Devotion for Monday, September 24, 2018

“When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.  Can a throne of destruction be allied with You, one which devises mischief by decree?  They band themselves together against the life of the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.”  (Psalm 94:19-21)


There is destruction all around me in this world.  The news is filled with horrible things.  Yet, Lord, You are here in the midst of this troubled world.  Unite my heart with You that no matter what happens in this world filled with wickedness, I will walk alongside You and the path You have laid before me.  Lead me in the way I should go and then give me strength to follow.

Lord, You knew before it happened all the things that go on in this age.  You have purpose for allowing these things and I do not understand.  Help me through the pitfalls, most notably my insatiable desire to know all things before I take a step.  Lead me to walk in faith trusting You through all things and above all things.  Guide me to trust in Your Word and what You have taught me.

Holy Spirit, You comfort and guide me.  Help me to listen to You as You speak that I would move through those places where I am afraid or feel trapped.  Guide me to walk the path of the righteous, doing all that You give me to do.  Lead me in Your goodness to choose the better portion and do those things which are pleasing in the Father’s sight.  Help me now and always to be faithful.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, September 21, 2018

“The Lord knows the thoughts of man, that they are a mere breath.  Blessed is the man whom You chasten, O Lord, and whom You teach out of Your law; that You may grant him relief from the days of adversity, until a pit is dug for the wicked.”  (Psalm 94:11-13)


Only the young think they have forever in this life to accomplish their dreams.  The old know that life is fleeting and no matter how much success as this world calls it is achieved, it comes to nothing.  Blessed is the one who comes to the Lord on His terms and walks according to His will and way.  They will live into a life that is everlasting, filled with hope and a sure promise.

Lord, no matter my age, help me to step back and see clearly that Your way is the way of everlasting life.  Help me to see that it is not just about there and then, but about the goodness that You have given throughout the ages to those who walk in the way You have established.  Guide me, O Lord, in Your goodness to walk as You would have me walk now and always.

Teach me, Lord Jesus, by the direction of the Holy Spirit to walk as You would have me walk.  Remove from me those desires that hinder my ability to live obediently in the way You have established.  May I now and always live according to Your Word and see clearly the direction You give.  May my life be spent preparing for the eternity You have promised by Your grace.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, November 27, 2017

“The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance; He will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.  And men will say, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely there is a God who judges on earth!”  (Psalm 58:10-11)

In a world filled with wickedness, it is hard to distinguish where justice lies.  The Lord knows, but we do not see His hand of justice at work.  The Lord is patient, but we, in our limited lifetimes want revenge now.  The Lord will judge and He will judge righteously.  Just trust in the Lord in all of His ways and know that He will lead all who turn to Him into the ways of righteousness.

Lord, I am easily led in so many directions by all of the wickedness in this world.  Guide the thoughts of my mind and the attitude of my heart that I would hold fast to the truth You have revealed.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way I should go and then help me walk in this way.  Grant that I would see Your hand upon this world and know that You are working all things together for good to those who love You.

Lord Jesus, in great love You have come to lead as many as would follow You in the way of truth.  The world is already judged and You have come for those who will come through You into light and life.  Guide my heart this day, O Lord, that I would look to You and Your ways and follow in them as You direct and lead.  By Your Holy Spirit, lead me this day.  Amen.