Devotion for Saturday, June 29, 2019

“The Lord bless you from Zion, and may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life.  Indeed, may you see your children’s children.  Peace be upon Israel!”  (Psalm 128:5-6)

There are many kinds of blessings.  This one transcends time.  It speaks of being blessed as one who is in the Lord forever.  It speaks of being blessed in your daily life.  It speaks of being blessed with a good and long life in this age.  It is asking the Lord to shower His blessing upon you.  Rejoice that the Lord gives such good gifts and cares for His children.  Learn how good the Lord is!

Lord, You have provided all that is needed for all living things from the beginning.  You provide food for all the creatures in due season.  Let me look to You and live in the joy You give knowing that in You is all hope and an eternal future.  Lead me Lord to know Your goodness and taste the provision of Your blessings.  Help me see these things always and clearly.

Come Holy Spirit and open my eyes to see and my ears to hear.  The world focuses upon all that is evil.  You have shared with me goodness and mercy.  Help me see these things that I would share the goodness and mercy You have given me with others.  Guide me ever deeper in the blessings which are mine because of the gift of faith You have given me and the grace which saves me.  Amen.

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Devotion for Friday, June 28, 2019

“Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine within your house, your
children like olive plants around your table. 
Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.”  (Psalm 128:3-4)

The Lord has a purpose for all
situations.  To be blessed is to grow in
the way of the Lord.  Walk in His
provision and know the goodness He gives to those who love Him.  The one who fears the Lord seeks to walk in
all of His ways.  The one who loves the
Lord listens to and obeys Him.  Come into
the Lord’s presence and receive the blessing He has for those who follow Him in
all of His ways.

Lord, help me to see through all of the ideas that are out there that
do not lead me in the way of faithfulness. 
Help me to learn how to be faithful and how to be blessed.  Guide me in all of Your ways that I may learn
how to love as You love.  Teach me to
live as You created me to live that I would now and forever be guided by Your
goodness and mercy.  Lead me more fully
into grace.

Lord Jesus, You have come to lead those who follow into everlasting life.  Guide me this day according to Your goodness that I would walk by Your grace in the way of righteousness.  Help me to see the obstacles to walking by faith that I may learn from You how to be faithful.  Lead me, Lord Jesus, for You alone know all that I need this day to walk in the Father’s blessing.  Amen.

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

Devotion for Thursday, June 27, 2019

“How blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His
ways.  When you shall eat of the fruit of
your hands, you will be happy and it will be well with you.”  (Psalm 128:1-2)

The commandment about stealing
is not about earning what is yours.  We
all have sinned.  That is not what this
is talking about.  It is telling us to
rejoice in what the Lord has given us. 
It is telling us to be thankful for what we have gained through our own
effort.  It is about being honest before
the Lord and with one another.  The joy
of the Lord is found in contentment.

Lord, You know what a mixed up world I live in.  You know where even in my own mind I do not
have these things straight.  Help me, O
Lord, to live into the hope and promises that You give.  Guide me according to Your goodness to see in
You the hope of eternal life.  Lead me, O
Lord, in the way You know I need to go to find the joy and contentment that You

Lord Jesus, You have come to save
us from the circle of wickedness that this age offers.  Lead me this day, O Lord, to be content in
what You have given me.  Guide me
according to Your goodness to see the hope that You alone are able to give in
salvation.  Help me live this day in the
joy of Your presence knowing that You, O Lord and Savior, will lead me.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, June 26, 2019

“Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are
the children of one’s youth.  How blessed
is the man whose quiver is full of them; they will not be ashamed when they
speak with their enemies in the gate.” 
(Psalm 127:3-5)

Think on these words in this day
of hating children and being rid of them before they are born.  The Lord has established order such that life
can be prosperous and healthy.  We have
gone astray and our priorities have gone down the broad way of
destruction.  Come back into the presence
of the Lord and see things as He has made them to be.  Be blessed with His blessings.

