Director's Note: The contents of this post were provided to Lutheran CORE's director by the Lutheran Congregational Support Network (LCSN). The ELCA Office of the Secretary has produced a document…

Last month there was a discussion in the ELCA Clergy Facebook group where one person mentioned concerns that had been shared by a member of the congregation regarding last summer’s…

Response to The Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church: Myths and Facts Nov 23, 2024 By Bishop Michael Rinehart Note from the Director: I was absolutely amazed to read the…

December 2024 Dear Friends in Christ – Luke tells us that the angel Gabriel said to Mary, “You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will…

The purpose of this communication is to inform you about a movement called the Lutheran Congregations Support Network. Their goal is to develop a means to inform ELCA congregations of…

September 2024 ASTOUNDED BUT NOT SURPRISED Dear Friends in the Savior-King – I found myself fluctuating between being astounded and not surprised when a friend of Lutheran CORE told me…

Summer 2024 Dear Friends - In the March 2024 issue of our newsletter, CORE Voice, I wrote about the DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility) audit which the ELCA had commissioned…

April 2024 Dear Friends in the Risen Lord – For me among the most powerful and hope-and-strength-giving things that Jesus said are the following– “God so loved the world that…

Editor's note: Bob Rognlien is a Lutheran (LCMC) pastor, author, and discipleship expert. Per Pr. Rognlien, "...the window for organizing and inviting people to such an event is rapidly closing!"…

KNOWING THE OUTCOMEGIVES COURAGE AND STRENGTH IN THE MEANTIME Dear Friend in the Savior-King: For me one of the most inspiring, encouraging, and strength-giving passages of Scripture is John’s vision…

Please join me in praying for Elizabeth Eaton, presiding bishop of the ELCA. A recent news release from the ELCA reported that her request had been approved by the Church…

The following is an excerpt from the October Letter from the DIrector of Lutheran Core, Dennis Nelson. In my Summer Letter from the Director I gave a very detailed account…

Certainly one of the most complex, difficult, and volatile situations in the world today is therelationship between Israel and its neighbors. The Jewish people suffered horribly during theHolocaust. After World…

We Need Rest Dear Friends – A few Sundays ago the Gospel reading included the words of Jesus in Matthew 11: 28 -“Come to Me, all you that are weary…

Year End 2022 Dear Friends – I have been enjoying doing a weekly Bible study based upon the lectionary readings for the following Sunday. A couple churches post them on…

Dear Friends: One of the most enjoyable parts of my work as executive director of Lutheran CORE is the group of young adults that I meet with via zoom once…

The Revisionists Have Completely Taken Over: A Review and Evaluation of the ELCA Churchwide Assembly
The ELCA held its Churchwide Assembly August 8-12 in Columbus, Ohio. The gathering sent a strong message to confessional Lutherans with traditional views – You are not welcome. In this…

The ELCA will be holding its triennial Churchwide Assembly next week, August 8-12, in Columbus, Ohio. The Churchwide Assembly is the highest legislative body of the ELCA. There is much…

Note: This post is intended to be short and to the point. Dennis Nelson, CORE's Executive Director, has also written a longer version which can be found here as well…

June 2022 Dear Friends – I am very grateful for the positive responses we receive to the video book reviews that are posted on our YouTube channel. On the first…

On May 17, a couple weeks after the news broke of a leak of a draft opinion written by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton released…

For years I have been writing articles about the ELCA – often with the subtitle, “What Will It Be Next?” The images I have chosen for those articles have often…

Speaking of “oh, what a mess,” here is the latest from Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Awhile back the board of Luther voted to continue to not be RIC. …

Last September the ELCA celebrated the election and installation of its first transgender bishop, Meghan Rohrer of the Sierra Pacific Synod. ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton served as the lead…

Speaking of the Gospel of John, there is a movement afoot to “cancel” the passion narrative in John 18-19 and remove it from the readings for Holy Week. The claim…

An Invitation to City Mission: BALTIMORE & BEYOND—‘22 Sponsored By: River's Edge Ministries Dear Friends—It is with great joy and expectation that I’m pleased to announce our first City Mission on the…

A friend of Lutheran CORE has written a side-by-side, phrase-by-phrase comparison of every phrase in the Lord’s Prayer as used by Ebenezer HerChurch with the version of the Lord’s Prayer as translated…

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Ethiopia Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) no longer receives support from the ELCA due to the 2009 ELCA churchwide assembly. …

September 2021 Dear Friends: The Psalm for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 12, speaks powerfully about why we need a faith, a theology, and a relationship with God that…

Last weekend I attended the online synod assembly for the ELCA synod in which I was rostered before I retired. My two strongest impressions from the gathering are as follows.…

Lutheran CORE defines its mission as being a Voice for Biblical Truth and a Network for Confessing Lutherans. As a Voice for Biblical Truth we alert people to ways in…

“That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the…

April 2021 Dear Friends – Every year the Gospel reading for the second Sunday of Easter is from John 20: 19 ff. I remember how last year – when we…

“I DID NOT HEAR ANYONE NEAR ME PRAYING THAT VERSION OF THE PRAYER” I remember after the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, which provided for the possibility of the ordination of…

Dear Friends: Have you ever noticed that among the first words of the angels to Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds were the words “Do not be afraid”? In…

September 2020 Dear Friends: I am always blessed and encouraged whenever I talk on the phone with friends of Lutheran CORE. You are very interested in and supportive of our…

I often wondered – during the years I was serving as a pastor – why God would bring the particular group of people together at the church where I had…

July 17, 2020 Dear Bishop Eaton: As I was reviewing the section on the homepage of the ELCA website entitled, “Resources for the LGBTQIA+ Community,” I was surprised to find…