Children’s Sermon August 25, 2024/Fourteenth Sunday of Pentecost/Lectionary Year B

John 6:56-69

Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our
friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning,

Sammy: Good morning, everyone!


Pastor: I have a big question for everyone here today: What is faith?


[Allow time for responses]


Sammy: Faith is all about putting your trust in Jesus, no matter what happens in
our lives.


Pastor: That’s right, Sammy! Let’s talk a little bit about the Gospel reading from
John today.


Sammy: Ooo! I was hoping you would say that!


Pastor: You really enjoy hearing and talking about scripture, Sammy.


Sammy: I do! I love to learn more about Jesus.


Pastor: That’s great! Today Jesus shares a hard teaching with his disciples and
others who were following him. He tells them, “Those who eat my flesh and drink
my blood abide in me, and I in them.  57 Just as the living Father sent me, and I live
because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me.  58 This is the
bread that came down from heaven, not like that which your ancestors ate, and
they died. But the one who eats this bread will live forever.” What do you think he

[Allow time for responses]

Sammy: I like talking about scripture, Pastor, but these words of Jesus are
confusing to me. I don’t understand.

Pastor: Jesus is talking about how we need to accept that he is the bread of life. He
is saying here that he is the fulfillment of the Law of Moses, and he is the Messiah
to the people.

Sammy: But what does all that mean, Pastor?

Pastor: Jesus is saying that he is God.

Sammy: Oh, I get it! But why is that a hard teaching for everyone to understand?

Pastor: Accepting this teaching takes faith. We have to trust in Jesus, no matter
what. Some people had a hard time putting their faith in Jesus and believing that
he came down from heaven to save us from our sins because of his great love for
us. Some people today have a hard time with faith, too.

Sammy: How do we increase our faith, Pastor?

Pastor: Our faith comes from God. We need to pray for more faith, and when we
spend time reading our Bibles and praying, God hears our prayers and will give us
more faith in him.

Sammy: That’s so cool! I have another question.

Pastor: Here we go again…

Sammy: What does Peter mean when he says, “Lord, to whom can we go? You
have the words of eternal life.  69 We have come to believe and know that you are the
Holy One of God,”?

Pastor: Peter is sharing that Jesus has words of life—Jesus has the power of eternal
life. Peter is putting faith and trust in Jesus here with these words.

Sammy: I want a faith like Peter.

Pastor: Me too, Sammy. Boys and girls, will you pray with me? Can everyone please
fold their hands and bow their heads? Dear Jesus, Thank you for faith. Thank you
for helping us to trust you. Thank you for increasing our faith. Amen.

Sammy: Bye, everyone!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

Children’s Sermons August 18, 2024/Thirteenth Sunday of Pentecost/Lectionary Year B


John 6:51-58

Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our
friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning,

Sammy: Good morning, everyone!

Pastor: How are you doing today, Sammy?

Sammy: I am doing great!

Pastor: Me too, Sammy! Hey everyone, I have a question for you: What are some
of the rules that you have to follow at home?

[Allow time for responses]

Pastor: What are some of the rules that you have to follow at school?

[Allow time for responses]

Sammy: What about the rules at church? What rules do we have at church?

[Allow time for responses]

Pastor: Great answers, everyone! When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, the lives
of people on earth became impacted by sin. But God had a plan.

Sammy: What was the plan that God had?

Pastor: God’s plan was to create a covenant with his people. There was an Old

Sammy: Oooo! What was the Old Covenant?

Pastor: The Old Covenant was a promise that God made with the people. God
promised to make Abraham the father of many nations and that his descendants
would include kings.

Sammy: I wonder if my descendants will be kings one day.

Pastor: ….

Sammy: Yeah I think you’re right. I’ll stick to being a sheep.

Pastor: Jacob had twelve sons, and these twelve sons became the twelve tribes of
Israel. Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun,
Joseph, and Benjamin. These men and their children had to follow special rules,
just like we do at home, at school, and in church.

Sammy: What kinds of rules?

