Devotion for Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tuesday, December 12, 2017 Devotion

“For You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy.  Let me dwell in Your tent forever; let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings.”  (Psalm 61:3-4)

Have you noticed how every circumstance is resolved.  Perhaps not to your liking, but the Lord is constantly teaching us through every circumstance.  He will lead you wherever you need to go and He is more than faithful.  Trust in the Lord in all of your ways and lean on the understanding He gives through His Word.  He is the refuge for every weary soul and will keep you under His wings.

Lord, let me not wander into fields of danger, but in spite of the danger all around, lean upon You.  Guide me in the wisdom You have revealed for the ages and help me see in You the hope of glory.  Guide me, O Lord, that I may walk in Your ways and be guided by Your Spirit to become Your child according to the promise of Christ.  Lead me, O Lord, while I am in the presence of every enemy.

Lord Jesus, You have come to lead the way for as many as believe.  Help me now and always to be guided by Your eternal principles to walk in a way that is pleasing to the Father.  Now and always may I look to You as the author and finisher of my faith, knowing that only in You and through Your grace can I ever be sanctified and become what has always been intended.  Lead me, O Lord, now and always.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 Devotion

“O God, You have rejected us. You have broken us; You have been angry; O, restore us.  You have made the land quake, You have split it open; heal its breaches, for it totters.”  (Psalm 60:1-2)

Woe to those who say there is no God.  The Lord knows the land that honors Him.  The Lord knows those who look to Him as the source of their being.  Turn to the Lord and do not remain broken, but healed and restored.  Come to the Lord and you will find rest.  Know that the Lord is good and that He binds up broken hearts and lifts up the lowly.  Turn to the Lord and live.

Lord, all around are those who jeer and mock You, yet You remain faithful to those who believe in You.  Guide me in the way of goodness that I would simply stand fast in the truth You have revealed for the ages.  Lead me in Your righteousness that I would not walk through the wide gate of those who reject You and mock You.

Lord Jesus, You came despite all those who mocked You and would not receive the grace and mercy You brought.  Lead me to be faithful in the midst of this troubled and mixed up world.  Help me always look to Your grace first and know that in You is life and hope.  Help me to see my way clearly through the faith You have given me that I would stand fast and be a witness of Your grace and mercy in the world.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; set me securely on high away from those who rise up against me.  Deliver me from those who do iniquity and save me from men of bloodshed.”  (Psalm 59:1-2)

Sometimes this world is troublesome.  There are difficulties each day.  But the Lord, who knows all things, has us in His hands.  He knows the plans He has for us.  Yes, we have our difficulties, but to Him we should turn in every time of trouble.  It may seem dark at times, but He is mighty to save and will watch over us all.  The Deliverer has come and in Him all who trust will be rescued.

Lord, I hear these words, but in times of trouble I am often overwhelmed in the moment.  Teach my heart to trust.  Teach me to learn from You that I may walk through every moment in trust and confidence in the faith You have given me.  Guide me, O Lord, that I may be led by Your mighty hand to become what you have in mind.  Lead me through every valley of the shadow of death.

Lord Jesus, You know adversity and the plotting of evil doers.  Guide me in the way I need to go each day.  Teach me to lean on You through Your Word and by prayer that I may forever hold fast to the truth You have revealed for the ages.  Lead me, my Savior, today that I may walk humbly with You and know the goodness You have in store for those who walk by faith.  Amen.

Weekly Devotional for Christ the King Sunday, November 26, 2017


Devotional for Christ the King Sunday, November 26, 2017 based upon Matthew 25: 31-46

I retired on June 30, 2014, after serving as pastor of the same southern California congregation for forty years.  My final Sunday was June 29.  What I would say during the sermon on my final Sunday was very important to me.  There were certain things I wanted to be sure to say to the congregation, whom I had known and loved and been pastor for for forty years.  I spent a lot of time and prayer thinking through my final words.

Our Gospel lesson for Christ the King Sunday contains Jesus’ final words – His final message before the crucifixion.  I am sure that what He said during this final message was very important to Him.  What did He say?

In Jesus’ final message before the crucifixion He tells of the day when He will come in His glory.  All the angels will be there, and all the people who have ever lived will be there.  His first act as the newly crowned, rightful King of the universe will be to separate all people into two groups – sheep and goats.  To those on the right – to the sheep – He will say, “Come, you that are blessed by My Father, inherit the kingdom that was prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (verse 34)  Then he will give a whole list of human hurts and will describe the response of the sheep to those hurts.  The first act of Christ as the newly crowned King will be to applaud His people’s acts of compassion.  What Jesus makes the biggest deal of in this – His final message before His crucifixion – are the works of compassion of His people, who have received His compassionate work of salvation.  

