Intercessory Prayer, Part Two: How to Write Them

In my introduction to intercessory prayer, I shared some of its historical background and some of its salient characteristics in the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant traditions. I wrote:

Intercessory prayers have a very long history as the prayers of and by the whole people of God, the Body of Christ himself. They are the Church praying for the Church, the world, the ruling authorities, and those in any tribulation, distress, or sorrow; for peace, for the propagation of the Gospel; for our enemies; for every manner and estate of humanity; for children and catechumens; for favorable weather and harvest; for deliverance from every affliction, wrath, danger and need; for the faithful departed; and for the salvation of those praying and for all people. Such intercessory prayers as we write and speak ought to be mindful of this long history, and the cloud of witnesses with whom we are praying. They rightly should possess the Roman virtues of terse, simple, elegant directness, and the Eastern virtues of intense devotion, evocative language, and reverence. They ought not to be mini-sermons, private opinions, lectures, or casual, off-the-cuff “Lord I just wanna’s”!

Now I’ll take you through some of the process by which I compose the weekly intercessory prayers that are distributed to some folks via email and that are also available on the CORE website. I’ll use a concrete example: the prayers for February 27, 2022 – The Transfiguration of Our Lord, Cycle C.

That’s important: I write prayers that are specific to the season, festival, and cycle of the Church calendar. You’re not required to focus on these, but the Scripture readings appointed for any Sunday, and the significance of a feast day, will enrich and focus your petitions. The lessons can shape their thrust and phrasing. Additionally, this helps people to intentionally “pray the Scriptures” in their private prayer life, strengthening the connection between corporate and personal prayer.

The hymn selections also provide sources of imagery and language. When people hear a phrase from, say, “Beautiful Savior” in a petition, they see that hymns can be prayed. You’ll see an example of that in a moment.

Congregations use different lectionaries and hymnals. If there are alternative texts, the first is from Sola/LCMS, the second is the ELW/RCL. I’ve left out hymn numbers below.

Deuteronomy 34:1-12: (The death of Moses after God shows him the Promised Land; no one has arisen like Moses, whom God spoke to as a friend, face to face)

RCL/ELW: Exodus 34:29-35: (The shining face of Moses)

Psalm 99: (Extol the Lord, who spoke to his servants Moses and Aaron in a pillar of cloud. You, Lord, love justice and establish equity; you forgive sin and avenge wrongdoing)

Hebrews 3:1-6: (Moses was faithful as a servant in God’s house. Jesus is faithful as the Son)

RCL/ELW: 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2: (We look upon the Lord with unveiled faces. Being transfigured from glory unto glory, we put aside shameful practices, commend ourselves to everyone in the sight of God)

Luke 9:28-36: (The Transfiguration of our Lord)



Opening Hymn:  O God Beyond All Praising (Hint, hint, the intercessory prayers for today echo phrases of it.)

                OR Blessing and Honor

Hymn of the Day:  O Wondrous Type!/ O Vision Fair!/ O Wondrous Image, Vision Fair

               OR Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory

Communion Hymns: How/Tis Good, Lord, to be Here; Beautiful Savior

Closing Hymn: In Thee is Gladness OR Alleluia, Song of Gladness

That’s our “raw material.” We also keep in mind those things for which we are commanded to pray: The Church; our persecuted brethren; our community, nation, and world, especially leaders and institutions; our enemies; the sick and all who suffer; our local congregation; proper stewardship of creation; peace, justice, forgiveness, hope, and faith. Additionally, we pray for specific concerns, ranging from local issues to global pandemics. The lectionary may suggest other petitions: marriage, those in prison, farmers, etc. A specific feast day may guide other petitions. Grounding intercessory prayer in these rich resources will prevent us from praying too narrowly for “we, ourselves, and us.” Over time, we will lift all manners of people and situations before God.

I begin with a petition which responds to the Scripture/day, and/or thanks and praises God. This sets a theme for what is to come. Next, comes the universal Church; the persecuted Church; and the local congregation. (Here may also be prayers for missionaries, seminaries, raising up new pastors and evangelists; discipleship, etc.) There’s a petition for our nation and world; our leaders, in politics and society; and health, peace, and justice among all people. There may be a specific petition for all who stand in harm’s way to establish health, safety, justice, and freedom. Something suggested by the Scriptures or the time of year comes next. The needs of all who suffer follow. The final petition entrusts the faithful departed to God’s care, asks guidance for our life, and looks to our final redemption. Simple!

Next: how do we phrase each petition? My assisting ministers have (sometimes unknowingly) helped me! They may not have read them beforehand. Convoluted sentences and flowery language can trip them up. I have come to appreciate that Roman virtue of terse, elegant phrases! Here’s the prayer for Transfiguration.

