means “called out ones.” We believe “called out ones” gives both the definition and purpose of church: “Ones” … ordinary people “called” by Christ Jesus our Lord, to go “out,” transforming the world in Jesus’ name, with His Gospel and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, actively teaching about living God’s call and helping people to recognize and discern the Holy Spirit’s call and gifts is crucial to being the church.

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