Devotion for Wednesday, July 5, 2023

“And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified” (Revelation 11:8).

Degradation, hedonism and slavery are implied.  Look where our culture has gone in the last century.  It is now worldwide.  Everyone is taught to live for self and the rapid pace of this world moves fast and goes nowhere.  Though those who fill the city seem alive, they are dead;.  How many do you know that once gave lip service to the Lord and are now far from Him?  This is the way of wickedness.

Lord, this world does go through its ups and downs.  The ups are not very far up and the downs seem to be getting lower.  Help me to look to You and live the life of faith that You have given me.  Guide me now and always so that no matter what comes in this world, I know what is going to happen – I will awaken and see You.

Lord Jesus, You have come to save as many as believe.  Guide me in the salvation You have prepared.  As I experience whatever may come, help me to know that only in You is there both hope and a true future.  Even You died.  In fact, through Your death, You opened the way for us to everlasting life.  Amidst the things I do not understand, grant me the steadfast hope of salvation as I keep my eyes upon You.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, July 4, 2023

“When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them” (Revelation 11:7).

It is a unpleasant thought, but the truth is, we are all going to die.  Why do people act as if they are exempt from this reality?  Even Jesus died.  But in Christ, though we die, yet shall we live.  We have a hope that is not that we will not die, but that in the last day Christ will raise us from the dead.  Live then in the hope of Christ and do not let the false hopes of this world get in the way.

Lord, You know where I have my shortcomings.  You know where I say one thing, but inwardly fear another.  Guide me into thinking as a new creature in You.  Help me to have faith such that I do not live in the fear of dying, but by the hope that Your promises are true.  No matter what happens Lord, guide my faith to be unwavering as I look to You for guidance.  Be the One who always leads.

Lord, You know that I do waver and doubt.  You have made promises and I do not fully believe them.  Work on my heart and raise in me stronger assurance that because You live, I too shall live.  Help me, Lord, and remind me that even though I die, like You, I shall live.  You came alive after Your death and You have given the promise to me as well.  Thank You for that promise to bring me to hope in You.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, July 3, 2023

“These have the power to shut up the sky, so that rain will not fall during the days of their prophesying; and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with every plague, as often as they desire” (Revelation 11:5).

The Lord’s power is given to whom He chooses.  It is the Lord’s power, and you or I can never find the secret of having the Lord’s power.  There is none.  We are to trust the Lord and if the Lord tells to do something – even that which we consider impossible – then if we are faithful, we do it.  Yes, the day will come when these things come to pass, but have they not in a small measure already happened?

Lord, the world fights over power.  We do not have any of our own.  All power and authority belong to You.  Guide me away from the incessant insanity of thinking I can have some special power to do things in order that I may live humbly with You, my Maker.  Guide me into willingly being content with what You give and the life You direct me to live.  In times of famine or plenty, help me learn how to be content with and in You.

Lord, I do not want to ask for humility, but that is what I need.  Guide me in the right way of living so that my eyes are always upon You.  No matter what You ask me to do, help me to do it.  Teach me faithfulness and the truth that I am completely dependent upon You.  Unless I abide in You, I can bear no fruit.  Teach me to abide in You knowing that You abide in me now and forever.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, July 2, 2023

“And if anyone wants to harm them, fire flows out of their mouth and devours their enemies; so if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this way” (Revelation 11:5).

The Word is like fire.  It will devour untruth, wickedness, and the lies that are spoken.  Why do you speak as the world speaks when you have heard the word of truth.  The truth will set you free.  Be free and live, speaking the word of truth no matter the cost in this world.  Those who are dead to the Lord are dead even if they walk around in this world.  Those who are alive in the Lord are alive even if they are asleep.

Lord, You have always been and are present in all moments of time.  You see all things.  You have spoken Your word with great care to reveal to us the truth of the reconciliation that You offer to those who repent and believe.  Lord, grant that I would learn how to walk in the firm conviction that only in You is there hope.  Though I will die, I shall always be alive because of the grace You have given me.

Lord Jesus, I am afraid of what people think, of what they will or will not do to me.  I am afraid of the consequences of speaking up for You in this hostile world.  Take away that fear that I may fulfil the first commandment and have no one or nothing before You in my life.  Let me not be afraid of death, but afraid of not pleasing the Father.  Guide me, Lord, to love as I have been loved and to love my neighbor enough to tell them about You.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, July 1, 2023

“These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth” (Revelation 11:4).

The Lord sends some into the midst of the wicked as witnesses, those who proclaim the truth.  One day, there will be these two particular witnesses and see that the Lord gives protection for His purpose.  He protects those who proclaim the truth.  Even though you die, yet shall you live.  The Lord has given you promises.  Do you trust them or do you fear and flee from adversity because you do not trust the Lord at His word.

Lord, I have heard these promises, but I do not fully believe them.  Or at least, I do not live as though I believe them.  I become afraid and do not speak the fire of Your word.  You have given us the truth to set us free.  Give me passion such that I do not want those around me to go to hell.  Lead me in being bold for Your sake.  Guide me into the goodness of Your grace and mercy.  Lead me in the truth of Your word.

