Lessons and Suggested Hymns, Cycle C, Pentecost 2 – Pentecost 13 (June 23 -Sept. 8, 2019)

Lessons and Suggested Hymns, Cycle C

2nd Sunday after Pentecost – 13th Sunday After Pentecost, Proper 7-18

 June 23 – September 8, 2019



NOTE: LBW – Lutheran Book of Worship (The Green Book)

WOV – With One Voice (The Blue Book)

LSB – Lutheran Service Book (The Maroon Book)

ELW – Evangelical Lutheran Worship (The Cranberry Book)


There are versions of some hymns that are superior in LSB and I recommend using them if possible. Also, there are some superb hymns in LSB that aren’t available in the other hymnals. When I suggest one of the latter, I try to include an alternative from LBW or WOV. I recommend that a license and DVD of downloadable hymns from LSB be purchased if you are looking to expand your hymnody. There are, in ELW, some familiar hymns that have been drastically altered, which I try to note. ELW also has some fine hymns not available in the other hymnals, or has, interestingly, a more “traditional” translation or harmonization.


Color for the day is indicated for each Sunday. Primary liturgical calendar taken from Sola Publishing (www.solapublishing.org), based on LSB. Also, I include the lessons from the standard Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) found in ELW and used in some congregations. It often overlaps the Sola/LCMS calendar lectionary, but when there are differences, I will note them.


I’ve tried to put in page breaks between Sundays, rather than in the middle of one!!




June 23: 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 7

Isaiah 65:1-9: God’s people provoke him with wickedness and hypocrisy, but for the sake of “the blessing in the vine,” he will not destroy them all.

Psalm 3: David’s prayer for deliverance as Absalom hunted him

Galatians 3:23-4:7: Law was our disciplinarian; it divided Jew/Greek, male/female, slave/free. In Christ we are united as children of God, adopted, redeemed, free.

            RCL: Galatians 3:23-29: Only first half of above reading.

Luke 8:26-39: Jesus heals the Gerasene demoniac; “swine lake!”


Opening Hymn:  LBW #559, Oh, For A Thousand Tongues to Sing (ELW #886, LSB #528)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #312, Once He Came in Blessing (LSB #333)

            OR LBW #393, Rise, Shine, You People (ELW #665, LSB #825)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #359, In Christ, There is No East or West (ELW #650, LSB #653)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #523, Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling (ELW #582, LSB #650)

Closing HymnLBW #357, Our Father, By Whose Name (ELW #640, LSB #863) 

OR LBW #448, Amazing Grace (ELW #779, LSB #744)




June 30: 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 8

(Either this or following Sunday may recognize Independence Day)


1 Kings 19:9b-21: Elijah is in a funk. God sends him to Mt. Horeb, and in the “Still small voice” commissions him. Elijah anoints Elisha as his successor.

            RCL: 1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21: Just the commissioning of Elijah and Elisha, minus the reference to the still small voice, the slaying of the faithless and the 7000 who are faithful.

Psalm 16: I will not worship with the faithless. God will not let his anointed see the Pit.

Galatians 5:1, 13-25: “For freedom Christ has set you free!” Life in the flesh vs. Spirit, and works of the flesh vs. fruits of the Spirit.

Luke 9:51-62: James and John want to call fire down on Samaritan village. “Wannabe” followers of Jesus make excuses.


Opening Hymn:  LBW #252, You Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim (ELW #825)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #455, “Come, Follow Me,” the Savior Spake (LSB #688)

            OR ELW # 768, Lead Me, Guide Me (LSB #721)

Communion Hymn #1: WOV #649, I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light (ELW #815, LSB #411)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #503, O Savior, Precious Savior (ELW #820, LSB #527)

Closing Hymn: LBW #401, Before You, Lord, We Bow (nice words by Francis Scott Key!)

       (ELW #893, LSB #966)






July 7: 4th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 9

(Either this or previous Sunday may recognize Independence Day)


Isaiah 66:10-14: Rejoice and comfort Jerusalem; as mother comforts child, so God comforts Jerusalem and be indignant against her enemies.

Psalm 66:1-7: Worship, sing praise to God, who led his people through the sea; his enemies cringe before him.

            RCL: Psalm 66:1-9: adds verses of blessing, for God has not let our feet slip.

Galatians 6:1-10, 14-18: Restore transgressors gently. Bear one another’s burdens, but test, carry one’s own. You sow what you reap; let it be a harvest of the Spirit! Paul only boasts in the cross of Christ; bears his mark. Final blessings.

            RCL: Galatians 6:[1-6], 7-16: Begins with sowing and reaping, boasting in Christ.

Luke 10:1-20: Jesus commissions the 70; woe to unrepentant cities; return of the 70.

            RCL: Luke 10:1-11, 16-20: Eliminates the woes.


Opening Hymn:   LBW #549, Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (ELW #865, LSB #793)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #381, Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling  (LSB #827)

            OR LBW #349, I Love to Tell the Story (ELW #661)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #379, Spread, Oh Spread, Almighty Word (ELW #663)

  (LSB #830, Spread the Reign of God the Lord)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #221, Sent Forth By God’s Blessing (ELW #547, LSB #643)

            OR ELW #888, O Beautiful for Spacious Skies

Closing Hymn: LBW #567, God of Our Fathers

            OR ELW #887, This is My Song (set to “Finlandia”; heartfelt words)




July 14: 5th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 10


Leviticus 18:1-5, 19:9-18: Respect for the poor; for impartial justice; for proper chiding of a wayward neighbor: for “I am the Lord your God!”

            RCL: Deuteronomy 30:9-14: God will abundantly bless those who keep his law. It is not hard to keep: it is on your lips, in your heart.

Psalm 41: Though I have constantly helped the poor, my enemies deride me; “But you have upheld me because of my integrity, and set me in your presence forever.”

            RCL: Psalm 25:1-10: Teach me; lead me in your paths; do not remember the sins of my youth!

Colossians 1:1-14: The hope laid up for you, which is the truth, will bear good fruit in you. Prayer for strength by God’s power, to share in his glorious inheritance.

Luke 10:25-37:  Parable of the Good Samaritan.


