Children’s Sermon, July 21, 2024, Ninth Sunday of Pentecost,Lectionary Year B


Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy! 

Sammy: Uggg! Good morning, everyone.  

Pastor: Sammy, what’s wrong?  

Sammy: I am really tired, Pastor. I haven’t had any rest in several days.  

Pastor: That’s not good, Sammy. What have you been doing?  

Sammy: Pastor, the better question to ask me is, “What haven’t you done?”  

Pastor: It’s that bad?  

Sammy: It’s that bad.  

Pastor: You seem upset, Sammy.  

Sammy: Of course I am upset! I didn’t get any naps this week. I have been helping Farmer Mark with all of the chores around the farm, and I have been making sure my younger cousins know where to go in the barn when we come in from the pasture. They get lost so easily. It’s just go-go-go and I don’t get any breaks.  

Pastor: Just take a deep breath, Sammy. In fact, let’s all take a deep breath. Ready? Breathe in. Breathe out. Feel better?  

Sammy: A little.  

Pastor: Boys and girls, do you ever feel like Sammy? Do you ever feel tired and frustrated about not getting time to rest? 

[Allow time for responses]  

Sammy: I am glad I am not the only one who feels this way.  

Pastor: Of course, not, Sammy. Even Jesus and his disciples didn’t have time to rest sometimes.  

Sammy: They didn’t?  

Pastor: Jesus had to be very intentional about resting, and he encouraged his disciples to rest, too.   

Sammy: But why does Jesus need rest?  

Pastor: Jesus is fully God and fully man, and he modeled for us how to live in the best way, and part of living full lives includes taking time to rest.  

Sammy: Pastor, I think I am going to go home after church and take a nap. Who’s with me?  

Pastor: That’s great everyone. Sundays are the perfect days to rest and spend time with your family. We are going to say a prayer. Can everyone please fold your hands and bow your heads? Dear Jesus, Thank you for encouraging us to rest. Thank you for helping us to center our lives on you. Amen.  

Sammy: Bye, everyone!  

Pastor: Bye, Sammy! 

Children’s Sermon’s, July 14, 2024, Eighth Sunday of Pentecost, Lectionary Year B


Ephesians 1:3-14 


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy! 

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! Pastor, I heard a big word during your reading of the gospel lesson today. 

Pastor: There were several big words. Which one would you like to talk about, Sammy? 

Sammy: In-her-i-tance. 

Pastor: Inheritance. Sure, Sammy. We can talk about that. I want to see if the boys and girls know what this word means. Boys and girls, what is an inheritance? 

[Allow time for responses] 

Pastor: These are great answers/guesses. An inheritance is something that a person gains after another person dies. When a person is still living, he or she usually decides to give his or her money and house and car to another person or to many people. Then, when that person dies, the family members receive an inheritance of a house, a car, or money. 

Sammy: Can a person give an inheritance of smaller things, too? 

Pastor: Of course! Sometimes people give their family members jewelry or special objects that they have in their homes. 

Sammy: That’s so cool! So my great-grand-maa-maa gave my maa-maa a shiny bell to wear around her neck in the pasture. And one day I will get the bell. 

Pastor: That’s the right idea, Sammy. An inheritance is really special because it shows people that you love them. 

Sammy: Hmm. 

Pastor: What’s the matter, Sammy? 

Sammy: I’m confused, Pastor. How does an inheritance matter in church? What does it mean in the reading from Ephesians? 

Pastor: In the reading from Ephesians, Paul explains to the people of Ephesus that when Jesus died on the cross, we received an inheritance from him. 

Sammy: We did?! 

Pastor: We did. 

Sammy: That is the coolest inheritance yet! Wait, what is the inheritance from Jesus, again? 

Pastor: We are given many gifts, but the main gift is the Holy Spirit. We are also given an inheritance as sons and daughters of the King of Kings: Eternal Life with Jesus. 

Sammy: That is the sweetest inheritance. 

Pastor: Yes it is. Let’s pray. Can everyone please fold your hands and bow your heads? Dear Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross for us. Thank you for giving us an inheritance of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for letting us party with you forever. Amen. 

Sammy: Bye, everyone! 

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

Children’s Sermon, July 7, 2024, Seventh Sunday of Pentecost, Lectionary Year B


Mark 6:1-13 


Props: You will need a duffle bag or suitcase filled with items for the beach or for a vacation to the beach. Suggestions: beach toys, sunglasses, a towel, a book, clothes, a swimsuit, snacks) 

Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy! 

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! Pastor, I am going on a trip.  

Pastor: Where are you going, Sammy?  

Sammy: It’s summer, and I am going to the beach!  

