Devotion for Wednesday, February 21, 2018
“Make haste, O God, to deliver me! O Lord, make haste to help me! Let them be put to shame and confusion who seek my life! Let them be turned back and brought to dishonor who delight in my hurt! Let them turn back because of their shame who say, “Aha, Aha!” (Psalm 70:1-3)
I once pondered who wanted to take my life. The world around me wants me to reject You, Lord, and go along to get along. The world tugs for me to live its way and not the way of Your Word. Lord, make haste to deliver me from the snares of this world that I may live only for You and the good works You have ordained for me to do. Let me not shame nor be shamed, but live in Your goodness.
You know the difficulty of this world filled with sin. You have watched as wickedness battles for the souls of those whom You call. You have purpose in everything, but You, O Lord, have sent Your salvation that, in spite of the world which seeks to kill, lifts up those who turn to You. Guide my heart by Your Spirit that I would forever hold fast to the truth of Your Word.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for walking in this world of confusion and leading the way through it, providing grace to all who turn to You. Lift us up, and bind our hearts and protect them from the wiles of a world gone mad. Set my course in front of me and then guide me to walk the way You have established that I may learn from You how to faithfully endure all adversity. Amen.