Opening Hymn:   LBW #419, Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace (ELW #716, LSB #844)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #126, Where Charity and Love Prevail (ELW #359, LSB #845)

OR ELW #659, Will You Let Me Be Your Servant (easy tune)

Communion Hymn #1: WOV #748, Bind Us Together, Lord

OR LBW #370, Blest Be the Tie That Binds (ELW #656, LSB #645, 975)

Communion Hymn #2:  WOV #765, Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us With Your Love (ELW #708, LSB #980)

Closing Hymn: LBW #353, May We Your Precepts, Lord, Fulfill (LSB 698, THY Precepts)

OR LBW #424, Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us (ELW #707, LSB #851)




July 21: 6th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 11


Genesis 18:1-10a: God promises Abraham and Sarah a son

Psalm 27: (1-6), 7-14: The Lord is the stronghold of my life; whom shall I fear? Teach me your way; protect me from evildoers; I shall see the Lord in the land of the living.

            RCL: Psalm 15: Who shall abide in God’s sanctuary? Those who are blameless and do right.

Colossians 1:21-29: Christ has reconciled you, made you holy, blameless, if you are steadfast. Paul suffers for the sake of presenting the mystery of “Christ in you.”

            RCL: Colossians 1:15-28: Christ, in whom the fullness of God is pleased to dwell, has reconciled us to God; remainder as above.

            Luke 10:38-42: Jesus visits Martha and Mary


Opening Hymn:   LBW #253, Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now (ELW #527, LSB #902)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #514, O Savior, Precious Savior (ELW #820)

OR LSB #536, One Thing’s Needful; Lord, This Treasure

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #249, God Himself is Present (LSB #907)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #356, O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts (ELW #658)

Closing Hymn: LBW #259, Lord, Dismiss Us With Your Blessing (ELW #545, LSB #924)




July 28: 7th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 12


Genesis 18:17-19, 20-33: God decides to not hide from Abraham his decision to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah; Abraham bargains with God for the cities.

            RCL: Genesis 18:20-32: Eliminates God’s words about telling Abraham.

Psalm 138: I praise and exalt the Lord; I call, you answer and deliver me!

Colossians 2:6-15, (16-19): Be rooted and built up in Christ and established in the faith. In Baptism, you received spiritual circumcision. Your sinful nature was nailed to the Cross. Do not be swayed by conceit or deceit; hold to the Head!

Luke 11:1-13: The Lord’s Prayer; parable of the friend coming at midnight; ask, seek, knock!


Opening Hymn:   LBW #169, Father Most Holy, Merciful and Tender (ELW #415, LSB #504)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #438, Lord, Teach Us How To Pray Aright (ELW #745)

            OR LBW #442, O Thou, Who Hast of Thy Pure Grace (ELW #746/747, Our Father, God in Heaven

Above, LSB #766same tune, different paraphrase as LBW hymn)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #439, What a Friend We Have in Jesus (ELW #742, LSB #770)

Communion Hymn #2:  WOV#772, O Lord, Hear My Prayer (ELW #751, LSB #780)

Closing Hymn: LBW #507, How Firm a Foundation (ELW #796, LSB #728)




August 4: 8th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 13


Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-26: Futility of seeking wisdom. Vanity of vanities,  all is vanity!

Psalm 100: Make a joyful noise, all ye lands; enter his gates with thanksgiving! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever.

            RCL: Psalm 49:1-12: The folly of trusting riches (goes well with 1st lesson)

Colossians 3:1-11: Raised with Christ, you must seek that which is above. Put away all sinful behavior, words, and desires. Be clothed in the new life!

Luke 12:13-21: The parable of the rich fool, whose life is required straightaway.


Opening Hymn: LBW #245, All People That on Earth do Dwell (ELW #883, LSB #791)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #447, All Depends on Our Possessing (ELW #589, LSB #732)

OR LSB #788, Forgive Us, Lord, For Shallow Thankfulness (wow, the words are powerful!)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #364, Son of God, Eternal Savior (ELW #655, LSB #842)

Communion Hymn #2: WOV #760, For the Fruit of All Creation (ELW #679)

  (LSB #894, For the Fruits of His Creation)

Closing Hymn: LBW #256, O, Sing Jubilee To the Lord

            OR ELW #683, The Numberless Gifts of God’s Mercies (An easy Swedish folk tune!)




August 11: 9th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 14


Genesis 15:1-6: God’s covenant with Abraham, whose descendants are countless as stars

Psalm 33:12-22: God watches the deeds of all; fear of God, not strength or armies, pleases him. “Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us,

 even as we hope in you.”

Hebrews 11:1-16: Meaning of faith; examples of faith from Cain through Abraham. They died trusting in promises which they had not received but looked toward in hope.

            RCL: Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16: Abraham is only example cited.

Luke 12:22-34, (35-40): Don’t worry about food, clothing. Have no fear, little flock! Be like servants faithfully awaiting master’s return; he will bless and serve them!

            RCL: Luke 12:32-40: Omits part about food, clothing, fall of sparrows.


Opening Hymn:   WOV #771, Great is Thy Faithfulness (ELW #733, LSB #809)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #465, Evening and Morning (ELW #761, LSB #726)

Communion Hymn #1: WOV #783, Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God (LSB #712)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #320, O God, Our Help in Ages Past (ELW #632, LSB #733)

Closing Hymn: LBW #553, Rejoice, O Pilgrim Throng (LSB #813)

            (ELW #873/874, Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart; 873 more familiar)



August 18, 10th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 15


Jeremiah 23:16-29: God’s wrath towards false prophets. “Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let the one who has my word speak my word faithfully. Is not my word like fire, and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?”

            RCL: Jeremiah 23:23-29: Omits bit about wrath busting up false prophets

Psalm 119:81-88: I am persecuted without cause; spare me according to your steadfast love, that I may keep your decrees.

            RCL: Psalm 82: In heavenly council, God demands justice for week, poor, orphans. Though you are sons of God, you shall die as mortals. Arise, God, and judge the earth!

Hebrews 11:17-31; 12:1-3: Roll call of faith. Surrounded by cloud of witnesses, run race set before us, looking to Jesus, “pioneer and perfecter of our faith.”

            RCL: Hebrews 11:29-12:2: Slightly different portion of roll call!

Luke 12:49-52, (54-56): Jesus brings fire and sword, not peace. (Read the signs of the times.)


Opening Hymn:   LBW #239, God’s Word is Our Great Heritage (ELW #509, LSB #582)

            OR LBW #498, All Who Would Valiant Be

Hymn of the Day: LBW #233, Thy Strong Word Did Cleave the Darkness (ELW #511, LSB #578)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #230, Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word (ELW #517, LSB #655)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #501, He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought

Closing Hymn: LBW #183, The Son of God Goes Forth to War (LSB #661)

OR LBW #383, Rise Up, O Saints of God (ELW #669)





August 25: 11th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 16


Isaiah 66:18-23: I will gather all nations; they shall proclaim my glory; my people shall be gathered like a pure offering. I make new heaven and earth: all shall worship me.

