Devotion for Thursday, May 30, 2019

“Great are Your mercies, O Lord; revive me according to Your
ordinances.  Many are my persecutors and
my adversaries, yet I do not turn aside from Your testimonies.  I behold the treacherous and loathe them,
because they do not keep Your word.” 
(Psalm 119:156-158)

Do you look at the world and see
it as it truly is?  Do you see how the
ways of the world are filled with violence? 
It does not matter what it is that people say about their position.  Look at what they produce.  Come into the timeless truth of the Lord and
abide fully in the place of security. 
The Lord is good and will save those who turn to Him in every
circumstance that they may always be with Him.

Come Holy Spirit and bring me into the light of truth.  Help me to see through the fog of this age to
know Your goodness and mercy.  Help me to
be a bearer of Your gifts, the fruits that You bestow that I may be a child of
the light and shun the darkness.  Come
Holy Spirit and lead me each step of the way to abide fully in the hope and
promise that You give to those who walk in Your countenance.

Lord Jesus, You know the way through this confusing and evil world.  Help me now and always to walk fully in Your guidance that I would live the way of salvation.  Help me now and always to see what it is You would have me see and do all that You direct.  Lead me in Your example to abide with You and learn from You.  Guide me in the yoke You have given me always.  Amen.

Photo by Soul devOcean on Unsplash

Devotion for Wednesday, May 29, 2019

“Look upon my affliction and rescue me, for I do not forget Your
law.  Plead my cause and redeem me;
revive me according to Your word. 
Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek Your
statutes.”  (Psalm 119:153-155)

What does it mean to be
revived?  Is it not to be weak, even
incoherent?  Sometimes in this world we
are weak and the pressure of this world’s wickedness is such that it beats us
senseless.  When this happens, be
refreshed by the living water and come into the Lord’s presence.  He who made you knows all that is
needed.  He will refresh and enliven you
to meet all that you encounter and prevail through Him.

Lord, I need Your strength to live in this world.  It is wearying sometimes as it seems this
world is prevailing.  Lift up my
countenance that I may abide richly in You and You in me.  Guide me according to Your goodness that I
may practice Your precepts and learn to obey all that You have commanded.  Let me not be far from the salvation You have
prepared in the sight of all people.

Lord Jesus, salvation made visible, guide me this day to be one who overcomes the obstacles of this age.  Lift me up to see clearly what I need to step over.  Revive my soul and refresh me in the truth of Your presence, purpose and power.  Help me O Lord now and always to abide only in You and to leave behind the wickedness of this age.  May I now and always be found in You.  Amen.

Photo by Gilles Rolland-Monnet on Unsplash

Devotion for Tuesday, May 28, 2019

“You are near, O Lord, and all Your commandments are truth.  Of old I have known from Your testimonies
that You have founded them forever.” 
(Psalm 119:151-152)

The Lord is always near.  He is not a god who is far off.  He the Lord who is personal and close.  Come into His presence and know the goodness
of the Lord.  Know that He who knows you
knows all that is needed.  Be guided by
Him and the precepts He gives.  Do not be
tossed about by this world and its crazy ideas that are constantly being
repackaged.  The Lord is calling from

Lord, You have invited me in to the place I know as eternity.  Guide me O Lord in the way of truth that I
may now and always abide in the hope You give. 
Keep me from wandering about as one with no direction.  Lead me in the way of Your mercy and grace
that I would now and forever abide in the hope You give through salvation.  Lead me O Lord and grant me a heart that is
willing to follow.

Lord, You have called and I have heard Your voice.  You have established the way and placed me upon the path.  Guide me O Lord in the way of truth that I would hold fast to all that You have promised.  Lead me O Lord today that I would learn and grow according to the grace You have given me for this day.  Help me to overcome where there is need to do so that I may abide in You this day.  Amen.

