Devotion for Saturday, July 20, 2024

“These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon, also known as Peter, and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed him” (Matthew 10:2-4).

The twelve are named.  A hodgepodge of mostly fishermen who were the least likely candidates to lead a church.  But is that not the way of your local church?  A hodgepodge of folk from all walks of life are called together to be the body of Christ in that place?  Yes, the Lord does what He does because He is the Lord of all.  He has called you to be amongst those who are sent into the world. So go in peace to serve the Lord!

Lord, I like to think in terms of us and them.  You have called me to think in terms of You alone.  You will do what You will do, and the Father’s will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Lead me to look to You, the author and finisher of my faith, and humbly walk with You, going where You send me, doing what You give me to do and knowing that all things are in Your hands.

Lord Jesus, I have difficulty with the third part of Your Great Commission.  You have asked that I learn to obey all that You command.  This includes instructions to be an evangelist.  You have given me the Good News and You have asked that I share that Good News with others.  Lead me so that I am willing to live a life that shares the truth of the Good News of salvation which You have given for all who will believe.  Amen.


Devotion for Friday, July 19, 2024

“Then Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness” (Matthew 10:1).

Not power, but authority was given.  This remains true to this day.  None of us has any power, but all who follow Christ are given authority in His name to do these things.  In prayer, seeking to be obedient, we can speak the power, which belongs to Christ, and a metaphorical mountain can be cast into the sea.  Confront wickedness, speak the healing truth of the love of Christ, and see the healing of sin-sick souls.

Lord, when we come through faith by the grace You give to live the relationship You call us to, You bid us to share, through the living of our lives, the faith which is living in us.  It is not a special assignment; it is the common assignment.  Send me into the world, which is damned, to bear the truth of Your redeeming word.  All power is Yours and anything I can do is only by and under Your authority.

Lord Jesus, I hear these words and I look for someone else to do what You are asking me to do.  You know what is needed and You have called me.  Send me where You will so that I may learn how to be obedient in all things.  Guide me according to the Father’s will to do that which is good, right and salutary in all places and at all times.  Thank You for calling me into Your goodness and mercy.  Help me to be faithful today.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, July 18, 2024

“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:37-38).

When you ask, He may well choose you to go into the field.  In our heathen world, which believes itself filled with specialists, we tend to think Jesus will send someone else.  You have been called to labor in the vineyard of Christ.  The need is great, for many need what you know.  Share with others what has been shared with you.

Lord, do I need to go for special schooling to be able to share the Good News?  But whom amongst the Apostles went to a special school run by teachers of the Law?  They simply followed You and You made them fishers of men.  How difficult I make these things when it is really a matter of living the life You have given me and doing so publicly.  Guide me, Lord, to humbly walk with You and obey all Your commandments. Maybe I can show others the way.

Holy Spirit, I like to think of myself as alone and singular, but You have placed in my heart a right spirit which loves my neighbor.  Empower me to be bold in the faith You have given me.  You have called me and are sending me into a world, damned by sin, to hear the redeeming message of love poured out from the cross.  Send me into this day with the only message of hope – the hope of Christ.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, July 17, 2024

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36).  

Because they were harassed and helpless, Jesus compassionately helped the crowds.  You and I are in the same crowd.  Are we arrogant and judgmental, or do we realize that we are helpless?  This describes the two groups of people in this world. We are one or the other.  Either we come to Jesus and tell Him what we think, or else we come to Jesus and look to Him to do what is needed.  Sometimes we are both.

Lord, help me to come to You just as I am.  I am a bundle of self-centered nerves.  I have all the foibles which I have.  You alone know what it takes to guide me out of the rebellious mess within me to transform me into a child of God that You create by grace through faith.  I want to follow You, Jesus, but so many things get in the way.  Lead me through the messiness of my life to always look to You for guidance and help.

Lord Jesus, You have come to heal those who look to You from the terminal disease of rebellion against God.  You, Trinity alone, are God.  You have come that we may have life and have it abundantly.  Help me to understand that You are Lord, and that I must follow You alone.  Open my heart to receive Your heavenly instruction so that I may humbly walk with You all the days of my life.  May I no longer be harassed but realize that I am simply Your disciple, knowing that the wicked one hates that and will be like a mosquito on a warm summer day.  Help me endure to the end.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, July 16, 2024

“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness” (Matthew 9:35).

Jesus turns His back on the liars and goes about the business of the Father.  We too are called to turn our backs on wickedness and go about the Father’s business.  We are to continue in the life that we have been given by grace so that we follow Jesus in all His ways.  The Lord knows what He has in mind for you.  He will lead you for all your days if you put your trust in Him.  Do not follow the voices of hatred and lies, but the voice of Truth.

Lord, I hear these words and it is not easy, for the liars of this world make me angry.  Lead me from anger, for I cannot handle it, to the place where I look to You for all things.  You know what needs to happen and You know the difficulties I will face.  Lead me through all difficulties so that I would learn from Your example how to live this life.  In You alone is all hope and eternity.

Holy Spirit, grant me awareness to know that there is nothing I can do about others except to show truthfulness by my example.  I too seldom keep a reign on my own tongue.  Help me to be a dutiful servant who does what You have commanded.  Lead me through all circumstances to go out into the world seeking to bring the healing that only grace can bring.  Guide me to be faithful to all that You have commanded.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, July 15, 2024

“But the Pharisees said, “By the ruler of the demons he casts out the demons” (Matthew 9:32). 

