Devotion for Thursday, November 16, 2017

“In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid.  What can man do to me?”  (Psalm 56:10-11)

What can anyone do to you in the face of Almighty God who holds all things in His hand.  Yes, there are storms in this world, but learn from Jesus to be calm in the midst of every storm.  Though they kill you, yet will you live.  Trouble is for a time, but being in the truth of the Lord is forever.  Do not be swayed by temporary things, but live in the eternal truth of the Lord.

Lord, You know the times and seasons.  You know all that is needed.  Guide me according to Your never-changing Word to abide in You and You in me that I would walk humbly in all of Your ways.  Help me now and always to seek Your will in all things and know that You alone are to be thanked, praised and worshiped.  Guide me now and always in Your Holy Spirit.

Lord and Savior of all, You have come to lead the way for as many as would follow You.  Help me now and always to seek the Father’s will and walk humbly where You lead.  You have made clear the way I should go and You have given the direction – to hold Your hand – so I need not worry about what any day will bring.  Lead me, O Lord, that I may follow where You lead.  Amen.

Weekly Devotion for November 15, 2017

“Therefore encourage one another with these words.” (1 Thess. 4:18)

St. Paul didn’t act as though he had more than he really had.  He had words, and they were good words.  Words can open minds, console hearts, and change futures.  Words from God, founded on the acts of God, can do even greater things: they can raise the dead.

Here in central Wisconsin, we can know how words work just by looking at the great hunting season that unfolds this month.  Consider how much talk accompanies hunting; think of the photos that people post of their kill to illustrate the stories that they tell.  That conversation encourages hunters in their hope and accompanies them into the woods.

It’s a reflection of the greater glory of Jesus Christ.  His life has authored a deathless word, the Holy Gospel that not only speaks of forgiveness now but also of the world to come.  This holy Word we must steadily proclaim, more and more, to encourage one another and reveal to this present world that there is a happy future to be had.  In the end, that sacred conversation of the Church is the hope that will accompany souls into the woods, however dark the woods may be.

LET US PRAY: Speak, O Lord, we will hear You, for Your Word alone is life.  Amen

Pastor Steven K. Gjerde

Zion, Wausau

Devotion for Wednesday, November 15, 2017

“You have taken account of my wanderings; put my tears in Your bottle.  Are they not in Your book?  Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call; this I know, that God is for me.”  (Psalm 56:8-9)

The Lord knows the days of our life.  He knows what we need long before we ask.  He allows all the things that happen to occur for His purposes.  Trusting in the Lord is the result of faith and knowing that all things are in His hands is the truth.  Come then to the Lord and be not afraid.

Lord, all around me is the evidence of a world that is not quite right.  Help me, I pray, to see through the fog of this world the truth of Your Word.  Guide me according to Your never-failing principles to walk humbly on the earth knowing that You alone are God of all.  Your book is written and in it is that page onto which You have written me.  Guide me to live as You would have me live.

Lord Jesus, You are the author and finisher of the faith for all of those who come to You.  Lead me to follow and open my ears to speak as You speak that I would be guided by the truth of eternity.  Though all around me is chaos, settle my heart to simply trust in the grace You provide knowing that only in You is there hope and a future.  May I truly follow You all the days of my life.  Amen.

Weekly Devotional for November 19, 2017



Devotional for November 19, 2017 based upon Matthew 25: 14-30

In the parable for this morning Jesus is talking about money.  But He is talking about something far more important than money.  He is talking about life.  In the parable of the talents Jesus is giving us four principles on how we should invest our lives.

First, WE ARE GIVEN OPPORTUNITIES ACCORDING TO OUR ABILITIES.  The servants were not given the same amount.  To one servant the master entrusted five talents, to another two, and to another only one.  Just like in life today.  We do not all get equal opportunity because we do not all have equal ability, and we do not all share the same level of commitment.  

So sometimes, instead of looking at all the opportunities that God has given us, we look at all the opportunities that He has not given us.  We look at what He has given to someone else rather than to us.  So then, instead of making the most of what we do have, we fret over what we do not have.  Instead, what we need to do is to take inventory of all that we have been given and then ask ourselves, Am I investing it, or am I burying it?  