Photo by Ramdan Authentic on Unsplash

Devotion for Monday, May 27, 2019

“My eyes anticipate the night watches, that I may meditate on Your
word.  Hear my voice according to Your
lovingkindness; revive me, O Lord, according to Your ordinances.  Those who follow after wickedness draw near;
they are far from Your law.”  (Psalm

Do you take time to meditate
upon the Word of the Lord.  Our lives are
often so busy that we do not take time to meditate and pray.  Before all of the lights and electronics,
people had time in the evening watch to think on the things of the Lord.  Come close to the Lord and He will come close
to You.  Know that the Lord hears your
prayers and seeks those who seek Him. 
Come to Him and find understanding.

Lord, You know the state of my heart. 
Guide me O Lord in the way of truth that I would now and forever abide
in the hope of glory that You promise through salvation.  Help me O Lord with so many around me who tug
and pull and seek to bring me to their level. 
Keep me from stumbling over the wickedness of this world and lift me up
to be able to see You face to face.

Lord Jesus, You have given many promises.  Beyond the promises of salvation, teach me all that You have in store for me that I would be prepared to live into the life for which You have called me.  Guide me in Your grace and mercy to progress forward, taking time and meditating upon all that this means.  May I learn from You Lord Jesus how to pray and meditate and learn.  Amen.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Devotion for Sunday, May 26, 2019

“I cried with all my heart; answer me, O Lord!  I will observe Your statutes.  I cried to You; save me and I shall keep Your
testimonies.  I rise before dawn and cry
for help; I wait for Your words.”  (Psalm

Do not look at the circumstances
in which you find yourself.  Did not
Jesus say that adversity would come to those who love the Lord?  Look instead to the promises the Lord gives
that He has a purpose in all things.  Do
hold fast to the law of the Lord and know that His goodness is forever.  Be guided by the truth of God’s Word and not
the circumstances of this world.

Come Holy Spirit and minister to my heart amidst the circumstances in
which I find myself.  Lead me in faith to
see that You are there in spite of circumstances and not the cause of what
befalls me.  Lead me through all
circumstances to grow in faith and see clearly that You have been with me each
step of the way.  May I grow such that my
trust in You becomes complete.

Lord Jesus, You are the example of the godly life.  Your ministry was fraught with those who were opposed to You every step of the way.  You led a godly life even up to the cross.  Help me, in Your example, to hold fast and walk alongside You always.  When I falter, pick me up.  When I stumble, catch me.  In all things, hold me fast to You that I would press on toward the goal of eternity with You.  Amen.

Photo by Gustavo Quepón on Unsplash

Devotion for Saturday, May 25, 2019

“Trouble and anguish have come upon me, yet Your commandments are my
delight.  Your testimonies are righteous
forever; give me understanding that I may live.”  (Psalm 119:143-144)

Life in this age is not
perfect.  Anguish comes along.  Those with an idyllic faith are crushed, for
their faith is in their own idea.  Faith
in the Lord is a sustaining faith, for you know that adversity will come.  Trust in the Lord as He leads you through
every circumstance of life.  He will lead
you in season and out of season and through every storm that comes along
throughout life.

Lord, help me to not be conditional in faith.  Things do happen and there are times when I
want to give up.  Lead me O Lord in the
way of truth that I would walk with You no matter the circumstances.  Take away those thoughts that lead me to
think You are not there because something has happened.  Your promises are not conditioned upon what
happens in this world, but upon Your will.

Lead me O Lord this day that I would walk by faith such that no matter what comes, I turn to You.  Help me now and always to see in You the hope of glory and to live toward that day when I shall see You face to face and know fully even as I have always been fully known.  May I be found walking humbly with You this day in the grace and mercy that You provide.  Amen.

Photo by Josep Castells on Unsplash

Devotion for Friday, May 24, 2019

“Your word is very pure, therefore Your servant loves it.  I am small and despised, yet I do not forget
Your precepts.  Your righteousness is an
everlasting righteousness, and Your law is truth.”  (Psalm 119:140-142)

What is pure?  Is it not that which is absolute?  Why settle for 99.9% when the Lord offer a
one hundred percent purity.  Come to the
Lord and know that He will raise up to be with Him those who love Him.  He will make them perfect even as He is
perfect.  Be guided by the goodness of
the Lord and know that in Him is life and light.  Come to that which is forever and abide in

Lord, You will not stop until I am ready and fit for Your kingdom.  Grant me a willing heart that sees the need
to take all of the wickedness out of me that only what is pleasing in Your
sight remains.  Help me to never falter
on the journey of salvation You have placed me upon that I may now and always
live toward the upward prize of becoming righteous even as You are righteous.