            RCL: Isaiah 58:9b-14: If you do justice for the poor, and honor my Sabbath, I shall hear you and bless you and you will delight in me.

Psalm 50:1-15: Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, the glorious, mighty, holy God shines forth. Not bulls and burnt offerings, but the sacrifice of prayer and praise are acceptable to God.

            RCL: Psalm 103:1-8: Bless the Lord, O my soul; forget not his benefits; he forgives, redeems, strengthens, and works justice for the oppressed.

Hebrews 12:4-24, (25-29): Accept God’s discipline. Do not reject God’s grace. You have come to Mount Zion, to all the redeemed, and to Christ mediator of new covenant. (Do not refuse the one whose kingdom cannot be shaken; he is a consuming fire.)

            RCL: Hebrews 12:18-29: Omits section on God’s discipline, warning about refusing his grace.

Luke 13:22-30: Parable of the narrow door and rejection.

            RCL: Luke 13:10-17: Jesus heals a crippled woman.


Opening Hymn:  LBW #358, Glories of Your Name are Spoken (ELW #647, LSB #648, Glorious Things of You are Spoken)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #304, Today Your Mercy Calls Us (LSB #915)

            OR ELW #798, Will You Come and Follow Me

            OR (if using RCL) ELW #617, We Come to You For Healing, Lord

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #464, You Are the Way (ELW #758, LSB #526)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #331, Jerusalem, My Happy Home (ELW #628, LSB #673)

Closing Hymn: LBW #345, How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (ELW #620, LSB #524)






September 1: 12th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 17 (Labor Day Weekend)


Proverbs 25:2-10: Repentant, humble, prudent behavior advised.

            RCL: Proverbs 25:6-7: Humble behavior advised.

Psalm 131: I do not raise my eyes to high; like a weaned child I rest.

            RCL: Psalm 112: The blessings promised to the righteous and just.

Hebrews 13:1-17: Assorted kinds of service well-pleasing to God; Christ the same yesterday, today, forever; do not be carried away by strange teachings; confess his name; share with others; obey rulers.

            RCL: Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16: Omits bit about strange teaching, obedience to rulers.

Luke 14:1-14: Luke heals man at home of a Pharisee; words about humility and invitation

            RCL: Luke 14:1, 7-14: Omits healing of man with dropsy


Opening Hymn:  LBW #364, Son of God, Eternal Savior (ELW #655, LSB #842)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #225, Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray (LSB #623)

OR LBW #423, Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service (ELW #712, LSB #848)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #474, Children of the Heavenly Father (ELW #781, LSB #725)

Communion Hymn #2: WOV #746, Day by Day (ELW #790)

Closing Hymn: LBW #406, Take My Life, That I May Be (ELW #685) (LSB #783, 784, Take My Life, and Let It Be)




September 8, 13th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 18


Deuteronomy 30:15-20: I have set before you life and death. Choose life!

Psalm 1: Blessed is the righteous man whose delight is in the law of the Lord.

Philemon (whole book of 21 verses!): Paul’s plea on behalf of repentant runaway slave

Luke 14:25-35: The cost of following Jesus


Opening Hymn:   LSB #705, The Man is Ever Blessed (paraphrase of Ps. 1)

OR LBW #480, O, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways (ELW #772, LSB #707)

Hymn of the Day: LSB #853, How Clear is Our Vocation, Lord

OR LBW #487, Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus (ELW #802, LSB #685)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #504, O God, My Faithful God (ELW #806, LSB #696)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #503, O Jesus, I Have Promised (ELW #810)

Closing Hymn: LBW #469, Lord of All Hopefulness (ELW #765, LSB #738)

Prayers of the Church, Holy Trinity Sunday, June 16, 2019 (Also Father’s Day)

The Prayers of the Church

Holy Trinity Sunday, June 16, 2019 (Also Father’s Day)


By the power of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to God our Father in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord, making intercession for the Church, the world, and for all people according to their need.

A brief silence

Come Holy Spirit! Set our hearts on fire with love for God and for his people. Let your wind propel us out of our comfort zones and into the war zones of anguish, injustice, despair, and unbelief. There, let your tongues of fire kindle our tongues to speak words of truth and power, life and love, challenge and forgiveness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gracious Father, bless and preserve your holy Church, purchased with the blood of your dear Son and sanctified with the fire of your Spirit. Keep it steadfast in faith; sound in doctrine; loving in service; generous in giving; ardent in worship; and holy in living. In all things, make it a lamp filled with the light of your presence, welcoming and guiding many to salvation in your holy Name.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Be the shelter, strength, and inheritance of all who are hated because they confess Christ as Savior and God. Give them courage, graciousness, and hope; and soften the hearts of their enemies.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Kindle the hearts and minds of the people of this congregation with your Spirit. Unite us to your Son; and use us to proclaim the gospel in words and deeds to all those we meet. Help us to seek out those who most deeply need your strong saving love; and to invite them into your holy fellowship, there to find joy, purpose, and an eternal home.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Our Father, by whose name all fatherhood is blessed, forgive us for the delusion that “father” is a dirty word, that fathers are optional, and that Men cannot be gentle and strong, or loving and courageous. Bless all earthly fathers. It’s a tough job and our culture has made it tougher. Give them a double portion of your Spirit, to accomplish your will as they care for their children. Comfort all who are estranged or bereaved. And help us to honor their place in our lives.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

With your mighty hand and outstretched arm, protect, guide and defend all those who stand in harm’s way on behalf of others, including those in our military and all first responders. Help us to honor those who have died and help those who have been wounded; and to find ways that many may benefit from their experience and wisdom when they return to civilian life.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

There is no other God beside you, who are Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Give your incomparable gifts of faith, wisdom, and righteousness to all people, especially to those who take counsel for the nations. Conform the hearts of all people to your will, and bless this war-torn world with the peace that passes human understanding.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Dearest Father, gather in your Son’s embrace all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, especially: {List}. Bestow upon them health and salvation; and bless them, and all who care for them, with the grace and comfort of your Holy Spirit.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Most Holy and Blessed Trinity, we praise and adore you for welcoming into your eternal communion of life and love all who died trusting in you. Keep our hearts firmly fixed on you, the Lord and Giver of life, the Alpha and the Omega, the God and Father of all creation. Bring us, with the whole company of the redeemed of every time and place, every nation, tribe and tongue, into the joy of your presence, where we shall behold you face to face and adore you as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, our Lord and our God.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


In the power of the Holy Spirit, we entrust our prayers and petitions into your hands, gracious Father, for the sake of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Prayers of the Church, Day of Pentecost, June 9, 2019 

The Prayers of the Church

Day of Pentecost, June 9, 2019


By the power of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to God our Father in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord, making intercession for the Church, the world, and for all people according to their need.