Most of us probably feel like either the two-talent guy or the one-talent guy.  Very few, if any of us, feel like the five-talent guy.   The difference in what the one-talent guy and the two-talent guy started out with was not all that much.  But the difference in what they ended up with was substantial.  And why?  Because one took what he had and made use of it, while the other one took what he had and buried it.  If God has given someone else more than He has given you, that is never an excuse to waste it.

SECOND, FAITHFULNESS IS ALWAYS REWARDED.  Did you notice that the master spoke the exact same words to the man who had been given two talents as he said to the man who had been given five talents?  “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.”  Both had been faithful with what they had been given.  So both of them were promoted.  Even though their original resources were not equal, their effort and faithfulness were equal.  Whether you are faithful with a little or faithful with a lot, faithfulness is always rewarded.

God is looking for those who will be faithful in the little things so that He can entrust them with bigger things.  In God’s economy, one of the biggest rewards for doing a good job is being given a bigger job.  Being responsible always leads to more responsibility.  

Third, THE ONLY REAL FAILURE IN LIFE IS GIVING UP AND DOING NOTHING.  The servant who had received only one talent might have thought, “What if I were to take this money and lose it?  It’s a whole lot safer just to do nothing.”  So that is what he did – nothing.

The other two servants had doubled the master’s money.  Maybe that was something that the third servant was not able to do.  What could he do?  He could have taken the master’s money and put it into a low-risk, low-return account.  So when the master returned, he could have said, “I know my colleagues doubled your money.  I do not have the ability to do that.  So I did do what I could do.  I put your money into a safe account at a safe bank, and the amount has increased by 3 % a year.”  What do you think the master would have said then?  I believe that if that truly was the best that third servant could do, then the master would have said to him exactly the same thing that he said to the others – “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  The reason why the master was so angry with this third servant was because he had just buried the talent and had done nothing.  He did not even try.  

Someone once said, Our greatest regrets at the end of our lives will be all the missed opportunities.  We will grieve far more over what we did not do than over what we did do.  The only real failure in life is giving up and doing nothing.  Because when we do nothing, we close the door to the possibility of God’s doing something really special in and through us.

Today, as you look back on your life, do you realize that you have squandered some opportunities that God has given you in the past?  Do you realize that you have some ability that lies buried in the sand?  If that is the case, then get out that shovel and start digging.  Unbury what you have buried and put it to use.  Do what you can with what you have left.  For accomplishing a little is far, far better than accomplishing nothing at all.  The only real failure in life is giving up and doing nothing.

And then, fourth, USE IT OR LOSE IT.  In Jesus’ parable the master said, “So take the talent from him, and give it to the one with the ten talents.  For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.”  You have been given certain skills – certain abilities.  The more you use them, the better you will get at them.  But if you do not use them, you will eventually lose even what you do have.  

And then I would like to close by looking at five words that Jesus used to describe what the one who had been given the five talents did.  HE WENT OFF AT ONCE.  He went off at once and traded them and made five talents more.  He went off at once.  He got started immediately.  Whatever it is that you want to accomplish in your life – whatever it is in your life that you want to change – whatever it is that you feel God is calling you to do – do something about it today.  To finish it and to fully complete it may take days, weeks, months, even years.  Get started and do something about it today.  

Dennis D. Nelson

President of the Board and Director of Lutheran CORE

Devotion for Tuesday, November 14, 2017

“They attack, they lurk, they watch my steps, as they have waited to take my life.  Because of wickedness, cast them forth, in anger put down the peoples, O God!”  (Psalm 56:6-7)

All around are those who mean harm.  Yes, there are wicked people in the guise of everyday normal people.  Do not fear and do not fret over them.  Their time is short but the Word of the Lord is forever.  Look to the Lord, be guided by His Spirit and know the truth He revealed once for all.  The peoples will be put down and the Lord lifted up.  Keep your eyes upon the Lord.

Lord, You know the times and events and the ways of people.  Guide me, O Lord, that I would walk in the ways You have established now and forever.  Keep me from the tangles of the wicked ones who plot to lie, cheat, steal and destroy.  Lead me in the way of life that I would go there.  Help me now and always to be one who studies Your Word to see the simplicity and goodness of Your commands.

