Devotion for Saturday, September 23, 2023

“The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. Babylon the great was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of the wine of His fierce wrath” (Revelation 16:19).

Babylon the great has fallen.  We gather around world cities, thinking them to be the centers of civilization, and drink their wine.  Some might say that we drink their Kool-Aid.  We drink the poisons of this world and wonder why there is a price to be paid.  Judgement is not God getting even, it is the reality of paying the price for doing things wrong.  God desires us to be whom He has made us to be.

Lord, my mind is often a mixed-up mess.  Help me to understand that You love us so much that You desire for us eternal joy in the love You share.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way of eternal life.  Help me to live life as it is meant to be lived.  Lead me to know that only in You is there hope and an eternal future.  Direct me away from the ways of Babylon and into the way of eternity.

Lord Jesus, You have told me that the way which leads to salvation is narrow.  You are the expert, and You show the steps that need to be made in order not to fall.  Direct me in the way You know I need to go.  Guide me in Your grace to humbly walk following Your lead.  Keep me close to You and protect me from the sinfulness that is all around me.  Let me never taste the fierce wrath of judgement.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, September 22, 2023

“And there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder; and there was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since mankind came to be upon the earth, so great an earthquake was it, and so mighty” (Revelation 16:18).

There have been earthquakes and the number of them seems to be increasing.  We witness the birth pains.  The end will come, and it will not be a good day.  The Lord will make a new heaven and a new earth.  These things are shared with a reason so that You and I might believe.  We have the Creeds to tell us in whom to believe.  We have Scripture to tell us what to believe and how to behave.

Lord, You have provided all things necessary so that when the great and terrible day comes, whether it be my death, or the death of the earth, I shall be prepared.  I won’t like it, but I will be ready.  Guide me, Lord, so that in Your goodness and grace I may continue while there is time to prepare myself for all that is to come.  You know what is needed, I do not.  Help me to live with You leading and me following.

Lord Jesus, I have experienced so many things and I know there are so many more things that I need to experience.  Guide me in the way You would have me go.  Guide me to live in the truth which You have revealed and, knowing these things, humbly accept what You have set before me.  In Your grace and mercy, may all that You intend for me be accomplished in me according to the Father’s will.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, September 21, 2023

“Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl upon the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple from the throne, saying, “It is done” (Revelation 16:17).

The same thing happened on the cross. Jesus breathed His last after saying, “It is finished.”  How many times will the Lord clean up our mess?  As many times as it takes.  He made the world perfect and we have messed it up.  Blaming it on Adam and Eve won’t help, for we have each done our part.  Seven is a Scriptural number for perfection.  The Lord will do what it takes until we are perfected.

Lord, I do not have the patience You have.  I do not even understand why You would go to such lengths.  For those who are parents, there may be a little understanding, but even then, it pales in comparison to You.  Grant grace such that each of those who are hopeful in Your promises will live reflecting Your light so that others may see the great love You have for us all.  Thank You for not stopping until all is finished.

Lord Jesus, Your word promises that everything has a purpose.  You have given Your word so that we, on this side of eternity, might look with hope at all that You have promised.  But I suspect none of us understands that You will not actually stop until it is finished.  You won’t just brush us off and send us on our way.  You will make each of Your faithful perfect as You are perfect.  Thank You, Jesus; and do not stop no matter how much I complain.  Amen.


Devotion for Wednesday, September 20, 2023

“And they gathered them together to the place which in Hebrew is called Har-Magedon” (Revelation 16:16).

The wars of this age will one day culminate in the last battle.  It will be a day that is terrible for the eternal loss of so many.  It will be the day of victory for the faithful.  It will be a great and terrible day.  Yet, that day is also before each one of us.  Will it be a great or terrible day for you?  The answer is yes, but which will it be?  Followers of Christ gather in the final battle of sin and the Lord of all slays the sins of the faithful and they then undergo final judgement to be united with Him.

Lord, whether I see that last day of this age in this life, or just my last day in this age, really does not matter.  It is before us all.  Who I am, or rather, whose I am does matter.  The wicked one would keep me deceived.  You have redeemed me and called me to become like You.  In the hope of Your promises, lead me Lord in the way of everlasting life.  Guide me away from wickedness and unto holiness.

Lord Jesus, Savior and judge of my soul, You know where I am on my journey and what needs to be done.  You are fully aware of all circumstances.  What can I tell You that You do not already know?  Lead me and help me to follow You.  Guide me in Your goodness to be conformed to Your image and help me now and always to follow You wherever You lead.  Thank You, Lord, for calling me according to Your purpose and for saving me.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, September 19, 2023

“Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who stays awake and keeps his clothes, so that he will not walk about naked and people will not see his shame” (Revelation 16:15)

Has not the Lord warned us to be on the alert?  Many times, in Scripture, the Lord tells us to be on the alert.  That must mean that we easily get lulled into sleep.  Having a watchful attitude, staying alert, and being mindful of all things helps us to see our world differently.  It is not being paranoid, just aware that the wicked one is constantly deceiving many.  Do not be deceived.  Live in the hope of Christ.

Jesus, You have done all that needs to be done so that we may live with You forever.  You have warned us so that we can be prepared for the onslaught of evils that will come our way.  Help us to heed these simple words and abide in You.  Guide Your church out of the malaise of sleepiness to be alert and see the duplicity of the wicked one.  Help us Lord and teach us to look to You alone.

Lord Jesus, You were in a constant battle with wickedness with those who from without and within were using deceit to confuse those who were genuinely seeking truth.  It is no different today.  Clear my mind to see things as they are.  Lead me so that I may learn how to be faithful.  Keep me from the temptation of sloth so that I may be alert, awake, and ready for whatever You allow to come my way.  Amen

Devotion for Monday, September 18, 2023

“And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the entire world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty” (Revelation 16:13-14).