A brief silence

Come Holy Spirit! Set our hearts on fire with love for God and for his people. Let your wind propel us out of our comfort zones and into the war zones of anguish, injustice, despair, and unbelief. There, let your tongues of fire kindle our tongues to speak words of truth and power, life and love, challenge and forgiveness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gracious Spirit, purify the Church with your holy and cleansing fire. Burn away its sins and schisms. Warm it with deep love for Jesus and for the world he came to save. Teach it to remember, cherish, ponder, teach and live everything spoken by Christ, especially his command to love one another as he has loved us.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O Breath of God, enliven and sustain everyone who is persecuted on account of Jesus. Give wisdom and gentleness to their words, and courage and prudence to their actions. By their faithful witness, convict and convert the enemies of the Gospel to lives of repentance and faith.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Heavenly Dove, descend upon the hearts and minds of everyone in this congregation. Teach us to pray, worship, forgive, witness, serve and love in ways that shine the light of Christ on the lives of those who need him most; and conform us ever more perfectly to his blessed likeness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Most blessed Advocate and Guide, we pray for those who have never heard the Gospel, or whose knowledge of it is so defective and distorted that they hate and scorn it. Cause their hearts to burn with desire for the God whom they do not yet know. Make them long for an imperishable Hope; for a living Truth; for a trustworthy Way; for a transfigured Life; and for a Love that will not let them go.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Holy Spirit, Power Divine, direct, strengthen, and cheer the hearts of all who risk their lives on behalf of others. Prosper all they do that conforms to your good and perfect will. Grant healing to the wounded, honor to those who sacrificed their lives, patience and hope to their families. When they return home, grant them ways to use their skills and wisdom to build a better world for all.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Come, Creator Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. Bless, renew, provide for, and transfigure this broken world, until it conforms to the will and fulfills the desire of the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Teach, purify and perfect the minds, hearts and wills of all people – especially those entrusted with power and authority; and bestow the blessings of peace, health, knowledge and tranquility upon us all.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Life-giving Spirit, breathe health, wholeness and hope into the hearts of all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, especially: {List}. Grant refreshment to their spirits, and restore them to full fellowship with all who love them. Bless and guide everyone who cares for them in ways great or small; and keep in your special care those whose research and skill brings new hope to those afflicted by suffering.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Most blessed and Holy Spirit, we laud and magnify your gracious protection and lordly power that brings the resurrection life of Jesus to all who call upon his name. We thank you for breathing his eternal life into all the faithful departed. Breathe the love of Jesus into us. Renew our minds and set fire to our hearts. Make our lives overflow with love and with the beauty of holiness, drawing others to Christ. Give us grace to enter into the blessed company of the redeemed, and by your power, to worship the Father in union with his dear Son, our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, forever and ever.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


In the power of the Holy Spirit, we entrust our prayers and petitions into your hands, gracious Father, for the sake of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Prayers of the Church, Seventh Sunday of Easter, June 2, 2019 (or Ascension, Transferred)

The Prayers of the Church

The Seventh Sunday of Easter, June 2, 2019 (or Ascension, Transferred)


Let us pray to our risen Savior on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

O Lord Jesus, glorious, risen, and ascended Savior of the world! We worship and adore you. We kneel in humble adoration before your majesty. Yet you take us by the hand and invite us to your marriage supper – and make us your Bride and your Body. You pray for us, and promise us your own glorious inheritance. You commission us to proclaim the good news of your strong saving love to the whole world. You give us your own work of forgiving sins. What else can we do but say, Amen, come, Lord Jesus?!

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Unite all who confess your Name into your Body as your one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church upon the earth. Fill it with your Spirit, and make it a faithful witness to your death and resurrection. Grant that the Church may always proclaim the gospel of repentance and forgiveness to the whole world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bestow upon your persecuted Church the fullness of their glorious inheritance, won for them and for all who believe by the merits of your own suffering, death, and resurrection. By their faithful witness, cause those who hate them – and you – to repent, that they may receive forgiveness and newness of life.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless the people and guide the ministries of this congregation, so that in all things, your name is glorified and your will is done. Unite us ever more closely with you and with one another; and use our words and actions to draw others into the joy of the life you share with your Father and with your people, in the bond of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Be the Way, the Truth, and the Life for all graduates. Give them joy in using what they have learned. Keep them steadfast in their love of truth, justice, and self-giving service. Make them eager to grow in faith toward you and in fervent love for others.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Be the shield and defender of all who risk their lives in service of country and in defense of innocent lives. Guide their decisions and actions; heal their wounds of body, mind and soul; comfort and strengthen their loved ones; and bring us all into that glorious day when war will be no more.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

As you prayed for your followers, so we pray for the world, its rulers and its people; and most especially for our country and its leaders. Bestow peace and unity wherever suspicion and violence cause distress. Turn the hearts of many to seek and work for those things that please your heavenly Father, and that bring health, hope and justice to all: especially the poor, victims of violence, and the world’s children.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We plead on behalf of all who endure the anguish of pain, grief, abandonment, shame, despair, or any other evil that afflict their bodies, minds, or hearts. Especially we lift before you the needs of: {List}. Grant to them the strong assurance of your presence, so that they firmly believe and deeply feel that they dwell in you, and you in them; and bring them to fullness of life, hope, and joy.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, you have ascended to the right hand of your Father, and you promise your life in Him to all whom you have saved. Therefore we confidently entrust into your care our beloved dead. Wipe away the tears of all whose grief runs deep. Dwell with us and in us. Draw us ever closer to one another even as you lead us to your Father’s embrace. Send us your Holy Spirit, to prepare us to share with joy in your wedding-supper. Hasten the day when we celebrate that eternal feast with all the people whom you have redeemed and united to yourself and  to your Father forever.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Grant to us all that is in accordance with your will, dear Jesus, and accomplish your salvation among us; for you are risen from the dead and dwell in majesty with your Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 26, 2019 (Memorial Day Weekend)

The Prayers of the Church

The Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 26, 2019 (Memorial Day Weekend)


Let us pray to our risen Savior on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

O Lord Jesus, blessed Bridegroom, thank you for making us your beloved Bride, even to giving your life for us! Thank you for making your Church, now troubled by evils within and without, the glorious New Jerusalem! Thank you for promising us joy in our fellowship with you and one another!

