Devotion for Wednesday, September 13, 2023

“And I heard the altar saying, “Yes, Lord God, the Almighty, true and righteous are Your judgments” (Revelation 16:7).

True are the judgements of the Lord.  The opposite is also true.  Untrue are the judgements of this age.  The Lord knows, and not only in our lifetime, the outcome of the string of events that are unleashed with judgement.  We know there will be an end to this age.  The question remains before us: “What kind of person ought you to be?”  Indeed, what will I do knwing these things?

Lord, who knows whether the whole of creation was not put together for the sole purpose of giving us the opportunity of joining with You.  Lead me in the right way.  You are righteous and just.  You have come to give life to those who would follow You.  Help me to walk the path that You have set before me, seeking life first and leaving all other things in Your hands.

Lord, You know all that I need.  You allow things to happen in my life so that I may be moved to where I need to be.  Guide me in the way You know I need to go and help me to move there.  Lead me, Lord, and help me to have a heart that willingly receives what You are giving me.  In You Lord I have hope, for all things are in Your hands.  Lead me according to Your goodness and mercy.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, September 12, 2023

“And I heard the angel of the waters saying, “Righteous are You, the One who is and who was, O Holy One, because You judged these things; for they poured out the blood of saints and prophets, and You have given them blood to drink. They deserve it” (Revelation 16:5-6)

Vengeance belongs to the Lord.  He will repay.  But do not pray for vengeance, but instead pray for mercy.  Pray that those in this world would repent and come to the Lord while they can.  Bend your heart toward compassion, for this world is filled with vengeance – and it belongs to God alone.  Only the Lord knows true justice.  Only the Lord can properly deal with the rebellion of the wicked in this age.

Lord, I see these things and then want to seek vengeance.  It is not mine, but yours alone.  Teach me how to be merciful even to those whom I think should not receive mercy.  You have given me mercy and I suppose there could well be those who would rather I had not received it.  Teach me to live as Your disciple as I journey toward becoming like You.  Take me away from living in the way of this world.

Lord, I am easily and often confused between the way of this world and the way to which You are calling me.  It frightens me how easily I revert to thinking in terms of anger and hatred.  Guide me in the way of everlasting life, saving Lord, so that I may walk humbly with You.  I deserve vengeance and wrath, but by Your grace, I have received mercy.  Help me to be forever thankful.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, September 11, 2023

“Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of waters; and they became blood” (Revelation 16:4).

From the oceans, up through the rivers and to the springs.  We are guilty of having polluted our land.  We have not been good stewards.  How much soil has been forever ruined because of our acts?  The gall and wormwood will kill.  Lord, have mercy.  Christ, have mercy.  Lord, have mercy.  There are none who are good, no, not one.  Turn my eyes to You, O Lord, that I would look and live.

Lord, You have given us the sign of Moses.  You did not promise that we would escape unscathed.  You promised that we would be with You.  Lead me away from foolish thinking to humbly submit to Your salvation.  Guide me away from where the world seems to be heading.  They believe that we sinners can save ourselves from sin.  Lord, You have revealed the truth.  Only in You is there hope.

Lord Jesus, I sometimes let others define who I am.  I do not look to You and hear the truth of all that You have spoken.  Guide me in the way of everlasting life so that I may humbly walk with You, my Lord and God.  Lead me in the way of righteousness so that no matter what happens to me in this age, I may praise You and thank You for the grace You have given me and do what You require.  Your grace is more than sufficient, and I thank You.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, September 10, 2023

“The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it became blood like that of a dead man; and every living thing in the sea died” (Revelation 16:3).

 have often wondered if this is the pollution we have poured into the sea or the after-effects of it.  We humans are guilty of having polluted so many places.  Will we eventually pay the price for our lack of stewardship?  We already do.  This does not mean that a day may come where, quite literally, this happens as it is being described.  For us, this is a reminder that we are called to be stewards of the earth and to seek to obey all that the Lord has commanded. 