Pastor: Have you ever been to the beach before, Sammy?  

Sammy: Nope! It’s my first time going to the beach. I am looking forward to traveling and relaxing.  

Pastor: Sammy, I think you should talk to the boys and girls about the beach. There’s some things that you need to know about it. Boys and girls, what can you tell Sammy about the beach? 

[Allow time for responses]  

Sammy: The beach sounds great! I cannot wait to go.  

Pastor: Sammy, did you pack a bag for the beach?  

Sammy: I did! I left it on the floor in the front of the church.  

Pastor: Boys and girls, do you see Sammy’s bag?  

[Allow the children to retrieve and open the bag]  

Pastor: Sammy, this bag is big—you must have a lot of items packed for the beach. How many days are you going to stay at the beach? 

Sammy: Just two days. 

Pastor: Let’s see what Sammy packed. [Have the children help unpack Sammy’s bag. Name the items as they come out.] There’s a lot of stuff in here, Sammy.  

Sammy: Baa-haha. I have to be prepared, Pastor.  

Pastor: You know, Sammy, I know a lot about being prepared and making sure you have what you need, but a lot of this stuff isn’t important or necessary for the beach.  

Sammy: Oh?  

Pastor: You know, in our gospel reading for today, Jesus sent out his disciples on a trip. He told them not to take anything with them.  

Sammy: What?!  

Pastor: They were only to take a staff and the clothes they were wearing.   

Sammy: And their wallets so they could buy whatever they needed.   

Pastor: No, Jesus told them not to take any money with them.  

Sammy: Okay, so then they packed a lot of snacks.  

Pastor: No snacks.  

Sammy: . . . Baahahaha.  

Pastor: Really, Sammy. No snacks.  

Sammy: But how did they survive? What did they eat? What did they wear?  

Pastor: That’s the whole point, Sammy. Jesus wanted them to trust that God would always provide for them, no matter what. The disciples did incredible miracles in the name of Jesus and God took care of them every step of the way.  

Sammy: You know, Pastor, I think that you can take that bag with you. I’ll trust God to provide for me on my trip to the beach.   

Pastor: That’s the spirit, Sammy. Boys and girls, can we please fold our hands and bow our heads? Dear Jesus, thank you for calling us to trust you. Thank you for sending us into the world to serve. Thank you for providing for us. Amen.  

Sammy: Bye, everyone!  

Pastor: Bye, Sammy! 

Children’s Sermon June 30, Sixth Sunday of Pentecost, Advent Year B

Scripture: Mark 5:21-43 


Prop: A new band-aid for each child. 

Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy! 

Sammy: Good morning, everyone!

 Pastor: How are you doing today, Sammy? 

 Sammy: I am doing really well. I had my breakfast this morning and my maa-maa brushed my wool and I made it to church on time.  

 Pastor: That’s great, Sammy!  

 Sammy: How are you, Pastor? 

Pastor: I am doing well, but I have something on my mind. 

 Sammy: What’s on your mind? 

 Pastor: I’m wondering how much faith we have as a congregation. 

 Sammy: What do you mean? 

 Pastor: Well, when I read the gospel reading for today, we heard about Jairus and his faith that Jesus could heal his daughter. And while Jesus was on his way to heal the girl, a woman had such a big faith that Jesus could heal her if she could just reach out and touch his clothes. What do you think, boys and girls? How do we know if we have faith like Jairus and the sick woman? 

 [Allow time for responses] 

 Pastor: These are all great answers, everyone! 

 Sammy: Pastor, I think our congregation has great faith. St. Paul talks about how blessed we are because we have not seen Jesus, and yet we still believe in him. 

Pastor: That’s right, Sammy. I was also thinking about how Jesus heals our bodies and also our spirits. He takes care of our physical needs and our spiritual needs. 

 Sammy: Just like in the gospel you read today! Jesus healed a woman and a girl, and when the girl was raised up from the dead, Jesus told her mom and dad to give her something to eat. He knew she was hungry and she needed food. I love that Jesus takes care of us—especially because I am always hungry! 

 Pastor: Me too, Sammy. Remember that Jesus also takes care of our spiritual bodies, our souls, too. When he raises Jairus’s daughter from the dead, his miracle points to the resurrection of his own body when he will rise from the dead. And guess what? 

 Sammy: What? What? 

 Pastor: Jesus will raise each of us from the dead, too. 

 Sammy: That’s so cool! I will get to live forever with Jesus. 

 Pastor: Yes—we get to live with him in Heaven, and one day, he will come back and Heaven and earth will be one. 

 Sammy: And there will be no more death or pain, and we will not need to be healed anymore. We won’t need to buy any more band-aids, Pastor!  