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O Lord Jesus, grant to your Church the grace and comfort of the Holy Spirit. Grant that, in a world shadowed by suffering, sorrow and sin, it always bears witness to your promise of joy, and shares the blessings of your love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

There are fellow Christians who know that in this world, confessing your name may bring trouble. Make them confident that you have overcome the world.  Grant them such unshakeable joy that their enemies are astonished and confounded, and repent.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let the Spirit fill every heart in this congregation with joy. Make that joy blossom into heartfelt worship, loving service, truthful witness, deep prayer, and loving fellowship. Use us to draw our friends and neighbors closer to you. May we shed the light of your love and joy in the darkest corners of their lives.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Give your joyous presence to our teenagers. It is easy for them to be preoccupied with school, sports, jobs, and friends. It can be hard for them to endure teasing or scorn because they believe in you. Fill them with the light of your love, so their lives radiate it and become a blessing to those around them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

This weekend, we remember with reverence and gratitude our blessed dead, especially those who gave their lives in the service of our country. Grant that we order our common life in a way that is worthy of their sacrifice. Guide and strengthen all who currently serve. Heal them when they fall; shield and comfort their loved ones; and bring them home safely and soon.  And we beseech you to bring such peace to your world that the arts of war need no longer be known among us.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

This world is filled with trouble of every kind; yet you have overcome the world and defeated the powers of sin and evil and death. We pray for our world; for its leaders; for all people, especially those who are most burdened by the sorrows and horrors of war, poverty, hatred, abuse, disease and despair. Bestow your Holy Spirit upon us all, especially those who make decisions that affect many lives: the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord; and most of all, the Spirit of joy in your presence.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Grant healing and hope to all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, especially: {List}. Be gracious and merciful to them, and to all who care for them. Restore the bonds of fellowship and affection that have been strained or sundered by suffering and adversity; and give to us all the joy of your saving help.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus Christ, you have overcome the world, the devil, and our sins. Thank you for delivering from those powers all who died trusting in you. Thank you for giving them eternal life. Let the fullness of your joy touch and heal hearts still shadowed by grief. Help us all to live in faith and hope, love and kindness, gentleness and peace, self-control and patience. Let us enjoy a foretaste of that deep and abiding joy that you promise forever to all whom you love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Grant to us all that is in accordance with your will, dear Jesus, and accomplish your salvation among us; for you are risen from the dead and dwell in majesty with your Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 19, 2019 

The Prayers of the Church

The Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 19, 2019


Let us pray to our risen Savior on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

O Lord Jesus, you are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Resurrection and the Life! You bestow, even in the midst of sorrow, sin, and suffering, a vision of that new creation, in which those dreadful things are no more. Our words falter. We long for them to go far beyond mere thanks! We truly are “lost in wonder, love, and praise.” To you alone, blessed Jesus, be the glory!

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Most holy Savior, fill your whole Church with your Holy Spirit. Make it constant in faith, bold in witness, ardent in worship, joyful in adversity, generous in service, rich in compassion, and radiant with holiness. Through its words and deeds, lead many, as you led Cornelius and his household, to life, salvation, and fellowship with all who name you as Lord and God.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Set before those who are persecuted on account of you – in Nigeria, North Korea, and countless other places – the sure hope of your love’s final and eternal triumph.  Keep us ever mindful of their suffering, and help us find ways to give them assistance and encouragement.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Kindle the fire of the Spirit’s power in this congregation. Make our hearts glow with love for you and for our neighbors, within and beyond these walls. Give us that joy which the world cannot give – and can never take away. Use us to carry the light of that joy to those who do not know it.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless all elementary and middle school children with joy, love of learning, and kindly hearts. Protect them from bullies and abusers, from the world’s alluring dangers and hidden threats; and from everything that would darken their hearts or hide your face.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those in the military, and for all who stand in harm’s way on behalf of others. Help them to do their jobs faithfully, bravely and well. Bring them home in safety when their service is completed. Speed the day when there is no more warfare, pain, crying or death, and all your people may live at peace with you and with one another.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless this world with your goodness and righteousness, until every creature, every person, every nation, kindred and tribe shouts praises to your name and delights in the abundant life that only you can give. Teach the rulers and magistrates of the nations – and the leaders of commerce, technology, education, medicine and law – to seek truth; to delight in wisdom; to deliberate and decide with justice; and to act with generosity and humility. And teach everyone to live in peace and fellowship with one another.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Wipe away the tears, and take away the suffering, of all whose need is great. Especially we plead on behalf of: {List}. Even in this broken and fallen world, bring to them, and to all who love them, a measure of your Kingdom’s endless joy and peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Most holy and loving Savior, you are indeed the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end of all things. You are the light and life of all who have died trusting in you. Keep us in fellowship with them through the bond of your Holy Spirit. By that same Spirit, raise up and gather in your arms all whom you have redeemed. Lead us into your Father’s presence as a pure and whole and holy community – your family, your joy, and your treasure forever.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Grant to us all that is in accordance with your will, dear Jesus, and accomplish your salvation among us; for you are risen from the dead and dwell in majesty with your Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 12, 2019 (Mother’s Day)

The Prayers of the Church

The Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 12, 2019 (Mother’s Day)


Let us pray to our risen Savior on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

O Lord Jesus, you alone are worthy! You are worthy to open the scroll. You are worthy to judge the world – and us! – in righteousness. You are worthy of blessing and honor, glory and praise. Give us grace to sing of your greatness, to bless your most holy name, and to live lives worthy of you, our Shepherd and Savior.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Your servant Paul exhorted the elders of the churches to watch over your flock, guarding them from the dangerous wolves that threaten them. Bless your Church with pastors, bishops, lay leaders, and theologians who rightly proclaim and teach your Word; protect your people from falsehood, heresy and schism; and lead your people into lives of holiness, faithfulness and love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