Lord, it is difficult enough for me just to work on the commandments You have given me.  I confess that I try to be a good steward, but I am not good.  Tribulation will come because of sin.  Even if I am not directly involved, I will pay a price.  Lead me away from selfish thinking so that in all circumstances, I will give thanks for the salvation You have given me.  Knowing these things makes me sad, but to know Your grace restores my joy.

Lord Jesus, You said there would be a new heaven and a new earth.  You have promised that all who are in You should be with You forever.  In hearing these words today, what will happen between here and there is not going to be pleasant.  Wrap Your protective arms around me that I may be strengthened for whatever befalls me on this side of life, knowing that You will use all things to shape me for eternity.  Help me to be a steward and care where I am able for the world around me.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, September 9, 2023

“So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth; and a harmful and painful sore afflicted the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his image” (Revelation 16:2).

Does the Lord do things to punish people?  The world sometimes thinks so.  If people obeyed God’s commands, there would be no need for abortion and there would be no STD’s that they would catch.  Does God cause abortion and sexually transmitted diseases?  God forbid we have such horrible thinking.  The wrath is built in as a recompense.  The deterrent is to cause us to pause and think again about what we are doing.

The Lord desires that none would perish.  When the word of God says this, it means it.  Our Savior died once for all.  We will, however, pay the price for the sinful things we do.  We are forgiven, yes, but the built-in recompense is ours.  If I steal, get caught, and go to jail, that is as it should be.  The forgiveness of Christ may be mine, but I will pay a price for my crime.  Abide in Christ so that His grace paves the way to be with Him forever.

Lord Jesus, I do not understand why I think that because I follow You, no plague should touch me.  Your death was horrific.  If You were not exempt from the sin of this world, and You are perfect, why do I think that I should be exempt from the recompense of sin?  Lead me to persevere so that no matter what happens in my lifetime I know that You love me and that Your grace is sufficient for me.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, September 8, 2023

“Then I heard a loud voice from the temple, saying to the seven angels, “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God” (Revelation 16:1)

The time will come when the Lord ends this age of rebellion.  The time will come when your time is up.  In one sense, both are at the same time.  What will it take to conform you to Christ?  Some will never be conformed and remain in eternal rebellion.  But you are reading this, so I suspect you wish your rebellion to be overcome by the grace of the Lord in order to conform you to His image.

What shall you do?  Will it take the wrath of God to get you to release what needs to be released, or will you willingly come into His presence and walk with Him according to His purpose?  The Lord is calling you and desires that You walk wholly and fully with Him now and forever.  Being saved is not a one-time feel-good moment.  It is the reality of the continuing battle in this rebellious world between our desire to be with the Lord and our desire to be in charge.

Lord Jesus, You have come to lead me on the narrow path to be conformed into the image of a child of God.  There are so many stumbling blocks in the way, but You know the desire of my heart.  Lead me, O Lord, so that I continue day by day, and by whatever means, to humbly walk with You.  You are the author and finisher of my faith.  In You, I have hope.  Guide me by whatever means I need this day to remain faithful to Your calling.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, September 7, 2023

“And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power; and no one was able to enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were finished” (Revelation 15:8).

When sin has been forever banished the righteous shall enter the temple.  Sin has been banished by the cross and those who are in Christ may come before the presence of God.  What we await is for God to bring about eternity.  The events of this age must unfold, but the promises of the Lord give us hope for what is to come.  He will not stop until you are like Christ.  He will accomplish what He has promised.

Lord, there are great mysteries which I do not understand.  I can understand that You have taken upon Yourself what should have come upon me.  Because of that, I am now on a journey of becoming like You.  You already know the days ahead of me, but I live them moment by moment.  Guide me, Lord, so that I may humbly walk in the truth of Your purpose and presence.

