Devotion for Sunday, December 3, 2017

“On account of the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips, let them even be caught in their pride, and on account of curses and lies which they utter.  Destroy them in wrath, destroy them that they may be no more; that men may know that God rules in Jacob to the ends of the earth.”  (Psalm 59:12-13)

The wicked will come to nothing though it be a generation or even many generations before their deeds are remembered no more.  Do not spend your energy on those who will perish, but keep your eye on the prize of eternity which the Lord offers to the faithful.  Know that He is mighty to save and will lead you in all of your ways in His path of righteousness.

Lord, help me see through the confusion of this age the goodness that You offer before me.  Help me now and always to see clearly the truth You have revealed once for all.  Guide me in the way of truth that I may walk now and always in Your ways.  Help me to see Your goodness and know that in You is the hope for all in this age of sin.  May I now and always be guided by Your salvation.

Lord Jesus, by Your grace alone is there hope and a future for all who are captives in this age of sin.  Guide me now and always to see the hope of glory You offer through forgiveness.  Lead me to see in You alone my guidance through everything that will come.  Help me now and always to live with You as my example, by Your grace able to meet all that will come this and every day.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, December 2, 2017

“My God in His lovingkindness will meet me; God will let me look triumphantly upon my foes.  Do not slay them, or my people will forget; scatter them by Your power, and bring them down, O Lord, our shield.”  (Psalm 59:10-11)

The Lord meets us.  People pursue the Lord, but cannot on their terms.  He comes and meets us, for His name is salvation.  Do not pursue the way of the wicked, but come to the Lord who invites and desires that You would come to Him.  Let the Lord lead you in all of your ways and He will give you rest.  Be guided by His goodness and know that He knows you and loves you.

Lord, I am carried away and enticed by the sinful ways of this world to have vengeance. But vengeance is Yours alone. Guide me in the way You have established that I would now and forever be guided by Your goodness.  Help me in every time of trouble to see that You alone are Lord and only in You is there a future.  Lead me, O Lord, that I would be led by Your salvation knowing that only in You is there hope.

Lord Jesus, Your name means salvation, come and take my hand this day that I may be led by You wherever You take me.  Help me now and always to see in You the hope of glory and the way of forever.  Guide me to walk in Your ways and flee from the temptations of this world.  Help me in every time of difficulty to look to You first and follow in the way You lead now and always.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, December 1, 2017

“But You, O Lord, laugh at them; You scoff at all the nations.  Because of his strength I will watch for You, for God is my stronghold.”  (Psalm 59:8-9)

Look at the pale of history and what do you see?  You see the once supposed great nations in ruin.  Those who walk in the way of the wicked come to nothing.  The nations rise and fall. In their height they think no one can crush them, but they come to ruin.  Do not look to the nations, but to the One who created all things and know that in Him alone is hope and glory.  He alone is God.

O Lord, Your ways are so far above our ways that we cannot even imagine, yet You love each one whom You have made.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way I should go that I may go that way.  Help me now and always to look to You for all things and walk in Your ways.  You are the stronghold of all who look to You.  Guide me, O Lord, now and always and keep me close to You.

Lord Jesus, the One who has come to lead the way for those who are called according to Your purpose, keep my eye upon You and the prize You offer in grace.  Let me not stray, nor wander in other places, but remain with You guiding me at all times.  Let my lips speak Your goodness.  May I now and always hold praise of You and the work You have done on my lips.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, November 20, 2017

“They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down; they dug a pit before me; they themselves have fallen into the midst of it.  My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises!”  (Psalm 57:6-7)

In the midst of the turmoil of the world, many will lament, curse God and join in the fray.  But will that change the rampant sin that prevails?  No, it will not.  Praise the Lord in all seasons and know that You have His promise that everything will work for His glory.  Know that the Lord is good in the midst of all that is not good.  Let your heart be steadfast and praise the Lord at all times.

Lord I often spend time in laments, but not in praise.  Praise is not an emotion, but an attitude.  Guide me to see in You hope and a future.  Lead me into the life to which You have called me that I would go with hope in You.  No matter what happens in this life, lead me O Lord to walk in Your ways, praising You for all that comes.  Keep my heart steadfast upon You.

Lord Jesus, You know the pain and suffering more than any other, for You took it all upon Yourself.  Help me know that this is true that I may walk with You confidently trusting in all that You have done.  Let me work through every adversity while You are shaping me day by day to be more like You.  Lead me, O Lord, and grant my feet the ability to follow.  Amen

Devotion for Saturday, November 18, 2017

“Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge until destruction passes by.  I will cry to God Most High, to God who accomplishes all things for me.”  (Psalm 57:1-2)

Grace is unmerited favor, a gift that the Lord grants to those who turn to Him.  We all need grace, for we all have fallen short of the glory of the Lord.  Cry out to the Lord who hears you and knows all about what He has made.  Know that in Him you can take refuge and He will cover you in the shadow of His wing.  The Lord is more than able to accomplish your salvation.

Lord, in times of trouble I look to You, but often in times of plenty, I simply go my way and ignore You.  Help me realize that this age is a time of great trouble and turmoil.  Lead me into the truth of Your presence that I would know that in You I have an eternal hope and a future.  Guide me in Your will to walk in Your ways all the days of my life, knowing in You alone can I hope.

Christ, the Savior of the World, You have come to be the refuge for all.  Lead me in the grace You have purchased by Your own blood that I may forever walk in the mercy of the Father.  Destruction has already come upon the world, but in You I need not fear anything that comes.  Lead me, O Lord, to stand by Your side and walk where You direct, knowing that only in You will I be made complete.  Amen.