The martyrs of your Church stand before your throne, praying for all who are persecuted for your Name’s sake. Join our prayers to theirs. Give courage and endurance to those who suffer on account of you. By their example, cause those who trouble them to repent and turn to you, for the transformation of their lives and the renewal of their minds.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless and direct the people of this congregation. Make us confident that you love us and know each of us by name. Move us past our fears and preoccupations into eager discipleship and loving service. Let all be done your glory, and for the good of those in our family, community, workplace and world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless and gently guide our littlest lambs – our infants and toddlers, and all who are newborns in the faith. Lead them in safety through the dangers of this world; crown their innocence with holiness; and teach them to know your voice and to gladly follow wherever you would have them go.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Thank you for mothers, foster mothers, and for all who care and love with a mother’s heart. Adorn their lives with wisdom, goodness, common sense, and patience. Give them endurance – and a good night’s sleep – to carry out their many tasks with a light heart and ready smile. Be their strength and shield when their burdens are great and sorrowful. And bestow your dearest comfort to all who have lost a child, or who are unable to have one.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Give a shepherd’s heart to the leaders of all nations, especially our own. Teach them to seek the welfare of their people above power, wealth, or re-election. By their labors, grant the simple blessings of decent food, clean water, and the chance to raise families in freedom and safety. Give wisdom and integrity to all who risk their lives on behalf of others. And to all people, especially those whose lives have been shattered by violence, grant a measure of your peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Oh great and good Shepherd, lead with gentleness and compassion all who are sick or sorrowing; lonely or confused; hurting or despairing; and to all who cry out for mercy. Especially we remember before you the needs of: {List}. Give the Spirit of your compassion to all who care for them; and restore them to wholeness and hope.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, we recite the Shepherd’s Psalm at the death of a member of your flock, confident that you have led them through death’s dark vale into your Father’s house. We therefore entrust into your keeping all our dear departed. Lead us, as you have led them: in good times and bad, in health and sickness, in joy and despair, in life and in death. And bring us, and all whom you have redeemed, into that house, there to rejoice in the love you share with your Father and the Holy Spirit, and which you are pleased to share with us, forever.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Grant to us all that is in accordance with your will, dear Jesus, and accomplish your salvation among us; for you are risen from the dead and dwell in majesty with your Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, Third Sunday of Easter, May 5, 2019

The Prayers of the Church

The Third Sunday of Easter, May 5, 2019


Let us pray to our risen Savior on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

O Lord Jesus, you stand in the midst of the lampstands which are your churches; and you fill them with imperishable light. Thank you for not deserting us to the darkness of sin, evil, and death. Thank you for dispelling the gloomy clouds of doubt, grief, and despair. Thank you for leading us into the everlasting day of your resurrection life. Grant us grace to lead all people and all creation in praising your Name.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, you commanded your servant Peter to feed your lambs and to tend your sheep. Grant your Church the faithfulness, compassion, and courage to feed your flock with your living Word of truth and grace; your living water of baptismal regeneration; and your living Body and Blood, the source of life everlasting.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Your Church is persecuted in many places, even as it was in the days of the Apostles. Deliver it from its enemies; grant it steadfast faith and hearts free from bitterness; and by its faithful endurance, shine the light of your judgment and forgiveness upon its persecutors, so that they may turn to you and live.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless this congregation. Kindle our hearts to seek the lost, lift up the broken-hearted, and feed hungry souls around us with your holy and precious Word.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

As you confronted Saul on the Damascus road, so we pray that you would, in challenge and in mercy, confront the scoffers and skeptics who scorn your Word and refuse your truth. Give us winsome logic and gentle hearts; so that through our words, deeds and lives, you feed the unbelieving with your justice, truth and love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

You are Lord, King, Judge and Savior of the world. Enlighten the hearts of all who take counsel for the nations, and guide them in pathways of justice and righteousness.  Grant that your people everywhere may be fed with justice as well as loaves; may drink of peace as well as clean water; and may be given the safety and freedom to live, learn, teach and work; to raise their families and help their neighbors; and to know and love their Lord and God.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Defend and guide all who stand between life and death; between violence and safety; and between oppression and freedom. Lend them your wisdom and righteousness, and raise them up when they falter. Heal them of wounds to body, heart, and mind; and grant them joyous reunions with those who love them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Oh great and good Shepherd, lead with gentleness and compassion all who are sick or sorrowing; lonely or confused; hurting or despairing; and to all who cry out for mercy. Especially we remember before you the needs of: {List}. Give the Spirit of your compassion to all who care for them; and restore them to wholeness and hope.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Lord Jesus, you alone are worthy to open the scroll; to judge the whole world in righteousness; and to bring forgiveness, life, and salvation to every sinner who dies trusting in your promises. We thank you for fulfilling those promises in the lives of our beloved dead. Give us faith, to trust your Word, no matter what the world screams at us to believe. Give us compassion, to feed and tend all for whom you died and rose, even those who rebuff or belittle us.  Give us grace, to taste, in this life, a foretaste of the banquet-feast of heaven, which you have prepared for all whom you have redeemed by your Blood.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Grant to us all that is in accordance with your will, dear Jesus, and accomplish your salvation among us; for you are risen from the dead and dwell in majesty with your Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayers of the Church,  Second Sunday of Easter, April 28, 2019

The Prayers of the Church 

The Second Sunday of Easter, April 28, 2019


Let us pray to our risen Savior on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

O Lord Jesus, you stand in the midst of the lampstands which are your churches; and you fill them with imperishable light. Thank you for not deserting us to the darkness of sin, evil, and death. Thank you for dispelling the gloomy clouds of doubt, grief, and despair. Thank you for leading us into the everlasting day of your resurrection life. Grant us grace to lead all people and all creation in praising your Name.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, bestow the light of your Resurrection upon your Church. Breathe your Holy Spirit upon it, and fill it with your peace. Give it grace and boldness to proclaim you as the crucified and risen Savior of the world, so that all people may adore you as their Lord and their God.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Dwell in the midst of those who suffer persecution on account of you. Make them into golden lampstands, shining with the radiance of your glory and grace, and filled with the oil of faithful witness and steadfast endurance.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Pour your Holy Spirit into the hearts of everyone in this congregation. Give us a hunger for your Word; a thirst for receiving and for sharing your forgiveness; a vision of your love for all people; and a desire to serve you by serving others in your name.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Give us the persistence and kindness of the disciples who sought out Thomas and drew him back into your dear presence. Help us to share, with those who have lost hope, the hope that is in us.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We earnestly beseech you to give to the leaders of the nations, and to all people entrusted to their care, that peace which the world cannot give. Send your Holy Spirit into the world, so that repentant faith and deeds of mercy may bring the light of your saving love to hearts darkened by the powers of sin, evil and death.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Direct the deliberations and deeds of all who risk their lives on behalf of others. Give them wisdom and courage, integrity and patience, and fill them with a love for your good and gracious will. Use them to establish justice, safety, and hope in places sorely lacking in those good things.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Heal the bodies, cheer the spirits, and illumine the hearts of all whose lives are shadowed by sorrow, suffering, doubt or despair. Especially we remember before you the needs of: {List}. Renew in them the gifts of faith and hope; raise them to fullness of life; and restore them to joyful fellowship with all who love them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, you have been raised from death to die no more; and you promise your resurrection life to all whom you have redeemed. We therefore entrust into your strong arms the lives of all who have fallen asleep in you, especially our beloved dead. Wipe away the tears of all who grieve; turn our doubt into unshakeable confidence; and grant that all of us may at last see you face to face and cry out in adoration and joy, “My Lord and my God!”