Let us draw near to the Light of Christ, offering prayer and supplication on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Reaction to the day/thanks/opening theme: Father, today we kneel in adoration before the majesty your Son, revealed in his Transfiguration. But sometimes, our devotion grows cold. Sometimes our prayers and worship become half-hearted and routine. Sometimes we treat Jesus like a buddy we can call on if we need something from him. Kindle our hearts, minds, and spirits always to worship and obey him with holy fear, deep joy, and fervent love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Universal Church: O God beyond all praising, we worship you and adore your glory, revealed in the face of your beloved Son. Grant that your Church listens to his word and holds fast to him in its heavenly calling. Make it bold to preach Christ alone as the way of salvation. Let it proclaim to the whole world his blessings without number and his mercy without end. (Note echoes of hymn, “O God Beyond All Praising” in this and other petitions)

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Persecuted Church: Grant to your persecuted people confidence and hope, established through the steadfast obedience of Christ their Lord. Give them grace to triumph through their sufferings and rise to serve you even in the presence of those who trouble them. 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Local congregation: Let the radiance of our Beautiful Savior fill the hearts and sanctify the ministries of this congregation. Make our worship into a joyful duty, and our service into a sacrifice of praise. Use us to lead others to Jesus, that with us, they may worship, honor, bless and adore him. (Phrases from O God Beyond All Praising, Beautiful Savior, AND Blessing and Honor! Am I good or what?!)

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Our nation and world, its leaders, and peace among all: You have appointed your Son as King of creation and Lord of the nations. Teach our leaders to praise your name; to love justice and righteousness; and to seek those things that make for peace. Come to the help of those whose lives are troubled by sorrow and hardship; and draw all people into the glorious and gentle rule of Christ their Savior. (Again, echoes of Beautiful Savior)

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those who suffer: We lift our hearts to you on behalf of all whose lives are clouded by any sort of affliction or sorrow, including: {List}. Let the light of Jesus’ countenance heal and cheer them. Let all who care for them do so with tenderness and compassion; and grant that together we may praise you for your unending mercies.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Remembrance of faithful departed; prayer for guidance and salvation: O Lord, our Beautiful Savior, those who have died trusting in you now see you face to face. Thank you for that final, best gift! Continue, we pray, to show to us your amazing love. Though we are your unworthy servants, bless us with such good gifts as will sustain us and others in this life. Bring us, in your good time, into the joy you have prepared for all whom you have redeemed. Give us voices there to sing unceasingly, “Glory and honor, praise, adoration, now and forevermore be thine!”

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For all these things, dear Father, and for whatever else you desire for us in your wisdom and compassion, we pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior, Lord, and King. Amen.

Because I’m writing for many congregations, often weeks ahead, I expect each user to insert or amend petitions as needed in that setting. Additionally, although these are written, they can be enriched by extemporaneous prayer petitions as the Spirit moves. That leads to my final point: extemporaneous public prayer. Whether you’re a pastor, council person, Stephen minister, or a friend responding to a friend, you will be called upon, or be moved, to offer up prayer. This can strike terror in the heart. This is where we ramble, get lost in “Lord I just wanna,” or offer advice in the guise of prayer.

Here’s where the Romans come to the rescue again! The Roman Church perfected the collect (KOLL-ekt): a short, pithy, topical prayer form. It’s comprised of: Address to God; statement of some divine attribute; petition/request; reason or result of request; conclusion.

Think of a short business letter form. Let’s compare 2 entities: a letter asking for a donation to an animal shelter, and a collect for a friend who just learned she has cancer.

Dear John and Nancy,

As fellow animal lovers, I know you’re concerned for the plight of homeless pets.

I’m inviting you to donate nutritious food (dry or canned), or gently-used toys and bedding, during our upcoming Pet Friendship Drive.

This will benefit homeless pets while they’re in our care – and they’ll be able to take a familiar toy or bed to their forever homes!

Thanking you in advance, I remain your pet-loving friend, George


Dear Lord Jesus, our beloved Good Physician,

Your heart was moved by compassion by the prayers of sick and hurting people.

Draw near to my friend Josie. Give her strength and courage, and bless her doctors with wisdom and compassion as she begins this difficult journey.

Provide all that’s needed so that she can take each step with confident faith and dauntless hope, knowing you are always with her.

This I pray in your holy and precious Name.

Let the situation guide your “letter.” Appeal to the quality in God that addresses your concern. Be brief and honest in your petition. Envision an outcome that’s concrete but open-ended. Say thank you, and you’re done!

