Devotion for Tuesday, December 22, 2020

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23)

Most Christians are familiar with this list.  They may not live it, but they know it.  Like the commandments, these are the goal.  Let the old Adam die and let the Spirit replace the old with the new.  The reality is, you and I need to get out of the way and the Holy Spirit needs to replace the old with the new.  Be led by the Spirit and watch as these fruits grow in you.

Lord, may I indeed see the fruits of Your Spirit grow in me.  You know what is needed for this to happen.  You know where I need to be pruned.  You know the soil that needs to be added and the rocks that need to be taken away.  Lord, everything is according to Your will and way that in each of us we become more like Christ as You shape us into whom we are becoming by Your grace.

Lord Jesus, in many ways You have told us of the process of becoming which is ours when we follow You.  Guide me, dear Lord, that I would indeed follow You in all of Your ways and be led by Your Spirit.  Grow in me those fruits which befit the kingdom that I may be prepared in all ways to be a part of all that You are.  Guide me, Lord Jesus, now and forever in this journey of becoming fit for Your kingdom.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, December 21, 2020

“envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:21).

What are you practicing?  What guides you in this life?  Do you take to heart and practice what is good in the sight of the Lord, or practice what the world teaches?  One does not need a lesson in these things, for they are all around us.  Instead, we are to put into practice that which we know is right, good and salutary.  Begin with the Ten Commandments, not in terms of obligation, but as instruction in righteousness.

Lord, I often forget the life to which You have called me through grace.  Guide me. O Lord, that I may look to You, the author and finisher of my faith, and be guided as You will lead.  Let me not look to the world, nor live as the world, but instead look to You, the One who has already overcome the world.  You know all that is needed that I may be with You where you are.

Lord Jesus, lead me in the way of everlasting life.  I am tempted to live as the world lives.  I am tempted to abandon the way You have set before me and then excuse my behavior with cheap grace.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way that fights through all temptation and lives the kind of life that is pleasing to the Father.  Lord Jesus, You have saved me.  Please teach me how to live.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, December 20, 2020

“Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions” (Galatians 5:19-20)

By the way, the Greek word for sorcery is pharma, or, drugs.  The modern culture dabbles a lot in drugs.  But it is not just that.  Those things which are physical and simulate feeling are what are at the core of the deeds of the flesh.  Contrast this with the control of the mind and you see the battle.  Who controls your soul?  You?  Sin?  The Lord?  You have been given a great gift in the offer of salvation.  What will you do with it?

Lord, teach me to know the difference between right and wrong, more than just a head nod of agreement. Help me to live what is right and flee from what is wrong.  Guide me in Your goodness to live into the life You have given me that I may now and always abide in the truth of Your love and practice life as it is meant to be lived.  Help me learn self-control and how to overcome the deeds of the flesh.

Lord Jesus, You know the struggles of this age.  You know the difficulty of abiding in true life.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way of daily living such that I keep my balance and hold fast to righteous and godly living.  Lord, let me not pursue what builds me up, but instead what reveals the truth of Your kingdom.  Help me to always abide in You as You abide in me.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, December 19, 2020

“For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.  But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law” (Galatians 5:17-18).

You and I know that we are unable to fulfill the whole of the law.  We also know that if we break even one part of the law, it is as if we broke the whole of the law.  Why would you depend upon that which you know will fail when you are called to depend upon the One who never fails?  Come then and live in the freedom which is yours in Christ knowing that He who is in you is more than able to do all He has promised.

Lord, I am in this situation where I want what I cannot have and do not listen to words of wisdom that speak truth.  Lead me, O Lord, that I may now and always listen to You and walk in Your ways.  Guide me, knowing that I have this struggle, and help me to overcome it each time I face the temptation to walk by the flesh and not by the Spirit.  I need to be delivered from evil by You, O Lord.

Holy Spirit, breath of God, come and stir up my heart that I may walk in the newness of life that You give.  Help me to understand each day the temptations that are before me.  Lead me in the way of everlasting life that I may practice that which shall ever and always be lived.  Lift me out of the perpetual conundrum of sin to live life as it is meant to be lived here, now, and forever.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, December 18, 2020

“But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another.  But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh” (Galatians 5:15-16).

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit that we would not trade one sin life for another sin life.  We are to walk with the Holy Spirit who is within us.  We are to care for one another as the Lord cares for us.  Do not be deceived.  The Lord will lead those who trust in Him.  Those who go their own way will walk in the way of destruction.  Come and walk in and by the power of the Spirit.

Lord, You are always speaking to me and Your voice is always present.  Help me to know that only in You is there hope and a future.  Only by Your guidance can I avoid those places where I will fall into the traps of this age.  Lead me, O Lord, that I may walk always in the goodness of Your grace and mercy and know the life that You have come to give.  Let me not be deceived, nor be led astray.

Come, Holy Spirit, and minister to me this day.  Help me to know Your voice amidst all the noise of this world.  Lead me in the goodness of all the Good News, taking only that freedom which is mine and no more.  Let me not fall into the trap of replacing one sin for another.  Teach me all I need to know and begin with today by teaching me those things that I will only learn from You.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, December 17, 2020

“For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.  For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Galatians 5:13-14).

