September 2021 Newsletter



I live in the Sonoran Desert about forty miles northeast of downtown Phoenix.  The Sonoran has been called the greenest desert in the world, because we normally have two rainy seasons.  There is a winter rainy season, as in many other deserts, but we also have a summer rainy season, which we call the monsoon season, when we have major thunderstorms which rival anything I ever experienced while living in the upper Midwest.

However, July and August of 2020 were the driest on record, and this past June (2021) was the driest on record.  In between we had very little in terms of winter rain.  The desert was dry, most of the plants looked dead, and the saguaros were all shriveled up.

But God in His goodness provided abundant rain during the month of July.  The desert is green again.  Plants along the road have sprouted flowers.  The saguaros look happy.  And shrubs that had looked dead have now sprouted new leaves.  It is amazing what water can do in the desert.  Water is very hope and life giving.

This past summer I have experienced two events that were very hope and life giving – a week of Nexus in July, and the NALC convocation in August.


Nexus is a week of Bible study, theological reflection, fellowship, and vocational discernment for high schoolers.  It is organized by and held at Grand View University in Des Moines.  Many thanks to our friends and supporters, whose generosity made it possible for Lutheran CORE to be the sponsor of Nexus this year.  Twenty-two high schoolers and seven college-aged mentors grew in their faith and were challenged to hear and respond to God’s call on their lives. 

The theme for Nexus this year was “All Things New.”  The week centered around the question, “Can God redeem a really hard year?”  As the promotional material said, “We’ll dig into scripture to see the good news, how all things are being made new in Jesus, and how we get to be part of it!”

Morning devotions centered around the book of Ruth.  Ruth was a person who experienced all things being made new.  Leaving her homeland of Moab with her mother-in-law Naomi, she traveled to Bethlehem because Naomi had heard that “the Lord had considered his people and given them food.” (1:6)  How dangerous it must have been for those two widows to make that journey.  On the morning when I led devotions the focus was on Ruth 2.  Verse 3 in that chapter says, “As it happened, she (Ruth) came (to glean) to the part of the field belonging to Boaz.”  Ruth’s whole life changed, and she became an ancestor of David, and therefore, through Mary, an ancestor of Jesus, because she came to glean to the part of the field belonging to Boaz.  I shared with the students parts of the story of my life where God made all things new.  I told of how God directed the circumstances of my life to accomplish His purposes and to make things work together for good.  We can trust the One who led Ruth to come and glean in the part of the field belonging to Boaz.  I asked the students, “What in your life has been the equivalent of coming to glean in the field belonging to Boaz?”

The Old Testament lesson each morning was taught by Dr. Mark Mattes, while the New Testament lesson was taught by Dr. Ken Jones, both of whom are on the faculty of Grand View University.  Dr. Mattes taught from the book of Ezekiel.  Two of the points that he made that really stood out for me are the following –

  • Ezekiel was a prophet.  Prophets say things that cause conflict.  In the same way leaders today will run into conflict.  Leaders need to develop skills to handle conflict.  They need to ask God to help them develop the fruit of the spirit of self-control so that they can respond well rather than react badly.
  • The dry bones in the valley in Ezekiel 37 were probably from soldiers that had lost in battle.  Just like for those soldiers, we can feel defeated by the circumstances of life.  Like the house of Israel we can feel that “our hope is lost and we are cut off completely.” (verse 11)  Like those dry bones we need the renewing power of the Holy Spirit.  We need to hear God’s word of hope.  When our lives and life situations seem and feel hopeless, we need to remember that God is with us.  God is for us.  God can make all things new.    

One of the mornings Dr. Jones talked about Mark 15: 37-38, which says, “Then Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed his last.  And the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.”  Dr. Jones shared how many people interpret those verses as saying that humans now have full access to God.  Another way to understand them is that they are saying that God will now refuse to be boxed in.  God is coming after us.  He will show up in ways that we do not expect.  Dr. Jones challenged us by asking us, “What are you going to see – that you did not expect to see – when God shows up?” 