In fact, one way to compose intercessory prayers is to frame them as modified collects. You don’t have to include the salutation and sign-off with each petition; leave the former for the first one; and let your final sentence be the sign-off. But it will focus your thoughts and encourage brevity. This format also trains the ear of the hearer to know where you’re heading in prayer. That helps them to silently participate in it, or at least to give their “Amen” as hearty assent and not merely hearty relief.

I hope these articles have been helpful as you ponder the place of intercessory prayer in the liturgy, its composition, and its ramifications for all the faithful in their own prayer life.




An Introduction to Intercessory Prayer

Many of you know that I write intercessory prayers that are posted on the Lutheran CORE website and sent to many individual pastors and congregations. I’ve done this for over 10 years, motivated to improve on clunky, theologically weak, or odd prayers provided by various resources. Additionally, pastors and laity charged with leading intercessory prayers are often terrified by the prospect of “winging it” or writing prayers every week, and appreciate good resources. Occasionally, pastors repurpose their sermons in the guise of intercessory prayers –advising God to help parishioners get the point made earlier, expand on it, and Just Do It. Laity (and some pastors, especially in informal settings) often want prayers to be plainspoken and down to earth. That’s a laudable goal not well served by a “Lord Father God I just wanna” style! Finally, when left to our own devices, we sinners focus on Us, Ourselves, and We, rather than “the Church, the world, and all people according to their need.”

I have taught sessions on intercessory prayer at several Society of the Holy Trinity (STS) local retreats, and in congregational study groups. I want to share some of what I’ve learned and taught, in two articles. Because I’m drawing from notes used for those presentations, there aren’t any formal citations in this article. However, I drew from three major works on liturgy: by Dom Gregory Dix (The Shape of the Liturgy), Luther Reed (The Lutheran Liturgy), and Frank Senn (Christian Liturgy: Catholic and Evangelical).

In this month’s article, let’s begin with some historical background. Many elements of first-century synagogue worship were retained by the early Church. The whole pre-communion liturgy –Scripture (including Old Testament), psalms and other hymns, exposition, prayers, and benediction – retain the shape of worship that would have been familiar to Jesus and his disciples. As the Church spread and developed, there were local peculiarities but unity in the essential parts of the liturgy. With regard to intercessory prayers, an early church father, Cyprian, detailed the solemn need to pray for the Church, catechumens, penitents, the emperor, magistrates, those in affliction, travelers, prisoners, and any local concerns.

Intercessory prayers were dubbed “The Prayer of the Faithful.” Following a sermon or other exhortation, and after short prayers for catechumens (who then left for instruction), the faithful would continue in intercessory prayer. As the Body of Christ, the faithful prayed to the Father, in Christ’s name (more, in his person, as his Body), by the power of the Spirit. Like the recitation of the Creed and Lord’s Prayer and the reception of Holy Communion, these public, intercessory prayers were therefore only for the baptized.

Here’s how Gregory Dix explains that.

 “The church is the Body of Christ and prays ‘in the name of’ Jesus, i.e. according to the Semitic idiom which underlies the phrase, ‘in his person.’ The Spirit of adoption whereby the church cries to God in Christ’s Name, ‘Abba, Father’ with the certainty of being heard, ‘Himself makes intercession’ with her prayers. The world had a right to hear the gospel; but those who have not yet ‘put on Christ’ by baptism and thus as ‘sons’ received his Spirit by confirmation cannot join in offering that prevailing prayer. All who had not entered the order of the laity were therefore without exception turned out of the assembly after the sermon.

Now this notion was a revelation to me! All the baptized participate in one of the “orders” of the Church. An “order” might be described as a recognizable “group identity” based not in race, gender, or class, but in “priestly role in worship as part of the Body of Christ.” These orders included laity, deacons, and priests/bishops. This “priesthood of the baptized” gives each order its proper role in all aspects of worship, perhaps most prominently in the Prayers of the Church. Some of that sense is lost when only the priest or pastor prays, and the laity are reduced to saying “Amen!”

In fact, deacons were especially important in prayer – the Prayers of the Church were sometimes called “the deacon’s prayer.”  The deacon spoke on behalf of all the people, whose participation and responses in these prayers were critical.

Certain types of public intercessory prayer explicitly featured all three “orders” – laity, deacons, and priest, each with their role. You’ve probably prayed “the bidding prayer” on Good Friday. It’s one of few remaining vestiges of a once-common family of bidding-type prayers. These were important in East, and recovered by Reformation churches. The laity are instructed by the presiding minister to kneel. The priest/pastor announces the “bid” – the topic, such as “The poor, the sick, our enemies, the government,” and so on. There is silence for private, personal prayer by each person, for each “bid.” Kneeling was the posture of private prayer.  The people rise to their feet as the deacon prays a collect (pronounced COLL-ekt) for each bid. I’ll talk in more detail about collects in the next installment of this work. Why did the people stand at this point? Because just as the deacon’s Collect “collected” the thoughts, privately offered up by many pray-ers, into one prayer, so also the deacon “collected” all of those individual pray-ers together as the Body of Christ, offering up prayer as one body. The people stood to indicate that now they were participating in the prayer of the whole body, as the one Body. The priest often finished the Bidding Prayer with one final collect.

