Devotion for Thursday, September 6th, 2018

“He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. “With a long life I will satisfy him and let him see My salvation.” (Psalm 91:15-16)


The salvation of the Lord is promised to those who turn to Him and accept the invitation to walk in His ways. Come into the Lord’s presence and walk with the One who made you. Know the goodness which He created from the beginning and see how life is to be lived. In Him alone will you find satisfaction, purpose, and the hope which is in your heart. He is the source of life.

Lord, I have wrestled all the days of my life seeking meaning and hope. Guide me, O Lord, in Your ways, for You are the creator of all things. Guide me along the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake; that I may live into the life to which You have called me. Keep me close to You that I may walk with You all the days of my life and see the salvation You have prepared for those who believe.

Lord Jesus, You are the Savior who has come into the world. You have invited all who hear to come and walk with You along the journey which leads to salvation. Guide me, O Lord, that I may walk in Your ways and know the goodness that has been prepared from the beginning. Abide with me that I may be taught by You this day the way of life which is forever. Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, September 2, 2018

“A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not approach you. You will only look on with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.” (Psalm 91:7-8)


We all will pass through the gate of death; so this is not speaking of death. What it does speak of is the truth of those who come into the salvation of the Lord. All around are those who fall prey to the wickedness of this age and do not come into the Lord’s presence and walk in His ways. You only have to look to see what that brings. Come into the Lord’s presence and live in Him.

Lord, You created us and the world has rejected You. Help me, O Lord, in this world of wickedness to see through the temptations that lure and pull me away from You. I can see what sin brings. I know no good comes of the wickedness of this age. Help me, Savior, to look to You and see the goodness and mercy You give to those who love You. Lift me up to be with You.

Savior, You have come to do what we cannot that all who believe might be united with You now and forever. Guide my heart, Lord Jesus, to walk in Your grace and live to the glory of the Father. May I stand amidst the crumbling ways of this world and learn from You to be faithful through all that comes. Open my eyes, Lord, to see clearly the recompense of wickedness. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, September 01, 2018

“You will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day; of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.” (Psalm 91:5-6)


There are things of the darkness that bring fear. There are the arrows of wickedness that flies around all the day long. There is the wastefulness of this age where people show no respect for the Lord or His creation. You need not fear any of these things, for the Lord is with you always and He knows His plans for You. Trust in the Lord above all things and know that He holds you in the palm of His hand.

Lord, amidst the fear that comes in living in this world, guide me in Your goodness to see through these things to know that You are there. Though things do and will happen, help me live in faith knowing that all things work together for good because of the love You have poured into my heart. Lead me, O Lord, and I will follow wherever You lead. Help me to learn to always abide in You.

Lord, You have provided the way of salvation. In You is the hope of all nations. In Your hands are the goodness and mercy that I need for this day. No matter what comes this day, help me to keep my eyes upon You. In times of trouble, help me trust that all things will work together for good. In You I have my hope and being. Lift me up, O Lord, that I may be faithful. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, August 09, 2018

“He will cry to Me, ‘You are my Father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.’ “I also shall make him My firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth.” (Psalm 89:26-27)


The word of the Lord speaks the truth of Jesus. He who is the only begotten has come and leads the way as the first born among many brethren. Did He not teach us to pray, “Our Father?”  Is He not the One who has made grace and salvation possible? See how all of Scripture speaks of Jesus and the salvation He has brought into the world.  By grace through faith we see the prophecy of Jesus.

Lord, help me to see clearly that You have fulfilled what You spoke long before it came to pass. Guide my heart to receive the good news of great joy that You have come into the world to follow in the salvation You prepared before the foundation of the world. Lift me up with You to be with You now and forever that I may walk in the goodness of your provision and mercy.

Lord Jesus, You are the fulfillment of prophecy. Scripture speaks of You and the salvation You have brought that all who believe might be forever united with You, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Guide me O Lord in the way of salvation You have prepared that I may walk with You today and forever. By faith you have called me and in grace You have paved the way that I may walk with You now and forever. Amen.

Devotion for Monday, July 23, 2018

“Your wrath has rested upon me, and You have afflicted me with all Your waves. You have removed my acquaintances far from me; You have made me an object of loathing to them; I am shut up and cannot go out. My eye has wasted away because of affliction; I have called upon You every day, O Lord; I have spread out my hands to You.” (Psalm 88:7-9)


David cried out to the Lord amidst the estrangement he felt around Him. We all have periods of loneliness when it seems those we thought close draw away. Is not the Lord always there? Has He not walked with you all the days of your life? He is the One who has watched out for you all along. Should He not be the One who is closest to you? He is. Come and see His goodness.

Lord, no matter the circumstances of my life or what is happening, help me to know that You are always there. Guide me in Your goodness that I would walk with You always knowing that You are always with me. Help me live the way You would have me live knowing that You are with me always. Lift me up to be drawn ever closer to You that in all my ways I may walk knowing You are above me, beside me and within me.

Lord You are my salvation. In all things, You are there to guide and lead me. Help me now and always to abide in Your presence with the knowledge that You are always with me. Help me in every time of trouble to see that You are there. No matter where life takes me, help me remember that You are God, above all others, and You have reached out to me with Your salvation. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, July 07, 2018

“Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, that glory may dwell in our land. Lovingkindness and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” (Psalm 85:9-10)

The Lord is near and not far off. Those who do not know the Lord are unaware of how close He is. He does not meddle as the wicked do, but grants love and mercy to those who open their eyes and come to Him.  Come then to the Lord and see that He is just, good and merciful. Know the Lord and know His presence that You may walk with Your God all the days of Your life.

