Thursday, October 26, 2017 Devotion

“But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever.  I will give You thanks forever, because You have done it, and I will wait on Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones.”  (Psalm 52:8-9)


We are as the young tree, filled with potential, but not yet producing fruit.  In spite of where we, or not are, come anyway to the house of the Lord and taste and see that what He gives is goodness and this shall be forever.  Come into the presence of the Lord and know that He will fulfill all that He has promised.  Come as one of His godly ones and walk in His ways.


Lord, what do I know compared to the wisdom You hold on the edge of your pinky?  I am but a young shoot tender and vulnerable in a world filled with avarice and wickedness.  Guide me O Lord in Your ways that I would walk according to Your Word and live into the life to which You call me.  Help me O Lord through the salvation You offer by grace to walk into the kingdom You offer.


Lord Jesus, without You and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, I could go nowhere, for my mind is clouded and my abilities are limited, yet You still offer the path of grace.  Lift me up O Lord to walk in Your ways knowing that only through You and by Your power can I ascend to stand in the Father’s presence.  Help me now and always to prepare for Your Kingdom and walk in the ways You have established from the beginning.  Amen.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017 Devotion

“The righteous will see and fear, and will laugh at him, saying, “Behold, the man who would not make God his refuge, but trusted in the abundance of his riches and was strong in his evil desire.”  (Psalm 52:6-7)


The day will come when the difference between those who trusted in themselves and those who trusted in the Lord will be apparent.  The self apart from the Lord will be separated as they are now from the +source of life.  Riches and worldly wealth are fleeting and do not really belong to the one who says, “This is mine.”  The one who abides in the Lord abides forever, because the Lord is forever.


I do not see clearly and Your ways often seem hard to fathom, yet I know You are there and this is Your creation.  Clear my sight O Lord to walk with You on cloudy as well as clear days.  Help me see in You the hope that is forever and to not walk in the ways of fools who trust in things they did not make and will not last to be their satisfaction.  Guide me O Lord in Your ways.


Lord Jesus, You came into the world humble and living in simple circumstances.  Help me shed dependency on the things of this world to see that only You and the Kingdom You have established are forever.  Lead me today and every day in the way I should go and then help me get there by looking to You, the author and finisher of my faith, to lead the way.  Amen.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017 Devotion

“You love evil more than good, falsehood more than speaking what is right.  You love all words that devour, O deceitful tongue. But God will break you down forever; He will snatch you up and tear you away from your tent, and uproot you from the land of the living.”  (Psalm 52:3-5)


The wicked tongue shall not survive.  Why do you cling to that which is already condemned?  Come then into the rest of the Lord and give up the vain ways of this world.  DO not cling to that which is destructive, but come into the hope of glory that comes through grace.  Live into the life into which You have been called through grace by faith.  Let your wicked heart be uprooted and replaced with a heart like Christ’s.


Lord, You know all the complexities of the heart and the ways in which it plays games with me.  Blot out my iniquities and take away those things which hinder me from living life as You have designed it to be lived.  Guide me O Lord into Your grace that I may begin again the journey to which grace calls me.  Help me through all obstacles to live, speak and have my being in You.


Lord Jesus, You have come to forever shatter the wicked and their ways from ruling in life.  Though there remains this season in which the wicked endure, let me not be counted among them.  Instead, guide me by Your grace to come into the life to which You have called me by Your provision to seek the goodness You offer.  Help me now and always to cling to You, the finisher of my faith.  Amen.

Monday, October 23, 2017 Devotion

“Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man?  The lovingkindness of God endures all day long.  Your tongue devises destruction, Like a sharp razor, O worker of deceit.”  (Psalm 52:1-2)


Wickedness has always been around and in the midst of our comfort we do not see the evil plotted by those who are bent upon destruction.  From the heart and out of the mouth comes deceit, malice, envy and bitterness.  The call of the Lord is to have a new and clean heart that abandons the heart of this age for the eternal goodness of the Lord.  Be not wicked, but come into the righteousness of the Lord.


At many levels, there is within me that which can and does behave like those who practice wickedness.  You, O Lord have called me into a new life that no longer rebels against the goodness You have established, but desires to come into the truth that in You alone is hope.  Come Holy Spirit and renew in me a right spirit that I would hold fast to You and the goodness You give.


Lord Jesus, in the face of the rebellious age, You have given the means of forever escaping the self-destructive ways of this world.  Guide me O Lord that I would live in Your grace and live into a life that seeks righteousness.  Help me now and always to hold fast to the truth You have revealed that I might become like You and do the Father’s will on earth as it shall be done in heaven.  Amen.

Sunday, October 22, 2017 Devotion

“By Your favor do good to Zion; build the walls of Jerusalem.  Then You will delight in righteous sacrifices, in burnt offering and whole burnt offering; then young bulls will be offered on Your altar.”  (Psalm 51:18-19)


Zion, the place for the redeemed, the place of hope and eternity, the new Jerusalem.  Zion is for those who come through salvation to live in the relationship eternally given by God through the means of salvation He has made possible through Christ.  Come then into the rest, even amidst the struggles of this age.  Come and make your sacrifices to the Lord who sees and knows the hearts of all.


Lord, You have offered the way of hope for those who turn to You.  Guide me in this path that I would walk where You have shown the way and live according to Your purposes.  Help me overcome all the difficulties of this world by trusting in You.  Help me keep my heart on the path of Your leading that I would walk in the ways You have established from the beginning.


