Devotion for Wednesday, August 7, 2019

“Who gives food to all flesh, for His lovingkindness is
everlasting.  Give thanks to the God of
heaven, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.” 
(Psalm 136:25-26)

The world has teemed with life
from the beginning. All of God’s creatures are provided for and they live.  Marvel at how the world is balanced.  Despite the sensationalism you hear day by
day, see that the Lord provides for all that He has made.  See things for what they are and rejoice in
the Lord God who made them all.  Give
thanks for His goodness.

Lord, I listen to what liars in this world say, and I believe them and
I’m led astray.  Guide me into truth that
I would not deny what I see with my own eyes. 
Lead me to marvel at all that You have created knowing that only in You
is there hope and a future.  Lead me, O
Lord, that I may abide in Your truth now and forever.  Teach me to rejoice in Your goodness and
mercy always.

Lord Jesus, You have come not to
condemn the world, but to lead as many as would walk with You humbly into the
life for which we were created.  Guide me
this day, O Lord, that I would walk forever in Your grace, knowing that by Your
hand You will make all things new.  Lift
me up into Your presence that I would humbly abide in You as one of Your own
creations.  Amen.

Photo by Victoria Chen on Unsplash

Devotion for Tuesday, August 6, 2019

“Who remembered us in our low estate, for His lovingkindness is
everlasting, and has rescued us from our adversaries, for His lovingkindness is
everlasting;” (Psalm 136:23-24)

From the least to the greatest
they will know the Lord.  This is the
promise that has been fulfilled through Christ. 
All are able to come in to the presence of the Lord and walk with
Him.  All will know the Lord who come by
faith.  Come then into His presence and
walk with Him.  He is your God and He
wants You to be His sons and daughters. 
This is the everlasting life: that we live in the presence of the Lord.

Lord, I look for some complex system by which I can attain what I
want.  You have come to give me what I
need.  Guide me, O Lord, for You are the
One who made everything and You know us better than we know ourselves.  Guide me in the way of everlasting life that
I would walk with You now and forever. 
Help me overcome those temptations that come along that would direct me
along another path.

Lord Jesus, You have come that we
may have life and have it abundantly. 
Lead us to know that only in You is there hope and a future, Guide me
according to Your goodness that I may walk in Your light and become as You
are.  Raise me up with You on my final
day that I may stand before You and rejoice in the goodness of Your grace and
mercy.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, August 5, 2019

“And Og, king of Bashan, for His lovingkindness is everlasting, and
gave their land as a heritage, for His lovingkindness is everlasting, even a
heritage to Israel His servant, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.”  (Psalm 136:20-22)

Israel still exists.  We may do with this what we will, but God
made a promise and it is before us.  It
is a testimony that reminds us that the Lord’s promises are forever.  Come to the Lord and live in His promises.  Know that what He said He would do will
happen as He said it.  He is the One who
created all things and they will go in the way He has determined.

Lord, guide me according to Your goodness to see that in You is hope
and glory.  Guide me according to Your
goodness to live into the life for which You created me.  May I learn from You, from Your Word and by
Your grace to live into the life to which I have been called.  Now and forever, guide me according to Your
goodness and mercy to live by Your Word.

Lord Jesus, Word made flesh, lead
me now and always to abide in You that I may grow in Your likeness.  There are many promises You have given.  You have called me in those promises to trust
in You now and always.  Help me this day
to live by faith and not in the way of this world.  The love You have demonstrated is true.  Lead me to live in the truth You have
revealed.  Amen.

Photo by Sander Crombach on Unsplash

Devotion for Sunday, August 4, 2019

“To Him who smote great kings, for His lovingkindness is
everlasting,  And slew mighty kings, for
His lovingkindness is everlasting: Sihon, king of the Amorites, for His
lovingkindness is everlasting,” (Psalm 136:17-19)

Who can stand in the way of the
Lord.  In our modern era, there have been
great leaders who seemed, for a while, to conquer, but they fell.  Come to the One who is forever and overcomes
all the kings of this world who come against Him.  Only in the Lord is there life and life
eternal.  No one is able to stand against
the purpose of the Lord.  It is He who
will always prevail.