Lord Jesus, You have come to
clear that way that I would become like You. 
You know where I am and the things I need.  Guide me O Lord according to Your mercy and
grace to live into the hope and promise You give.  Guide me now and always to abide with You as
You abide with me.  Teach me the truth
and help me to learn how to love Your law. 
Lead me this day in the way of righteousness.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, May 23, 2019

Righteous are You, O Lord, and upright are Your judgments.  You have commanded Your testimonies in
righteousness and exceeding faithfulness. 
My zeal has consumed me, because my adversaries have forgotten Your
words.”  (Psalm 119:137-139)

What is the baseline to which
you compare things?  The Lord has given
the perfect way to judge all situations. 
His law is good and perfect.  Yes,
we fall short, but that does not change what is right and true.  Let the law of the Lord be that which guides
you that you would be lifted up to with Him where He is.  The law of the Lord is good and fitting for
all righteousness.

Lord, I often want to compromise and bring down Your law because of my
inability to meet its demands.  Lead me
Lord to seek always the better portion and come into Your presence.  You way is perfect and true.  Lead me O Lord in the way of perfection that
I would become ever more like Jesus my Savior. 
Help me to see through my own shortcuts to want and desire what You
alone can give.

Lord Jesus, You are the way,
truth and life.  Lead me in abiding with
You to bear fruit that is befitting the kingdom of heaven.  Help me now and always to see in You the
truth of the direction I need to go. 
Help me now and always to strive for the better portion knowing that in
You alone is the hope of eternity.  Lead
me this day my Lord and Savior that I would work into Your likeness in all
things.  Amen.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Devotion for Wednesday, May 22, 2019

“Make Your face shine upon Your servant, and teach me Your
statutes.  My eyes shed streams of water,
because they do not keep Your law.” 
(Psalm 119L:135-136)

When you look out at those who
walk in the darkness does it bring tears to your eyes?  Weep for those who do not know the Lord.  They are as wayward children who do not know
that they do not have the light of the Father in them.  Be one who shines the light of Christ in your
countenance that you may be a witness of the goodness and mercy of the
Lord.  He sends you as His witness.

Lord, I know that I have not been a good witness of the faith.  Teach me to be consistent and willing to
serve You in every circumstance.  Guide
me according to Your goodness that I may live out the faith I proclaim that I
have.  Teach me Your precepts that I may
practice them in public and in private. 
Help me Lord to be a consistent witness of the promise of Your grace and

Holy Spirit, minister to my heart
that I would be consistent in the faith You have given me.  Take away those places which conflict with
Your precepts that I would now and always abide in You as You abide in me.  Lead me this day to practice in those places
where I am not consistent or faithful. 
In all things, help me to be one who shines the likeness of Christ for
all whom I meet.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, May 21, 2019

“Turn to me and be gracious to me, after Your manner with those who
love Your name.  Establish my footsteps
in Your word, and do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.  Redeem me from the oppression of man, that I
may keep Your precepts.”  (Psalm

Notice that the plea is not just, “do this.”  It understands that those who love the Lord may make the request.  Your relationship with the Lord is not based upon the law, but upon love.  See through the deception of this age that everything is give and take.  It all belongs to the Lord and He has given us promises based upon love.  Love the Lord and love your neighbor as yourself.

Lord, I hear the words and see what you are saying but I am motivated by the conditionality of everything.  Help me O Lord to see through the fog of this age’s thinking to come to the place where I am led by Your love and seek You first in all things.  Guide me O Lord that I may dwell in Your presence and abide in Your love forever.  Keep me close to the precepts You give that I may learn to love.

Lord Jesus, You have come that we may learn to love as You love.  You are Trinity and are the embodiment of love.  Come to me and lift me up to be with You that I may now and always abide in the goodness of Your presence.  Help me through all of the situations in which I find myself that I may abide in You as You abide in me and learn how to be more like You this day.  Amen.

Photo by Felipe Correia on Unsplash