Devotion for Wednesday, June 19, 2019

“Had it not been the Lord who was on our side,” Let Israel now say,
“Had it not been the Lord who was on our side when men rose up against us, then
they would have swallowed us alive, when their anger was kindled against us;
then the waters would have engulfed us, the stream would have swept over our
soul; then the raging waters would have swept over our soul.”  (Psalm 124:1-5)

If the Lord had not been on
Israel’s side, we may not have ever heard of them.  Look at history and you see that the Lord
preserved the people He chose.  And from
this, know that if you are in the Lord’s promise, you will be preserved by the
Lord.  Do not let wickedness sweep over
your soul, but come and live into the hope and promise the Lord gives to those
who are His.

Lord, take my eyes off of my immediate circumstance to see that You
have always preserved those who live in Your promise.  Guide me according to Your will to walk as
You would have me walk knowing that only in You is there hope and a
future.  May I not resist You as You
minister to my spirit.  Guide me, O Lord,
in the way of truth that I may now and always abide in You.

Lord Jesus, You are the promise and the hope of every generation.  Let my soul be comforted by Your promises that I may abide in You as You abide in me.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way You would have me go this day.  Lift me up to be able to face whatever may come along that I may hold fast to the truth You have spoken.  Let Your Holy Spirit minister to me this day.  Amen.

Photo by Chris Gallagher on Unsplash

Devotion for Tuesday, June 18, 2019

“Be gracious to us, O Lord, be gracious to us, for we are greatly
filled with contempt.  Our soul is
greatly filled with the scoffing of those who are at ease, and with the
contempt of the proud.”  (Psalm 123:3-4)

In our humanity, we are often
covetous of those who seem to have a better life than ours.  The Lord has given you the life you
have.  It is not what others have that
you see, but what you do with what you have that is important.  Look to the Lord and find the image of Him He
has placed in you.  Be built up in the
faith He has given you and walk the path He puts before you.

Lord, You know where my heart is. 
You know the difficulties I have in this world.  You also know the plans You have for me.  Guide me Lord in the way You would have me
go.  Lead me according to Your promises
to walk that path You have placed before me. 
Help me overcome those obstacles which shall come that I may learn to be
faithful according to Your Word and will.

Lord Jesus, You knew the course
that was laid before you.  In
faithfulness, You walked each day demonstrating the hope You give to all who
believe that by grace we would be saved. 
Lead me this day, O Lord, that I would walk humbly with You beside me,
forsaking the ways of this world.  In the
power of the Holy Spirit, guide me to trust in Your promises and not to look to
the left or the right for answers.  Help
me to always keep the eyes of my heart on You. 

Devotion for Monday, June 17, 2019

“To You I lift up my eyes, O You who are enthroned in the heavens!  Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the
hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our
eyes look to the Lord our God, until He is gracious to us.”  (Psalm 123:1-2)

It is not that the Lord is
distant or holding back.  The word belief
is one of action.  The Lord desires that
our heart be transformed so that our action is one of a true heart that seeks
Him.  Draw close to the Lord and He will
draw close to you.  Is this not true of
every relationship you have?  It is two,
coming together.  The Lord is offering
mutuality and He will be gracious, but you must draw close to and abide in Him
through faith.

Lord remove any conditionality I have in my heart that I may earnestly
and honestly draw close to You.  Guide me,
Lord, by Your grace, that I would come to You and abide in You as You have promised
to abide in me.  Lead me ever deeper in
this relationship with You that I may now and forever be guided by You, Your
precepts and the grace, mercy and love that You grant to those who are Yours.

Lord Jesus, You have chosen
disciples and poured Your life into them. 
Lead me, O Lord, to be one of Your disciples.  Guide me according to Your goodness to see
the hope You give.  By Your grace, help
me to live into the faith You have given me that I would now and forever abide
in You and Your presence.  By Your
example, show me how to walk with You and to live as You teach me to live.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, June 16, 2019

“For the sake of my brothers and my friends, I will now say, “May peace
be within you.”  For the sake of the
house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.”  (Psalm 122:8-9)

In Scripture, we are told to
practice our faith.  It may not be
automatic, for we have been born in an age of rebellion.  When you know what is the right thing to do,
do the right thing.  Be guided by what
the Lord says and let your peace be upon others.  Seek what is right in the Lord’s sight and
practice those things He commands.  Learn
the way of the Lord and walk in it.