Lord, bad things happen and I wonder where you are.  Lead me, O Lord, to trust the truth of Your Word that I may not be guided by temporary circumstances but know that in You alone is the hope of all people.  Lead me up and away from this world’s continuing insanity to see through circumstances and know that You are leading Your faithful people by way of grace into Your eternal presence.

Help me now and always Lord to see that in You is the hope of salvation.  Jesus, You are the One who has come to show the way for the faithful.  Guide me today in those things You would have me do.  Help me to see the choices You are giving me that I may abide in You as You abide in me.  Lead me, my Savior, this day to walk humbly with You in the Father’s presence.  Amen

Photo by AussieActive on Unsplash

Devotion for Saturday, August 3, 2019

“But He overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea, for His
lovingkindness is everlasting.  To Him
who led His people through the wilderness, for His lovingkindness is
everlasting;” (Psalm 136:15-16)

What is the Lord doing?  Look at what the Lord has promised and the
things He has done to lead His people out of bondage and into freedom.  Kings and principalities cannot overcome what
the Lord is doing.  Follow the Lord and
You will follow the way of life.  Come
into the Lord’s presence and You will see the goodness of His purpose and
presence.  Come into the eternal love of
the Lord.

Lord, help me see that only in You is there a future.  Guide me according to Your goodness to know
that in following You, no matter the circumstances, I am following in the way
of life.  Lead me, O Lord, according to
Your purpose that I would walk in the eternal ways.  Lead me in the way of righteousness that I
may practice what is right and good. 
Always lead me, O Lord, away from bondage to sin.

Lord Jesus, You have come to set
the captive free.  Lead me, O Lord, this
day in the way You know I need to go. 
Guide me according to Your goodness to live into the life to which I
have been called.  Lord, You know what it
is to walk this world which is constantly trying to ensnare us into its
traps.  Free me and teach me that I may
learn to walk with You in all of Your ways. 

Devotion for Friday, August 2, 2019

“To Him who divided the Red Sea asunder, for His lovingkindness is
everlasting, and made Israel pass through the midst of it, for His
lovingkindness is everlasting;” (Psalm 136:13-14)

There is nothing that is impossible
for the Lord.  He opened the way for the
faithful while closing it in on the wicked who followed.  Walk by faith in life trusting that the Lord,
who knows all things, will guard your hearts and minds to keep them on the way
of eternal life.  Be led by the Lord, for
His promises are true and He abides with you forever.

Lord, open my eyes to see the truth that You have been with me all the
days of my life.  Guide me in Your
goodness to see the hope You give and those places where You have affirmed that
hope in truth.  Lead me, O Lord, in the
way I should go that I may now and forever abide in You and You in me.  Keep me from being led astray that I may now
and always walk in Your presence.

Lord Jesus, lead me this day in
the way of truth.  You, who are able to
do all things, are more than able to conquer those things which would hinder my
faith or where there is mortal danger.  Lead
me today in the way You would have me go that I would not tarry, but walk
firmly in faith.  No matter what comes in
my life, Lord, equip me to be able to walk with You every step of the way in
faith.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, August 1, 2019

“And brought Israel out from their midst, for His lovingkindness is
everlasting, with a strong hand and an outstretched arm, for His lovingkindness
is everlasting.”  (Psalm 136:11-12)

If you step back and look at
history, you will see the hand of the Lord as He guides His people;  not only the Israelites, but also those who
follow Christ.  Look to the Lord and see
His goodness, and know that He watches over all people.  The wicked one may seek destruction, but the
Lord preserves those who are His.  Come
into His lovingkindness and see that the Lord is good.

Lord, the epoch of time unfolds, but I see only what is happening
now.  Guide me to see the bigger picture
and know that time and time again, You have brought the faithful to a place of
safety.  Lead me, O Lord, as one of Your
people that I may abide in You now and forever, dwelling securely in Your
presence no matter what is happening in this world.  Let me remain in Your goodness.

