Devotion for Saturday, July 6, 2024

“And Jesus got up and followed him, with his disciples” (Matthew 9:9).

Jesus does what He does regardless of who the person is.  One does not advance in position in the church, for it is simply a matter of becoming increasingly faithful.  Whether one scrubs toilets or leads thousands, all are equally loved by the Lord.  We are His and we belong to Him.  He is God and we are His creation.  We are to get up, go out and walk with Jesus wherever He will take us.  He must lead us all.

You know, Holy Spirit, that in my heart I am often resisting getting up and following where You will lead.  Help me to get over myself and walk where You lead.  You, who has breathed life into my soul, know what is needed.  From the inside out, You know the whole plan and what will come.  Guide me so that I too get up and walk where You lead every moment of each day.

Lord Jesus, much of what You have done and are doing is a mystery to me.  You are God and I am not.  Help me to get over the mystery and in faith just do what You ask me to do.  Lead me now and always to humbly follow You no matter what.  You will work it together for good.  Guide me in the truth of the salvation You have given me, dear Savior Jesus, so that I may willing follow where You lead.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, July 5, 2024

“While he was saying these things to them, suddenly a leader of the synagogue came in and knelt before him, saying, “My daughter has just died; but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live” (Matthew 9:18).

Do you notice the contrast between leaders who want to criticize Jesus in one moment and then  come to Jesus for help in the next?  This is the way it is.  There are those who will never come to Jesus.  There are those who come in desperation.  There are some who come slowly.  We all need what Jesus has to offer, but sadly, it is often desperation that motivates us.

Lord, I too have made strides when motivated by desperation.  I cannot image that this is the way You prefer to do things, but You love us so much that You will do what is necessary for the sheep to come into Your love.  Of course You can heal, but whether You do or do not won’t change who You are or what You can do.  You are the Lord of all lords, and in Your hands is the future of us all

Lord Jesus, You know where I stubbornly cling to my idea of how things ought to be.  Guide me in the goodness You give to walk humbly in Your presence.  Help me to walk with You each day doing what You would have me do.  Lead me according to the principles You have taught me to trust that You can and will do what is needed.  Lay Your hand upon my day and walk with me in the way of Your healing.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, July 4, 2024

“No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old cloak, for the patch pulls away from the cloak, and a worse tear is made.  Neither is new wine put into old wineskins; otherwise, the skins burst, and the wine is spilled, and the skins are destroyed; but new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved” (Matthew 9:16-17).

Common sense is common sense.  Jesus is telling us that He is giving us something that requires us to be made new.  He will make us new if we co-operate.  What this means is that when you insist on clinging to the old you, you are resisting what Jesus has come to do.  He changed the water into wine.  He will change us to become children of the Heavenly Father.  Jesus is telling the Pharisees what He has come to do.

Lord, You know that I have all kinds of excuses.  On the one hand, I know that You need to make changes in me and on the other, I resist those changes.  Your humor gets to me because as I become older, I am changed whether I like it or not.  Lord, I realize I do need to be completed by You.  Lead me in the way You know I need to go and make me ready to accept whatever You know is going to happen.

Lord Jesus, the old Adam needs to die as I bear my cross.  You are my Savior and You know what I need to become.  Guide me in the way You know I need to go.  Help me to become ready for what You have prepared for both me and all who love You.  In all things, be the author and finisher of my faith, and lead me the way You know I need to be led.  Thank You, Jesus, for all that You have done for our sakes.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, July 3, 2024

“And Jesus said to them, “The wedding guests cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, can they? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast” (Matthew 9:15).

Life in this age is to be one part fasting and one part rejoicing.  We fast from the things that keep us away from the true life.  The Lord knows what that is for each one of us.  We celebrate the life we have in Christ knowing that He Who is our Savior will lead us in all of His ways.  We live in today, but also look forward to that day when all things are made new.  Live the life Christ gives you according to the Holy Spirit’s leading.

Lord, You know the immaturity that is mine.  You know those places where I am in need of fasting.  But also, You know where I should celebrate.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to reflect You in my life so that others may see what I do and seek You also.  You are the bridegroom of us all and call for us to follow You to the marriage feast.  Lead me according to Your word to seek You in all Your ways.

Come, Holy Spirit, and go deep into my soul that I may be rid of those things which hinder me from fully putting Christ on.  You know me better than I know myself and You know what You are making of me.  Lead me today through those places where I cling to what is neither good nor helpful.  May my spirit be willing to be led as You guide me throughout this day to do what is pleasing in the Father’s sight.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, July 2, 2024

“Then the disciples of John came to him, saying, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?” (Matthew 9:14)

Jesus just said that He wanted mercy.  Fasting is good and important, but it is a sacrifice.  We need to work through the things we hold on to, but we also need to come to the place where we may fast, but none but the Lord knows.  Rather than outward acts for others to see, we are called to act inwardly where the Lord alone sees, and ask for His true healing to go to the core of our being.

When we are with Jesus, we joyfully celebrate and give Him thanks and praise.  When we feel we are far away, we should give up what is keeping us distant from Jesus.  It is not that Jesus is far away, but that we withdraw.  The Lord is always present.  He said He would be.  The turmoil is in our life.  That is why the Lord told us to seek Him first and then the right things can be put into place.  We do what we do for Jesus’ sake.

Lord Jesus, You have come that I may have life and have it abundantly.  Guide me in the goodness of Your mercy so that I may join in and learn how to be merciful to others.  When I need to fast from the things of the world, lead me to fast.  Help me to always be under Your leadership as You guide me day by day to live into the life for which You made the sacrifice to redeem me.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, July 1, 2024

“But when he heard this, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.  Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners” (Matthew 9:12-13).

