Devotion for Thursday, February 15, 2018

“For they have persecuted him whom You Yourself have smitten, and they tell of the pain of those whom You have wounded. Add iniquity to their iniquity, and may they not come into Your righteousness.” (Psalm 69:26-27)

How much are we able to handle before we break? We experience what we experience and some seem to have more than they could handle. The lament goes out to keep us from the breaking point. Yet, is not God, God? Will He not do whatever it takes for those whom He loves? Yes, turn to the Lord no matter the circumstances and see that He is good. Know the Lord’s righteousness.

Lord, I see the human struggle, first in myself and then in others. Help me learn from such insights that You give in order that I not be anxious no matter what the day brings. Lead me in Your way of righteousness to do those things that are fitting for Your kingdom. Do not add to the burden upon me, but help me carry my portion according to Your grace. Hinder not any from seeing who ought to see.

Lord Jesus, Light that shines in the darkness, guide me through the dark alleys of this world. Lead me to learn from You how to graciously handle whatever may come knowing that in You alone is my hope and future. Teach me Your ways, O Lord, and then empower me to walk in them that I may be guided by Your Spirit. You alone are good, LORD, in a world filled with evil. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, February 14, 2018

“Pour out Your indignation on them, and may Your burning anger overtake them. May their camp be desolate; may none dwell in their tents.” (Psalm 69:24-25)

In this world we often think in eye-for-an-eye terms. People hurt us and we want them hurt. Yet the ways of the Lord are good and right and fitting always, and this world is filled with sin. Those who go their own way walk on the wide road to oblivion. The appearance of prosperity will turn to a vapor with the passing of time. Only in the Lord is there a hope and a future.

Lord, I see things in the moment and forget not only Your promises but all of the good You have done for me. Help me, Lord, to see as You see and to know that all things are in Your hands and that You will provide over time all that needs to be done. In love, not anger, do You deal with us; for I too have been, at times, one who walked the path of desolation. Cause me to dwell in Your tents.

Lord Jesus, You call us to Yourself that we would walk with You, learn from You and become like You. You went to the cross, and yet it was not anger, but your love that shone forth. Lead me, O Lord, in the way I should go and then help me go that way, Guide me according to Your goodness to be lifted up into the way of thinking that would let me see Your hand at all times and in all things. Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, February 13, 2018

“May their table before them become a snare; and when they are in peace, may it become a trap. May their eyes grow dim so that they cannot see, and make their loins shake continually.” Psalm 69:22-23)

When people are harsh and turn against us we want them to learn a lesson. But vengeance belongs to the Lord. What He does with others He will do with us. See that the Lord uses every circumstance to reach out to us that we may know that He is good and gracious. He will use whatever comes into our lives to lift us up and teach us His ways if we are willing.

Lord I do want vengeance, but You command that I love my enemies. Teach me Your ways; for the ways of this world only lead to destruction. Grant grace and mercy that I would love those who hate and care for those who are mean. Teach me the eternal ways and help me practice them here and increase my capabilities that I may be as You intend. Guide me through the morass of this world that I may keep my eyes upon You.

Lord Jesus, You have come to lead the way for as many as would follow. You show the way through all of the difficulties of this life, preparing us to be with You forever. Guide me, O Lord, that I would forever hold fast to what You teach me, knowing that only in You is there hope. Lead me through the difficult times that will come, and help me look to You now and always that I may follow Your way. Amen.

Devotion for Monday, February 12, 2018

“Reproach has broken my heart and I am so sick. And I looked for sympathy, but there was none, and for comforters, but I found none. They also gave me gall for my food and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.” (Psalm 69:20-21)

In this world, as long as you are doing what is right in the sight of others, they will leave you alone. But do something, even something very small, and there are those who will heap reproach upon you. Salt will be added to the wound. But the Lord is not this way. He knows our lament and knows the difficulties we have. Turn to Him and feel the sweet salve of His grace and mercy.

I do not understand myself, Lord. Others will beat me down and then I transfer this experience to You as if You were the same. Yes, there are bitter times in life, but You lift us up to be faithful to You alone, who will never gall our spirits. This world is impossible to figure out, but Your ways, O Lord, are simple to understand. Guide me, even in times of reproach to turn to You and be lifted up.

Lord Jesus, it could be You who spoke these words with what You experienced with those around You who were a constant reproach. Yet through the difficulty, You pressed on to accomplish the Father’s will. You do understand, Jesus. Lead me in Your way that following You I would know the comfort You give to all through the grace You purchased and the Holy Spirit You have sent. Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, February 11, 2018

“Oh draw near to my soul and redeem it; ransom me because of my enemies! You know my reproach and my shame and my dishonor; all my adversaries are before You.” (Psalm 69:28-19)

The world pulls us in and our spirit laments at the wickedness that is within. Those who pull on us to join them are our enemies, for they who live a life going down into the pit pull others down with them. Sometimes we are they. Turn to the Lord that He may redeem you from going down into the pit and lift you up and away from those who do not know the Lord. Draw near to the Lord and He will draw near to you.

Lord, You know everything about me. You know where I have been and what I have thought. I need the redemption You offer and I need to be lifted up. Sometimes I need this more than once in a day. Let me not be caught up in the ways of this world, but grow in me a mind after Your heart that I would think as You would have me think and see as You give me sight to see.