 Pastor: Speaking of band-aids, one of the best ways I know to help us with healing is a band-aid. I am going to give each of you a band-aid (a new one) to remind you that Jesus is our great healer. You can put it on now, or you can save it for when you really need it. 

 Sammy: I want one, too, please! [Pastor puts a band-aid on Sammy] Oooo I love it! Jesus is our healer: both of our bodies and our spirits. 

 Pastor: Let’s say a prayer together. Boys and girls, will you fold your hands and bow your heads with me, please? Dear Jesus, thank you for healing our bodies. Thank you for providing for us. Thank you for raising us up to new life in you. Amen. 

 Sammy: Bye, everyone! 

 Pastor: Bye, Sammy! 


Children’s Sermon/ June 23 2024/ Fifth Sunday After Pentecost/ Lectionary Year B


Mark 4:35-41


Props: Disciples and boat. You will need the egg carton and the eggs labeled with the names of the disciples. You will also need bookmarks, one for each child. These are simple to make. Simply print the following on a long strip of cardstock. You can laminate, add ribbon, stickers, or an image from the computer on the bookmarks, or you can keep them simple with just the text. You may want to think about giving bookmarks to all members of the congregation as well.

Jesus cares about me.

Jesus gives me peace.

Jesus stills me.

Jesus calms me.

Jesus protects me.

Jesus gives me faith.

Because of Jesus, I don’t have to be afraid.

All of creation obeys Jesus.

Jesus loves me.


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! Pastor, let’s get out the disciples and their boat.

Pastor: Who here has seen the ocean or the bay before? What is the ocean/bay like?

[Allow time for responses]

Sammy: I love it when Farmer Mark takes me to the ocean.

Pastor: Farmer Mark takes you to the ocean, Sammy?

Sammy: I get around, Pastor.

Pastor: Our gospel reading today is about how Jesus calmed the sea.

Sammy: What happened?

Pastor: Jesus and his disciples were on a boat and Jesus was so tired that he fell asleep in the stern of the boat?

Sammy: What’s a stern?

Pastor: The stern is the back of the boat. Jesus fell asleep and the wind blew and the waves crashed against the boat. Then the boat began to fill up with water.

Sammy: Oh no! That sounds bad. Jesus had to be awake for all of that.

Pastor: He slept through everything.

Sammy: Boys and girls, why do you think Jesus slept through the bad storm with the wind and the waves and the water in the boat?

[Allow time for responses]

Pastor: Great answers, everyone! The disciples did wake Jesus up, and they said, “Jesus, don’t you care about us?” And Jesus told the wind and the waves to be still, and the storm stopped right away.

Sammy: Just like that?


Pastor: Everything was quiet. And Jesus asked his disciples two questions: “Why are you afraid?” and “Have you no faith?”

Sammy: There are many important things for us to remember about this passage from Mark.

Pastor: Well, I have a little gift for everyone. I have a bookmark for you all to remember Jesus’s promises to us based on this story. What does the bookmark say?


Jesus cares about me.

Jesus gives me peace.

Jesus stills me.

Jesus calms me.

Jesus protects me.

Jesus gives me faith.

Because of Jesus, I don’t have to be afraid.

All of creation obeys Jesus.

Jesus loves me.


Sammy: Can I say our prayer? Let’s bow our heads and fold our hands. Dear Jesus, Thank you for always being with us. Thank you for calming us. Thank you for faith. We love you. Amen. Bye, everyone! Enjoy the bookmarks!


Pastor: Bye, Sammy!


Children’s Sermon/ June 16th, 2024/ Fourth Sunday of Pentecost/ Lectionary Year B

Mark 4:26-34


Prop needed: mustard seed or seeds in baggie.

Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! Hey Pastor!

Pastor: Yes, Sammy?

Sammy: Do you have a garden?

Pastor: Yes I do. I have a few vegetables growing.

Sammy: Do you have mustard in your garden?

Pastor: I do not.

Sammy: Oh. Okay.

Pastor: What’s the matter, Sammy?

Sammy: Well, I was listening to you read the gospel for today, and I heard about the mustard seed. I heard you say that if you look really closely at the mustard seed, you can see heaven.

Pastor: Is that what I said?

Sammy: Yes!

Pastor: I don’t think so, Sammy. I don’t think the gospel says that, Sammy. I think you got confused.

Sammy: Hang on, Pastor. Boys and girls, do you remember what Pastor said this morning about the mustard seed?

[Allow time for responses]

Sammy: Okay Pastor, you may share with us what you said about the mustard seed.