Lord Jesus, the world goes
through its motions and turmoil comes. 
You had much of it while You walked in Your ministry.  Guide me, O Lord, to trust in Your leading
that I would walk humbly with You today in Your grace.  Help my eyes to look to You and see the
goodness You bring to the world.  Lead me,
O Lord, in the way of Your justice and the truth You have spoken for all
ages.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, July 31, 2019

“The moon and stars to rule by night, for His lovingkindness is
everlasting.  To Him who smote the
Egyptians in their firstborn, for His lovingkindness is everlasting,” (Psalm

Even during that time which we
call dark, there is light.  The Lord is
always reminding us of His presence.  Be
reminded of His presence and then come into His purpose.  He has made You and You are called to become
as He is; that is, to grow in the likeness of Christ.  Be guided by the grace and mercy of the Lord
God who called you from darkness into the light of His everlasting presence.

Lord, I am sometimes overwhelmed with the thought of these things.  Lead me away from trying to figure everything
out, and into the place where I marvel at the way things are.  Teach me the fullness of Your revelation and
grow in me love for You and my neighbor. 
In You Lord is life and liberty. 
In You is found hope and everlasting life.  You have called me into Your presence now and

Lord Jesus, walking with You is
walking in the promise that leads to everlasting life.  Guide me this day to be a child of the
light.  Help me to grow in Your likeness,
learning to live each day as You give it. 
Guide me, Lord Jesus, in the way You know I need to go.  Help me to grow in wisdom and understanding.  Lord, You know all that is needed, and the
Father provides even before we ask. 
Thank You!  Amen.

Photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash

Devotion for Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“To Him who made the great lights, for His lovingkindness is
everlasting: The sun to rule by day, For His lovingkindness is everlasting,”
(Psalm 136:7-8)

In the beginning, God separated
the day from the night.  In Him is light
and He is the light of the world.  Come
into His presence and stand in the light. 
Be guided by the goodness of His grace and mercy.  Know that the Lord, the creator of all life, gives
us hope and freedom.  One does not need
to search for meaning, for meaning has come and He has called you into His
eternal presence.

Lord, I think in physical terms.  Did You make the creation to make yourself known?  Did You create the sun and light so that physical creatures could begin to comprehend who You are, the One who made us?  These thoughts are too wonderful for me.  You are great and greatly to be praised.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way of Your goodness and mercy that I would always trust and follow You.

Lord Jesus, You have come so
humbly that many ignored You thinking that the One through whom all things have
their being could not possibly be so humble. 
Yet You are, and You have called for us to follow You.  Guide me to be humble as You are humble.  Lead me to see that in You is hope and
glory.  Teach me this day that I would
walk in the light of Your countenance, doing what is pleasing in Your
sight.  Amen.

Photo by Andy Hutchinson on Unsplash

Devotion for Monday, July 29, 2019

“To Him who made the heavens with skill, for His lovingkindness is
everlasting; To Him who spread out the earth above the waters, for His
lovingkindness is everlasting;” (Psalm 136:5-6)

Step back and think about
looking at all of creation as a whole. 
The magnitude of what God has created is in your view.  See the intricacy of what has been
created.  Be aware that we know very
little of the whole, what skill and intelligence is involved.  Understand that our Triune God made what He
made out of love.  He loves that which He
has made.  In love He knit the universe

Lord, there are those around me who think they know.  They know much more than me, but they know a
very little of the whole.  Let me not
come to you in pride, but with awe and wonder at all that You have made.  Guide me in the goodness of Your grace to see
more clearly the truth of Your love which You have for all that You have
made.  Guide me through love to look at
the world You made and praise You for it.

Lord Jesus, You are in the love
relationship which is Trinity and You have come to invite those who believe to
join in.  Guide me, Lord Jesus, to come
on Your terms and in Your way to live into the life for which I have been
created.  Lead me, Lord, in the way of
truth that I may grow into Your likeness. 
May I be guided by Your Spirit this day to walk in the way You have
taught me, doing what is pleasing in the Father’s sight. Amen.