Devotion for Friday, November 9, 2018

“But You are the same, and Your years will not come to an end. “The children of Your servants will continue, and their descendants will be established before You.” (Psalm 102:27-28)


The Lord is the same today, yesterday, tomorrow and forever. He who knows all things is unchanging and He is not inside of time. The passage of time means change. Time and space were invented by Him. Know that it is He who established you and He will establish those who come after you. Trust in the Lord who is forever and be comforted that His all-knowing, all-seeing, truth is with You and all who trust in Him.

Lord, there are parts of what You speak that I can only begin to fathom. I can say the words, but the reality is something I am unable to grasp. Lead me, O Lord, into the truth of Your provision that I would humbly submit to the reality that You are the One in whom all things have their being. Guide me in Your goodness to know that without You I am nothing but that I can do all things through You. 

Lead me, Lord Jesus, in the way of salvation. Guide me through this life to see the hope of eternity no matter what comes. Guide me in the truth of Your will and way that I may grow each day according to Your grace and mercy. In and through all things, help me to realize that it is only through You that anything in this life makes sense. Thank You for Your salvation. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, November 8, 2018

“Of old You founded the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. “Even they will perish, but You endure; and all of them will wear out like a garment; like clothing You will change them and they will be changed.” (Psalm 102:25-26)


Everything you see in this creation is temporary. The Lord God is forever. Do you place your hope on that which is temporary or are you looking to the One who is forever. Come into the Lord’s presence and know that He who formed You knows you by name. He has called you into His presence to be with Him now and forever. Be guided by His ways and know the life into which You are called.

Lord, Your Word speaks clearly of the things You have made. It also speaks of the reality of eternity. You have called me to come into Your will and walk according to Your ways. Lead me, O Lord, in the way of salvation that I may abide in You now and forever. Lift up my countenance to see more clearly each day the way You would have me go that I may go Your way.

Holy Spirit, lead me by the grace You have provided that I may today and every day grow into the image of Christ my Savior. Teach me what I need to learn and remove the obstacles that get in the way that I may now and always walk the narrow path that leads to eternal life. May I abide in Your presence and I ask that You abide in me that I may be directed according to the Father’s will. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, November 7, 2018

He has weakened my strength in the way; He has shortened my days. I say, “O my God, do not take me away in the midst of my days, Your years are throughout all generations.” (Psalm 102:23-24)


We each have the desires of our heart. We want more years in which to do the things that compel us. Yet, behind this desire is the call of eternity. Yes, relish this life that you have been given, but know also that you were created for eternity. Care for this life as you prepare for the eternity to which you have been called in and through the One who is eternal.

Lord, this life You have given me is filled with conflict. Guide me, O Lord, in the way of eternity that I may learn how to become like Christ. Lead me through this life as I learn the way You have shown through grace. Guide me, Lord, that I may now and always live the way that is pleasing in Your sight. O Lord, keep me in You and Your way now and always.

Lord Jesus, this life is fleeting and temporary. You have come to lead the way that all who are in You would learn from You and be transformed by You. Guide me now and always in the grace I need to live into the life to which You have called me and for which You have prepared the way. May I always remain in You by listening to the Spirit as You speak and guide me. Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, November 6, 2018

“That men may tell of the name of the Lord in Zion and His praise in Jerusalem, when the peoples are gathered together, and the kingdoms, to serve the Lord.” (Psalm 102:21-22)


What is our purpose? Why did the Lord create us? We are to love the Lord and our neighbor – serving the Lord and serving one another knowing that He also has been serving us. It is not about self alone, but also the community in which you find yourself. The community begins with the Lord. Be gathered together and live in the realm of Zion. Know the Lord and know yourself.

Lord, this world is very isolating. There are people all around, yet I see that many, including myself, are often very isolated and alone. Help me, O Lord, to see that in You alone is the hope of life, for You created it. Guide me into the life which You have given by grace that I may live into the eternal life that You have promised. May I always serve You and my neighbor according to Your purpose.

Come, Holy Spirit, and guide me in the goodness of the life of one who dwells in Zion. Let Your name be on my lips and Your presence evident to those around me. May I do the bidding of the Father and learn to delight in the life into which I have been called. Grant that I be bold in faith and firm in conviction, gracious in action and loving to all who are around me, according to Your will . Amen.

Devotion for Monday, November 5, 2018

“For He looked down from His holy height; from heaven the Lord gazed upon the earth, to hear the groaning of the prisoner, to set free those who were doomed to death,” (Psalm 102:19-20)


All have sinned and the wages of sin is death. We are born into a prison camp with a death sentence upon us. The Lord has come in His mercy to give grace that all who turn to Him would have the sentence commuted that they would join with the Lord in eternity. The doom has been removed, though we remain still in the camp filled with those under the death sentence.

Lord, help me to see through the nonsense of this world to live into the purpose for which You have created me. Guide me according to Your goodness to live into my call. You have given me grace upon grace that I may know that You are God and there is no other. Lead me into a life of praise and thanks in which I may do what is pleasing in Your sight. Place praise upon my lips and love in my heart.