Pastor: The gospel says that the kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed. If you plant a mustard seed, the plant grows and spreads quickly, and it becomes so strong, that even birds can nest in its branches. In fact, I would like to show you all what a mustard seed looks like.

[Show mustard seed to children]

Sammy: That’s really small!

Pastor: Yes it is, and Jesus says that even with this little bit of faith, we can do great things.

Sammy: I love that!

Pastor: Me too. Let’s pray. Can everyone please fold their hands and bow their heads? Dear Jesus, thank you for your kingdom. Thank you for faith. Thank you for giving us mustard seeds to remind us of your great love. Amen.

Sammy: Bye, everyone!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!


Children’s Sermon/Third Sunday of Pentecost/ June 9th 2024/ Lectionary Year B


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! Hey Pastor, do you have any brothers or sisters?

Pastor: Yes I do. I have a brother, and I have a brother-in-law and a sister-in-law.

Sammy: What is an in-law?

Pastor: It’s someone you are related to by marriage.

Sammy: Oh! So when you get married, do you get extra siblings?

Pastor: Sometimes, Sammy. I guess it works like that if the person you are marrying has brothers or sisters.

Sammy: I am an only lamb.

Pastor: What do you mean, Sammy?

Sammy: My maamaa and daddy just have me. That’s it. I have lots of cousins and aunts and uncles and friends and neighbors—

Pastor: Hang on a second, Sammy.

Sammy: Yes, Pastor?

Pastor: Did you know that you actually do have brothers and sisters?

Sammy: I do?

Pastor: Yes you do.

Sammy: Well where are they?

Pastor: They are right here.

Sammy: [looking around] Pastor, you are trying to pull the wool over my eyes.

Pastor: No, really, Sammy. Because of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, all believers become brothers and sisters in Christ.

Sammy: What does that mean?

Pastor: That means that you have a lot of brothers and sisters. Everyone here is a brother or sister to you. We are a family—God’s family—and we have to take care of each other and love each other as God loves us.

Sammy: Woah that is really cool, Pastor. I like that I have a family here with all of the boys and girls.

Pastor: Me too. We are going to pray; let’s bow our heads and fold our hands. Dear Jesus, Thank you for my family. Thank you my friends. Thank you for my brothers and sister in Christ. And thank you for the church. Amen.

Sammy: Bye, Pastor!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

Children’s Sermon/ June 2nd, 2024/ Second Sunday after Pentecost/ Lectionary Year B


Mark 2:23—3:6


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! Pastor, I have a story for all of the boys and girls today.

Pastor: Oh I love stories!

Sammy: Me too! This story was passed down through the generations of my family from my grandma. Well, my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great—

Pastor: Sammy, I think we get the point. It was a looong time ago.

Sammy: [Pauses] Great-great-great Grandma Baaath-sheep-a.

Pastor: Baaath-sheep-a?

Sammy: What can I say? David named her. She was his favorite ewe.

Pastor: Anyway—what is the story you want to tell us, Sammy?

Sammy: Oh yes! Grandma Baaath-sheep-a told the story about how David and his mighty men were fighting battles and expanding God’s kingdom.

Pastor: The stories of battle are my favorite stories.

Sammy: But this story is not about a battle. David and his men were really hungry. They went to a priest named Ahimelech for shelter and they asked him for some bread. The only bread that the priest had was Bread of the Presence.

Pastor: So Priest Ahimelech only had holy bread. It was bread like we use for communion.

Sammy: Exactly! Grandma Baaath-sheep-a said the bread was really special. Only priests were allowed to eat it.

Pastor: So what happened next?

Sammy: Priest Ahimelech gave David and his mighty men the Bread of the Presence. And they ate it. And then David asked if he could have a weapon!

Pastor: What weapons did the priests have at the temple?

Sammy: You know what’s really cool, Pastor? The weapon that they had at the temple was Goliath’s sword. Goliath was the same man that David brought down when he was a boy. And all these years later, when David needed a weapon, he was able to get one at the temple, and it was Goliath’s sword—one of the best around.

Pastor: God always provides for us when we are in need, Sammy. He gave David bread and a weapon when David needed them.

Sammy: Isn’t Grandma Baaath-sheep-a’s story a good one?

Pastor: It is a good one, Sammy. Jesus talks about this story in the gospel reading today. He talks about how the Sabbath, our day of worship and rest, was made by God for us.

Sammy: What do you mean?

Pastor: The Sabbath is the day where we worship God and we take communion, which is our Bread of the Presence thanks to Jesus. It’s a day where we get to spend time with our families and rest in thankfulness for everything God gives us.

Sammy: Boys and girls, why do you think God made the Sabbath for us?