Now if Matthew 25 contains the last recorded message of Jesus before the crucifixion – the last recorded message of His three-year public ministry – what about His first recorded message?  What did Jesus say during the first time that the Bible says He got up to speak?

To find the answer to that question we turn to Luke 4 – to a time when Jesus returned to His hometown of Nazareth.  He went to the synagogue – to that community and religious gathering place where He had gone many, many times while growing up.  He went back to the synagogue, where He had studied the books of Moses, the law, and the prophets.  The law He had come to fulfill, and the prophets who spoke of the day of hope when He would be coming.  Luke tells us, “He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to Him.  He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written. . . .” (Luke 4: 16-17)

As best-selling author Max Lucado, speaking on this passage, points out, this is the only time in the Bible where Jesus chooses a place in the Bible.  This is the only time in the Bible where it specifically mentions that someone handed Jesus a Bible and said, “Here, please pick out a passage for us.”  Imagine handing God a Bible and asking Him to pick out a verse.  Just imagine.  If you were to hand God a Bible and ask Him to pick a verse, what verse do you think He would pick?  What one passage from the entire Old Testament do you think He would select?  Luke tells us, “He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written. . . .”

You might think that He would have stopped at Isaiah 53 – the song of the suffering servant that speaks of Him so clearly – “He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities.” (Isaiah 53: 5)  But instead He kept on going until He got to Isaiah 61, where He read, “The spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor.” (Luke 4: 18)

Here we have the first sentence of the first sermon of Jesus recorded in the Bible.  The only time mentioned in the Bible where Jesus selects and reads a passage from the Bible, and whom and what does He read about?  He reads about the poor.  “The spirit of the Lord has anointed Me – has chosen Me – to bring good news to the poor.”  

The only time in the Bible where it is specifically recorded that Jesus reads a passage from the Bible – and a passage which He Himself chooses – and whom does He read about?  It must be those whom He must have a special heart for.  The poor.  And in the rest of verse 18, the captive, the blind, and the oppressed.  

If the first act of our Lord Jesus Christ – after He is crowned as the rightful King of the universe – is to separate the sheep from the goats.  And if the factor that makes sheep sheep and goats goats is the way their faith leads them to respond to the hungry, thirsty, sick, naked, and imprisoned.  And if in the first sermon that Jesus gave He talked about God’s concern for the poor, that must have a lot to say to us today, who live in a world where so many people are living in extreme poverty.      

If in His last recorded sermon and in His first recorded sermon, Jesus talked about God’s heart for the poor, we need to ask ourselves, What kind of heart do I have for the poor?  Do I have God’s kind of heart for the poor?  

Dennis D. Nelson

President of the Board and Director of Lutheran CORE

Weekly Devotional for November 17, 2017

“ . . . so that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.” (Romans 3:26)

“Just remember, it’s not about you.”  Those were the last words I heard before I preached for the first time.  A senior at Valparaiso University, I was about to deliver the homily at one of the daily chapel services.  The chaplain assistant leading matins, who could probably see my nerves at work, leaned over and whispered, “Just remember, it’s not about you.”

There’s freedom in those words, whatever our walk of life: the freedom to let go of ourselves, even forget ourselves, and simply hand ourselves over to the task at hand.  And according to the apostle Paul, it is this same freedom that stands behind salvation in Jesus Christ.  Even there, it’s not about us: it’s about God demonstrating that He is just.  

While that promise may irritate our old selves (they always like to be at the center of attention!), it makes God’s forgiveness of you even more true and certain.  His decision to redeem, His sacrifice on the cross, and His proclamation of that redemption for you rest not on you, but entirely on Him who is eternal, the same “yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

LET US PRAY: Lord God of hosts, You have raised up preachers, teachers, and martyrs in every age to bear witness to You.  We laud and magnify Your justice; we adore Your beloved Son; and we pray for Your continued grace upon our way; in Jesus’ name.  Amen

Pastor Steven K. Gjerde

Zion, Wausau

Devotion for Wednesday, November 15, 2017

“You have taken account of my wanderings; put my tears in Your bottle.  Are they not in Your book?  Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call; this I know, that God is for me.”  (Psalm 56:8-9)

The Lord knows the days of our life.  He knows what we need long before we ask.  He allows all the things that happen to occur for His purposes.  Trusting in the Lord is the result of faith and knowing that all things are in His hands is the truth.  Come then to the Lord and be not afraid.

Lord, all around me is the evidence of a world that is not quite right.  Help me, I pray, to see through the fog of this world the truth of Your Word.  Guide me according to Your never-failing principles to walk humbly on the earth knowing that You alone are God of all.  Your book is written and in it is that page onto which You have written me.  Guide me to live as You would have me live.