Lord Jesus, King of Zion, by Your grace, You open the way for all those who come by faith.  You make the first and final sacrifice by Your own blood to free us to come as we are through You into citizenship in Zion.  Lead me by the grace You offer to live my life toward You, with You and in You that I may being the eternal life now that shall be lived forever.  Amen.

Saturday, October 21, 2017 Devotion

“ For You do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it; You are not pleased with burnt offering.  The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.”  (Psalm 51:16-17)


Look carefully and see that God is not interested in being appeased, but desires a humble and contrite heart that comes to Him in relationship.  Yes, fear of the Lord is the beginning, but in wisdom see that the Lord desires those who will learn to love as He loves.  The Lord loves whom He has created and offers salvation for those caught up in the wickedness of this age.


Lord, I do not want to give up what I think is my own, yet it really is not my own.  You have created me and everything else.  All belongs to You.  Guide me away from my corrupt heart that I would be willing to sacrifice it to You to have Your heart implanted in me.  Guide me O Lord according to Your goodness to come into the life You offer through Your salvation that I would enter that life and truly live.


Lord Jesus, You are the sacrifice that opens the way to eternal life.  In giving up myself as You gave up Yourself, I find the truth that You have come to establish an eternal relationship.  In Your grace, lead me O Lord that I would walk after You into the goodness You offer for those who are willing to come by grace into the new and eternal life.  Lead me Lord Jesus in the way I should go.  Amen.

Friday, October 20, 2017 Devotion

“Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, the God of my salvation; then my tongue will joyfully sing of Your righteousness.  O Lord, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.”  (Psalm 51:14-15)

Any who say they carry no guilt walk in lies.  We all are unclean.  Only the Lord can clean us and He will for those who come to Him and willingly walk in His ways.  The natural reaction is to sing praise to the One who created all things.  Come then and learn from the Lord.  Let your heart learn to sung joyfully the praise of the Lord and declare His goodness to the ends of the earth.


Lord, my heart both wants this and does not want this.  I am in a struggle.  I confess some things, but hold back and pretend about others.  Bring me through the place where I play this game to the place of truth that I may now and always abide with You.  Send Your Spirit to nurture my soul that I may finish walking through the Valley of Death into Your abiding light of truth forever.


Lord Jesus, You are the Lamb who takes away the guilt of sin and forever banishes it for those who learn to love the Father.  Come lead me O Lord that I would walk in Your grace from where I am to where I need to be.  Help me learn from You how to be humble and holy.  Teach me to sing praises to You now and forever.  Guide me in the way I should go O Lord and then help me to walk that way.  Amen

Thursday, October 19, 2017 Devotion

“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit.  Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will be converted to You.”  (Psalm 51:12-13)


Sustain.  We ebb and flow in this world, good days and bad.  In the Lord there is the promise of being consistent.  That consistency, shines like a lamp in a world of darkness.  To have the joy of the soul restored and a willing spirit to live for the Lord is the promise of salvation for all.  Take upon yourself the salvation of the Lord and come into His holy presence and walk in His salvation.

Lord I hear these words and I like them, but then I walk in the way of sinners and their darkness is my darkness.  Lord, lift me up and sustain me now and forever that I may join in shining the light of Your glory in a dark world.  Guide me in the way of truth that I may now and forever abide in You as You abide in me knowing that only in You is their life and light, hope and a future.


Lord Jesus, Light of the world.  You have come in this world of darkness to bring the grace we need to be lifted up into the Father’s eternal presence.  You are the hope of joy in a weary world of flashing darkness.  Open my eyes to see first the glimmer, then continue to open them that they may learn to receive full light.  Bring me along Your path Jesus that I may be fully restored.  Amen.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017 Devotion

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.”  (Psalm 51:10-11)


For those who are liturgical, this familiar passage, offered as an offertory, speaks the need we all have that our gifts would be a sacrifice of the heart and not just a motion we go through.  Knowing that it is our hearts toward Him in all things that the Lord is after, we do well to meditate on His presence and the offer of grace we have received.  Do not take it for granted.


Lord, throughout Scripture, You have made the offer of grace if we will turn to You.  Help me to take this matter to the heart that I would meditate on Your Word day and night and realize that in You alone is there hope and a future.  Lead me O Lord and grant by grace that I would follow.  Renew daily the need I have and the means You give that I would continue the journey.


Lord Jesus, You are the one who cleans the heart from the inside out.  Help me see that in You alone and by Your grace alone is this possible.  I cannot, but You can.  Fill me with the presence of Your Spirit and day by day, renew in me a right spirit that looks to You, the author and finisher of my faith, as the guide, source, means and hope of the future.  Lead me Lord Jesus where I should go.  Amen.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Devotion

“Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.  Make me to hear joy and gladness, let the bones which You have broken rejoice.  Hide Your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities.”  (Psalm 51:7-9)


Where we start, and our call to where we have been invited, are two different places.  We must make the journey from where we are to where we are going.  The contrite heart and the one who repents begins the journey.  You have been invited upon this journey and it is ever deeper, for who can know the depth and breadth of the sin the lurks under the shadow?  Come to the Lord and He will make you clean.


Lord, bolstered by those around me, I often hide and believe I am better than most, yet it is not better, but perfection that You desire.  Guide me along the paths of righteousness for Your namesake that I would walk where You lead.  Guide me in the way I should go and help me follow where Your Spirit leads.  Make me whiter than snow through Your grace that Your will would be done.


Lord Jesus, You have come to prepare the way for all those who would follow in grace where You lead.  Guide me O Lord in the way I should go and keep me from veering from the path You have before me.  Teach me to trust in all that You have promised and to stop second guessing where I am and where I need to go.  Lead me Lord and grant grace for me to follow.  Amen.