Devotion for Sunday, October 7, 2018

“The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many islands be glad. Clouds and thick darkness surround Him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne.” (Psalm 97:1-2)


It may seem for a time that things are not as they really are, but this creation belongs to the Lord. He is the One who reigns and in Him all hopes are made real that are in accord with His will. He is Sovereign and although this age continues in rebellion, it shall come to pass that all things have always been in the hands of the Lord. Come into His presence and know righteousness.

Lord, there are so many questions that many ask. Their questions are based upon their own understanding and not upon the truth You have revealed. Guide me, O Lord, to look to You, for You are the Creator of all things. Lead me in the goodness of Your mercy that I would humbly walk in Your presence knowing that You alone have the words of eternal life; for there is no other way.

Lord Jesus, You have come to shine light on the truth. You are the way and truth and only in You is there life. Help me now and always to seek the way You have established that I may walk humbly in the way of salvation. May I now and always be guided by the eternal principles You have given and be lifted up by Your grace. Lead me to be faithful in all that You have given me to do. Amen.