Lord, I often want instant fixes. 
I do not want to take the hard road of practice exhorted in Your Word.  Teach me to walk the walk You would have me
walk.  Guide me according to Your
goodness to live into the life to which You have called me.  Help me now and always to see the value of
living in a godly way each day.  Help me
in times of turmoil to do what is right in Your sight.

Lord Jesus, in spite of what
happened each day, You showed faithfulness in doing all that You did for the
Father’s sake.  By Your example, lead me
to walk faithfully each day, doing what is right in the Father’s sight.  Help me to learn faithfulness from You.  Place in my heart a desire to do what I need
to do in order to grow in wisdom and understanding as You taught when You
walked in this world.  Amen.

Photo by Darius Soodmand on Unsplash

Devotion for Saturday, June 15, 2019

“For there, thrones were set for judgment, the thrones of the house of
David.  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
“May they prosper who love you.  May
peace be within your walls, and prosperity within your palaces.”  (Psalm 122:5-7)

We know the world is in the
midst of adversity.  It ebbs and flows,
but there has always been the adversity between what is right in the Lord’s
sight and what those opposed to the Lord desire.  The prosperity of the Lord is not in things,
but in Him.  He calls to all to come and
be in Him that He would be in them.  His
peace comes out of the relationship He gives through faith and by grace.

Lord, the adversity is in me. 
There are times when I am conflicted. 
Guide me by Your Spirit to look to You and live in Your peace.  Grant not just worldly prosperity, but
prosperity of the  heart that knows that
You are always present and near.  Guide
me according to Your goodness to seek the better things in spite of those
around me who seek other things.  May I
learn to walk with You rather than this world.

Lord Jesus, You are the model of
the godly life.  You also promised Your
peace upon those who walk in Your grace. 
Lead me, O Lord, in the way of salvation this day that I would dwell
with You and You with me.  Keep me from
those things which would deter me from walking faithfully with You.  May I know and always abide in You and You in
me.  Lead me this day, my Savior.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, June 14, 2019

“I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the
Lord.”  Our feet are standing within your
gates, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that is built as a city that is compact
together; to which the tribes go up, even the tribes of the Lord – an ordinance
for Israel – to give thanks to the name of the Lord.”  (Psalm 122:1-4)

The city of peace is the place
the Lord is building for those who come to the peace that surpasses all
understanding.  Let the ones who seek the
Lord come together that they may know peace in a world at war.  Come then, you who labor in this world to
know the goodness of the Lord God Almighty and the promises He gives to
all.  The good life now and life eternal
is for those who are His.

Lord, let me not be weighed down by the dissipation of this world.  Help me to not fall into the traps set by the
wicked one.  Guide me, Lord, in the way
of righteousness that I may now and forever live into the life You have
promised.  Show me, O Lord, the way of
truth.  Guide me according to all of Your
promises that I may abide in You and You in me now and forever.

Lord Jesus, You promised that if
I abide in You I will produce fruits that are befitting the kingdom of
heaven.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way You
have established that I may now and forever live into the life You offer.  Guide me by the Holy Spirit to do those
things which build up and hold me fast to Your never-failing promises.  Keep me in Your peace today and every
day.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, June 13, 2019

“The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.  The Lord will guard your going out and your
coming in from this time forth and forever.” 
(Psalm 121:7-8)

Whom do you trust?  Too many make things more complicated than
they are.  Trust in the Lord and hear His
promises.  He will keep your soul.  Do not worry about the little details but
learn to trust.  The Lord knows all of
our needs.  The Lord knows all of the
obstacles.  Trust in the Lord and He will
guide you on the path you need to travel. 
He will keep you in all of your ways. 
Know the Lord and know life.