Lord Jesus, by Your example and through Your grace, help me now and always to see You first each and every day. Guide me into the life to which I have been called and teach me every step of the way. May my heart be pliable to You and my attitude receptive to all that You teach. Lead me today to grow in becoming a child of the Heavenly Father to His praise forever. Amen

Devotion for Sunday, November 4, 2018

“He has regarded the prayer of the destitute and has not despised their prayer. This will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord.” (Psalm 102:17-18)


A people yet created will praise the Lord. There are amongst all of those in the world, from every tribe and tongue, those who praise the Lord. God’s Word has gone out and not come back void. Be amongst those from all around the globe who lift up their voices knowing that He hears and answers. Give your response by praising the One who has made you and holds you in His hands.

Lord, amidst the cacophony of this world, Your voice rings true. Let me hear Your Word above all the noise of this world that I may sing your praises with my life. Lead me, O Lord, in the way of eternal life that by grace I may move forward according to Your good and gracious plan. Help me now and always to see Your goodness and mercy and know that I am always in Your hands.

Lord Jesus, You came to pave the way for a people not yet born to walk in the way You have established so as to be amongst those who will be in Zion. Lead me into Your congregation that I would now and always praise You above all the gods of this world and be transformed into Your perfect image. Help me this day by reminding me that all of my prayers are heard and answered. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, November 3, 2018

“So the nations will fear the name of the Lord and all the kings of the earth Your glory. For the Lord has built up Zion; He has appeared in His glory.” (Psalm 102:15-16)


The nations do fear the Lord. In those places where the faithful are attacked for clinging to what the Lord has taught, do not take it personally, but do see how much the Lord is reviled. Rebellion has increased and there are many who do not want to be reminded that God is Lord of all. But He has been made known to you and calls for you to walk in His goodness and mercy all the days of this life.

Lord, I often take things personally and do not see that You are not only always present, but also still Sovereign over all that You have made. Of course those who hate You rebel and want no reminder of You before them. Help me to see more clearly the battle of this age and to walk in Your presence humbly as one of Your redeemed. May the reflection of Your glory shine through me always.

Holy Spirit, I sometimes want to navigate through what is happening around me. Instead, help me to trust in Your leading that I would humbly submit as You direct and not worry about the outcomes. Guide me in the grace given that I may this day walk as You direct and do those things which are pleasing to You always. May I be found reflecting the glory of the Father this day. Amen.

Devotion for Friday, November 2, 2018

“You will arise and have compassion on Zion; for it is time to be gracious to her, for the appointed time has come. Surely Your servants find pleasure in her stones and feel pity for her dust.” (Psalm 102:13-14)


Whenever you see the word “Zion,” think of those who walk in the way of the Lord. Focus upon your walk and do not worry so much about the others, who is and who isn’t walking with the Lord. The Lord has promised to work all things together for those who love the Lord, for Zion. God’s goodness and grace is given to those who are walking with Him, yet there will be troubles in this age for all.

Lord, I often become so conditional in my desire to have things go the way I think they should go. Help me, I pray, to see in You the hope of eternity. Often, in spite of the difficulty of this age, I forget that You are working all things together for good. Help me, I pray, to see in You the eternal hope of glory and know that in You is life and liberty and direction. You have already provided all that is needed.

Lord Jesus, You have come that Zion may have grace. Guide me through the grace You give that I may walk humbly with You through all things. Lead me to not be anxious, but instead to be bold in faith, humble in attitude and willing to do all that You give me to do. Lead me, O Lord, in the way I should go that I may now and always walk with You into eternity. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, November 1, 2018

“My days are like a lengthened shadow, and I wither away like grass. But You, O Lord, abide forever, and Your name to all generations.” (Psalm 102:11-12)


The time in this age is short. If one thinks of eternity, the time is but a moment, the exhaust of a breath. Why do you strive for what is temporary? Why do you worry about things that are momentary? Come into the eternal presence of the One who made you and walk humbly before your God. Know that He knows all whom He has made and has called all to walk in His presence.

Lord, teach me the way of eternal life. I have the moments of time in this age with all of its difficulties, but You have promised that they have purpose. Lead me to walk the way You know I need to walk that I may now and always live into the life to which You are calling me. Guide me each day, for each day has enough challenges of its own. May I walk humbly before You always.

Holy Spirit, transform my heart that I would live into the life to which I have been called. Guide me, O Lord, that I may now and always live the life You have created for me to live. You know what is needed in every moment. Help me to listen to You and not be distracted by the noise and nonsense of this world. Lead me by Your grace in this age to become perfect in the next. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, October 31, 2018

“For I have eaten ashes like bread and mingled my drink with weeping because of Your indignation and Your wrath, for You have lifted me up and cast me away.” (Psalm 102:9-10)


The Lord cannot tolerate sin, yet sin is all around in this age. Sin is sloppy and it does much damage to those who are around the sinner. Do see more clearly, how difficult the sin issue is before railing against the Lord. All have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, yet God has provided forgiveness for the repentant sinner. Come into His mercy and do not blame Him for what others do.

Lord, I know some of my own sin, but often look at others and rail against them. Help me to simply live in the grace You have given me that I may walk humbly in Your presence. Lead me, O Lord, in the way You alone know I need to go. You know the plans You have and they are eternal, but I am currently temporal. Guide me in the way of life and true liberty.

Lord Jesus, without You all would be lost and salvation would be impossible. Guide me, O Lord, in the way of living that leads to eternal life. Help me now and always to see in You the way out of the mess of sin. It will not be fully done in this age, so help me to recognize the need to prepare. May I now and always look to You for the strength I need to move through each day. Amen.