We may think we are modern people, but what Paul is describing is what has happened in our culture.  The Gospel is rejected in order that we may gratify the flesh.  What good does it do to satisfy momentary feelings at the expense of life?  Do not reject what Christ has done, nor truth over your freedom for another form of slavery.  If Christ sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Lord, teach me not only what true love is, but also what it really means to be free.  Let me not follow the well-worn pattern of replacing one slavery for another.  Guide me in the way of eternal life that I would practice that which I shall always be doing with You in eternity.  Keep me in the narrow way that I not fall into the snares and traps of the wicked one, but live with and for You.

Lord Jesus, You have come that we may have life and have it abundantly.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way of everlasting life that I would walk humbly with You.  Lift me out of the mire of this world and its traps that would ensnare me.  Teach me those things I need to know and guide me in Your goodness.  Shepherd me to seek after those things which are righteous, good, and loving.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, December 16, 2020

“But I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why am I still persecuted? Then the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished.  I wish that those who are troubling you would even mutilate themselves” (Galatians 5:11-12).

Why do people stumble over the cross?  In part, it is because they do not want to submit to Christ.  The words may be there, but the struggle is to always be in control.  All authority and power belong to Christ.  Apart from Him is nothing.  Come then and be one who submits to the Lord of all.  Fighting against Him, as those of this age do, is futile.  Following Him is the way of everlasting life.

Lord, help me to see how simple in many ways all of this is. The game continues generation after generation and there are those who feed it all.  Let me not be caught up in the game but live in the life You have promised.  Help me to know that in You is all hope and a future.  Let me not listen to those who would lead me astray but follow You in all things and learn from You.

Lord Jesus, You went to the cross because it was what was needed.  Help me to understand more fully that You call for me to pick up my cross and follow You.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way of truth that I would forever be led by You, the truth, and walk in the way in which You direct me.  Help me to know that in You alone is all hope and the only future anyone could want.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, December 15, 2020

“A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough.  I have confidence in you in the Lord that you will adopt no other view; but the one who is disturbing you will bear his judgment, whoever he is” (Galatians 5:9-10).

The Lord knows those who are His.  The Lord knows who are seeking to lead His little ones astray.  We are in a battle, not between flesh and blood, but principalities and forces.  Do not be misled and do not fall into the temptation of thinking that you may behave as you wish.  The Lord has given His Word and has died for you.  These are important and serious things.

Lord, help me to see more clearly that in You and You alone is all hope.  There are those who would lead me astray to follow other paths.  Guide me, O Lord, that I would not be led away by chasing after futile things.  Instead, give me conviction of faith that I would stand firm in the truth You have revealed once for all.  Let me be able to stand before You with a clear conscience.

Lord Jesus, You know all that is needed.  You know what gets in the way of my faith.  Lead me, O Lord, away from those who would influence me in the wrong way.  Guide me according to Your goodness to follow more closely the truth You have revealed.  Help me to live more fully the way You have established and become a rock of faith as Your saints of old.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, December 14, 2020

“You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth?  This persuasion did not come from Him who calls you” (Galatians 5:7-8).

When you know that you have been saved by grace through faith, what causes you to backslide?  Look at the root and do not be led astray by the tug of this age.  Some say: “make right what has gone wrong.”  But scripture says: die to sin, death, and the devil.  Jesus alone saves, so let Him do the saving.  Our part is learning to listen and live as He instructs us to live.  Be guided by His goodness and mercy.

Lord, teach me to listen.  Show me how to live as You would have me live.  Help me to resist those places where my heart is tugged by the legalistic thoughts of this world.  Guide me in Your goodness to see through these things and live in Your presence, in the present, doing what is pleasing to the Father.  Lord, You alone have saved me; help me to live in that salvation.

Lord Jesus, You have given the words of eternal life.  You know all that is needed and You have paved the way for all who believe, Keep me on the narrow track of life, the life for which You died.  Keep me close to You that I may understand more fully the goodness You are pouring into me.  Help me now and always to see through this world’s temptations to be Yours forever.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, December 13, 2020

“For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love” (Galatians 5:6).

What is important?  We often are caught up in doing what we think is important, when the Lord has already told us He wants us to love Him and one another.  Have you been caught up in legalism?  Have you worried about what you are or are not doing?  Leave those things behind and come into the grace of Christ and live the love He asks for us to live.  Come then in trust and obedience.

Lord, teach me to love that I may not be caught up in the insanity of this age which is always doing evil and then denying You.  Guide me away from the wrangling of what I should or should not be doing and into the love You have given me.  Lead me in the way of love that I would now and always abide in You and You in me.  Lord, You know what I need.  Help me to come into Your love.

Lord Jesus, You are the way and life.  You have come to set us free from the impossible, to live with not only what is possible, but what will be in eternity.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way of love and teach me how to live life in the freedom You grant by faith.  Help me, O Lord, to become whom You are making me to be.  Guide me in the way of life both now and forever.  Amen.