[Allow time for responses]

Pastor: Great answers, everyone. Can we please bow our heads and fold our hands in prayer? Let’s pray: Dear God, thank you for giving us everything we need. Thank you for your life-giving bread. Thank you for church. Thank you for rest. Amen.

Sammy: Bye, everyone! See you next week!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

Children’s Sermon, Trinity Sunday/ May 26, 2024/Lectionary Year B

John 3:1-17


Props: You will need three images for this children’s sermon, printed out on paper. The first is an image of Jesus, the second, an image of a dove, and the third, a burning bush. Put the image of Jesus on a cross in your church, the dove on the baptismal font, and the burning bush on the alter, stained glass Ten Commandments, or a Bible.

Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! I have something really special for all of you to do this morning.

Pastor: What’s that, Sammy?

Sammy: Pastor, I would like you and all of the boys and girls to solve a mystery for me.

Pastor: A mystery?

Sammy: Yes! It’s about our faith. I hid pictures in the church.

Pastor: What do you think, boys and girls? Do you think we can help Sammy solve a mystery about faith?

Pastor: Can you give us some direction or a hint before we get started, Sammy?

Sammy: Yes! I will give you one hint at a time. Are you ready?

Pastor: We are ready.

Sammy: The first item you need to find is located on the place where Jesus died.

Pastor: What do you think boys and girls? [located on a cross in the church]

Sammy: Great work! The next item to see is a place where we can baptize a baby. [Located on a baptismal font] 

Pastor: We can baptize babies, children, and adults!

Sammy: Hooray for baptism! Did you find the clue?

Pastor: We found it!

Sammy: Your final clue is this: It’s the Law of Moses, written by the hand of the one who knows us. There’s ten of these commands—just like the ten fingers on your hands! [located on a Bible or on a stained glass window of the Ten Commandments]

Pastor: Great job with searching for these clues everyone! Let’s put them together and see what we see.

Sammy: What do you see everyone?

[Allow time for responses]

Pastor: We see Jesus, a dove, and a burning bush.

Sammy: Here’s the mystery we need to solve: What do these three things have in common?

[Allow time for responses]

Pastor: I think these three images represent the Holy Trinity, Sammy.

Sammy: Exactly!

Pastor: There is a mystery within your mystery, Sammy.

Sammy: There is?

Pastor: The Holy Trinity is here in front of us, and the Trinity itself is a mystery of faith to us. We understand that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are each a person of the Trinity, three in one, but no one completely understands the Trinity. It’s hard to explain and that’s why it’s a mystery of faith.

Sammy: That’s really cool, Pastor.

Pastor: Yes, it is, Sammy. Boys and girls, will you fold your hands and bow your heads in prayer with me please? Dear Jesus, We thank you for coming to earth to die for our sins. We thank you Father for your great love for us. We thank you Holy Spirit for always being with us. Amen.

Sammy: Bye, everyone!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

Children’s Sermon, Pentecost/May 19th, 2024/ Lectionary Year B

John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone!

Pastor: Sammy what is the best gift you have ever received?

Sammy: That’s easy, Pastor. The best gift I ever received was the day we became friends.

Pastor: That was a great day, Sammy.

Sammy: Oh and another great gift I received was fresh hay from Shepherd John.

Pastor: It’s the little things that delight you, isn’t it, Sammy?

Sammy: Exactly!

Pastor: Boys and girls, what is the best gift you ever received?

[Allow time for responses]

Pastor: Great answers, everyone! Today is a special day called Pentecost. On the day of Pentecost, Jesus gives his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Sammy: Ooooo! Wait a second!

Pastor: What is it, Sammy:

Sammy: Pastor! If Jesus gave his disciples the Holy Spirit and we are his disciples now, too, that means that we can also receive the Holy Spirit.

Pastor: Yes we can, Sammy.

Sammy: Wow! That’s my new best gift ever!

Pastor: Hang on a second, Sammy. The Holy Spirit is a gift for each one of us who is baptized and believe. And there are spiritual gifts, too.

Sammy: What is my spiritual gift, Pastor?

Pastor: You are very encouraging, Sammy.

Sammy: Your spiritual gift is definitely being a Pastor.

Pastor: Each one of us has a different or many different spiritual gifts that we are given to share with others for the glory of God. The Holy Spirit allows us to use these gifts as we share the love of God with others.

Sammy: That’s great, Pastor!

Pastor: Can everyone pray with me? Can you please fold your hands and bow your heads? Dear Jesus, Thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit. Thank you for spiritual gifts. Thank you for helping us serve each other in love. Amen.

Sammy: Bye, everyone!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!