Weekly Devotion for November 15, 2017

“Therefore encourage one another with these words.” (1 Thess. 4:18)

St. Paul didn’t act as though he had more than he really had.  He had words, and they were good words.  Words can open minds, console hearts, and change futures.  Words from God, founded on the acts of God, can do even greater things: they can raise the dead.

Here in central Wisconsin, we can know how words work just by looking at the great hunting season that unfolds this month.  Consider how much talk accompanies hunting; think of the photos that people post of their kill to illustrate the stories that they tell.  That conversation encourages hunters in their hope and accompanies them into the woods.

It’s a reflection of the greater glory of Jesus Christ.  His life has authored a deathless word, the Holy Gospel that not only speaks of forgiveness now but also of the world to come.  This holy Word we must steadily proclaim, more and more, to encourage one another and reveal to this present world that there is a happy future to be had.  In the end, that sacred conversation of the Church is the hope that will accompany souls into the woods, however dark the woods may be.

LET US PRAY: Speak, O Lord, we will hear You, for Your Word alone is life.  Amen

Pastor Steven K. Gjerde

Zion, Wausau

Devotion for Wednesday, November 15, 2017

“You have taken account of my wanderings; put my tears in Your bottle.  Are they not in Your book?  Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call; this I know, that God is for me.”  (Psalm 56:8-9)

The Lord knows the days of our life.  He knows what we need long before we ask.  He allows all the things that happen to occur for His purposes.  Trusting in the Lord is the result of faith and knowing that all things are in His hands is the truth.  Come then to the Lord and be not afraid.

Lord, all around me is the evidence of a world that is not quite right.  Help me, I pray, to see through the fog of this world the truth of Your Word.  Guide me according to Your never-failing principles to walk humbly on the earth knowing that You alone are God of all.  Your book is written and in it is that page onto which You have written me.  Guide me to live as You would have me live.

Lord Jesus, You are the author and finisher of the faith for all of those who come to You.  Lead me to follow and open my ears to speak as You speak that I would be guided by the truth of eternity.  Though all around me is chaos, settle my heart to simply trust in the grace You provide knowing that only in You is there hope and a future.  May I truly follow You all the days of my life.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, November 13, 2017

“In God, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid.  What can mere man do to me?  All day long they distort my words; all their thoughts are against me for evil.”  (Psalm 56:4-5)

Word twisting is nothing new.  It has been done from the beginning.  Pay attention to what the Lord has said, straight up, and praise Him as you have been created to praise.  Do not mind the ones who distort the truth, but live in the truth of the Word which has been revealed and know that God is good and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.  Think on God’s goodness.

Lord, all around me are those who seek my acceptance of them and their ways.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way I should go that I would hold fast to Your Word of truth knowing that in You alone is there hope and a future.  Let my lips praise You all the day long and I will forever look only to You as the source of life.  Shield my ears from the false ways of the wicked ones of this world that I may hold fast to Your Word.

Lord Jesus, You have come that I may have life and have it abundantly.  My mind is affected by the twisted words of this world.  Clear my mind to hear the straight truth of Your Word which is from everlasting.  Help me keep things simple and listen to what You have to say.  You are the author and finisher of my faith.  Lead me in the way I should go and I will follow You.  Amen.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017 Devotion

“The righteous will see and fear, and will laugh at him, saying, “Behold, the man who would not make God his refuge, but trusted in the abundance of his riches and was strong in his evil desire.”  (Psalm 52:6-7)


The day will come when the difference between those who trusted in themselves and those who trusted in the Lord will be apparent.  The self apart from the Lord will be separated as they are now from the +source of life.  Riches and worldly wealth are fleeting and do not really belong to the one who says, “This is mine.”  The one who abides in the Lord abides forever, because the Lord is forever.


I do not see clearly and Your ways often seem hard to fathom, yet I know You are there and this is Your creation.  Clear my sight O Lord to walk with You on cloudy as well as clear days.  Help me see in You the hope that is forever and to not walk in the ways of fools who trust in things they did not make and will not last to be their satisfaction.  Guide me O Lord in Your ways.


Lord Jesus, You came into the world humble and living in simple circumstances.  Help me shed dependency on the things of this world to see that only You and the Kingdom You have established are forever.  Lead me today and every day in the way I should go and then help me get there by looking to You, the author and finisher of my faith, to lead the way.  Amen.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017 Devotion

“You love evil more than good, falsehood more than speaking what is right.  You love all words that devour, O deceitful tongue. But God will break you down forever; He will snatch you up and tear you away from your tent, and uproot you from the land of the living.”  (Psalm 52:3-5)


The wicked tongue shall not survive.  Why do you cling to that which is already condemned?  Come then into the rest of the Lord and give up the vain ways of this world.  DO not cling to that which is destructive, but come into the hope of glory that comes through grace.  Live into the life into which You have been called through grace by faith.  Let your wicked heart be uprooted and replaced with a heart like Christ’s.


Lord, You know all the complexities of the heart and the ways in which it plays games with me.  Blot out my iniquities and take away those things which hinder me from living life as You have designed it to be lived.  Guide me O Lord into Your grace that I may begin again the journey to which grace calls me.  Help me through all obstacles to live, speak and have my being in You.


Lord Jesus, You have come to forever shatter the wicked and their ways from ruling in life.  Though there remains this season in which the wicked endure, let me not be counted among them.  Instead, guide me by Your grace to come into the life to which You have called me by Your provision to seek the goodness You offer.  Help me now and always to cling to You, the finisher of my faith.  Amen.