Devotion for Wednesday, November 21, 2018

“Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty, covering Yourself with light as with a cloak, stretching out heaven like a tent curtain.” (Psalm 104:1-2)


Look out into the world and what do you see? Who can create the beauty of a mountain range? Who can create the intricacy of any animal? How glorious is the sunset or the stars in the sky. The Lord has created magnificent things that reflect only a small part of His glory. It is He who has done all of these things and those things which we have not yet begun to comprehend.

Lord, in all the grandeur of what You have made, You created me. Help me to find the place in creation where You have made Your spot for me. Guide me into the place where I know and rejoice in the fact that I am one of Your created beings. Lift up my countenance to see in all things Your glory and grandeur. May I be lifted up by Your grace to become what You are creating me to be.

Guide my spirit, O Lord, to walk humbly in Your presence knowing that in You is the hope of glory and the way of eternal life. Help me to rejoice in all that You have made, not worshiping the things created, but You the Creator of all things. Guide me to live a life of worship knowing that in You is the hope of glory and the way of everlasting life. May I praise You always for Your goodness. Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, November 20, 2018

“Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, you who serve Him, doing His will. Bless the Lord, all you works of His, in all places of His dominion; bless the Lord, O my soul!” (Psalm 103:21-22)


What is blessing? Is it not the product of what happens in the good life? Is it not what you look at when you see something done well? To bless the Lord is to do what He commands and to walk in His ways. Nature obeys the command of the Lord and we receive its blessing. Do bless the Lord in all of Your ways knowing that the Lord blesses us all through all of His ways, for He is always good.

Lord, You know that I have these thoughts and they are good. But You also know that I have other actions and thoughts that are evil. I live in an age that knows good and evil. Help me, O Lord, to see into the truth that You are the only one that can lead me into true blessing. Guide me out of the mire of this age to be a blessing to others and to bless You in all of my ways.

Without Your grace, Lord Jesus, it would be impossible. Help me, O Lord, to walk in Your shadow and to move in the way You would have me move. Lead me in thought, word and deed to learn how to walk this life of faith. In Your grace, Lord, pull me through every valley to see the blessings that You give that I might persevere in faith to become like You. Amen.

Devotion for Monday, November 19, 2018

“The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all. Bless the Lord, you His angels, mighty in strength, who perform His word, obeying the voice of His word!” (Psalm 103:19-20)


A bird does not fall from the sky that the Lord does not know about. He is truly Sovereign over all that He has made and nothing will happen apart from His Sovereign will. There are many things we do not understand, but that never means that God is not good or gracious. We are called out of this age which knows good and evil to look to the Lord who is always good.

Lord, the evil in this world confuses me so that I see evil in good and good in evil. Help me, O Lord, to look to You and your clear direction. Your work is good and what You are doing is forever. Guide me into Your work and away from being a critic of Your work. Help me to learn how to bless You through all that I say or do. Lead me, O Lord, according to Your will now and forever.

Holy Spirit, come and minister to my spirit that I would move through the swirling fog of this age to see clearly that only the will of the Father shall be accomplished. Lift me up to walk the narrow path as You lead me. Grant me the blessedness that comes through Your grace and mercy to obey Your statutes and live into the eternal promises that You have placed before me. Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, November 18, 2018

“But the lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children, to those who keep His covenant and remember His precepts to do them.” (Psalm 103:17-18)


The Lord is the same today, yesterday, tomorrow and forever. The ways of the Lord are eternal. Of course, we are not able to comprehend His ways. Yet, we do know that His love is from everlasting to everlasting. Walk with Him and seek His ways and know that You are in His everlasting love. He is the One who is Sovereign over all that He has made and His will shall be done.

Lord, in this world, mixed up as it sometimes seems, I hear Your clear voice calling for me to follow You. Guide me, O Lord, in the way of everlasting life. Teach me to seek You in all things and to look for guidance from You to navigate this world. I desire to keep Your covenant, but I cannot do so without You. In You alone is there hope and the eternal future You promise.

Lord Jesus, You have come to lead the way for as many as would follow where You lead. Lead me today in the way I need to go. Guide me by Your grace to walk in the way of righteousness. Help me now and always to see in You the hope of glory and to know that only with Your help am I able to walk in the way of everlasting life. Abide with me today and every day, Jesus. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, November 17, 2018

“As for man, his days are like grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourishes. When the wind has passed over it, it is no more, and its place acknowledges it no longer.” (Psalm 103:15-16)


The older we become, the more we realize how short this life is. It is here a moment and then gone the next. Be guided by the truth that this life is temporary and we are called through becoming like Christ to prepare for the eternity for which we have been created. It matters not what this world thinks, but it does matter what the Lord thinks. Set your priorities on the right place.

Lord, clear my mind of the fog of this world to see things as they are. Help me now and always to see in You the only hope of glory, which should always be for You. Guide me into the upward path to which You have called me that I would live into the eternal life for which I have been created. Help me now and always to see in You the only hope for this or any age.

