Devotion for Tuesday, November 7, 2017

“But it is you, a man my equal, my companion and my familiar friend; we who had sweet fellowship together walked in the house of God in the throng.”  (Psalm 55:13-14)


You never truly know what is in the heart of the other.  Though they may seem your friend, if they follow the way of the world, they tug and pull to lead you astray.  Do not be fearful, but diligent to walk in the ways of the Lord and see how easily we all can be led astray.  The Lord deals with each as He has made them and calls for us to look to Him in all things.


Lord, all around me are a mix of people who are thinking all kinds of things.  Guide my mind and heart to see You through the cacophony of things that are all around me.  Lead me along the quiet waters of Your Word to be comforted by the truth You have spoken from the beginning.    Let the fellowship I enjoy be that of Your people singing praises to You, the One true God.


Lord Jesus, You have come to clear the way for as many as would follow You through the constant noise of this world.  Guide me according to the wisdom of the Spirit that I would hear Your voice above all the noise around me.  Hold me fast in Your arms of grace to walk boldly and firmly in the way of truth that You have established in Your teaching and guide me to walk the narrow path.  Amen.  

Devotion for Monday, November 6, 2017

“Destruction is in her midst; oppression and deceit do not depart from her streets.  For it is not an enemy who reproaches me, then I could bear it; nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me, then I could hide myself from him.”  (Psalm 55:11-12)


All around are those who plot and seek to gain what is not theirs for their own sake.  It is hard to live in a world with so many that are deceitful.  Yet, here we are.  How can one hide from the wickedness that is on every side?  Hide in the Lord who knows all things and will not anything come upon You that will separate you from Him.  Come to the Lord and find the only rest in a world gone mad.


Lord, these are words I can hear, but they are so hard to act upon.  Guide the thoughts of my mind and the actions I make to come into conformity with what You are saying.  Lead me by Your Spirit to walk in the ways You have established in spite of all that is going on around me.  Lead me O Lord that I would follow You all the days of my life and walk in Your goodness.

Lord Jesus, for this very reason You have come that as many as turn to You would discover the peace which surpasses all understanding.  Lead me Lord Jesus in the way I should go and then through Your Spirit, give the means to walk in this way.  By Your grace alone am I not like the others who hate You.  In thankfulness, guide my heart ever upward to walk with You alone.  Amen.

Saturday, October 28, 2017 Devotion

“Every one of them has turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.  Have the workers of wickedness no knowledge, who eat up My people as though they ate bread and have not called upon God?”  (Psalm 53:3-4)


The corruption in this world has affected everyone.  There are none who are exempt.  The wicked of the world follow after their hearts which are corrupt to pursue what is right in their minds.  Be guided not by the ways of this world, but by the truth of the God who created the world.  Seek not for yourself, but the greater things from the One who made all things.  Do not be consumed, but resume the path to which you have been called by the One who knows all things.


Lord, this world is crazy.  In the guise of something new, the same things happen over and over.  Each generation desires what it wants, not knowing what it really wants.  Let alone what it needs.  Help me, I pray to see through the cloud of confusion the truth that You alone are God and that there is no other.  Help me through Your Holy Spirit to come into the eternal truth of Your presence and purpose.


Lord Jesus, You are the One who has come that as many as turn to You would not be consumed, but through You restored to liberty and life.  Lead me now and always to walk in the ways I should go and not depart from them.  Help me see more clearly each day that I might walk on the narrow path You have set before me.  Through Your grace, enable me to be one who overcomes the adversity of this age.  Amen.

Thursday, October 19, 2017 Devotion

“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit.  Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will be converted to You.”  (Psalm 51:12-13)


Sustain.  We ebb and flow in this world, good days and bad.  In the Lord there is the promise of being consistent.  That consistency, shines like a lamp in a world of darkness.  To have the joy of the soul restored and a willing spirit to live for the Lord is the promise of salvation for all.  Take upon yourself the salvation of the Lord and come into His holy presence and walk in His salvation.

Lord I hear these words and I like them, but then I walk in the way of sinners and their darkness is my darkness.  Lord, lift me up and sustain me now and forever that I may join in shining the light of Your glory in a dark world.  Guide me in the way of truth that I may now and forever abide in You as You abide in me knowing that only in You is their life and light, hope and a future.


Lord Jesus, Light of the world.  You have come in this world of darkness to bring the grace we need to be lifted up into the Father’s eternal presence.  You are the hope of joy in a weary world of flashing darkness.  Open my eyes to see first the glimmer, then continue to open them that they may learn to receive full light.  Bring me along Your path Jesus that I may be fully restored.  Amen.

Monday, October 9, 2017 Devotion

“If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is Mine, and all it contains.  “Shall I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of male goats?”  (Psalm 50:11-12)


The Lord does not need our counsel, for He already knows all that is, past, present and future.  He is not in need of things, for He is the creator of all things.  All that the world contains is in His hands.  What need does the Lord have of us?  Yet, although He has made us a little less than the angels, He has invited us to be in Him and with Him forever.  Come into the Lord and taste and see that He is good.


Lord, I am easily distracted by all of the unending hurried pace of this world.  It goes fast, but accomplishes nothing.  Help me simply turn to You knowing that You hold all things in Your hands and that everything is in Your power.  Guide me to walk with You now and always knowing that in You is hope and an eternal future.  You are God, there is no other.


Lord Jesus, Guide me in Your will and way to walk according to the principles You have laid down from eternity.  Lead me O Lord according to the will of the Father to do what is right in Your sight.  Help me to not be led astray, but to learn from You how to be faithful and true.  Guide me this day O Lord in the way I should go that I may walk in the way You have established.  Amen.

Weekly Devotional for October 25, 2017

“[Jesus said] to them, ‘Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’”  (Matthew 22:21)

What a horrifying statement.  Is our Lord Jesus Christ actually suggesting that some things don’t belong to God?  Is He giving Christians permission to participate in the sinful institutions of man?  Doesn’t He know that God wants us to be perfect, as He is perfect? (Matthew 5:48)

First, no; second and third, yes.  Of course our Lord knows that all things belong to God.  Engaging debate as a good rabbi, He simply makes a thought-provoking distinction with few words and a strong image.  But yes, He is giving His followers the freedom to participate in government, economy, and other institutions of this world, and He does so precisely because He knows that our Father wants us to be perfect as He is perfect.

For the Father’s perfection is known in this: His beloved Son assumed the flesh of this world, and dwelt and worked among sinners, for the sake of redeeming them—He even assumed the sin of the world on the cross.  Thus gifting us with His enduring friendship, God frees us—He frees you—to take on the burdens of your neighbors, too, even in something as sinful as government or (gasp!) capitalism, for the sake of love, kindness, and mercy.

LET US PRAY:  Father, Your perfection makes all things perfect!  Grant me such faith in Your Son’s mercy towards me that I take up the yoke of loving as He has first loved me; in His name I pray.  Amen

Pastor Steven K. Gjerde

Zion, Wausau