We begin with the need for sacrifice.  Jesus gave Himself for us.  But the Lord desires that we come to the place where we know that we are not getting what we deserve but are living by the grace He gives, which we do not deserve.  From there, rather than thinking that we are being let off the hook, we see that it is the mercy of pure love that is behind all that our Lord is doing.  In simple words, we are invited into the love relationship of Trinity.

Lord, I still want to sit in the driver’s seat.  I want to offer You a sacrifice rather than give in to the truth that You alone are God.  I give You lip-service, but not my submission.  But You already know this.  What can I repent and confess that You did not know before I was born.  Continue to lead me to the place where I am merciful, kind, and abiding in Your steadfast love.  Open my eyes to see my ongoing need.

Great Physician and lover of my soul, bring me to the place of mercy that I may be guided in Your goodness to become merciful as You are merciful.  Thank You for the sacrifice that frees us all to be able to do this.  In the power of Your Spirit, may I continue to shed the old Adam and put You on, Lord Jesus.  Guide me today to be more conformed to Your will through all that I do.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, June 30, 2024

“When the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”  (Matthew 9:11)

Why does Jesus do what He does?  Jesus is God in the flesh.  Who are we to ask anything?  Jesus showed up as a man, which meant He was hanging out with sinners.  Who are we to say where the line is drawn?  Sinners are sinners, for none are righteous, no, not one.  Thank You, Jesus, for coming and showing up for all of us.  My friends, do not repeat what the Pharisees did.  Jesus has come to hang out with us sinners.

Lord, there are so many in this world who think they are better than others.  We need what only You can do.  We do not invite You; You have come to invite us.  Let me recognize that as the truth of how I should view others.  I do not invite them, You do.  We are all  invited to give up this life of sin and walk with You into the everlasting life where sin has been forever banished.  Lead me, Lord, onto that way.

Lord Jesus, You know where I have been guilty of segregating myself so that I think myself superior.  Guide me in Your goodness to walk humbly with You always in the life You have given me from the cross.  May I now and always humbly follow wherever You lead, doing those things which are pleasing in Your sight.  Thank You, my Savior, for the goodness You have given me.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, June 29, 2024

“And as he sat at dinner in the house, many tax collectors and sinners came and were sitting with him and his disciples” (Matthew 9:10).

In other words, we earthlings showed up.  So many think of themselves as better than “those people.”  We love to segregate.  But God has created every human in His image.  We are all image bearers.  Whether it’s a sex worker or a socialite, we’re all in need of salvation.  Behavior is one thing and who we are because of sin is an issue we all have.  Of course, Jesus sat down with sinners, otherwise He would have been eating alone.

Father in heaven, why do I want to set myself apart because of another’s occupation, status, origin, or any other difference?  I think I am afraid that this other disdained person is just really like me and I do not want to be like that person.  You have created each one of us to be who we are.  You have put into each of us the gifts You have given us.  Lead me away from judging by my own standards to living by Yours.

Lord Jesus, You came to save us all.  Guide me this day to live the way You would have me live.  Lead me in Your goodness and mercy to know that in You I have hope and a future.  You sat down with us sinners.  This sinner thanks You for being willing to come to my level.  Lift me up to live at Your level.  I am Your servant and I will do as You direct me to do.  Make me one of Your disciples.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, June 28, 2024

“As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him” (Matthew 9:9).

Who are you?  Do you think yourself unreachable?  Amongst the lowest of the low was a tax collector in Jesus day.  No one, I repeat, no one is beyond the love of Christ.  He has come to save sinners.  The reality of Jesus is beyond what this world thinks.  We all are called into the amazing love of God which has been lavished upon us by Christ.  Come into His presence and purpose and learn how to really live.

Lord, I have my days when I am in doubt and do not believe anything good.  Help me to move beyond my selfishness and live as You created me to live.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy so that I understand that, yes, You have called me too.  It does not matter where I am, what I have done, or what I can or am not able to do, You call all to come unto You and learn how to live life more abundantly.

Lord Jesus, there are many things in my secret room that only You know.  You know where I doubt and feel that I am beyond Your help.  Save me from all despair and guide me into the goodness of Your grace and mercy.  Guide me all the days of my life humbly and simply to follow You.  Savior of my soul , You know all that is needed.  Lead me this day in the grace You purchased for my redemption.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, June 27, 2024

“And he stood up and went to his home.  When the crowds saw it, they were filled with awe, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to human beings” (Matthew 9:7-8).

Why is it, in a moment that amazes, that so quickly afterwards we go on to the next thing?  Yes, some of those in the crowd that day probably did follow Jesus, but so many just moved on.  Remember this when you hear, “If only I could see it.”  We want signs.  Jesus is the One through whom all things are made.  What do you need to move from life on your own to living as the author of life designed it to be lived? What more do we need than the sign of the Cross?

Lord, I am guilty of wanting to see things the way I want to see them.  I have exciting moments and then immediately forget about them.  I waver in this world of constant storms.  Turn my heart from being constantly tossed about to realize that You are the One in whom all authority is exercised.  Teach me to have awe for You as I have awe for so many things around me.  Help me learn how to live in Your amazing grace.

Lord Jesus, author of life, lead me in the way life is meant to be lived.  Guide me in Your goodness to know that in You there is hope and a future.  Lead me today so that I may see  things around me and be amazed.  Then help me to look to You and give praise and thanksgiving for the goodness You give all the time.  Help me live so that my life reveals the glory of Your creation and redemption.  Amen.