Devotion for Sunday, July 10, 2022

“But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth” (James 3:14).

One wonders how often this kind of thing happens.  There are those who do seem to behave this way in the church.  But that is speculation.  What then?  Take these things to heart lest they well up in your heart and then what has not been dealt with comes out of your mouth.  We all have issues, and some are repressed.  Confess, confess, and confess and let these things out so that the Lord may truly give you a clean heart.

Lord, I do not know all the places in my heart which have been affected over my lifetime, but there are things that have happened which cause me to act and react in certain ways.  Lead me Lord to the place where I can let these things go and live as You would have me live.  Guide me, Lord, in the right direction and help me to move toward the place where I truly am acting like Christ.

Lord and Savior Jesus, You know where I need to go today.  You know what I am able to face and those things that You will work on in me.  Lead me in gentleness so that I would not do evil, but instead be guided by You and the goodness of Your grace.  Help me to see that only in You, Lord, is there hope and a future.  Let me walk willingly with You this day as You lead me in the direction I need to go.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, July 9, 2022

“Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom” (James 3:13).

Wisdom, knowledge and understanding are different things.  There are elements of each in the others, but they are different.  If the Lord has given you wisdom, then use that wisdom for His sake and share your wisdom with others.  Be guided by the principle that He is at work in You and in others too.  We are placed together for His sake and in His purpose, He will grow in us the likeness of Christ.

Lord, there are things You have given to me which others would call wisdom.  Let me not keep these things stored away, but offer them as a gift to any who would receive them.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way of everlasting life so that I might grow each day in knowledge, understanding and wisdom.  Let these things come out in and through the things that I do.  Help me to know that in You alone is all grace, mercy, and hope.

My Lord and Savior, You have those things which You will go to work on in me this day.  Lead me according to Your goodness to look to You for all understanding.  Help me to listen as Your Spirit gives me wisdom.  Most of all, help me to walk the walk of one who believes and lives out the life of faith You have given me in such a way that others see that I believe.  In You alone is there all hope and the only future worth living.  Grant me the wisdom to act on this truth in word and deed.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, July 8, 2022

“Does a fountain send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water?  Can a fig tree, my brethren, produce olives, or a vine produce figs? Nor can salt water produce fresh” (James 3:11-12).

This metaphor has slightly changed, but hopefully you get the point.  In our age, people think they can be of the world, and also of the Lord.  You cannot mix good and evil.  Mind you, we are all mixed up and we need the Lord’s help, which is why we pray, “Create in me a clean heart, O God.”  The plea here is for you to take seriously the work that needs to be done in order that You may be in the Lord now and forever.

The salvation part belongs to the Lord.  Only He can do this, but you must be a willing participant.  Each time you fall, get back up. Look to the Lord and move forward.  Sometimes you’ll even take a few steps backward.  You’ll find that somehow or other this stumbling will have done you some good.  Come then and be on the journey of becoming like Christ and know that He will complete you.

Lord Jesus, you must be the author and finisher of my faith, for without You these things are impossible.  Help me see where I am mixing things up and then help me to willingly walk with You as You go to work in me.  Guide me to be intentional about all that I say and do.  Help me to look for the good and shun the evil in me.  Above all things, give me grace for others as they too struggle.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, July 7, 2022

“With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God; from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be this way” (James 3:10-11).

We do good and evil.  Our parents thought we could handle both good and evil.  Look at history and you see that we cannot.  We cannot be both good and evil.  We will end up either one or the other.  You have the call of Christ before you.  That is the call to good.  You cannot serve the Father and yourself.  There can only be one Master and that is the Lord.  Your struggle is ever before you.

Lord, I see the places where I wrestle.  I want to be in control.  Guide me away from the wrestling of my spirit so that I may be guided by You alone.  You know the direction I need to go.  You know the struggles I have.  You know the tug-of-war that is constantly pulling me in different directions.  Guide me, Lord, in the way of salvation in order that I would stop the striving and rest in You.

Lord Jesus, You came to save me.  I need saving.  Guide me, Lord, in the way of everlasting life.  Lead me in the way of hope, truth and goodness.  My Lord and Savior, You know what I need.  You know how to accomplish all that is needed.  You have provided the way of salvation.  Guide me in that way.  Help me to know and understand that You are making all things new, including me.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, July 6, 2022

“But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison” (James 3:8).

No one can tame the tongue.  Listen, our faith is not based upon self-control.  You just can’t do it.  But at just the right time, the One who can has come along so that You can follow Him as He cures the ills endemic in us all and heals our sinfulness by replacing it with godliness.  We need the Savior to do the saving.  Do not fall into the trap of the Pharisees, relying on works for salvation; instead live in the grace which is yours in Christ.

Lord, I am saved by grace through faith.  Lead me to understand that I indeed need saving.  Guide me into Your goodness to know that in You alone there is all hope and a future.  Lead me away from trying to do things on my own and rest in the knowledge that my help comes from the Lord.  You have given us powerful things like the tongue and we cannot handle them on our own.  But with the help of the Lord we can and will handle them rightly.  Lead me, Lord!

