Deathless Courage

“We know that Christ being raised from the dead will never die again; death no longer has dominion over Him.” (Romans 6:9)

This past Christmas, as we prepared for company, I offered to get the relish tray for my wife.  “You can’t,” she said.  “It broke last year.  Remember?”  So it goes: after 20 years, some of our wedding gifts are wearing out or breaking, a little reminder that most things don’t last forever.  

Yet one thing does: the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Can we even imagine it, a life utterly free of death?  Death sets the boundaries of our life in ways that we don’t even stop to consider, yet Christ’s life has no limits—“death no longer has dominion over Him!”

What such a life really is, we do not yet know.  Yet we know this: the gifts that Jesus gives, coming from this deathless Man, endure forever.  The Name He gives you in Baptism, the forgiveness He declares to you, the feast He sets for you—these things remain true, even at the graveside.  They are eternal life.

LET US PRAY: Immortal God, who became our flesh that we may rise in the flesh and live forever: by the Spirit of Your resurrection, grant us courage.  Banish our fears in the face of death, and free us for faithful service in Your Name, by which we pray.  Amen

Pastor Steven K. Gjerde

Zion, Wausau

Devotion for Wednesday, January 10, 2018

“You made men ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water, yet You brought us out into a place of abundance.  I shall come into Your house with burnt offerings; I shall pay You my vows,” (Psalm 66:12-13)

Things will happen in this life, things that we do not like or even at the time understand, but the Lord is still Sovereign.  To whom will you give your loyalty?  Will it be to yourself, another or the One who created all things.  Loyalty does not depend upon circumstances for the righteous but upon truth which the Lord of Creation IS.  Come to the Lord who is Sovereign over all.

Lord my loyalties do wander about and I am circumstantial in my alliances.  Guide me to be loyal to truth and to You who is truth.  Lead me into a life that recognizes the toils and troubles in this life but perseveres through all knowing that You are the One who is leading me.  Guide me in Your truth that I would forever hold fast to what You have revealed once for all through Your Word.

Lord Jesus, You know how difficult it is to navigate through this world filled with rebellion.  You have come to save me from myself and the other things that would get in the way of the simple truth that You alone are Lord and Savior.  Guide me, Lord Jesus, through each of the difficulties that will come my way knowing that in You I have hope and a future.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, January 9, 2018

“For You have tried us, O God; You have refined us as silver is refined.  You brought us into the net; You laid an oppressive burden upon our loins.”  (Psalm 66:8-9)

Have you ever thought of the purpose of all the difficulties you have experienced in life?  Not  tests, nor punishments, but they do serve a purpose in helping shape who you are.  All things work together for good and the Lord is purposeful with life.  Look to the Lord who is much smarter than we often even begin to think He is and know that the author of life looks out for you.

Lord, guide me to see a little more clearly that You are not some infantile imagining but the Sovereign of all things.  Help me know that nothing happens that You are not aware of and that You care for Your creation more than we can begin to imagine.  Help me now and always to simply look to You, and give thanks for Your goodness and guidance in all things.

Lord Jesus, God in the flesh, You allowed some of the worst things that could happen to anyone to happen to You.  Through them You accomplished what You desired for us all.  Through Your salvation, guide me to see more clearly the truth of the ages, knowing that of course all things are in Your hands and You have it all under control.  Lead me to be thankful for all that You do.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, January 8, 2018

“Bless our God, O peoples, and sound His praise abroad, who keeps us in life and does not allow our feet to slip.”  (Psalm 66:8-9)

The Lord watches over the nations and knows the times and seasons as they unfold.  He who keeps watch over you never slumbers nor sleeps.  He who put the stars upon their course knows each of us intimately.  He has called you to witness His majesty to the nations.  He gives life and keeps us alive.  He who watches over you will guide you all the days of your life.

Lord, in the turmoil of this world I see the ways in which men go to and fro and wind up going nowhere.  Lead me through the simple truth that this is Your world and that Your purposes shall prevail.  Guide me according to those principles to walk humbly with You now and always.  Keep me from going astray and help me through the obstacles that come my way that I may be faithful to You always.

Lord Jesus, You know the difficulty of this world and the ways in which many can and do lead people astray.  Help me now and always to see in You the hope You provide through the grace You purchased that I may walk in the way You have created for the faithful.  I need You to save me from this world, Jesus.  Save me and lead me now and always, keeping my eyes fixed upon You.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, January 7, 2018

“He turned the sea into dry land; they passed through the river on foot; there let us rejoice in Him!  He rules by His might forever; His eyes keep watch on the nations; let not the rebellious exalt themselves.”  (Psalm 66:6-7)

There are those who are unwilling to believe these simple things.  God led the Israelites out of bondage and into the promised  land.  God can dry up the water.  God keeps His eyes upon the nations.  The rebellious will speak what they wish but God has spoken what is true.  You and I are called to witness what has been reported.  What is true?  Let not the rebellious be exalted.

