Devotion for Sunday, May 6, 2018

“He brought forth streams also from the rock and caused waters to run down like rivers. Yet they still continued to sin against Him, to rebel against the Most High in the desert.” (Psalm 78:16-17)

No matter how the Lord has provided, the miracles He has done, or the ways in which He has saved people, there are those who reject Him and will not follow after the Lord. The rebellion is that people will do what they believe is right in their own minds. They will not follow after the ways of the Lord. Come to the One who is gracious and kind and loves those whom He has made.

Lord, You have loved me in spite of my rebellion and given me what I needed even when I have ignored You. Lead me away from the rebellion in my heart to surrender to You and know that only in You is there hope and a future. Lift me up out of the pit of despair that is the result of the rebellion that I may know the peace You give which surpasses all understanding. Create in me a new and clean heart, O Lord.

Savior of those who believe, lead me this day in the way I should go and that fulfills the Word that has been spoken. Take me away from the place of having a rebellious heart that I may be guided by You who has come to save as many as believe. Lord Jesus, apart from You I can do nothing, but in You all things are possible. Lead me this day in Your established way of righteousness. Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, March 25, 2018

“When my heart was embittered and I was pierced within, then I was senseless and ignorant; I was like a beast before You.” (Psalm 73:21-22)

Lord, you know how easily we are enticed by the wickedness of our day. In a moment, my faith goes out the window and my words are replaced with those no different than the wicked. I become angry at the evil that is around me and desire vengeance. Things do not go my way and I become senseless and act like a beast in the field. My heart is not trustworthy, nor true.

Lord, Your Word tells me to call upon You that You would create in me a clean heart. Through You, Christ, You promise that I will be made new. Create in me a new and clean heart that I would leave behind the senseless animal behavior and live as a new creation in the grace and mercy You offer. Guide me, Lord, from where I am in this wicked world to where I desire to be in You.

Lord Jesus, only through You can the desire of my heart be enriched in Your grace. Guide me today both to see the truth of that which is in me and also a willingness to have You go to work this day to move me in faith to where You know I need to be. Lead me, O Lord, in Your ways and let them be from the innermost parts of me outward that I may become more like You. Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, February 25, 2018

“For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth. Upon you I have leaned from before my birth; you are he who took me from my mother’s womb. My praise is continually of you.” (Psalm 71:5-6)

Yes, we are dependent. The man thinks himself strong and without need. The woman feels protected and has what she needs. Both are in denial that from birth, before birth, the Lord created us to be dependent upon Him, for we are. When we awaken to the fact we are His, we are comforted, for God is love and is always there to uphold, uplift and guard against the wickedness of this age.

Lord, in the wickedness of this age I turn against you, the very One who is my rock and shield. I was taught from my earliest years of You but turned my back. Bring me back into right relationship that I may learn again to trust, love, thank and praise You. Teach me again that upon You alone may I lean. Create in me a clean heart and renew in me a right spirit to live as I have always been meant to live.

Lord Jesus, You have come to reestablish our created relationship with You. Guide me by Your grace to be rebuilt into what I was made to be. Lead my heart to pursue those things which are right and fitting. Teach me how to praise in season and out of season. Guide me in becoming like You that I may overcome the obstacles of wickedness and become the righteous person I was created to be. Amen.