Lord Jesus, You are the author and finisher of the faith for all of those who come to You.  Lead me to follow and open my ears to speak as You speak that I would be guided by the truth of eternity.  Though all around me is chaos, settle my heart to simply trust in the grace You provide knowing that only in You is there hope and a future.  May I truly follow You all the days of my life.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, November 13, 2017

“In God, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid.  What can mere man do to me?  All day long they distort my words; all their thoughts are against me for evil.”  (Psalm 56:4-5)

Word twisting is nothing new.  It has been done from the beginning.  Pay attention to what the Lord has said, straight up, and praise Him as you have been created to praise.  Do not mind the ones who distort the truth, but live in the truth of the Word which has been revealed and know that God is good and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.  Think on God’s goodness.

Lord, all around me are those who seek my acceptance of them and their ways.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way I should go that I would hold fast to Your Word of truth knowing that in You alone is there hope and a future.  Let my lips praise You all the day long and I will forever look only to You as the source of life.  Shield my ears from the false ways of the wicked ones of this world that I may hold fast to Your Word.

Lord Jesus, You have come that I may have life and have it abundantly.  My mind is affected by the twisted words of this world.  Clear my mind to hear the straight truth of Your Word which is from everlasting.  Help me keep things simple and listen to what You have to say.  You are the author and finisher of my faith.  Lead me in the way I should go and I will follow You.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, November 2, 2017

“Give ear to my prayer, O God; and do not hide Yourself from my supplication.  Give heed to me and answer me; I am restless in my complaint and am surely distracted, because of the voice of the enemy, because of the pressure of the wicked; for they bring down trouble upon me and in anger they bear a grudge against me.”  (Psalm 55:1-3)


I am distracted O Lord, but You alone know the real reason, for I do not even know it myself.  In this troubled world filled with sin, You have called to me to submit to You in the grace You give that You would lead me forth into Your eternal presence.  Bring me away from the trouble of my heart that I would look solely to You for all things.


Lord, through Your Word, You call time and again for us to lay down the arms of rebellion to seek Your mercy and grace.  The pressure of the wicked is all around me, but You offer grace as the answer.  Let me not be caught up in the grudges of this age, but seek Your will and Word in all things knowing that You are Master and Lord of all.  Lead me O that I may follow.


Lord Jesus, there You are offering Your hand of grace to all who will see.  Let me take Your hand that You would guide me wherever You see that I need to go.  You are the master of my faith, so help me step back so that You may take the lead.  Lead me away from the recompense my heart desires in every time of trouble to be satisfied with the mercy and grace You give from the cross.  Amen.

Sunday, October 22, 2017 Devotion

“By Your favor do good to Zion; build the walls of Jerusalem.  Then You will delight in righteous sacrifices, in burnt offering and whole burnt offering; then young bulls will be offered on Your altar.”  (Psalm 51:18-19)


Zion, the place for the redeemed, the place of hope and eternity, the new Jerusalem.  Zion is for those who come through salvation to live in the relationship eternally given by God through the means of salvation He has made possible through Christ.  Come then into the rest, even amidst the struggles of this age.  Come and make your sacrifices to the Lord who sees and knows the hearts of all.


Lord, You have offered the way of hope for those who turn to You.  Guide me in this path that I would walk where You have shown the way and live according to Your purposes.  Help me overcome all the difficulties of this world by trusting in You.  Help me keep my heart on the path of Your leading that I would walk in the ways You have established from the beginning.


Lord Jesus, King of Zion, by Your grace, You open the way for all those who come by faith.  You make the first and final sacrifice by Your own blood to free us to come as we are through You into citizenship in Zion.  Lead me by the grace You offer to live my life toward You, with You and in You that I may being the eternal life now that shall be lived forever.  Amen.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017 Devotion

“Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving and pay your vows to the Most High; call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me.”  But to the wicked God says, “What right have you to tell of My statutes and to take My covenant in your mouth?”  (Psalm 50:14-16)


What is it you can give the Lord?  What is it He needs?  The Lord desires to be in a love relationship with you.  What you can give Him is yourself.  Make the sacrifice and give your life to Him.  See what He will do with what you give Him.  Is He not more than able to do all things through Christ who strengthens you?  Can He not do as He wills with what is His own?


Lord, this simple principle is hard to understand, yet this is the very thing that You ask.  You ask me to give myself to You that I would become like Christ.  Help me to do this very thing through Your Holy Spirit.  Lead me in the way I should go that I may go there and be one who walks in Your will.  It is truly no sacrifice to be whom You have created me to be.  Help me get out of the way.


Author and finisher of my faith, lead me in the steps You have me walk this day to accomplish the Father’s will on earth as it shall be done in heaven.  Lead me away from the never-changing circles of this world to seek first Your kingdom knowing that everything else that is needed shall be added after this.  Lead me today in the way I should go and help me to follow Your steps.  Amen.