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Click on the buttons below to read Cathy Ammlung's articles on Intercessory Prayer
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, March 30, 2025: 4th Sunday in Lent, C
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, March 30, 2025: 4th Sunday in Lent, C Isaiah 12:1-6 (With joy you will draw from waters of salvation and praise the Lord) ELW/RCL: Joshua 5:9-12…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH March 23, 2025: 3rd Sunday in Lent, C
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, March 23, 2025: 3rd Sunday in Lent, C Ezekiel 33:7-20 (you are a sentinel warning people to repent; if the evil repent, they live; If the righteous…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, March 16, 2025: 2nd Sunday in Lent, C
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, March 16, 2025: 2nd Sunday in Lent, C Jeremiah 26:8-15 (Jeremiah prophesies against Zion, is marked for death; urges repentance) ELW/RCL: Genesis 15:1-12, (13-16), 17-18…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, March 9, 2025: 1st Sunday in Lent, C
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, March 9, 2025: 1st Sunday in Lent, C Deuteronomy 26:1-11 (creedal confession when giving first fruit) Psalm 91:1-13(God will shield his Righteous One; angels will bear…
Prayers of the Church, Wednesday, March 5, 2025: Ash Wednesday, C
Prayers of the Church, Wednesday, March 5, 2025: Ash Wednesday, C Joel 2:12-19 (return to the Lord with all your heart; sanctify a fast) Psalm 51 (wash me from…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: March 2: The Transfiguration of Our Lord
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: March 2: The Transfiguration of Our Lord Deuteronomy 34:1-12: (The death of Moses after God shows him the Promised Land; no one has…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, February 23, 2025: Seventh Sunday after Epiphany, Proper 6, Cycle C
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, February 23, 2025: Seventh Sunday after Epiphany, Proper 6, Cycle C Genesis 45:3-15: (Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and forgives them) Psalm 103:1-13: (Bless…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, February 16, 2025: Sixth Sunday after Epiphany, Proper 5
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, February 16, 2025: Sixth Sunday after Epiphany, Proper 5 Jeremiah 17:5-8: (Cursed are those who trust mortals; they are like shrub in desert. Blessed are …
February 9, 2025: Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, Proper 4
February 9, 2025: Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, Proper 4 Isaiah 6: 1-13: (Isaiah’s vision of God and commissioning as a prophet of judgment) Psalm 138: (All shall praise God;…
Prayers of the Church, February 2, 2025, Cycle C: Presentation of Our Lord
Prayers of the Church, February 2, 2025, Cycle C: Presentation of Our Lord 1 Samuel 1: 21-28: (Boy Samuel promised, dedicated to God in temple) Psalm 84: (How lovely…
Prayers of the Church, February 2, 2025: 4th Sunday after the Epiphany, Proper 3
Prayers of the Church, February 2, 2025: 4th Sunday after the Epiphany, Proper 3 Jeremiah 1:4-10, 17-19: (God calls Jeremiah to speak his Word) RCL/ELW: Jeremiah 1:4-10: (Omits “Gird…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: January 26, 2025: 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, Proper 2
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: January 26, 2025: 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, Proper 2 Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10: (Ezra reads book of Moses, instructs people; Nehemiah declares…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: January 19, 2025: 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, Proper 1
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: January 19, 2025: 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, Proper 1 Isaiah 62:1-5: (Zion shall be the beautiful and beloved bride of God) Psalm…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: January 12, 2025: The Baptism of Our Lord
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: January 12, 2025: The Baptism of Our Lord Isaiah 43:1-7: (I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH: December 29, 2024: First Sunday After Christmas
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH: December 29, 2024: First Sunday After Christmas Exodus 13:1-3a, 11-15:(Consecrate your firstborn males: I freed you from slavery by killing Egyptian firstborn) RCL/ELW: 1 Samuel…
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH: December 24, 2021: Christmas Eve and December 25, Christmas Day
PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH: December 24, 2021: Christmas Eve and December 25, Christmas Day CHRISTMAS EVE: Isaiah 9:2-7: (The people who walked in darkness have seen a great…