O Lord, how majestic are the works of Your hands.  All around is the evidence of Your handiwork, but the rebellious rail against You and dream up their own ideas of reality.  Lead me away from the rebellion and into the simple truth which I see all around me.  Guide me according to Your precepts that I would walk in the ways You have established.  Lead me, O Lord, now and always.

Lord Jesus You are the strength of those who labor in the fields of this earth.  Many toil away and believe and the few argue away and lead astray many.  Help me to stand firm in the truth I have witnessed that the rebellious ones would have no sway over me.  Lead me to hold fast to the eternal truth You have revealed and the faith You have given me by grace that I may walk with You.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, January 6, 2018

Saturday, January 6, 2018 Devotion

“All the earth will worship You, and will sing praises to You; they will sing praises to Your name.” Come and see the works of God, who is awesome in His deeds toward the sons of men.”  (Psalm 66:4-5)

Stop listening to the noise of the world and look around. What do you see? Is not the earth and all that is in it marvelous and wondrous? Do you not see the intricacy and beauty all around? What then shall be said to those who cannot see but make noise? His deeds are above our ability to comprehend just as the beauty that surrounds us. Marvel at the Lord and His handiwork.

Lord, I give in to all the talk that goes on around me but do not marvel at the things before me.  Guide me, O Lord, into Thy ways that I would see Your work and marvel at all that You have done.  Lead my eyes to see and my ears to hear that I may praise You as one of Your own creations.  You Lord are the Creator of the universe and all things are in Your hands.  Guide me in Your providence.

Lord Jesus, You walked humbly among us.  The disciples marveled that even the seas would obey You.  Yet You are the One who created all things and it should have been no marvel.  Let me marvel instead that You would walk humbly with us to lead us to the Father.  Let me marvel at the work You have accomplished and praise You now and always.  You are the Lord of Salvation and the One who leads.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, January 5th, 2018

Friday January 5, 2018 Devotion

Shout joyfully to God, all the earth; sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious.  Say to God, “How awesome are Your works!  Because of the greatness of Your power Your enemies will give feigned obedience to You.”  (Psalm 66:1-2)

The Creator of all things is the One through whom all things have their being.  To give thanks and praise to the One who made you should be a natural and good thing.  Alas, in a world of rebellion, the creatures glorify themselves and ignore the One who made them.  The Lord will not force any to praise Him but looks for those who will because He is good.

Lord I understand the principle but find myself in the struggle where I see You not as the One to be praised but as an object outside of myself.  Lead me, O Lord, that I may be led by Your goodness and walk in Your ways which are right.  Help me see through the cloud of sin in this world to do that which is natural; that is, to praise You in all circumstances and sing Your glory.

To You, Lord Jesus , is all honor and praise due.  You have come not only to lead the way, but to provide the very things that are needed to bridge the gap between what is and what will be.  Lead me now and always to seek through You the glory of the Father in the grace You provide which enables me to do all things.  To You be praise and glory and honor and dominion now and forever.  Amen.


Devotion for Thursday, January 4th, 2018

Thursday, January 4, 2018 Devotion

“You have crowned the year with Your bounty, and Your paths drip with fatness.  The pastures of the wilderness drip, and the hills gird themselves with rejoicing.  The meadows are clothed with flocks and the valleys are covered with grain; they shout for joy, yes, they sing.”  (Psalm 65:11-13)

In every season you can see the hand of the Lord.  Life is created, sustained and given bounty in spite of all human interference.  God provides and keeps the balance.  Do not be deceived, for the mocker will claim it is chance; but the hand of the Lord is clearly seen for all who will look.  Look, see and rejoice in God your Savior who provides for even the birds of the air.

Lord, I get caught up in the propaganda of this age which continuously throws things my way so that I am unable to think clearly.  Help me see that You have provided for all of our needs and have done so amply.  Guide my thinking to see each day the joy of the bounty You give that I may be one who praises You in all circumstances.  You are good and Your goodness shines through each day.

Lord, the greatest bounty of all is the grace You purchased from the cross.  You gave Yourself that all who look and see may look upon You and see the invitation to come and join with You forever.  Lead my heart to follow after You, Lord Jesus, knowing that You have come to lead the way into the greatest bounty of all.  Help me walk through, around or over every obstacle to remain with You.  Amen.


Devotional for the Baptism of our Lord, January 7, 2018


Devotional for the Baptism of Our Lord, January 7, 2018

based upon Mark 1: 4-11

If you have ever been to Sea World then you know that there are certain sections in the seating that they always give you fair warning about.  If you sit too close – in fact, if you sit anywhere in the entire front half – at what used to be the Shamu show, you will certainly get wet.  And not only wet, you will get totally soaked.  Which is why they call that area the Soak Zone.

I remember going to the Shamu show at Sea World in San Diego.  Shamu and several of his friends lined up around the perimeter of the pool and then, with their heads down in the water, used their flukes to totally splash the people in the stands.  You just know that those whales were totally enjoying it.  But many of the people were not enjoying it.  Not only because they were now soaked to the bone and the water is very cold, salty, and smells like fish, but also because of all their non-waterproof and expensive camera and video equipment.  