If you do not like something, then accuse the one who did it of something outrageous.  Liars lie and people believe the liar and not the one who tells the truth.  It was true then and it is true now.  But you, do you believe the liar, or do you press on until you know the truth?  Jesus told us that we will know the truth and the truth will set us free.  Only in the truth will we see eternity in heaven. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life!

Lord, the father of all lies only knows how to lie because that is his nature.  There are those, some quite religious, who live by the lies of the devil and untruthfully accuse others of what they are doing.  Your grace is amazing in the face of such wickedness.  You stood firm and received the abuse.  You still stand and take the abuse of many in this world who do the same. 

Lord, You have given me the words of eternal life.  Jesus, with Your own body, You have redeemed us from the pit by suffering for our sins on the Cross.  Although I too face liars who try to lead me astray, help me to be merciful and gracious and to humbly walk with You now and forever.  Lead me in the truth of the salvation You have given me, knowing that all power has always been in Your hands.  You have authority over all creation.  Help me to live an abundant life under Your authority.  Amen. 

Devotion for Sunday, July 14, 2024

“After they had gone away, a demoniac who was mute was brought to him.  And when the demon had been cast out, the one who had been mute spoke; and the crowds were amazed and said, “Never has anything like this been seen in Israel” (Matthew 9:32-33).

It may not have been seen by you, but that does not mean it did not happen.  We take historical events which we have never seen for granted, but then, in matters of faith, become cynical when we have not seen something.  Does a falling tree make a sound if no one is there to hear it?  Of course it does.  It is not about you or me, but about the One through whom all things have their being.  God is always present.

Lord, help me to understand that this is Your world.  You have created all things.  I began life just thinking about myself.  But without You I cannot exist.  Take my sinful way of seeing things and transform it to look to You, the author of all life, and live according to Your goodness and mercy.  Lead me in the way of everlasting life.  Help me to not seek to marvel so much as rejoice that You are always at work.

Lord Jesus, of course You heal.  You do it every day all over the world.  You have reasons for all that You do.  Even the demons tremble at Your presence.  Help me to come to the place where I am not so much amazed – as if it is a surprise to me that You can do what You do – as to be thankful that You care so much for this creation of Yours.  Guide me to give You praise and thanksgiving in and through all things.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, July 13, 2024

“Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you.”  And their eyes were opened. Then Jesus sternly ordered them, “See that no one knows of this.”  But they went away and spread the news about him throughout that district” (Matthew 9:29-31). 

Jesus does heal.  There are times to tell others and times to remain silent.  If we would only obey the Lord.  He asked that they remain silent.  What if we simply did what Jesus said?  How much trouble did they cause by broadcasting this news.  “Yes, but shouldn’t people know?”  Whatever the Lord tells us, there is a reason.  To obey is better than sacrifice.  Do you listen to the Lord and do as He asks? 

Lord, You know I have been guilty of disobeying what You have commanded.  I think it a good thing – and who cannot think that healing is not a good thing – but I also know that what You command is for a good reason.  Remove me from the desire to be the judge of what is good or evil and bring me to where I live knowing that You are the Lord of all.  Open my ears to hear Your stern commands. 

Forgive me, Lord Jesus, for the times where I have opened my mouth where You have commanded silence.  Lead me away from the place where I do what I think is right in my own mind so that I learn to obey You in all things.  Keep me in Your goodness and mercy to live into the life which You have given me by Your costly grace.  Thank You for healing me.  Guide my mouth to speak only what You would have me speak.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, July 12, 2024

“When he entered the house, the blind men came to him; and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord” (Matthew 9:28). 

Do you believe that the Lord is able to do these things?  Do you believe in the Lord God Almighty.  Many say they do, but it is with their own view of things and not with the reality of who God is.  Do not create in your mind a God you want, but receive through the Word the God Who IS.  Let yourself be led by your Creator to walk humbly in the way of life that He has established. 

Lord God, Creator of all things, guide my heart, soul, and mind to seek You above all things.  Lord, help my unbelief.  You, Who created all things, will do what is right and fitting according to Your will.  Where my will conflicts with Yours, renew my mind to see things through Your Word.  In all things, may I learn to be content and take joy in the truth that You are with me. 

Minister to my heart, Holy Spirit.  You know where I do not believe.  You know where I am conflicted with the Father’s will.  Through all that this life will bring, lead me into the way of life that is right and in harmony with Your Word.  Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heat reflect Your leading each day that You grant me in this age.  Do not grant me lenses through which to see, but vision to see clearly, I pray.  Amen. 

Devotion for Thursday, July 11, 2024

“As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, crying loudly, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” (Matthew 9:27) 

Have mercy upon us Lord.  How quickly that one sentence can change our attitude.  Mercy is not getting what you deserve.  Born blind?  It is what it is because of sin in the world.  It may not be yours, or even traceable, but sin is in the world and it wreaks havoc on us all.  By God’s mercy we receive grace which, with mercy, brings us to a new place.  Sometimes the Lord will not grant you mercy, but He will give you the grace you need for every circumstance. 

Lord, I was born half-blind, for I saw myself and those around me, but I did not see You.  I still have many, many blind spots and I do not yet see You clearly.  Guide me in this life of faith which You have given me to see more clearly each day.  You are the One who can do all things.  I pray to see You more clearly in all that I say and do.  Not in arrogance, but in humble obedience, lead me in Your creation. 

Son of David, Savior, King of kings, and Lord of lords, have mercy on me.  I am half-blind, and I want to see clearly.  Open my eyes and let me see what You will let me see.  Guide me in the vision You give me that, in humility, all that You show me will be in accordance with the Father’s will.  Help me humbly bend the knee to You, the author of my faith, and follow You whether You grant the mercy I seek, or not.  Amen.