Lord Jesus, without You it would be impossible, but with You it is possible.  You are the One who makes my salvation possible.  Lead me away from the foolish thinking of this age and into the truth You have revealed for all.  Grow my faith to become action, firmly witnessing Your goodness in the world and guiding my footsteps to be pleasing to the Father.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, November 13, 2017

“In God, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid.  What can mere man do to me?  All day long they distort my words; all their thoughts are against me for evil.”  (Psalm 56:4-5)

Word twisting is nothing new.  It has been done from the beginning.  Pay attention to what the Lord has said, straight up, and praise Him as you have been created to praise.  Do not mind the ones who distort the truth, but live in the truth of the Word which has been revealed and know that God is good and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.  Think on God’s goodness.

Lord, all around me are those who seek my acceptance of them and their ways.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way I should go that I would hold fast to Your Word of truth knowing that in You alone is there hope and a future.  Let my lips praise You all the day long and I will forever look only to You as the source of life.  Shield my ears from the false ways of the wicked ones of this world that I may hold fast to Your Word.

Lord Jesus, You have come that I may have life and have it abundantly.  My mind is affected by the twisted words of this world.  Clear my mind to hear the straight truth of Your Word which is from everlasting.  Help me keep things simple and listen to what You have to say.  You are the author and finisher of my faith.  Lead me in the way I should go and I will follow You.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, November 12, 2017

“Be gracious to me, O God, for man has trampled upon me; fighting all day long he oppresses me.  My foes have trampled upon me all day long, for they are many who fight proudly against me.  When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.”  (Psalm 56:1-3)

The noise of this world is constant.  We hear many things, of which many are not good.  So many opinions strike us that we become confused and do not know what to believe.  Clear the way for my mind, O Lord, to see Your goodness and walk in Your ways.  Guide me according to Your goodness to walk in Your ways, and listen to and obey the sweet music of Your Word

Lord, You know what is needed and at just the right time You have come to save those who would turn to You.  Lead me in the way I should go that I would go that way.  Come into my heart and renew it to be a heart after Your own.  In Your goodness, guide me according to Your will to simply trust in Your leading and do what it is that You give me to do.  Help me, Mighty Savior.

“My Lord and my God”,  is what Thomas said of You, Lord Jesus.  Until the final action for this sinner, let me see that bowing to You will help me discern that You have saved all that come to You for grace.  Guide me in the goodness You bring that I would walk in Your ways.  Strip away my pretensions and lift me up according to the Father’s will to walk all the days of my life with You alone.  Amen.

Weekly Devotional for November 12, 2017


Devotional for November 12, 2017 based upon Matthew 25: 1-13

At one point all ten had brightly burning lamps. All ten had oil. But five ran out of oil. So five were not ready when the bridegroom came.

All ten had lights. Which probably were not some kind of small clay vessel with a little wick sticking out. Small clay vessels do not use much oil, but they also would not have been able to put out much light for a wedding party. They probably were torches – long poles with rags soaked in olive oil tied at the top. That kind of a torch produces a lot of light, but it also consumes a lot of oil, so the rags would have to be re-soaked in oil every certain number of minutes.

The oil that enables us to live our Christian lives is abundant. We can all be filled with the Holy Spirit every day. There is no energy shortage in heaven. And the oil is free. It has already all been paid for. But still, if we want our lives to keep on shining, we must receive a daily in-filling of God’s Holy Spirit. And so, in verse 4, “The wise took flasks of oil with their lamps.” The wise had reserve oil. The wise enjoyed a deep, personal experience of the grace of Jesus. The wise had a deeper prayer life – a deeper Bible study life. The wise had a depth to their faith – a depth in their relationship with Jesus – that the five foolish bridesmaids did not have.

Verse 5 tells us, “As the bridegroom was delayed, all of them became drowsy and slept.” All ten had thought that the bridegroom would have been there a lot sooner. But he wasn’t there. So they became drowsy and slept. Preparing for a wedding can wear you out. There’s a lot that goes into getting ready for a wedding. Not just the bride – and the bride’s mother – but also the bridesmaids spend hours and hours getting ready for the wedding. No wonder brides and bridesmaids get all stressed out and tired out. Even the five wise bridesmaids were so tired that they fell asleep because of the delay.

Spiritually are you asleep? Are you asleep even though you know that the King of kings is coming? True, there has been a delay. Jesus the Bridegroom has not come yet. And yet the longer the delay, the closer we are to the time of His coming.

Verse 6 tells us, “But at midnight there was a shout, ‘Look! Here is the bridegroom! Come out and meet him!’” When did the bridegroom come? At midnight. Jesus will return at the darkest time of the night. Jesus will come to you in your darkest hour. Sometimes I wonder how much darker it could get than it is right now. The bridegroom will come at midnight. In our hour of deepest need – at a time of greatest spiritual darkness – Jesus Christ will come.