Lord Jesus, You are the light that shines in the darkness. You have come that as many as are given the ability to see would be lifted up and away from the wickedness of this world. Guide me, O Lord, to see in You the only hope to overcome this world of wickedness. Lead me into the right way of thinking and acting that I may walk humbly with You, my Savior and Lord. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, February 10, 2018

“Answer me, O Lord, for Your lovingkindness is good; according to the greatness of Your compassion, turn to me, and do not hide Your face from Your servant, for I am in distress; answer me quickly.” (Psalm 69:16-17)

It seems to us that the Lord is far off when it is us who are far from the Lord. We do not think He hears because we do not listen. When we blame the Lord, it is our fault, not His, for what we are blaming Him. Come into the presence of the Lord. Do not stand far off, but near, and know that the Lord is quick to answer and ever present in every time of need. Turn to the Lord and live.

Lord, I am distant and far off. I do stand away and expect You to come to me. You have come to me and then I backed away. Lead me, O Lord, according to Your grace to await You. You have asked that I follow You. Help me to follow, and lift me up from this pit that I may be one who walks with You. Lead me, O Lord, in the way of life and help me to follow You always.

Lord Jesus, You indeed have come to us, but then there is our part to receive You. Guide me, O Lord, according to Your goodness that I would live in the life You give by grace. Help me now and always not to stand off or far away, but simply to humbly submit and live the life You give. Guide me, O Lord, through this life of difficulty to see You always. Amen.

Devotion for Friday, February 9, 2018

“Deliver me from the mire and do not let me sink; may I be delivered from my foes and from the deep waters. May the flood of water not overflow me nor the deep swallow me up, nor the pit shut its mouth on me.” (Psalm 69:14-15)

The swamp gets filled and it is dangerous to be there. In the mire of this world there are those who prey upon others. The world is filled with evil; and especially in our day we are told over and over again that it is not there. It is. Look to the Lord who is able to rescue. Look to the Lord who will keep you for being enveloped by the mire of this world. He has come to save.

Lord sometimes I am the evil person I lament; but all around me I see people calling evil good and good evil. I become confused and do not know where to turn. Help me, O Lord, to look to You, the One who knows me better than I know myself, and the only One who can rescue me from the pit. Lift me up, O Lord, that I would come into Your salvation and know Your goodness.

Lord Jesus, You are the Way, Truth and Life, and You have come to rescue all who turn to You from going down into the miry pit. Lead me this day by Your grace to go where You lead and be delivered according to the Father’s will. Help me now and always to be covered by Your grace and mercy that I would not be swallowed up by this world and its wickedness. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, February 8, 2018

“Those who sit in the gate talk about me, and I am the song of the drunkards. But as for me, my prayer is to You, O Lord, at an acceptable time; O God, in the greatness of Your lovingkindness, Answer me with Your saving truth.” (Psalm 69:12-13)

Does it really matter when others speak of you words that are not true? Does it matter that lies are spoken when your heart is turned to the Lord? Do not be mistaken by the twists of the heart which seek acceptance in this world, but instead look to the Lord and seek His goodness and presence always. Seek the Lord and know His goodness and mercy all the days of your life.

Lord, I am influenced by what others think of me. I am fearful of their expectations and thoughts. Help me to remain sensitive, but not to the point where the truth of Your salvation is drowned out by the evil thoughts of others. Guide me, O Lord, according to Your goodness to walk in the ways You have established from old. Lead me through every valley of gossip to stand on the hilltop of truth.

Lord Jesus, You know the derision of those who hate You. You know what it is like to be talked about and lies spread against You. You know, yet graciously walked boldly in the will of the Father. By Your example, help me to walk with You now and always that I would not succumb to the derision of others, but stand boldly in the grace You freely give to those whom You call. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, February 7, 2018

“When I wept in my soul with fasting, it became my reproach. When I made sackcloth my clothing, I became a byword to them.” (Psalm 69:10-11

Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord – not that He won’t hear you – but that you might be able to hear Him. Come into the small still places and be rid of the noise of this world. Come and know that God is Sovereign and that all things are in His hands. Lament your sin and rejoice in the gift of your salvation. Come with honesty and tears before the Lord your God.

Lord, You know all that I have done. You have heard all that I have spoken. You know me; and though You have invited me to walk with You, I do not know You as I should. Bring me to the place where I am willing and able to do what needs to be done. Guide me in Your goodness and let me hear as You speak that I would hold fast to the truth You have revealed through Your Word.

Lord Jesus, You are the One who has come to lead the way of salvation. You make the way possible through the grace You purchased with Your blood. You are the truth revealed that we might walk in the light and no longer linger in the darkness of this world. Lead me through all the pain and suffering of this world to know that You are the One who has come that we might have life. Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, February 6, 2018

‘I have become estranged from my brothers and an alien to my mother’s sons. For zeal for Your house has consumed me, and the reproaches of those who reproach You have fallen on me.” (Psalm 69:8-9)

What is the passion of your life? What do you think about when you meditate? What motivates you to move and have your being? We can think religion a once-a-week thing, in which case, it is just one of the many things we do. Or we can realize that the Creator of all has invited us into His everlasting presence to stand before His majesty in awe and wonder.

Lord, I do get caught up in a world of my own making, which is imaginary and unreal. I can also see clearly that You have called me into reality. Lead me, O Lord, into the life You offer me that I would walk in those ways which are pleasing to You. Help me now and always to seek the Truth which You have revealed and live into the hope You promise those who believe.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for making the way possible to come into the Father’s eternal presence. Strip away those things that hinder me from living the life You give and the distractions that occupy my mind. Help me now and always to hold fast to You as You lead me where You know I need to go. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for sanctifying us one day at a time. Amen.