Devotion for Monday, January 28, 2019

“Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, and for His wonders to the sons of men! Let them extol Him also in the congregation of the people, and praise Him at the seat of the elders.” (Psalm 107:31-32)

What is your purpose? Why did the Lord create You? What are the instructions. We were created to praise and thank the Lord. No matter the circumstance, we are to give thanks to the Lord for His goodness. Come then into the presence of the Lord and give Him thanks for all of His goodness. He alone is good and worthy of all praise. Look and you will see the wonder of His creation, in all that He has made.

Lord, I understand in my mind, by my heart is far from You, and becomes conditional depending upon circumstances. Lead me away from such reactions that I may learn to live as You have created me to live. Guide me in the goodness of Your mercy that I may praise You at all times and for all circumstances. Lead me into the eternal way of living that I may praise You for all Your wonders.

Lord Jesus, I need Your help in order to live the life to which You call me. You have provided the means, so help me to live into that to which You have called me. Guide me by Your grace to be willing to walk humbly with You, my Savior, that I may be guided into the life to which I have been called. May the Holy Spirit speak clearly this day to ears that are listening. Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, January 27, 2019

“Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distresses. He caused the storm to be still, so that the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad because they were quiet, so He guided them to their desired haven.” (Psalm 107:28-30)

Does the Lord love people? He provides for everyone all that is needed. Even though they reject Him and go their own way, He is there to hear their call when they are in need. The Lord awaits those who will turn to Him and come into His grace and mercy. He has created us to be in relationship with Him. The Lord is the only safe haven in this world of grief. He will lead you through every storm.

Lord, help me to see how I look to myself day to day with nary a thought about You being near. Guide me out of myself and into You that I may walk with You all the days of my life. Lead me, O Lord, in the way You would have me go. Teach me Your ways that I would care for others as You have cared for me. May I learn from You and come into the relationship You have made possible.

Jesus, You have come to lead the way into everlasting life. Guide me, O Lord, in the way of life that You have set before me. Keep me close to You that I may now and always walk according to Your never-failing promises. May I be found in You always, both in times of plenty and in time of need. You are the One, Lord Jesus, who must lead the way,for I will be lost otherwise. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, January 26, 2019

For He spoke and raised up a stormy wind, which lifted up the waves of the sea. They rose up to the heavens, they went down to the depths; their soul melted away in their misery. They reeled and staggered like a drunken man, and were at their wits’ end.” (Psalm 107:25-27)

The world is blown around, tossed in the sea of this age’s movement – always toward the same ending. The Lord speaks and the tempestuous nature of this world rages on. Do not be as those who do not hear, nor act as if they do not care. Do not act as the drunkard, reeling throughout the day and merely reacting to this world’s insanity. The Lord is speaking to you and will give you ears to hear.

Lord, open my ears so that I hear You speak. Guide me, O Lord, in the way of truth so that I will not fall prey to the insanity of this world. Guide me in the way of goodness that I may quietly carry on in the way You teach me to live my life. Keep me sober and sound so that I may stand before You in the righteousness of Christ having done what You have asked me to do.

Lord Jesus, without You the desire of my heart would be impossible. Guide me, O Lord, in the way I should go, knowing that without You I would wander and stray. Open my ears this day to hear Your Word of truth and to listen that I may go where You send me, doing what is pleasing in the Father’s sight. Let me not descend into the abyss, but always walk the upward path in the light of Your presence. Amen.

Devotions for Friday, January 25, 2019

“Let them also offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, and tell of His works with joyful singing. Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business on great waters; they have seen the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.” (Psalm 107:22-24)

No matter what you have or have not done, do you see the hand of the Lord wherever you go? The Lord created the heavens and the earth and He invites us to see His handiwork. Rejoice in the Lord and His goodness and know that He is Lord of all. Let your life be one of thanksgiving for all of the goodness of the Lord and know that He who made all things has you in His hands.

Lord, grant that I would have a heart of thanksgiving. Guide me, O Lord, in the way of Your truth that I would see Your hand through all things. Let me be one who is thankful for all of life’s circumstances knowing that You are the One who causes all things to be. In You is the hope for all futures and in You is the promise. Guide me to trust in Your promises now and always.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for paving the way that I might be one who is thankful in and through all circumstances. Guide me this day to live giving a thank offering by the life I live. The night before Your crucifixion, you gave thanks to the Father. Lead me into a life that is thankful at all times and for all things. May I become more like You this day, Lord Jesus, and do what is pleasing to the Father. Amen.

Devotion for January 24, 2019

“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble; He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness,and for His wonders to the sons of men!” (Psalm 107:19-21)

The Lord is not bent on destruction, the world is. The Lord in a moment could cause all that is to cease to be. But the Lord gives grace and mercy to those who fear Him. Move from rebellion into repentance and know that the Lord will lift you up to be with Him where He is. Be guided by His goodness all the days of Your life. Leave behind the ways of the world and walk in the ways of the Lord.

Lord, You know the tug in my heart that is always seeking what the world offers. I take comfort in the futility of this age rather than being comforted in Your goodness. Lead me, O Lord, that I may walk in Your ways and leave behind the destruction of this age. Guide me in Your goodness by Your mercy to see more clearly each day the path You set before me and I will follow You.