There seems to be an increase of demonic signs right in front of our eyes and many do not seem to see.  The wicked one uses tricks to deceive so that the unrepentant remain in their sin.  Open your eyes, not in fear but in truth, and know that you are in a battle of principalities and forces.  The wicked one will deceive, but the Sovereign One will prevail.  There are those who will battle against the Lord and lose, for the Lord has all authority and power.

The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord.  We are not to fear the one who can destroy the body, but the One who can destroy both body and soul.  The Lord alone is Sovereign, for He is the One who made the universe and all that is in it.  What does the Lord desire?  That you repent, turn to Him, and seek to become like Christ.  What should you do?  Love the Lord and your neighbor.

Lord, it sometimes does seem so simple, but like life, there are complexities.  The devil is in the details and I fall for his tricks.  You know I need saving and so do I.  Save me Lord and set me straight on the path I need to walk today.  Guide me in Your goodness to know that in You alone is there hope and the eternal future promised to our forefathers.  Lead me and grant me grace to follow where You lead.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, September 17, 2023

“The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river, the Euphrates; and its water was dried up, so that the way would be prepared for the kings from the east” (Revelation 16:12).

Only with hindsight does everything make sense.  There are things that happen in life that only upon reflection afterwards will we begin to understand what it means.  The great river, the source of the Babylonian system, the heart of the rebellion against the Lord will be prepared to allow passage by an even greater evil.  Did the Lord not warn us to put our house in order after a demon is exorcised lest seven more return? (Matthew 12:43-45)

The only way out, Lord, is You.  Only by grace and through faith can we escape the deadly traps of the rebellion of this age.  Guide us, Lord, to see through the same snares that happen over and over again so that we look to You for help.  At the end, the east will reveal the heart of wickedness, whatever that means.  But I do know You have come to give us a new heart that longs to be with You forever.

Guide me in the salvation You have prepared in the sight of all people Lord Jesus.  No matter what the end of this age looks like, prepare me to be with You forever.  Guide me in Your goodness so that I may have hope for the eternity which You have promised.  Grant me strength to live through whatever may befall me in this age knowing that You are preparing me to be with You forever.  Amen.  

Devotion for Saturday, September 16, 2023

“And the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became darkened; and they gnawed their tongues because of pain, and they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pain and their sores; and they did not repent of their deeds” (Revelation 16:10-11).

And they did not repent of their deeds.  How many times do the mighty go down because they will not repent?  Why is the human heart so proud and filled with prideful contempt?  Even those in low positions hide behind their unwillingness to repent.  Darkness comes and the wicked get ready for evil deeds.  It is the story of wicked humanity.  It is the story of people who will not see the light shining in the darkness.

Lord, what is it in my rebellious heart that does not want to repent.  Why do I do these things when I know that You alone are Lord?  Lead Your people in the way of everlasting life so that we may humbly walk with You.  Take the chips off our shoulders and help us to see things as they truly are.  You have created all things and You have invited all into a loving relationship with You that will last forever.

Savior of the world. Lord Jesus, take all that hinders my walk with You and hang it with You on the cross.  Guide me according to Your goodness and mercy to know that only in You is there hope and a future.  All that happens in this age leads to the final moment of separation.  I will either be with You, or else on the path that leads to utter darkness and ruin.  Let my life bear witness of Your presence within me and reflect Your light upon others.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, September 15, 2023

“And the people were scorched with fierce heat; and they blasphemed the name of God who has the power over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give Him glory” (Revelation 16:9).

Sometimes things happen.  The wicked curse God for them.  They do not look to the Lord for anything except as One whom they curse.  Yes, you may talk with the Lord any time you like.  It’s called prayer.  But when it comes to your situation, ask, do not tell the Lord what you are thinking.  God is Lord and Sovereign over all.  The rebellion raises the heart to think it equal and even superior to the Lord.

Lord, I have become caught up in this game of treating You without respect.  Forgive me, Lord, and lead me away from such sinful behavior.  Who am I that You would even pay attention to me; but You do.  Guide me, Lord, to have a new heart that is filled with love and not pride.  Help me to have an attitude of gratitude and not prideful expectation.  No matter the circumstance, help me to always know that You alone are Lord of all.

Lord Jesus, the glory of Salvation, You have done exceedingly more than I could ever ask or expect.  Guide me in the way You know I need to go this day.  Lead me in the way of eternal life.  Help me to bring glory to God through all of my actions that show others my belief in You.  Teach me to ask and never demand from You what I desire.  May I be Your humble servant and willingly live in the circumstances You grant me to live in.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, September 14, 2023

“And the fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun, and it was given power to scorch people with fire” (Revelation 16:8).

What will it take?  I have seen calamity come upon people and they curse the Lord.  I have heard them say, “Where is your God now?”  It is sad that the rebellion runs so deep in some people.  The Lord allows us to be “scorched” in this world to remind us that we do pay a price for the choices we make.  Sometimes we pay a price for the choices others make.  Christ paid the price for all of us; that for which He had no guilt.

Lord, grant me perspective so that I do not react so quickly to things that happen.  Guide me according to Your purpose so that I live humbly in the truth that I am a redeemed sinner.  Things will happen in this life that I do not understand, but You have promised that it all works together because I am in Your grace and mercy.  Teach me to love You, Lord, as You conform me to Your image.

Thank You, Jesus, for doing the hard work.  You were not just “scorched”, You were killed on the cross and willingly allowed this for all who believe, by which You paid the price for our redemption.  Lead me in the way of truth.  No matter what comes in this life, guide me according to Your purposes so that I may learn from You.  Guide me today, moment by moment, so that I may learn from You how to live fully in the truth of Your presence.  Amen.