Lord, all around me are those who hate You and ask, “Where is your God?” You are near even when I feel You are far off. Be my comfort and my rock that I may stand firm in a world of shifting sand. Hold me fast to the truth of Your presence that I may now and always live in the truth that You are with those who love You always and that You will never leave us.

Lord Jesus, You know the way of this world and its thin loyalty. Guide me ever deeper into the mystery of the faith You have given those who believe that I may now and always walk with You. Guide me, O Lord, in Your grace that I would forever hold fast to the truth You have revealed in Your salvation. You are always near. Guide me in life to live in this saving knowledge. Amen.

Devotion for Friday, July 6, 2018

“Show us Your lovingkindness, O Lord, and grant us Your salvation. I will hear what God the Lord will say; for He will speak peace to His people, to His godly ones; but let them not turn back to folly.” (Psalm 85:7-8)

There have always been those who hear the voice of the Lord and listen to the goodness of His counsel. There are, from among them, those who turn away from the Lord and go back to the ways of the wicked. The path is before you and there are two choices. Come into the way of the Lord, for He alone shall grant to His children that which is good, right and fitting.

Lord, daily, there are the temptations of this world to go into the way of the wicked. I watch those to my left and right fall into the snares of wickedness. Preserve me, O Lord, that I would humbly walk in Your ways no matter the circumstances. Keep me close to You that I would walk in Your ways all the days of my life and keep far away from the path of wickedness.

Lord Jesus, without You my desire to remain among the godly would be impossible. I need to be rescued by You. Lead me, O Lord, to see in You the hope of glory and to walk in Your ways. Guide me according to Your grace to lean upon You in all things and for all things. You alone are able to lead me in the way I should go and keep me from the clutches of wickedness that are all around me. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, May 17, 2018

“But He, being compassionate, forgave their iniquity and did not destroy them; And often He restrained His anger and did not arouse all His wrath. Thus He remembered that they were but flesh, a wind that passes and does not return.” (Psalm 78: 38-39)

Lord, Your ability to hold Your hand against those who do evil is more than I am able to understand. You give freely to all and do not punish the wicked before their time. All things are in Your hands and You have a reason for everything. It will be as You have determined and nothing will thwart Your perfect plan. Help me trust in You in whom all things rest.

Lord, it is often difficult when I see the wicked spewing their lies and deception. You have given Your promises and many reject You. Help me to not be one of them. Create in me a new and clean heart that ponders on all the goodness You have brought into the world. Lead me in the way of righteousness that I may forever walk humbly with You, my God and my Savior.

Lord Jesus, You who was put to death by the wicked of this world and for the sake of sin which infects us all, by Your humble example, help me to walk before You as one who knows that it is You alone who is able to accomplish salvation for all who believe. Guide me this day to do those things which are right in the Father’s eyes, which will provide a witness that it is You who guides me. Amen.

Devotion for Easter, April 1, 2018

“They said in their heart, “Let us completely subdue them.” They have burned all the meeting places of God in the land. We do not see our signs; there is no longer any prophet, nor is there any among us who knows how long.” (Psalm 74:8-9)

The world has tried over and over again to be rid of those who walk humbly in the way of the Lord. They rid themselves of the prophets and then the things that have been lifted up to remind the people of the Lord. Yet, through it all, here you are, reading of the Lord and His goodness. God is forever and no one and nothing can overcome the truth, for He is truth and He is forever.

Lord, let me see the cycle that I may step out of it and realize that there truly is nothing new under the sun. Those who hate You toil in vain. They think they are doing something new. Lead me to see that You are the hope of every generation and that in You is life and liberty amidst the struggles that sin causes in this world.

Lord Jesus, apart from You there is no hope, but in You is the hope of the ages. You have come to lift as many as believe out of the pit of despair and onto the path of eternal life. Guide me, O Lord, in the way You would have me walk this day and keep me on the narrow way of Your salvation. Lift my spirit and let my voice speak of You and the truth You have delivered once for all. Amen.

Devotion for Friday, March 23, 2018

“Until I came into the sanctuary of God; then I perceived their end. Surely You set them in slippery places; You cast them down to destruction.” (Psalm 17-18)

The Sanctuary of God is Christ, built not with Human hands, but begotten. In Christ, judgement is already announced and the wicked are already condemned. Those who plot their own destruction reject the only hope of the ages. Come unto the Lord and know the salvation He gives to those who leave behind the wickedness of this age to follow righteousness.

Lord, it is a slippery slope that leads to destruction. How easy it is to slip and fall down on the paths the wicked of this world set up. Lead me along the right path for Your name’s sake that I would walk in Your ways humbly and look to You as my hope and provision. Lead me, O Lord, to the place I belong. Guide me according to Your goodness to walk away from destruction.

Lord Jesus, You have come to lead me in the way of life. Help me now and always to see in You the way of life that I may follow Your lead. Keep me from those places where I would slip and hold me up in times of trouble. The wicked have chosen their doom. You have rescued those who hear Your voice and answer the calls of those who cry out to You. Lead me, Savior, and I will follow. Amen.