Holy Spirit, constantly guide me to look to You for all help and guidance. Lead me in the right way of living day by day knowing that I am always being transformed for what is to come. Guide my footsteps to walk the path You have set before me, doing what is right in the Father’s sight. Help me now and always to be content in every circumstance and know that You are God and that Your goodness never ends. Amen.

Devotion for Friday, November 16, 2018

“Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust.” (Psalm 103:13-14)


What are you? Think of the times you think beyond what you really are. Now, think about the Creator of all things. Is there really ever a comparison? With this in mind, know that the Lord loves you whom He has created. In humility, come before the Lord and be one of His created creatures. You are His and it is with love that He deals with His creation. He knows who we are.

Lord, I am guilty of being haughty and self-centered. Who am I that You would love a piece of animated dust like me? Yet You have become as I am in order that I might be with You forever. Guide me, O Lord, in the way I should go that I would walk willingly with You alongside me. Help me each and every day to live into this faith You have given me.

Lord Jesus, it would be impossible without You. Sometimes I am overwhelmed and it seems impossible anyway. Keep my eyes upon You that I may not look to myself, but to You for all things. Guide me according to Your goodness that I may grow in faith and love and take on Your likeness. May I always know my place and rejoice that You would count me in Your fellowship. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, November 15, 2018

“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:11-12)


Why do you fear because of your sin? Why do you think that the Lord does not hear you? So good is our God that He who knows all things has granted grace and mercy to those who come to Him. Fear of the Lord, yes, acknowledging Him in all of your ways is the beginning of wisdom. Do not hold back, but come into the Lord’s presence in the way in which He has called You and live under the shadow of His wing.

Lord, You know those things that go on in my mind. You know where I play games in thinking of alternative ways of living this life. You have called me by Your grace to walk as You have planned. Lead me, O Lord, in the way that leads to eternal life. Guide me according to Your goodness to now and forever abide in You as You abide in me that I may forever be in Your presence.

Lord Jesus, You have taught us to abide in You. Guide me in the way of abiding that I may learn what this means. It is You who has taken away my sin. I have done nothing but sin. It is You who lifts me up. Only by grace do I have the hope that You mercifully give to walk with You forever. Lead me this day in the amazing grace You give that I may learn more this day of the glories of salvation. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, November 14, 2018

“He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.” (Psalm 103:9-10)


So many think the Lord deals with us in terms of what we have done. If this were true, we would not be here, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. He deals with us in His mercy and compassion. He is calling us by grace and through faith to trust in Him and to learn how to walk in His ways. Come then and walk with the Lord and see that He is always good.

Lord, You know me better than I know myself. You know the difficulties I have and where I stumble and fall. Help me now and always to see in You the hope of glory and to learn from You. Guide me to walk in the way of the cross knowing that daily I need to hand over my sin that You would grant me your righteousness that comes by grace. Lead me, O Lord, in the way I need to go.

Lord Jesus, You know all that is needed and have accomplished salvation for those who believe. Yet there remain the daily tasks in this journey of faith. I need You to lead me. Guide me with daily reminders through Your Word and by the power of the Holy Spirit to forever walk with You in the lead. Lift me up to be with You now and forever that I may be where You are. Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, November 13, 2018

“He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the sons of Israel. The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness.” (Psalm 103:7-8)


The Lord does not leave us as orphans. He knows our plight and knows our needs. He has come into world to give us the grace and mercy we need to come to Him. It is He who does this. Come into His presence through His preparations and by His granting of grace, and know the lovingkindness that He has given to all who turn to Him. Learn from our compassionate God.

Lord, You know the state of my heart and what is needed. Guide me, O Lord, in Your goodness to do what is right and fitting in this world while I have the time allotted me. Teach me Your ways, O Lord, and guide me to walk in them. Help me to learn from what You have revealed to all who are mentioned in Your book. Through all things, draw me to walk ever more closely with You.

Lord Jesus, You are the fulfillment of prophecy. Lead me into the life into which I have been called, for only in You can I do the things that are right in the Father’s sight. Help me to look to You for all things, knowing that only in You is there hope. You are the compassion of God who has taken on flesh. Lift me up in Your presence that I may walk as You walked upon the earth. Amen.

Devotion for Monday, November 12, 2018

“Who satisfies your years with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle. The Lord performs righteous deeds and judgments for all who are oppressed.” (Psalm 103:5-6)


What is youth but hope and dreams? The Lord has promised eternity though we as yet need to walk in this world all the days of this life. For those who are not conformed to the oppression of this age, they are granted the journey of righteousness through His mercy. Come into the way of the Lord and know life that leads to life eternal. Learn from Him how to be faithful.

Lord, in the mixed up world it is hard to see through the noise and confusion. Clear the way in my heart that I may now and always walk according to the truth you have revealed from the beginning. Grant that I would come into the grace You have provided and learn as You teach me through the eternal principles You have established. Lead me, O Lord, to abide in Your righteousness.

Lord Jesus, You came into this world to lead the way for as many as would follow You through what You have accomplished for our salvation. Guide me this day to humbly receive what You have given that I may grow in Your likeness. Remove from me the conformity to this world that I may be freed to see the truth You have revealed and walk in Your righteousness. Amen.