Lord Jesus, You came to fulfill the law.  Guide me according to Your goodness – Yours not mine – so that I would follow Your example and be led by You.  Help me through this day.  That is enough.  Help me to be one who sees You work on and in me such that the impossible is done because You are the One doing it.  Lead me into a righteous lifestyle so that I may be transformed by You for the Father’s purpose.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, July 5, 2022

“For every species of beasts and birds, of reptiles and creatures of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by the human race” (James 3:7).

What has more power?  The tongue or a strong man?  It is the tongue, the ability to communicate, which makes a key difference between man and beast — such a small thing that makes such a big difference.  Christ has come to make all things new.  What will be the new thing that will set apart the new man in Christ?  We shall see, but it is probably something we would not expect.

Lord, You know how deliberately confusing some in this world are.  They look you in the eye and lie.  Animals do not lie to you.  This difference can also be used for good.  Turn my tongue away from the fire of this rebellious age and toward You and the Good Word You give by grace.  You know what I need.  Lead me to go where I need to go so that I may have Your word on my lips always.

Lord Jesus, You are the Word made flesh.  You have come in order that all those who come through You would live into the new life which comes by grace.  Guide me today to speak the word You would have me speak.  Turn my heart so that it is sensitive to You and others.  Lead me to live out those fruits of the Spirit which You grant so that I may be guided into living in a godly way.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, July 4, 2022

“And the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell” (James 3:6).

The idea here is not to make you feel so bad, nor be paranoid about talking, but realize that with the power of your ability to communicate, comes great responsibility.  If you let your mouth go free, it will destroy you.  Guard the gift of speech and be a steward of what is spoken.  One word can undo many: spoken in haste, or without regard, the good is replaced with evil, which may set on fire the course of your life.

Lord, help me to take seriously the gift of communication which You have given me.  I can speak and convey good words, but I can also speak badly and do damage.  Lead me, Lord, in the way of life such that I am on guard with what I say.  Help me to know that in You I have hope and there is a future.  In all I say, lead my tongue to speak those things which are pleasing to You and helpful to others.

Lord Jesus, lead me out of the mire of unhelpful words that are all around me that would take my heart away from You.  Guide me in Your goodness to see through and past the hurtful words that get spoken.  Let me not be one of those who speaks these words.  Through all things, lead me by Your grace to become intentional in my speech and uplifting through what I say.  May the truth and grace You give always be on my lips.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, July 3, 2022

“See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire!” (James 3:5)

A match is enough to burn down a forest.  How many fellowships have been destroyed by a careless word here or there?  O, the great destruction that has come because of careless talk.  You do not know who is listening, so always be on your guard with your speech.  Know that the Lord always hears when you talk – whether you want Him to or not.  Knowing such a small thing makes a big difference.

How can we know unless we hear?  How can we hear unless someone speaks?  Know that the world is moved in many directions with such a small thing as the tongue.  You too, in your relationships may influence others, for good or for evil.  Be on your guard less the wicked one trip you up and you feel free to speak things that are better off never having been said.  Words spilled out can never be put to rest.

Lord Jesus, bring me to a place where I am sensitive about my words.  Let me be guarded with my tongue.  Through all things, lead me to know that in You is all hope and a future.  That future includes a place where loose talk will not happen.  And it needs to begin with me.  Lead me Lord so that I would, day by day, be more guarded in the habit of careful speech and live with an attentive attitude toward others.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, July 2, 2022

“So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things” (James 3:5).

If somehow you could imagine an alien creature trying to figure out the most important part of human anatomy, you might well imagine they would say the tongue, or at least our mouth.  It is the focus of so many things.  And the reaction it causes.  It was the power behind the likes of Hitler.  The tongue — a small organ that can cause so much damage — speaks and the ear listens.

The Lord is giving instructions that are important.  Those of men, not so much: ”You must do this-or-that or you will have no hope.”  Those given by the Lord are what you do when you have hope.  You know that the Lord will walk with you and help you through these things.  He will lead you to curb your tongue and guard your mouth.  He intends to make you perfect (complete your sanctification) – and He will.  When you boast, boast in the greatness of the Lord.

Lord Jesus, we have in the Bible hundreds of  Your sayings.  These have changed the world.  How few words You needed to say to accomplish so much.  Help me learn from You so that I may learn to be guarded with the words I use.  Help me to be very intentional in my speech and learn how to say things in a way that points to You.  Lead my tongue and all the rest of me to follow You, my Lord and Master.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, July 1, 2022

“Look at the ships also, though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, are still directed by a very small rudder wherever the inclination of the pilot desires” (James 3:4).

These examples show us the magnitude of what our tongues can do.  One of the biggest problems in the church, that is the local fellowship, are wagging tongues.  People do not realize how a little poison does much damage.  We would rather be nice and see the fellowship harmed than to confront the careless one who sows harm through false words.  But as for you, will you be one who’s tongue is bridled?

Lord, You know those who operate sinfully in the church with impunity.  May it never be me who does this.  Guide me to remain silent when an opportunity arises to say something that is better left unsaid.  Help me learn how to guard my speech.  The thoughts will come, but that does not mean I have to act upon them.  Help me walk the path You set before me and cause no other to waver in their course.

Lord Jesus, every word You spoke has meaning and purpose.  They all point to what You have done for us in order that we may be with You forever.  Guide me Lord Jesus in the upward way.  Lead me according to Your purpose to see through the haze of this life and have the hope You give by grace through faith.  Guide me today and every day to be on course in the direction You would have me go.  Amen.