Devotion for Thursday, August 23, 2018

“You turn man back into dust and say, “Return, O children of men.” For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it passes by, or as a watch in the night.” (Psalm 90:3-4)


Everlasting is something beyond our ability to comprehend. History flows by You in a moment. Lead me, O Lord, into Your perspective of things that I may dwell in Your mind’s eye and not in my own imagination. Help me to learn to trust You in and through all things. Lift me up according to Your gracious will to be Your humble follower now and always, and to do Your will.

Lord God, You know all things and You know my heart. You have witnessed all who have passed before Your sight. Though I be dust animated for a short while, help me to learn to praise You, the God through whom all things have their being. Lead me in the way You would have me go that I may now and always look to You, the One true God who is in all and through all.

Come, Holy Spirit, and lift up my countenance to praise You for Your goodness which You bring. Lift me up by the grace You have provided, Lord Jesus. In all that I say or do, help me to be faithful according to the call You have given me. Guide me, O Lord, that I may do what is pleasing in Your sight. To You alone belongs all praise, thanks, honor and glory. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, August 15, 2018

“You have spurned the covenant of Your servant; You have profaned his crown in the dust. You have broken down all his walls; You have brought his strongholds to ruin.” (Psalm 89:39-40)


Worldly things will pass away and those things which man builds will return to dust. Come then into the presence of the One who is forever. Do not rely upon your understanding or the way you perceive things, but listen to the One who created all things. Know that the goodness of the Lord is forever. Seek the Lord while He may be found and walk in humility with the One who made you.

Lord, I live in a mixed up world that seeks its own ideas and believes that it can create something that will last. Help me begin now to see that only in You is there hope and a future. Lead me to live into the promises You have given me that I would walk humbly with You and follow You in all of Your ways. Keep me from the deception of this age, knowing that only in You is there true life.

You have come to save as many as believe that we would walk in Your ways, Lord Jesus. Guide me this day in the way of salvation. Uphold me in the righteousness You have called me to walk in that I may now and always hold fast to the truth You have revealed. Keep me from harm and help me to be faithful in all I do this day that I would walk humbly in the Father’s sight. Amen.