Devotion for Sunday, November 5, 2017

“Confuse, O Lord, divide their tongues, for I have seen violence and strife in the city.  Day and night they go around her upon her walls, and iniquity and mischief are in her midst.”  (Psalm 55:9-10)


The Lord knows all that needs to happen in this age.  He has set history upon its course and knows the outcome of where it will lead.  In Him is the hope of the ages.  In Him is the truth of eternity.  Yes, the Lord will confound the wise and confuse the wicked.  But let not this truth set Your course.  Turn to the Lord and walk in His ways, for He is kind and gentle, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.


Lord, I want what I want and I want the kind of justice and control I imagine.  But You are working out an eternal plan that will end in glory.  Teach me to trust You through all circumstances that I would forever hold fast to the truth of Your Word and walk in Your ways.  Lead me to ignore the things I can do nothing about and live for the goodness of Your will.


Lord Jesus, You have come that we may have life and have it abundantly.  Let me not so much seek justice as to walk in the truth that Your justice has already triumphed.  Let me not seek vengeance, but learn to love as You love.  Mischief is all around, but greater are the things You have done and are doing than all the wickedness that surrounds us.  Set me heart upon You and the goodness You give by grace.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, November 4, 2017

“Behold, I would wander far away, I would lodge in the wilderness.  “I would hasten to my place of refuge from the stormy wind and tempest.”  (Psalm 55:7-8)


Lord, the times and seasons are in Your hands.  You have set all things in their course.  You allow what You allow and You hinder things of which we do not know.  You have given the promise that all things will work for glory for those who love You.  Lead Your people through every tempest that we all would learn to trust in Your goodness above all things and walk in Your ways.


If it were up to me, I would flee to the hills, hide and never return.  It would do nothing and accomplish stagnation.  Keep me close to You Lord that whatever may come and no matter the circumstances, I may forever hold fast to the truth of Your Word.  Lead me O Lord that I may walk in Your ways all the days of my life knowing that You alone are Sovereign in all the earth.


Lord Jesus, You have come that we may have life and have it abundantly.  It is not a life free from the troubles of this world, but a life led by You through all the troubles of this world.  Help me now and always to hold fast to the truth You have revealed and to face every storm You lead me to face.  Guide me now and always to walk in Your ways and by Your example.  Amen.