Lord Jesus, my Savior who has taken away my sin, perfect me by whatever means You choose and lead me according to Your purpose.  You know all that is needed.  You know what I need to become complete.  Thank You, Lord, for saving me.  Help me to continue on the journey before me, working through all that this world will throw in the way of my humbly walking with You.  Guide me according to Your eternal purpose.  Amen.


Devotion for Wednesday, September 6, 2023

“And one of the four living creatures gave the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God, who lives forever and ever” (Revelation 15:7).

Judgement is built into what happens.  It is not that God is looking at others with wrath. But He has made it so that recompense has been prepared ahead of time.  Either Christ will take your iniquities upon Himself, or else you will be condemned for your unforgiven sins.  For those in grace, the wrath of God brings about repentance.  For the eternally rebellious, God’s wrath is answered with their vitriol and hatred.

Lord, I do pay a price for my sins.  You have given me grace so that eternal death will not be mine, but I still pay a price in this world.  Lead me to learn how not to sin.  You have given promises that You will make me perfect as You are perfect.  In that hope, I know there is still much work to be done.  I would rather do these things willingly rather than face Your wrath.

Lord Jesus, You have taken upon Yourself my sins so that the sting of death would be removed.  I still have much that needs to be done in this life of faith You have given me.  Guide me in the way You know I need to go and help me to do so willingly in order to be conformed to Your image.  Keep me from the recompense of sin by teaching me how to resist sin, the devil, and death by living a life that is righteous in Your sight.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, September 5, 2023

“After these things I looked, and the temple of the tabernacle of testimony in heaven was opened, and the seven angels who had the seven plagues came out of the temple, clothed in linen, clean and bright, and their chests wrapped with golden sashes” (Revelation 15:5-6).

The tabernacle of testimony?  The tabernacle is open and closed.  It is open to those who worship but closed to those who do not believe.  The day will come when all will know that Jesus is the One who has come.  In that day, when all see, it will be too late to make a choice, for the choice will already have been made.  In that day, you will either rejoice or curse the Lord of lords.

Lord of all creation, teach my heart to praise You and give thanks for Your goodness.  You have opened the tabernacle of Your presence so that I may know You are with me always.  I have faith, Lord, but often I do not fully believe.  Help my unbelief so that I become purified and prepared for what You have created for eternity.  No matter what comes upon this earth, lead me to be ready to be with you forever.

Lord Jesus, You have come to set me free from the bondage of death in this age of rebellion.  Guide me in the way of everlasting life so that in You I may have eternal hope.  Guide me to live and love in the hope which You give.  Teach me to bear whatever cross I need to bear, knowing that You will use my trials to prepare me to be with You forever.  Guide me in the way of Your eternal goodness.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, September 4, 2023

“Who will not fear You, Lord, and glorify Your name?  For You alone are holy; For all the nations will come and worship before You, For Your righteous acts have been revealed” (Revelation 15:4).

In this world it seems as though people are seeking to avoid the reality of the Lord.  Some take for themselves what belongs to the Lord alone.  But the righteousness of the Lord is forever.  All honor does belong to the Lord.  The party of the wicked one will continue to defame the Lord.  Those who follow the Lord will bow down willingly and worship the Lord.  Come then, and live in truth and worship the Lord.

Lord, You are King of kings and Lord of lords.  It can be seen by any who will look, for all of creation is Your work.  The nations ignore you, but I do not.  Teach my heart to not fear people but to fear You.  You alone are holy, and holy is Your name.  You alone are salvation and as many as believe are given a rightful fear, honor, respect, and righteousness.  In You alone is all hope.

Lord Jesus, You alone bore the iniquity of my sin.  You alone are worthy of all honor and praise.  I do not honor and praise You as I should.  Lead me from where I am to where I need to be.  Lead me according to Your goodness, O Lord, so that I may walk humbly in Your sight.  Lead me to live out the truths I speak, be an example of Your presence in my life and glorify Your name, for You alone are holy.  Amen.