Devotion for Monday, October 22, 2018

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.” (Psalm 100:4-5)


Thank You, Father, for all that You have done. Though I may not understand this world as well as I sometimes think I do, You are here providing for all. Lift me onto the upward path of walking humbly in Your sight and giving You praise at all times, knowing that You have wonderfully knit all things together for Your purpose. Your goodness is everlasting and Your faithfulness forever.

Take me away from those moments of confusion when I do not see Your hand. You are always present; I sometimes simply do not see this. Your provision is for all people at all times, even though many do not thank You for what You have provided. Lead me into the truth of Your presence that I would now and always walk as one who has faith, and trusts You in all circumstances.

Your goodness to all who trust You, O Lord, is above our ability to understand. You have provided for all. Grant this day that I would be thankful and appreciate all that is around me. Help me to see the small things and be grateful. Lead me to find joy in each moment and know that You are with me and all those around me. May my life be one of thanksgiving now and always. Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, August 28, 2018

“Do return, O Lord; how long will it be? And be sorry for Your servants. O satisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” (Psalm 90:13-14)


We have a tendency to drift far off from the ways of the Lord and receive what we have wrought. We blame the Lord and then lament. Do not tarry in the place of lament, but come into the presence of the Lord and know that all things have always been in His hands. Come into His will and walk according to His ways. Know that the Lord is good and it is He who made us and we are the workmanship of His hands.

Lord, I do get caught up in worldly thinking. Though we teach each other that things have changed, they have not. Guide me, O Lord, according to Your goodness to see clearly the truth of this age and to live into Your promises. Help me now and always to know that You alone are God and that all things have always been in Your hands. Lift me up in wisdom to walk in Your sight.

Holy Spirit, guide my heart this day to see Your hand everywhere. Do not let me tarry in the false idealism of this age, but see clearly that there is purpose, and that purpose is to walk where You lead. Guide me according to the grace You have given me to be humble yet bold in the faith You have put in my heart that I may live this day giving You thanks for all Your goodness, Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, June 9, 2018

“Sing aloud to God, our strength! Make a joyful shout to the God of Jacob! Raise a song, and bring here the tambourine, the pleasant lyre with the harp. Blow the trumpet at the New Moon, at the full moon, on our feast day.” (Psalm 81:1-3)

God is good and provides for all the people. The harvest seasons come and those in need are satisfied. Come and see that the Lord is good; so rejoice and give thanks. Have a thankful heart and join with others to celebrate. We were created to rejoice, praise and give thanks. It comes naturally and we love being together in celebration. Come then and praise the Lord for all things.

Lord, I do love to celebrate. Teach me to rejoice each day in the goodness You provide. Help me now and always to be one who is thankful for the many gifts You provide knowing that all things are made available through Your hand of goodness. Bring me to the place where my celebrations always include You, that I may learn to be truly thankful for all things.

I am thankful, Lord Jesus, that You have led the way. You often joined with others in celebration and have taught us to delight in each other. Guide me, Lord, to walk with You in thankfulness each day knowing that You more than provide for all that is needed. Your love is showered upon us through grace upon grace. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all the good gifts You bestow upon us. Amen.