December 22, 2024: 4th Sunday of Advent Micah 5:2-5a: (From Bethlehem comes the mighty Shepherd who will feed his flock) Psalm 80:1-7: (Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel! You…
December 15, 2024: 3rd Sunday of Advent Zephaniah 3:14-20: (Shout for joy, daughter of Zion! God comes as warrior and lover) Psalm 85: (Show us your steadfast love, grant…
December 8, 2024: 2nd Sunday of Advent Malachi 3:1-7b: (I will send my messenger; refiner’s fire; presents God’s people for judgment) RCL/ELW: Malachi 3:1-4 (no presentation for judgment) Psalm 66:1-12:…
December 1, 2024: 1st Sunday of Advent Jeremiah 33:14-16 (The righteous branch of David will spring up) Psalm 25:1-10 (Be mindful of your mercy, instruct sinners in your way, do…
Prayers of the Church: November 24: Christ the King Sunday
Prayers of the Church: November 24: Christ the King Sunday Daniel 7:9-10,13-14 (Vision of the Son of Man) Psalm 93 (The Lord is King, robed in majesty) Revelation 1:4b-8…
Prayers of the Church, November 17: 26th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 28
Prayers of the Church, November 17: 26th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 28 Daniel 12:1-3 (Some will be raised to everlasting life, others to shame) Psalm 16 (You show me…
Prayers of the Church, November 10: 25th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 27
Prayers of the Church, November 10: 25th Sun day after Pentecost, Proper 27 1 Kings 17:8-16: Elijah tells widow of Zaraphath that God will provide food during famine Psalm 146:…
Prayers of the Church, November 3: All Saints’ Sunday
Prayers of the Church, November 3: All Saints’ Sunday Revelation 7: 2-17 (An angel seals the righteous. Blessing, honor, glory, power to the Lamb!) ELW/RCL: Isaiah 25:6-9 (The feast;…
October 27: Reformation Sunday Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God’s new covenant will be written on the heart) Psalm 46 (The God of Jacob is our stronghold!) Romans 3:19-28 (We are justified…
October 20: 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 24
October 20: 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 24 Ecclesiastes 5:10-20 (Pointlessness of amassing wealth) RCL/ELW: Isaiah 53:4-12 (Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows) Psalm…
October 13: 21st Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 23
October 13: 21st Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 23 Amos 5:6-7, 10-15 (seek good, not evil, that you may live) Psalm 90:12-17 (Teach us to have wise heart; prosper our…
October 6: 20th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 22 Genesis 2:18-25 (It is not good for the man to be alone; creation of woman) Psalm 128 (The happy home of…
September 29: 19th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 21 With a bit of a nod toward St. Michael and All Angels in some hymns!
September 29: 19th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 21 With a bit of a nod toward St. Michael and All Angels in some hymns! Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 (Israel kvetches…
September 29: St. Michael and All Angels: Daniel 10:10-14; 12:1-3: Angel strengthens Daniel; Michael aids Israel in a time of tribulation Psalm 103:1-5; 20-22: Bless the Lord, O my…
September 22: 18th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 20
September 22: 18th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 20 Jeremiah 11:18-20 (Jeremiah’s life threatened, like lamb led to slaughter) Psalm 54 (Save me, O God, by your name; vindicate my…
September 22: St. Matthew, Transferred Ezekiel 2:8-3:11: Ezekiel commissioned to speak God’s words to a rebellious people Psalm 119:33-40: “Turn my heart to your decrees, and not to selfish gain.”…
September 15: 17th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 19
September 15: 17th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 19 Isaiah 50:4-10 (Suffering Servant’s humiliation and vindication) RCL/ELW: Isaiah 50:4-9a (eliminates punishment of Suffering Servant’s accusers, and also the verse…
September 15: Holy Cross Day (Transferred) Isaiah 45:21-25 (There is no other god but me; turn to me and be saved) Psalm 98:1-5 (The Lord has gained victory, shown…
September 1: 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 17; Labor Day weekend
September 1: 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 17; Labor Day weekend Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9 (Keep God’s command fully and diligently) Psalm 119:129-136 (Your decrees are wonderful; therefore my soul…
August 18: 13th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 15 Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18 (Renewal of covenant before entering Promised Land) RCL/ELW: Proverbs 9:1-16 (Wisdom sets feast, beckons all to eat)…
August 11: 12th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 14 1 Kings 19:1-8 (Elijah flees from Jezebel, is fed by angel, to go where God leads him) RCL/ELW: 1 Kings…