Lord Jesus, You came into this world to save us from sin, death, and the devil.  The promise was given.  You foreknow those who will believe and You pursue them.  Let me be a part of Your pursuit.  Guide me to be bold, yet gentle and humble in proclaiming the truth of Your word.  Lead me, Lord Jesus, to live into the life You have set before me so that others may know that I am Your follower.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, June 30, 2023

“And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth” (Revelation 11:3)

Even though the world goes mad, the Lord always gives a testimony for those who will listen.  The wicked one destroys and the Lord rebuilds.  That is the way of this age.  Why is the church such a mess?  Because there is wickedness.  If we would simply and humbly submit to the Lord, all would be well with our souls.  Does it need to get really bad before you will listen?  Listen to the Lord now.

Lord, You have sent those who have shared the Good News of salvation with me.  Thank You for being persistent.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy with open ears to hear and a mouth willing to speak the truth of Your salvation.  Lead me, Lord, in the way I need to go.  Even if the world around me gets much worse, help me to be faithful to the calling You have given me by grace.

Lord Jesus, You taught me to take up my cross and follow You; whatever that means.  You have told me to pray without ceasing; whatever that means.  You have promised to be with me always.  That I can understand.  Help me to learn how to be with You always.  There are so many things that distract me.  Keep me from being distracted so that I may focus upon abiding with You forever.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, June 29, 2023

“Leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty-two months” (Revelation 11:2).

The Lord allows for the desecration.  Just look at the cross and the destruction of the temple.  Everything serves His purpose.  Throughout all His words, you can concentrate upon what is happening, or you can concentrate on what the Lord is saying.  Listen to the Lord.  He is telling those who are faithful to follow His instructions and know that the hope He gives is eternal.  The world is a mess.  God is in charge.  To whom will you turn?

Lord, I become befuddled and do not know where to turn.  But that really isn’t true.  I am still resisting giving my all to you even though I say to myself that I am giving all to You.  I need saving once again.  Lord You are kind and gracious and allow for the nonsense of this age.  From among those who are in the crazy scramble of this world, lift me up and out of the pit.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to follow You always.

Lord Jesus, You know.  There were dissenters amongst Your disciples right up to the time You were hung on the cross and beyond, yet You gave grace.  I will become what You will make of me.  Help me to not be one of the outer court people who work themselves into a lather in their madness.  Help me come into the temple of Your presence and humbly walk with You.  Teach me, Lord, as Your disciple how to live the eternal life that You have given me. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, June 28, 2023

“Then there was given me a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, “Get up and measure the temple of God and the altar, and those who worship in it” (Revelation 11:1).

Shades of Isaiah.  Why are we’re always trying to measure things and weigh them in our own image?  We are proud and believe we’re worthy of grace.  Banish these things from your mind, for this is the pride that brought about the fall of the devil.  Instead, focus upon your life of faith and live into the promise Jesus gave.  He will make of you what He will, but you need to put yourself in His hands to be transformed.

Father, You are the potter and I am the clay.  I am not to tell You what to do. You have  told me what to do through Your word.  Keep me from measuring things, for You are the judge, but instead, help me measure my own life to weigh and count the cost of grace.  Lord, You must be the author and finisher of my faith.  I would only make a mess of it.  You know I already do.  Lead me out of the fog of this age and into the light of Your presence.

Lord Jesus, in the words of prophecy, You tell us again and again to turn from our ways and to lean upon You alone.  You have conquered sin and death and upon You alone is the hope and promise for our faith and life.  Lead me in the way of righteousness and remind me that You are the judge of the living and the dead.  Guide me always in the salvation You have prepared in the sight of all people.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, June 27, 2023

“And they said to me, “You must prophesy again concerning many peoples and nations and tongues and kings” (Revelation 10:11).

 Will you publicly speak the word of God?  Will you share these things which the Lord has given you?  These questions are to be answered by each one of us.  The world is filled with people who are condemned by their unbelief.  Will you share what you know of the possibility for salvation?  The Lord has chosen you to be a carrier of the Good News.   Will you carry the word in your heart to action, or just live a religious life for yourself?

Lord, in one sense this is so easy to understand.  You call us to be in an eternal relationship with You and live in the love You have given us.  The old Adam wants to be saved yet remains in the pride and selfishness of the old Adam.  That desire must be bent to my will if I am to be like You, Christ. You were selfless and humble in Your earthly ministry.  Lead me to learn from You and become like You.

Lord Jesus, I do need to be saved today.  Search my heart and help me to be honest with myself, and then to share what You have given me with others.  Guide me in the true way of salvation so that I may, now and always, abide in You and You in me.  Help me to bear fruit befitting Your kingdom.  Help me act like You and no matter the cost, to do what is right in Your sight.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, June 26, 2023

“I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; and when I had eaten it, my stomach was made bitter” (Revelation 10:11).

The word of God is sweet initially.  I am saved by grace apart from works and receive this through faith.  Then comes what the sinner considers bitter, and that is the actual fulfilling of the law.  I am not free to do as I please, but I am now empowered by the Holy Spirit to actually learn how to live as the Lord intends me to live.  Sweet in taste, bitter in action.  But that problem is all mine!

Lord, I like the idea of being saved.  I like the idea of everything being well with my soul.  I do not like the idea of having to practice these things.  I do not want to carry my cross.   How much of my religious life is spent distracting myself from the task at hand?  You know.  Guide me out of the wicked insanity of this age to simply live according to Your unchanging word of truth.  You have come to free me from bondage to sin and death.

Savior of my soul, Jesus, You have come that I may have life and have it abundantly.  Guide me, dear Lord, in learning how to live truthfully with You.  Guide me to put into action these things I claim, but thus far have not done.  Lead me in Your goodness so that I may now and always live according to the word of truth that You have spoken.  Show me, Lord, how  to follow You now and always.  Amen.