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Grant to us all that is in accordance with your will, dear Jesus, and accomplish your salvation among us; for you are risen from the dead and dwell in majesty with your Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Lessons and Suggested Hymns, Second Sunday of Easter through Trinity Sunday, 2019

April 28, 2019: 2nd Sunday of Easter


Acts 5:12-32 (though imprisoned, the disciples are freed by an angel; they continue to proclaim the Gospel, as they must obey God rather than man)

RCL: Acts 5:27-32 (We must obey God, not man; we are witnesses to these things)

Psalm 148 (all creation praises God)

RCL: Psalm 150 (Let all creation praise God!)

Revelation 1:4-18 (John writes to his churches, sees the transcendent Jesus  in midst of the candle stands representing those churches)

John 20:19-31 (Jesus appears, gives Spirit and commission to forgive/retain sins; Thomas’s confession of faith)


Opening Hymn: ELW #361, The Day of Resurrection!

(LBW #141, has a very awkward tune. Use Ellacombe, the tune for “O Day of Rest and Gladness”, #251 which ELW uses and is far more singable, or Lancashire, tune for LBW #495, “Lead On, O Kinky Turtle,” which is also the tune used for “The Day of Resurrection in LSB, #478.)

OR LBW #139, O Sons and Daughters of the King (LSB #471; 470 uses another familiar tune) (ELW #386, O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #154, That Easter Day With Joy Was Bright

(Puh-leeez use the tune that ELW #384 uses for this. “Puer Nobis,” used for “On Jordan’s Banks the Baptist’s Cry”)     

OR LSB #472, These Things Did Thomas Count as Real

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #214, Come, Let Us Eat (ELW #491, LSB #626)

Communion Hymn #2: WOV #678, Christ is Arisen, Alleluia (ELW #372)

Closing Hymn: LBW #131, Christ is Risen! Alleluia! (ELW #382)




May 5, 2019: 3rd Sunday of Easter


Acts 9:1-22 (Conversion of Saul)

Psalm 30 (praise God for deliverance from enemies)

Revelation 5:1-14 (is no one worthy to open the scroll? the heavenly host praise the Lamb who was slain,

who alone is worthy to open the scroll of judgment)

RCL: Revelation 5:11-14 (eliminates weeping because no one found worthy until the slaughtered Lamb appears)

John 21:1-19 (the disciples and the risen Jesus, a miraculous catch of fish, and “Feed my lambs”)


Opening Hymn: LBW #172, Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor (ELW #475, LSB #534)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #210, At the Lamb’s High Feast (ELW #362, LSB #633)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #356, O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts (ELW #658)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #144, Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing! (ELW #385, LSB #475)

Closing Hymn: LBW #170, Crown Him With Many Crowns (ELW #855, LSB #525)


May 12, 2019: 4th Sunday of Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday), also Mother’s Day


Acts 20:17-35 (Paul, on his way to Jerusalem, exhorts elders to watch over the flock they are entrusted with,

for there are dangerous wolves that threaten them)

            RCL: Acts 9:36-43 (Peter raises Tabitha)

Psalm 23 (the Lord is my shepherd)

Revelation 7:9-17 (salvation belongs to God and to the Lamb; behold a host, arrayed in white)

John 10:22-30 (my sheep hear my voice; no one shall snatch them from my hand)


Opening Hymn: LSB #676, Behold A Host, Arrayed in White (far superior translation)

OR   LBW 314, Behold A Host, Like Mountains Bright (ELW #425, Behold the Host…)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #456, The King of Love My Shepherd Is (ELW #502, LSB #709)

OR LBW #481, Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us (ELW #789, LSB #711, both use the old familiar tune from SBH for this hymn)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #537, O Jesus, King Most Wonderful

            OR ELW #826, Thine the Amen (WOV #801, LSB #680)

Communion Hymn #2: LSB #740, I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb

    OR LBW #476, Have No Fear, Little Flock (ELW #764, LSB #735)

Closing Hymn: LBW #196, Praise the Lord, Rise Up Rejoicing (ELW #544)



May 19, 2019: 5th Sunday of Easter


Acts 11:1-18 (Peter defends baptism of Cornelius’ household by recounting his vision)

Psalm 148 (all creation praises the Lord)

Revelation 21:1-7 (new heaven and earth; no pain, crying or death; He is Alpha and Omega)

John 16:12-22 (Jesus promises the Spirit, who will declare his words to the disciples; they should rejoice that Jesus is going away,

for he will return, and no one will take away their joy)

RCL: John 13:31-35 (I give you a new command: love each other as I have loved you)


Opening Hymn: WOV #744, Soon and Very Soon (ELW #439)

OR LBW #351, O Happy Day When We Shall Stand (ELW #441)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #129, Awake, My Heart, With Gladness (ELW #378, LSB #467)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #330, In Heaven Above (ELW #630)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #219, Come With Us, O Blessed Jesus (ELW #501)

Closing Hymn: LBW #315, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (ELW #631, LSB #700)





May 26, 2019: 6th Sunday of Easter; Memorial Day Weekend


Acts 16:9-15(mission to Macedonia; meeting in house of Lydia)

Psalm 67 (May God be gracious to us and bless us; let all peoples praise him)

Revelation 21:9-14, 21-27 (vision of the New Jerusalem)

John 16:22-33 (then you will ask anything of the Father in my name, and receive; you joy will be complete.

In the world you have trouble, but I have overcome the world) 

RCL: John 14:23-29 (Those who love me keep my word; I give you peace; I send the Spirit; rejoice, because I go to the Father)


Opening Hymn: LBW #250, Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty (ELW #533, LSB #901)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #161, O Day Full Of Grace (ELW #627, LSB #503)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #331, Jerusalem, My Happy Home (ELW #628, LSB #673)

Communion Hymn #2: WOV #781, My Life Flows On In Endless Song (ELW #673)

Closing Hymn: LBW #552, In Thee is Gladness (ELW #867, LSB #818)




June 2, 2019: 7th Sunday of Easter, or Ascension of Our Lord, Transferred


Lessons for the Ascension of Our Lord


Acts 1:1-11 (the Ascension story)

Psalm 47 (God has gone up with a shout!)

Ephesians 1:15-23 (God has put all things under Christ’s feet, made him the head of the body; given you a glorious inheritance)

Luke 24:44-53 (you are witnesses: proclaim Jesus’ death and resurrection,  proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sin; Ascension in brief)


Lessons for 7th Sunday of Easter:


Acts 1:12-26 (Barnabas chosen to round out the Twelve)

            RCL: Acts 16:16-34 (Paul and Silas exorcise demon from slave girl; are thrown in prison; their chains miraculously broken;

jailers believe and are baptized)

Psalm 133 (Good and pleasant when brethren dwell together in unity)

RCL: Psalm 97 (The Lord is king; heavens and all nations bow down; Zion rejoices; God loves and guards the faithful)

Revelation 22:1-20 (the river and Tree of Life; final warnings and invitation  to the marriage supper; Come, Lord Jesus!)

John 17:20-26 (Jesus prays for all believers, that they be one as he and the Father are one)


I have chosen hymns that should be successful whichever lessons you are using;  or I have offered an alternative


Opening Hymn: LBW #328, All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (ELW #634, LSB #549)

Hymn of the Day, Ascension theme: LBW #156, Look, O Look, the Sight is Glorious (LSB #495, Look, Ye Saints, the Sight is Glorious)

OR LBW #172, Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor (same tune as 156!)  (ELW #475, LSB #534)


Hymn of Day, 7 Easter theme: LBW #206, Lord, Who in the Night You Were Betrayed Did Pray  (ELW #463)

       OR LBW #358, Glories of Your Name are Spoken (ELW #647, LSB #648, Glorious Things of You Are Spoken)


Communion Hymn #1: LBW #157, A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing (ELW #393, LSB #493)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #549, Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (ELW #865, LSB #793)

Closing Hymn: LBW #158, Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (ELW #392, LSB #821)



June 9, 2019: Day of Pentecost


Genesis 11:1-9 (Tower of Babel and confusion of languages)

Psalm 143 (prayer of longing for God’s refreshing presence)

            RCL: Psalm 104: 24-35 (it calls for elimination of v. 35a, “Let sinners be consumed and the wicked be no more.” I dare you to keep it in.)

Acts 2:1-21 (Day of Pentecost and undoing of Babel)

John 14:23-31 (Love me, do my commandments; I am sending the Spirit who will remind you  of all my words; my peace I give to you)

RCL: John 14:8-17 ( See me, see the Father; if you love me, keep my commandments; the Father will send the Spirit of truth)



Opening Hymn: LBW #359, In Christ there Is No East or West (ELW #650, LSB #653)

            OR LBW #508, Come Down, O Love Divine (ELW #804, LSB #501)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #472, Come Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire

  (ELW #577,578, Creator Spirit, Heavenly Dove, somewhat different translation); (LSB #498, 499, yet another translation)

OR WOV #687, Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading (ELW #401)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #475, Come, Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove (ELW #404)

Communion Hymn #2: ELW #405, O Spirit of Life

OR LBW #488, Breathe On Me, Breath of God

Closing Hymn: LBW #285, Spirit of God, Sent From Heaven Abroad

OR LBW #257, Holy Spirit, Truth Divine (ELW #398) (LSB #496, Holy Spirit, Light Divine)



June 16, 2019: The Holy Trinity, also Father’s Day


Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31(the Wisdom of God, in whom all was created)

Psalm 8 (your works are excellent; what is man that you are mindful of him)

Acts 2:14a, 22-36 (Peter’s Pentecost sermon: Jesus is Lord and God)

            RCL: Romans 5:1-5 (We have peace with God through Jesus; the Spirit of him who raised up Christ is poured into our hearts)

John 8:48-59 (Before Abraham was, I AM)

            RCL: John 16:12-15 (The Spirit will declare all he has heard; will take what is Jesus’ that he received from his Father)



Opening Hymn: LBW #522, Come Thou, Almighty King (ELW #408, LSB #905)

OR LBW #544, v. 1-4, The God of Abraham Praise (ELW #831 v. 1-4, LSB #798 v. 1-4)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #535, Holy God, We Praise Your Name (ELW #414, LSB #940)

OR LBW #544, v. 7-9, The God of Abraham Praise

(ELW #831 v. 5-6, LSB #798  v. 5-7)

OR (may take place of Nicene Creed; however, if you use the Athanasian Creed on Trinity Sunday, you may switch this to the closing hymn)


Almighty Father, Creator Blest

Tune: Victory (The Strife is O’er)


Dedicated to the Pastors of the Society of the Holy

By Rev. Cathy A. Ammlung, STS


(before first verse; note, “in” is sung on two notes):

 Credo, credo, credo in_ unum Deum!

Almighty Father, Creator blest,

Worlds sprang to life at his behest;

Seen and unseen, his name they confessed:

Credo, credo!

Lord Jesus Christ, his only Son,

In truth and substance, they are one;

Pure Light from Light, in him life’s begun:

Credo, credo!

For us poor sinners, mortal and weak,

He came from heav’n, the lost to seek,

God’s Word made flesh, salvation to speak.

Credo, credo!

Born of the virgin, Mary most pure,

And of the Spirit, to be sin’s cure,

Christ became man; let praises endure –

Credo, credo!

For us, ‘neath Pilate’s judgment he died –

For us, our Lord was crucified,

For us, he rose again, glorified:

Credo, credo!

Ascended to the Father’s throne,

He shall return, to judge everyone,

And rule fore’er, as Lord and God:

Credo, credo!

Most Holy Spirit, life-giving Lord,

One with the Father and Son, adored,

Inspiring prophets’ holy word,

Credo, credo!

Making one holy Church in the world,

One with apostles, martyrs and Lord,

One through baptism with water and Word,

Credo, credo!

From sin forgiven, we are made free,

Christ’s life from death our future shall be,

Forever praising the Trinity:

Credo, credo!

(final refrain: as in opening)

Credo, credo, credo in_ unum Deum!


Communion Hymn #1: LBW #526, Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (ELW #834, LSB #802)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #169, Father Most Holy (ELW #415, LSB #504)

Closing Hymn: LBW #544, v. 9-11, The God of Abraham Praise (ELW #831 v. 7-8, LSB #798 v. 8-9)

OR  LBW #165, Holy, Holy, Holy (ELW #413, LSB #507)

OR ELW #845, Voices Raised To You We Offer (LSB #795) (very familiar tune!)