Devotion for Monday, May 27, 2024

“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts on them, will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24).

Upon what are you building your life?  Many of us build without thinking or considering the cost.  They build in dangerous places.  They build upon their feelings or the under the direction of others.  But you, upon what are you building your life.  What you believe will come through in what you do.  Belief is the action of that in which you have faith.  Act upon these words and build your life upon Christ.

Lord, You know where I am true to Your call and where I am faking it.  Guide me so that I seek Your righteousness and live these words that You are giving me.  Where I fall short, by Your grace, lead me into the righteousness You have prepared for me.  Lead me by Your grace to seek You in all things.  Help me to be a person who does what You say and lives with You as the foundation.

LORD God, You are the Creator and through You all things have their being.  Lead me always in my innermost being, help me to be clear of the garbage of this age so that I may be true to You.  I will sin, but I know that sin is forgiven under Your grace.  Help me so that what the world sees me doing is driven by You who leads me from the inside out.  Guide me to walk with You humbly today and every day until that day comes when I meet You face to face.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, May 26, 2024

“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; leave Me, you who practice lawlessness.’” (Matthew 7:23)

Here is the place of judgement.  There are those who walk with the Lord knowing Him, and those who, no matter what they are doing, do not know Him.  They will be separated, one from the other.  Heaven is filled with those who live outside of themselves and for others.  Hell is filled with those who live for themselves.  We have a little of both in this age, but there is the place of separation at the end of our days.

Lord, You know the direction I am heading.  I say I want to walk after You.  Help my words be the truth.  Then, let Your Word direct me so that I am not just one who hears the word, but one who actively cooperates with the Holy Spirit and does what You are saying.  You have made things very easy: listen to You, follow the narrow way, seek to do what is right in every situation and depend upon Your grace to complete all things.

Lord Jesus, what a mess we have made of things.  I too say and do many things that are not genuine and true.  Help me, Lord, to learn how to be more honest with myself this day.  Guide me in Your goodness to know that in You is all hope.  In You alone is my eternal future.  Help me to practice the law, learn how to love my neighbor, and humbly walk with You all the days of my life.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, May 25, 2024

“Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’” (Matthew 7:22)

Many do not see the Lord or think of him as someone real.  To them, He is just an idea.  People like this go through the motions, but they are so into themselves that they cannot see anyone but themselves.  They are not your friend either.  Sadly, too few die to self, take Jesus’ hand, and walk with Him.  It is not about performing miracles but walking with the Lord that matters.  Walk with the Lord.

Lord, there are times when all I can do is fake it.  Help me to come into a place of intentionality where I first engage with You and then I engage with my neighbor.  Help me to see that this is not some action, but a life that is to be lived in relationship.  Let Your truth permeate who I am and what I do.  Lord, You call for us all to be genuine and true to You and one another.

The hardest person for us to be truthful with is ourselves.  Lord Jesus, You are the truth and You have come to reveal all truth.  Open my heart.  I am afraid and I do not want to see the truth but open it up so that I can live in reality.  Help me to relate with You and others in truth.  Guide me in Your goodness so that I may humbly walk with You all the days of my life.  Be the One who leads me, Lord.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, May 24, 2024

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter” (Matthew 7:21).

Many are baptized.  Many go to church.  Many do what they do for their own reasons.  We are not called to live for ourselves, but to put on the mind of Christ and live according to the Father’s will.  Yes, we are saved through faith by grace, but that grace does not free us to do as we please.  We are called to be renewed into the likeness of Christ and become children of the heavenly Father.

Lord, help me to see that fine line between freedom and the law.  I know You give all the grace that is needed, but You also call us to live in accordance with the law You have given.  Let the separation between these two positions be clear and apparent.  Open my eyes to see so that I may learn how to walk the narrow path that You have set before me.  I need to learn how to be faithful.

Lord Jesus, You were faithful in all things, even unto Your death on the cross.  Guide me to pick up my cross and follow You wherever You lead.  Help me now and always to live into the life You have given me through the baptism You provided me.  Lead me according to the Father’s will so that I may come to be with You in heaven.  You know all that is needed.  Thank You for providing for my salvation through Your precious death on the cross and glorious resurrection.  Amen.


Devotion for Thursday, May 23, 2024

“Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  So then, you will know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:19-20).

If you end up being good for nothing, what would you expect?  We act in a way that fits who we are and what we are after.  Should it be otherwise?  Even in the world, many of us have a hard time with folk that do nothing.  Do not be led by the broad ways of this world, but by the narrow way of the Lord.  He calls for us to follow Him and He tells us that the fields are ripe for the harvest.  Go then into the field and bear fruit befitting the kingdom of heaven.

Lord, help me to understand this clearly, not doing what I do for my own sake, but for Your sake.  Turn my heart so that it longs to be about the Father’s business.  Through all that comes my way, let me see the opportunities to do what is right.  Guide me in the way of righteousness, bearing the fruit for which I was created.  Let me dwell deeply rooted in You.

Holy Spirit, You know where those places in my heart where I am hindered.  I know the Father will prune the unproductive branches.  Guide me, whether being pruned or at work, so that in all I do, I may be faithful to the tasks You are giving me.  Lead me to be a vine that bears good fruit.  Guide me in all I do this day so that I may look for those places where You have assignments for me.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, May 22, 2024

“So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit” (Matthew 7:17-18).