Verse 7 – “Then all the bridesmaids got up and trimmed their lamps.” All ten bridesmaids needed to refill their lamps with oil. But only the wise had brought along spare reserves of oil. What is that extra oil? It is an extra measure of God’s presence and grace in your life. It is the depth and strength of faith that you need to live in those toughest of times.

Christian parents and grandparents may wish that they could just give their faith to their children and grandchildren. And many Christian people wish that they could transfer their Christian faith to their non-believing husband or wife. But each person must go to the source for himself or herself. The Christian faith can neither be transferred nor sold. Each must get the saving oil straight from the source.

No one can be a Christian for you. Your parent or grandparent can’t. Your spouse can’t. Your best friend can’t. And even your pastor can’t. We all have to get our own oil.

In the same way, if you wait until you really need it to get that saving and strengthening relationship with Jesus – if you wait until midnight, you may have waited too long. The Bible says, Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day to restock on oil. Today is the day to make your life right with Jesus. If you wait until midnight, you may have waited too long.

What about you? Is your lamp getting dimmer? Is your light beginning to flicker? Is your walk with Jesus lacking or even non-existent? Are you spiritually asleep? Don’t wait too long.

In verse 13 Jesus concludes this parable by saying, “Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” I want to be there and ready. And I want you to be there and ready too. I want all of us to be seated at that table that will spread for miles in God’s great heavenly banquet room. Jesus, our Bridegroom and Host, will be there to welcome us. So what should we do? Before your lamp begins to go out – on a regular basis – stop and get a fresh supply. Daily repent of your sins and receive God’s grace. Daily renew your relationship with Jesus. And always remember – we all have to get our own oil.

Dennis D. Nelson

President of the Board and Director of Lutheran CORE

Devotion for Saturday, November 11, 2017

“His speech was smoother than butter, but his heart was war; his words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.  Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.  But You, O God, will bring them down to the pit of destruction; men of bloodshed and deceit will not live out half their days.  But I will trust in You.”  (Psalm 55:21-23)

 Cast your burden upon the Lord.  Do you trust the Lord in all things and through all things?  Yes, those in the world speak with smooth lips and they manipulate you to bring you away from trusting the Lord, but do not trust the one whose heart is against the ways of the Lord.  Those who go the way of destruction plot their own doom.  Those who seek the Lord will find His mercy and grace.


Lord this is a world filled with wickedness, yet also Your goodness is revealed every day.  In a world filled with persuasive evils, help me to see the simplicity of the goodness You have spoken from the beginning.  Guide me in Your ways, O Lord, that I would walk in them.  Close my ears to the wickedness of the world, but open them to the sweetness of Your mercy and grace.


Jesus, my Savior, grace Incarnate, guide me in the way I should go and open my ears to hear Your Word when You speak.  Grant that I may have a discerning heart to know when things are amiss.  Lead me to be gracious to others as You are gracious to me.  Help me understand more fully the Gospel way and live that way all the days of my life.  Lead me, for You alone know what is needed.  Amen.


Devotion for Friday, November 10, 2017

“God will hear and answer them – even the one who sits enthroned from of old – with whom there is no change, and who do not fear God.  He has put forth his hands against those who were at peace with him; he has violated his covenant.”  (Psalm 55:19-20)


The Lord is unchanging.  There are times where the wicked seem to be free to do their wickedness, but the time comes when, for them, there is no more peace.  Do not be deceived, all things are in the Lord’s hands and in Him is the hope of eternity.  He shall prevail.  The Lord offers the promise to all, but only for those who come into His covenant does He fulfill the covenant.


Lord, let me not be wrapped up in the ways of the wicked, but instead, walk according to Your never changing Word.  Lead me in the way of righteousness, that I may go as You lead.  Help me discern the difference so I may see plainly Your way of truth and walk in the counsel of Your Word.  Guide me according to Your goodness to understand more clearly the things You would have me do.


Lord Jesus, without You and the grace You give it would be impossible.  Help me now and always to live according to the never-changing way You have established in the creation.  Guide me by Your light to walk in the way I should go that I may not veer from the narrow path of life You lay before me.  Help me now and always to seek Your way for my life and listen to Your counsel.  Amen.