Lord, I live in a world that thinks a curse is a blessing and a
blessing is a curse.  Correct my heart so
that I may see things as they are.  Guide
me according to Your goodness to not be deceived by this age, but understand
the simplicity of Your ways.  Let me be
blessed, O Lord, by having many children who walk in the way I walk, which is
the way of Your salvation.  Bless me with
a faith that is shared.

Lord Jesus, You are the way,
truth and life and no one can come to the Father except through You.  Help me to be a follower who is led by Your
salvation.  Guide me according to Your
goodness to know that in You is hope and a future.  Let me be a blessing to others with the
blessing You have given me.  May I never
be ashamed of Your purpose or presence. 

Photo by Rene Bernal on Unsplash

Devotion for Tuesday, June 25, 2019

“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain.  It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.”  (Psalm 127:1-3)

Humanity labors in vain to build what it believes will last forever.  Heaven and earth will pass away.  Only the Lord is forever.  Unless you rest in the Lord, you labor in vain.  Do not be deceived, but come into the promises of the Lord and be guided by His grace and mercy to become whom He is making you to be.  He gives help to those who are His, even while you sleep.

Lord, this world entices me to chase after its idea of the dream.  Although You give me great grace to live as I
live, change my priorities that I may see in You the hope of glory.  Guide me according to Your goodness to live
into the future You have in mind for me. 
Keep me from the wasteful ways of the world to live into the hope and
promise that You alone can give.  Only in
You is there a true future.

Lead me, Lord Jesus, this day to
see through the enticements of this world. 
Guide me according to Your goodness to live into what You have in mind
for the future.  You know all that is
needed and You have already made provision for the course of my life.  Teach me to willingly go where You would have
me go that I may grow in Your likeness. 
Lead me now and always, my Lord and Savior.  Amen.

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Devotion for Monday, June 24, 2019

“Restore our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the South.  Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful
shouting.  He who goes to and fro
weeping, carrying his bag of seed, shall indeed come again with a shout of joy,
bringing his sheaves with him.”  (Psalm

We find that we are in a place
that is not home.  We are captives in
this world of wickedness.  Yes, there is
joy, but it is not our home.  The Lord promises
to prepare us for the home He has prepared for those who will come out of
wickedness and into His eternal presence. 
Come then and be lifted up and out. 
Be prepared to dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Lord, continue to work on my heart that I would grow in wisdom and
understanding according to Your goodness. 
Lead me in the way of everlasting life that I would now and forever
abide in the truth of Your presence. 
Take away from me those things that would hinder me that I might become
more like Jesus this day.  Guide me  O Lord, on the way to Zion that I would flee
the captivity of this world.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for
descending to us in order that we may ascend with You to abide with You
forever.  Lead me, O Lord, this day in
the way of truth.  Guide me by the
leading of Your Spirit to sustain the hope You give.  May I be found walking faithfully with You
this day, being led in the way that is pleasing to the Father.  Lead me always, my Lord and Savior.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, June 23, 2019

“When the Lord brought back the captive ones of Zion, we were like
those who dream.  Then our mouth was
filled with laughter and our tongue with joyful shouting; then they said among
the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”  The Lord has done great things for us; we are
glad.”  (Psalm 126:1-3)

The citizens of Zion are the
faithful of the Lord.  Yes, the faithful
experience trials and tribulations. 
Jesus promised them.  But He also
promised that for all who are faithful, everything they experience will have
done them some good.  Learn to listen to
the Lord and be thankful that His hand is upon you.  The Lord has done things for you that are
beyond your imagining.

 Lord, help me to not be so circumstantial in my faith.  Help me to learn how to live by faith, trusting you every moment of every day.  Guide me according to Your goodness to see each day Your hand in life.  Lead me to be as You are, according to Your perfect, merciful and good will.  Help me get out of the way so I can be what You are creating me to be.  Teach me faithfulness in all things.