At the end of this age, it will be very apparent who has produced what.  We have many examples of those who have gone before, both good and bad.  Nothing remains a secret, for the track behind us tells others who we are.  You have before you the narrow way of everlasting life.  Jesus has called you by name and tells you that either you will be one who produces good fruit or else one who produces bad fruit.

Lord God, You have established the order of things.  We may argue in our speculations, but things will be as You have determined them to be.  Lead those who are on the journey of becoming like Christ to focus upon walking the path You have set before us.  Let us not be distracted by this world’s incessant measuring of results, but instead put all our energy into following You each day.

Lord Jesus, You say to each of us, “Come, follow me.”  Lead me this day so that You are the center of of my attention.  You will grow in me what You will grow in me.  You will produce from my life what You will produce.  You are the author and finisher of my faith.  Help me to keep my eyes upon You, my Lord and Savior.  Help me to make each step forward one that is taken with Your guidance.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, May 21, 2024

“You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they?” (Matthew 7:16)

Behavior matters.  It is not about being saved; Jesus does that.  It is about the sanctified character the Lord is creating in you.  If you are only outwardly a Christian, then you are not a Christ follower.  What you do reflects what you believe, and what you believe guides what you do.  Jesus tells us to bear fruit befitting the kingdom of God.  If you follow Christ, your acts will reflect the character of Christ.

Lord God, You have created all things, each according to their kind.  By Your grace, through faith, You are producing those who are being conformed to the image of Christ.  Help those who are on this journey to bear the good fruit You intend.  Let not the way of the world interfere or distract from the narrow way You have placed before all who are on the path of salvation.  Lead Your people in the way of Christ.

Lord Jesus, what You say is clear and makes sense.  I know these things in my head, but often become distracted and take side trails away from what You have said.  First, forgive my transgressions and second, lead me back onto the narrow way You have established.  Help me to keep my eyes upon You and not upon what is being produced.  Grow in me the good fruits of Your kingdom.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, May 20, 2024

“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15).

Be careful whose word you trust.  Many slip a little garbage in the mix.  A little pollution is all it takes, and you are off and running in the wrong direction.  In a lifetime it may not seem to make much difference.  If one thinks about eternity, a false direction may cause you to miss the mark entirely.  Be led in the way of Christ alone, and not the way of Jesus and something else.  Look to the Lord alone for all things.

Lord, I am enamored by words that tickle my ears.  I have been led astray.  Guide me in the way of everlasting life.  Keep my compass and direct me as You know I need to be directed.  Keep me from wandering or wavering so that I may humbly walk in the way You are directing. Grant me ears that hear clearly so that I may walk in the way of truth.  Help me to understand when someone is slipping something else in.

Jesus, You alone give the words of eternal life.  Lead me in the way You know I need to go.  Help me always to understand that only by the power of the Holy Spirit can I discern what is right and true.  Lead me now and always to walk humbly with you, avoiding any who would lead me astray.  May I now and always walk in the way of everlasting life which You alone give.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, May 19, 2024

“For the gate is narrow and the way is constricted that leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13).

We each have our part.  If we spend our days wandering, we will never find the gate.  If we will listen to Jesus, we have found the gate.  Many seem to hang out at the gate.  It seems many who have the church habit do this.  Do not just hang out, but go all the way in.  Go through the door and begin the journey again.  If you have been going the wrong way, turn back and then go the right way.

Lord, this makes sense.  I know how to make plans and go on a journey to some place.  I do not just head out but have a direction I know I need to go to get to where I am going.  Yet in life, I often wander.  What You are saying is not foreign to my mind, but something I do all the time.  Lead me to see in You alone the way of everlasting life.  Help me to understand the need to be intentional in what I am doing and the direction I am going.

Guide me Lord Jesus in the direction of my life, for You know the way I need to head.  Let me never walk back out of the gate but stay on the narrow path that You have set before me.  May I always walk the course that You set before me.  You have shown me the gate.  I have walked through.  Now lead me far down the way so that I walk with You all the days of my life.  You are my pilot, Lord.  Lead me always to safe harbor.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, May 18, 2024

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it” (Matthew 7:13).

The way of Jesus is one person wide. In this metaphor, Jesus reminds us to look to Him alone. So many are scrambling to find meaning and purpose when we have it right before us. The author of all life will take our hand and lead us. Why do you try to find purpose in lesser things? This does not mean you cannot enjoy the life Jesus has given you, but it does mean living as the Lord leads.

I have feared walking so closely with You Lord because I do not want my joy hampered. But I find the closer I walk with You, the more I see, experience, know, and above all else, find joy. I need to learn from You how life is meant to be lived. Guide me in the way of everlasting life and help me to live that life. Many do go the way of unthinking habits. You lead me in the way of truth and joy.

Lord Jesus, open my eyes to see and my ears to hear the truth that You have spoken from the beginning. Guide me now and always so that I may look to You and walk the path that You have set before me. May I now and always be led in Your goodness and mercy to know that You have given me the words of eternal life and that I need not look to any other place. Help me to always look to You for all things. Amen.