Over time, the Western and Eastern Churches diverged in language and liturgy, including prayer. In the Eastern Orthodox churches, prayers were long and poetic. They touched on virtually every station of human life.  The role of the deacon and laity were emphasized in the liturgical intercessory prayers. The Western Church derived much of its style from its ancient Roman roots. It tended to be polished and pithy rather than wordy and poetic! The deacon’s role was greatly reduced, often because the intercessory prayers were scattered through several portions of the Mass. Primers were published – devotional prayers to be read by the laity during Mass while the priest read the Latin service. This at least acknowledged the deep need for the laity to offer their “priestly sacrifice of prayer,” but it reduced it to personal, private devotions rather than as an intentional offering of the Body of Christ.

Northern Europe in the late Middle Ages, and into Reformation era, retained and developed the “general prayer” or “prayer of the faithful” through something called “Prone.” After the sermon but before Communion, and in the vernacular (unlike the liturgy done in Latin), occurred a Collect, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, occasionally the Decalogue, sometimes a brief form of corporate confession and absolution, intercessions for the living and the faithful departed, announcements of the banns, parish notes, etc. Lutheran reformers were relatively conservative in altering the Mass.  They retained a form of Prone, often by means of a formulaic General Prayer (prayed by the pastor) between the sermon and the offertory, preceded by Creed and concluded by Lord’s Prayer, all spoken by the people.

Lutherans also re-introduced frequent use of litanies. A common form is used in Evening Prayer, but there’s a longer one called The Great Litany that can be a stand-alone intercessory prayer, chanted by the deacon or assisting minister with chanted responses by the people.

However, Lutherans and Anglicans for many decades often replaced the classic form of intercession or litanies by a “General Prayer” led by the pastor. This could be broken down into individual “chunks,” with the congregation saying “Amen” or “Hear our prayer” after each section, but the role of the laity in public intercessory prayer was being obscured, leaving laity only with whatever private devotional prayer they chose to indulge in. As Luther Reed noted: “18th-century Pietism failed to distinguish between the personal, subjective prayer of the individual Christian and the objective common prayer of the assembled worshippers, or church prayer proper. Rationalism lost all right conceptions of the Church and of prayer alike!”

In the last 75 years, there have been liturgical reforms (sometimes unfortunately followed, in my opinion, by liturgical malpractice!). An assisting minister often takes on a diaconal role. The intercessory prayers may properly be done by that person, with pastor praying a concluding petition or collect. That’s the form I follow when composing intercessory prayers. We’ll delve into that next time.

Some major take-aways of this history: the intercessory prayers have a very long history as the prayers of and by the whole people of God, the Body of Christ himself. They are the Church praying for the Church, the world, the ruling authorities, and those in any tribulation, distress, or sorrow; for peace, for the propagation of the Gospel; for our enemies; for every manner and estate of humanity; for children and catechumens; for favorable weather and harvest; for deliverance from every affliction, wrath, danger and need; for the faithful departed; and for the salvation of those praying and for all people.

Such intercessory prayers as we write and speak ought to be mindful of this long history, and the cloud of witnesses with whom we are praying. They rightly should possess the Roman virtues of terse, simple, elegant directness, and the Eastern virtues of intense devotion, evocative language, and reverence. They ought not to be mini-sermons, private opinions, lectures, or casual, off-the-cuff “Lord I just wanna’s”!

A final take-away comes from Dom Gregory Dix, from whom I will quote at length.

 “Many of the more devout of our laity have come to suppose that intercession is a function of prayer better discharged in private than by liturgical prayer of any kind, so unsatisfying is the share which our practice allows them. The notion of the priestly prayer of the whole church, as the prayer of Christ, the world’s Mediator through his Body, being ‘that which makes the world to stand,’ in the phrase of an early Christian writer, has been banished from the understanding of our laity. Their stifled instinct that they, too, have a more effective part to play in intercession than listening to someone else praying, drives them to substitute private and solitary intercession for the prayer of the church as the really effective way of prayer, instead of regarding their private prayer as deriving its effectiveness from their membership of the church. So their hold on the corporate life is weakened and their own prayers are deprived of that inspiration and guidance which comes from participating in really devout corporate prayer.”