But then there were the children and young people who had gathered right at the edge of the pool in the hope and expectation that they will get soaked.  They squealed with joy as the water drenched them.  Unlike the people with the expensive camera equipment, they took great delight in their cold, wet, salty, and smelly soaking by Shamu.

Through our baptisms, we have been called by God to Living in the Soak Zone.  And yet I notice that a lot of people want to avoid the Soak Zone, just like at Sea World.  What does it mean to live in the Soak Zone?  What all is involved with being baptized into Jesus Christ?  The apostle Paul wrote to the Romans, “We were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that, as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” (6: 4)  What does that mean?  What is it like Living in the Soak Zone?  I can think of three things.

First, LIVING IN THE SOAK ZONE – BEING BAPTIZED – IS ABOUT BEGINNING ANEW.  It is about having a fresh start.  According to the apostle Paul, we emerge from baptism to “walk in newness of life.”  Baptism transforms us.  Having been baptized, we are to think, speak, act, and live in ways that represent Christ to the world.  Living in the Soak Zone – baptism – transforms selfishness into generosity, prejudice into love, and hesitancy into boldness.  Does all that happen the moment we are baptized?  No.  But these are the kinds of things that happen to us as we continue to live in the Soak Zone.  The Christian life is an ongoing transformation in which we continue to be shaped by the presence of Christ within us.

Second, LIVING IN THE SOAK ZONE – BEING BAPTIZED – IS ABOUT BEING INCLUDED.  Through our baptisms we are included in the body of Jesus Christ.  Through our baptisms we receive a love that draws us in and holds us together.  It is a love that enables us to disagree without being disagreeable.  The waters of baptism are not only the means for the cleansing of sin. They also have the power to break down barriers between people.  Living in the Soak Zone, we share a common relationship with our Lord Jesus, in which old divisions and old designations no longer apply.  

Third, LIVING IN THE SOAK ZONE – BEING BAPTIZED – IS ABOUT BEING CALLED TO SERVICE.  With baptism comes the Holy Spirit, and with the Holy Spirit come gifts that are to be used in the service of God.  Too many view ministry just as something that the pastor and the other paid church staff do.  But according to the Bible, ministry is the work in which all baptized believers are to become involved in response to the call of God and Christ’s claim on our lives.  Baptism marked the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, and baptism also marks our call into ministry.  When we enter the household of God, we do so with the belief that God has called each one of us to some particular work that will utilize our gifts for building up the body of Christ and for making a better world.

And so, like the people at the Shamu show, we get a rather thorough soaking from the Holy Spirit at our baptisms.  Some will decide that they are not particularly fond of cold, salty, smelly water.  Especially if it costs them something – like their lives.  Which is a whole lot more costly than just expensive camera and video equipment.  And so they will do their best to move as quickly as they can out of the Soak Zone.  

Others will be like the children and young people, who gather at the edge of the pool and take great delight in being thoroughly soaked.  Even though the water is cold and salty and smells like fish, they will take great delight in following Jesus – even when following Him will take them out of their comfort zone into the Soak Zone of the Holy Spirit.

So how about you?  How do you feel about having been placed in the Soak Zone through your baptism?  Do you want to get out of it – and as quickly as possible?  Or do you take great delight in knowing that God is your Father, who gives you new beginnings, who has included you in His family, and who has called you into His service?

Dennis D. Nelson

President of the Board and Director of Lutheran CORE

The Wonders of His Love

“ . . . so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known.” (Ephesians 3:10)

Christ Jesus, the wisdom of God: how manifold, indeed!  In Him, the creation itself shines in a new light: first, the light of God’s profound generosity (that He who lacks nothing should create anything at all!), and second, the light of our own purpose, that we (with all creation!) were created through Him and for Him.   Yet there is still more.

Faith in this wisdom, such faith as cherishes and adores Him, renews our minds.  Do you want to be broad-minded without being thick-headed?  Follow the Lord who so loved the world that He gave His life for it, even bore its sin.  Such wisdom teaches us to love in kind, with consideration for sin and its consequences, yet with the hope of forgiveness and a new life—and there is still more!

For if God created this manifold creation in its wonder, and then more wonderfully redeemed it, what shall the new creation be, the home of righteousness?  What wisdom have we not yet known—or as Jonathon Edwards put it, what colors have we not yet seen, and what sounds have we not yet heard?  Winter may be a time for dreaming, but Christmas and Epiphany—they are a time for wonder, and for praising God in His manifold wisdom.

LET US PRAY: Your wisdom transcends all things, O Lord, and yet marvelously upholds them, even as Your Son graciously dwells among His Church and nourishes it with His own body and blood.  Accept my praise and thanksgiving, O God, and renew me in Your light; through the Light of the world, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Pastor Steven K. Gjerde

Zion, Wausau