Lord Jesus, You have come and said, “follow me.” Lead me, Lord, that I may walk in Your salvation and learn from You how to believe and live. Teach me Your humble ways that I may be guided to do all to the glory of the Father. Help me now and always by Your grace to see through the wickedness of this world that I may abide in You as You abide in me forever. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, January 23, 2019

“For He has shattered gates of bronze and cut bars of iron asunder. Fools, because of their rebellious way, and because of their iniquities, were afflicted. Their soul abhorred all kinds of food, and they drew near to the gates of death.” (Psalm 107:16-18)

The generations come and go, and things remain the same. The human heart is born far from the Lord and His ways. He breaks the rod of the oppressor and allows the iniquities of the sinners to bring its recompense. Drawing close to the gates of death opens the eyes of those who see that this life is fleeting and only in the Lord is there hope and a future. Do not be foolish, but come and see.

Lord, I have been foolish and there are fools all around me. Help me to not be tempted into the fool’s way of thinking, but to come humbly to You that I may see things as they are. Lead me, O Lord, in the way of truth that I may walk humbly in Your sight and live according to Your will. Guide me ever deeper into the mystery of faith that in spite of the world around me, I may abide in You.

Holy Spirit, shatter the illusions of this age that I may see clearly the truth of the world in which I live. Add to my heart the hope of eternity and a vision of the age to come. Then guide me to walk all the days of my life humbly in Your presence doing what brings the Father glory. Calm my heart and lift me up by Your grace to be firm in faith, gentle in compassion and strong in conviction. Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, January 22, 2019

“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble; He saved them out of their distresses. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death and broke their bands apart. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, and for His wonders to the sons of men!” (Psalm 107:13-15)

The Lord is good and when His people cry out to Him, He hears them and responds to their cry. Friends, all of Scripture is about the Lord providing a way out of this age of evil by turning to Him and knowing that He awaits the cry for salvation. He is mighty to save and has already put into place all that is needed that all people may be redeemed by His mercy if we but turn to Him.

O Lord, I look away to the right or left rather than turn to You in every time of trouble. Change my heart so that I know that You are always present and a help in every time of need. Guide me into the goodness of Your mercy that by Your grace I would see the salvation You have prepared in the sight of all people. Lift my eyes up to the place from whence my help comes and I will be saved.

Lord Jesus, through the cross of Your agony, You purchased for the Father those from every tribe, tongue and nation. Lead me, O Lord, in the way of salvation that I would forever look to You as my help in every place and at all times. Guide me in the way of salvation and keep my feet from stumbling away from You who is my help and my stay. You are the salvation of all who believe. Amen.

Devotion for Monday, January 21, 2019

“There were those who dwelt in darkness and in the shadow of death, prisoners in misery and chains, because they had rebelled against the words of God and spurned the counsel of the Most High. Therefore, He humbled their heart with labor; they stumbled and there was none to help.” (Psalm 107:10-12)

The high fall low and all are humbled as they work with their hands. Did not the Lord say that we would work by the sweat of our brow? Do not grumble at the Lord, nor curse the gift He gives when He gives you labor. It is the Lord alone who lifts up those who turn to Him. He is the help of every age. Look to the Lord and know that He sees and cares for His creation.

Lord, I too grumble and complain at the state of things without looking to You or inward to myself. Guide me, O Lord, to be humble and truthful, knowing that only in You is there hope. Guide me in the way of everlasting life that I may now and always abide in You and the revelation of Your truth. Help me now and always to see through what is happening in this world to know that Your hand is always present. You are there in every shadow of death.

Lord Jesus, you told Nicodemus to look to the cross as the Israelites were instructed to look at the snakes lifted on the pole. Help me to come under the shadow of the cross knowing that no matter what this world sends my way, I am always under Your guidance and grace. Lead me, O Lord, in the path of righteousness for Your name’s sake, to walk all the days of my life with You. Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, January 20, 2019

“He led them also by a straight way, to go to an inhabited city. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, and for His wonders to the sons of men! For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, and the hungry soul He has filled with what is good.” (Psalm 107:7-9)

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. The Lord has given all that we need that we may be a people who are thankful. Come, you thankful people, come. The Lord beckons all those who will come to Him in His goodness and be blessed in His presence. What wondrous things the Lord has done and those who are in Him know this.

Lord, I am caught up in this selfish world which does not respect Your ways. I am tossed about on the sea of ungratefulness and complain as much as the next sinner. Lead me away from an ungrateful heart that I may give thanks in every situation knowing that You are Lord and You have given good things for all. Lead me into the place where I am thankful at all times.

Lord Jesus, You know that we need to be saved. You have come to lift us up to be with You. Lift me up this day to live into the life to which You have called me. Guide me in Your goodness to give thanks and praise for all that You have done. Let me see the good around me and not focus on this world and its constant whining. May I be found in You this day giving thanks. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, January 19, 2019

“They wandered in the wilderness in a desert region; they did not find a way to an inhabited city. They were hungry and thirsty; their soul fainted within them. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble; He delivered them out of their distresses.” (Psalm 107:4-6)

We are all wandering and looking for the New Jerusalem. The hearts of the redeemed are not quite at home in this world. The Lord has delivered out of trouble all those whom He has called to Zion. We walk in a world of distress, but have the promise that this world is not our home. Come into the promise of the Lord and abide in His mercy and grace all the days of your life.

Lord, I am often confused by this world. Help me, I pray, to always look to You in and through all things. Guide me according to Your goodness to walk humbly in Your sight knowing that in You alone is goodness and mercy. Lead me O Lord that I may now and always abide in You and You in me. Let me see Your hand of deliverance that I may be affirmed in faith every step in this life.

Lord Jesus, You are the way through the wilderness of this life. Guide me, O Lord, that I may walk forever in Your counsel. Lift me up to walk above the wickedness of this world, yet keep me humble that I may become like You and love all whom I meet, You satisfy the hungry heart and quench the thirst of all who are thirsty with living water. Guide me this day, O Lord. Amen.