Lord, You created all things and You know this and every age.  Guide me according to Your will and keep me from stumbling.  There are so many pitfalls and one of the greatest is that I do not fully trust in You, the One who created all things and knows all things.  Lead me, O Lord, according to Your goodness to see in You the only hope for all ages.  Guard me that I may always be Yours.

Lord Jesus, You have come that we may have life and have it abundantly.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way You would have me go.  Show me the way of righteousness that I would now and forever learn that the way You have established is always true and trustworthy.  Guide me according to the Father’s will to do what is pleasing in His sight that I may now and always live in the faith You have given me.  Amen. 

Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash

Devotion for Wednesday, June 12, 2019

“The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right
hand.  The sun will not smite you by day,
nor the moon by night.”  (Psalm 121:5-6)

What is there to fear?  Fear of the Lord is the beginning of
wisdom.  Come into the Lord’s presence
and do not be afraid of what is in the world. 
Come to the One who created the world. 
Know His goodness and see that He who made you knows all that is needed.  Be guided by the truth of His Word and know
that He watches over you and will keep you according to His purpose.

Lord, the world is often a scary place. 
I fear the things that are around me. 
Lead me, O Lord, in the way of truth that I would not falter nor slip
because of the fear the world brings. 
Grant that I would  become bold in
the faith You have given me and stand fast knowing You are always with me.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way of truth, for You
are truth and the way You have established is life.

Lord Jesus, You have come to
save, to rescue and to lead those who would come through You to eternity.  Yes, there are things that are around me that
I fear.  Yes, there are things to be
afraid of, but who will prevail over You? 
You are the One who commands and it is so.  When You said it is finished, You declared
that nothing in all of creation is able to separate us from You.  Grant my heart to know the truth of this
comforting word.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, June 11, 2019

“He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not
slumber.  Behold, He who keeps Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.”  (Psalm

Happenstance is a word to
describe the randomness of life.  That is
just an illusion.  There is no
happenstance with the Lord.  He has
promised that everything has a purpose. 
Come then into the purpose of the Lord and know that He who is always
present knows all things.  Do not think
that things are random, but see that all things are within the purpose of the
Lord.  He who knows you watches over you.

Lord, when things happen that I do not like, help me not to excuse it
nor ignore it.  Guide me so that I see
that all things truly are in Your hand. 
Lead me into the way of life that You have set before me through
salvation that I would forever abide in the truth of Your goodness.  Let me see through circumstances that I may
know truth.  Help me in those times I do
not understand to live in faith.

Lord Jesus, things certainly did not go the way I would have liked them to go while You were walking the earth.  Yet You lived the life You gave for our sake in spite of, and not because of, circumstances.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way of truth.  Help me to see in You the only hope in this age filled with strife and wickedness.  May I be guided by Your example to live each day in steadfast faithfulness.  Amen.

Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

Devotion for Monday, June 10, 2019

“I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help
come?  My help comes from the Lord, who
made heaven and earth.”  (Psalm 121:1-2)

Whom do you look up to?  What is your source for what you need?  The One who created all things is the only
One who can provide all that is needed. 
Look to the Lord and His provision and be guided by the truth of all
that He says.  Know that the giver of
life is the One who knows all that is needed. 
Come to the help of your neighbor and seek the LORD while He may be

Lord, I look around me and seek all kinds of things.  Grant that my heart would not settle for anything
less than the better portion which is found in You alone.  Lift up the eyes of my heart to look upon
You, the source of all life, and be guided by what You know I need.  Let my inward gaze be firm upon You that I
may now and always abide in the truth of Your presence and purpose.

Come, Holy Spirit, and minister to my heart.  You know that my mind knows these things, but often my heart is far away.  Guide me away from the ways of this world to look up and see that the help You give is always present.  Lift me up this day that I would seek the source of life and know Your presence.  What more can I ask?  You, who sees my heart, knows all that I need.  Amen.

Photo by Sean Estergaard on Unsplash