Pastor: There were rules about worshipping God and about making sacrifices to
God. Remember that people sin—we do bad things and we need to pay for our

Sammy: That could get expensive.

Pastor: Exactly. But God had a plan.

Sammy: What was the plan?

Pastor: The plan was Jesus.

Sammy: I KNEW IT!

Pastor: Yes, the covenant that God made with his people was sending his son
Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Jesus paid for our sins with his blood and we
can live free from the burden of our own sins.

Sammy: Hooray for Jesus!

Pastor: Boys and girls, let’s fold our hands and bow our heads in prayer. Dear
Jesus, thank you for the new covenant. Thank you for forgiving our sins. Thank
you for your great love. Amen.

Sammy: Bye, everyone!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

Bringing Children to Jesus

In Matthew 19: 14 Jesus told His disciples, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”  In Matthew 18: 3 He added, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”  Children show us what it means to be humble and trust.

Lutheran CORE is very pleased to be able to offer a large number of resources on our website for pastors, lay people, and lay leaders of congregations.  We have suggested prayers of the church and hymns for each Sunday, daily devotions, and weekly lectionary-based Bible studies.  Links to these resources can be found here, here and here.

We are now very happy to be able to add weekly, lectionary-based children’s sermons.  Many thanks to ELCA pastor Jim Fitzgerald and his wife Hanna for providing this new resource.  Jim is pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Fulton, Maryland.  A link to his children’s messages can be found here. 

The children’s sermons are focused on the lectionary, usually the Gospel.  Hanna plays a lamb puppet named Sammy.  Each week Sammy and the pastor have conversations about Jesus and the disciples.  Pastor Fitzgerald shares, “We keep the scripts simple, fun, easy to understand, and focused on Jesus.”  The scripts are written for young children under the age of twelve, but the Fitzgeralds have noticed that adults also have fallen in love with Sammy’s messages about Jesus.  Each week the Fitzgeralds provide a prop list and Scripture reading along with the script as well as information about each of the characters.  Their goal is to make the scripts “as accessible, readable, and easy to use as possible.”

I asked Pastor Jim how he and his wife became involved in providing children’s sermons.  He wrote –

“During internship, prior to his call to ministry at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Fulton, Maryland, Jim served at Evangelical Lutheran Church in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania as a vicar. One of the pastors had conversations with ‘Donkey,’ the puppet his wife played. Jim watched each week as children filled several pews to hear about Jesus from Donkey and the pastor.

“The initial thought both Jim and Hanna had about these children’s sermons was how wonderful they were, but Hanna didn’t want to ever engage in playing a donkey puppet, and then their daughter was born. In October 2023, Pastor Jim was ordained, and he and Hanna began talking about how they could offer meaningful children’s sermons to the children at St. Paul’s. Hanna was not willing to play a donkey, but said she would play a lamb, as long as she could pick out the puppet (the puppet had to be cute). Sammy was born.

“Jim and Hanna started leading children’s sermons together at St. Paul’s Lutheran during the season of Advent in 2023. Working with Sammy, the lamb puppet, they had no idea how the congregation and children would respond to the weekly discussions Sammy and Pastor Jim had together. They had no idea how much the congregation would fall in love with the character of Sammy—and that love has to stem from the church’s deep love of Jesus.

“Each week, Pastor Jim reads the gospel and invites the children to come forward for a children’s sermon. During the time that the children are walking up the aisle, Hanna works her way behind the pulpit, grabs a handheld microphone, and becomes Sammy. One of the members of the congregation created a wooden frame with green felt on the front that slides into place next to the pulpit: Sammy’s meadow.”

A link to further information regarding “The Adventures of Sammy the Lamb” can be found here.

Lutheran CORE would like to thank Pastor Jim Fitzgerald and his wife Hanna for sharing this resource.  To contact Pastor Jim for questions or more information, please email him at

The church’s mailing address is:

11795 Rte. 216,

Fulton, MD 20759

Phone: 301-725-0241

Photo of Pr. FitzGerald and Sammy the Lamb was taken by Sally Murphy.