Lord Jesus, who is the author and
finisher of my faith, guide me by Your grace this day to live faithfully.  Keep me from stumbling, but even when I
stumble, teach me Your Sovereignty.  In
all things, be my Savior and the One who leads. 
Let me be counted amongst the citizens of Zion that I may dwell in Your
presence forever.  Lead me this day into
the Father’s will.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, June 22, 2019

“Do good, O Lord, to those who are good and to those who are upright in
their hearts.  But as for those who turn
aside to their crooked ways, the Lord will lead them away with the doers of
iniquity.  Peace be upon Israel.”  (Psalm 125:4-5)

We may think sometimes that the
grace of Jesus covers all of our sins. 
Yes it does, and no, it does not. 
If we think of it only as an outward salve to heal us, that it will do;
but the virus of sin will continue eating away at us.  If we take grace within, we will see that it
will attack the virus and slowly the goodness of God will grow in us.  The new heart is an upright heart that begins
the true healing.

Lord, let me not be simply comforted by Your Gospel, but help me to be
healed by Your Gospel.  Lead me ever
deeper into the truth of the grace You have given me.  Take it ever deeper into my soul that I would
grow in grace and live into the life to which You have called me.  Help me to not resist Your grace, but accept
through hearty repentance and true faith every direction in which You may lead

Lord Jesus, You have come that we
might have a new life.  Help me to not
stop with the outward application, but take deep within me the truths of the
changed mind and heart You will create in me. 
Eradicate the virus of sin that I would become ever more holy in preparation
for the perfect and holy life You will give at this life’s end.  Lead me, O Lord, to where I need to go.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, June 21, 2019

“Blessed be the Lord, who has not given us to be torn by their
teeth.  Our soul has escaped as a bird
out of the snare of the trapper; the snare is broken and we have escaped.  Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made
heaven and earth.”  (Psalm 124:6-8)

The promise of salvation is for
all who come into the freedom that only the Lord gives.  Yes, there are trials and travails in this
age, but when the Son makes you free, you are free indeed.  You are free from sin, death and the
devil.  The name of the Savior is “God’s
salvation.”  Abide in the Savior and he
will abide in you.  In Him is found the
freedom of eternity and the hope of the ages.

Lord, in this world I do not feel free. 
I feel entrapped by all of the wickedness that is around me.  Help me to realize that I have been freed by
Your grace and can now abide with you day in and day out.  Lead me away from the traps and snares of
this age.  Help me to hold fast to the
truth You have shown me.  Guide me in the
salvation You have prepared in the sight of all people for Your name’s sake.

Lord Jesus, I need what You alone
can give.  Teach me what all of this
means.  Lead me in the way of salvation.  Guide me this day that I may learn from You
how to walk in freedom.  Show me what is
true that I may not fall into temptation and practice the things from which You
have freed me.  You are the Savior and
You alone know all that is needed.   Lead
me into Your truth.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, June 20, 2019

“Blessed be the Lord, who has not given us to be torn by their
teeth.  Our soul has escaped as a bird
out of the snare of the trapper; the snare is broken and we have escaped.  Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made
heaven and earth.”  (Psalm 124:6-8)

The promise of salvation is for
all who come into the freedom that only the Lord gives.  Yes, there are trials and travails in this
age, but when the Son makes you free, you are free indeed.  You are free from sin, death and the
devil.  The name of the Savior is “God’s
salvation.”  Abide in the Savior and he
will abide in you.  In Him is found the
freedom of eternity and the hope of the ages.

Lord, in this world I do not feel free. 
I feel entrapped by all of the wickedness that is around me.  Help me to realize that I have been freed by
Your grace and can now abide with you day in and day out.  Lead me away from the traps and snares of
this age.  Help me to hold fast to the
truth You have shown me.  Guide me in the
salvation You have prepared in the sight of all people for Your name’s sake.

Lord Jesus, I need what You alone can give.  Teach me what all of this means.  Lead me in the way of salvation.  Guide me this day that I may learn from You how to walk in freedom.  Show me what is true that I may not fall into temptation and practice the things from which You have freed me.  You are the Savior and You alone know all that is needed.   Lead me into Your truth.  Amen.

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash