The 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly passed two resolutions that called for reconsideration of the 2009 social statement, “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust.” Reconsideration #1: A review of specific text references that…
Please check out the new page on our website, “ELCA Focus,” which brings together in one place a large number of resources and articles regarding the ELCA. It is intended…
This January marks the end of my term as President of Lutheran CORE. I have been on the board of CORE since 2019. In that time, my own congregation held…
The purpose of this communication is to inform you about a movement called the Lutheran Congregations Support Network. Their goal is to develop a means to inform ELCA congregations of…
WOE TO THE SHEPHERDS The First Reading for July 21, the day after the conclusion of the ELCA Youth Gathering, was from Jeremiah 23. In verse 1 the Lord says…
Most people would call me a “conservative” Lutheran, although I would prefer to be called orthodox or traditional. Nevertheless, I will accept the label. Therefore, as a conservative Lutheran, it…
There is an old adage that says, “You show your values through what and whom you feature.” That certainly is true of the ELCA. Again this past June, in observance…
I am very grateful for the recent invitation to have a zoom conversation with the director and associate director of the ELCA’s Reconsiderations process. This is the task force that…
We all remember with horror the ways in which traditional views on such matters as human sexuality were rejected and belittled at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering. Here is a…
Director's Note: Spencer Wentland is uniquely qualified to write this article analyzing the ELCA’s concept of global mission as accompaniment rather than evangelism – as responding to requests for help…