The NALC Theology Conference and Missions Convocation, held the week of August 3-6 in Corpus Christi, was centered around the theme “God the Father Creates.”  At a time when many church bodies are afraid and unwilling to use Biblical language of addressing God as Father because they feel that it smacks of male dominance and white supremacy, it was so refreshing – it was hope and life giving – to be with a group of Lutheran Christians who realize what a privilege it is to be able to call God Father.

Especially powerful for me was the presentation by Dr. Eric Riesen on the language in the Lord’s Prayer, “Our Father who art in heaven.”  Dr. Riesen is president of the North American Lutheran Seminary.  He quoted Albert Einstein, who said that the most important question is whether the universe is friendly or not.  Dr. Riesen said that it is amazing that the hidden God, who has been revealed in the cross, sent His Son so that we might receive adoption as His children.  He sends His Spirit into our hearts so that we can cry, “Abba! Father!” (Galatians 4: 6)  The God who transcends all human understanding is a God whom we can call Father.  Being able to call God Father is a primary gift of the Spirit.  When we are united with Christ, God is also our Father through adoption.  Thinking of it in those ways – in those Biblical ways – I do not see why anyone would be hesitant to and would not want to call God Father. 

There were many other highlights of the week for me, including the following –

  • Just being able to be together in person again.  That is something that we all missed last year with the convocation’s being virtual in 2020.
  • The concern and passion of the NALC to raise up a whole new generation of pastors.  Realizing how many NALC pastors will be retiring in the next ten years, I was encouraged to hear the goal of raising up three hundred new pastors, the challenge to every congregation to raise up a new pastor, the challenge to retired and soon-to-retire pastors to continue to serve a congregation, and the variety of ways that have been laid out to prepare future leaders for the church.
  • The appreciation, affirmation, and support that I received from so many people who stopped by the Lutheran CORE table.  I have a huge sense of the importance of the work of Lutheran CORE, and I was encouraged by the large number of people who affirmed what we do.
  • The presentation on the final morning by Melissa Ohden.  Melissa is a survivor of an attempted saline solution abortion.  Author of the book, You Carried Me, she powerfully told the story of how she learned to deal with the pain of knowing that her own family had tried to kill her, and then how she learned to forgive and seek to make contact with her biological family.  She also told convincingly of the negative impact that an abortion – or an attempted abortion – will have upon an extended family.  I have tremendous admiration for anyone who is able to tell their own life story in such an open, honest, and redemptive way.  I have great respect for anyone who is able to turn their pain into a passion and their passion into a ministry.


Lutheran CORE continues to provide monthly video reviews of books of interest and importance.  Many thanks to Russell Lackey, pastor of Luther Memorial Church and campus pastor at Grand View University, for making this month’s video review.  His review is about the book, The Spirituality of the Cross, by Gene Veith.

In this book Veith deals with five major tenants of the Christian faith as understood by Lutherans – justification, the means of grace, the theology of the cross, vocation, and living in two kingdoms.  Veith explains them in a way that Russell Lackey describes as easy to understand and one that helps lay people talk about their faith with others.  Over the years Pastor Lackey has given copies of this book to council members, people in new member classes, and college students who grew up Lutheran but do not understand what it means to be a Lutheran.

This review, as well as nine others, have been posted on our YouTube channel.  Here is a link to that channel.

Lutheran CORE Voices – YouTube 

Many thanks to those who have made the reviews.  We continue to publish a new video book review during the first week of every month. 

When you look at a video review for the first time, please click on the Subscribe button.  As enough people do that, it will eventually help us to get a channel name that will include our organization’s name.  

Praying that you also are experiencing God’s hope and life-giving power, grace, and blessings,

Dennis D. Nelson

Executive Director of Lutheran CORE

July 2021 Newsletter


Reflections From One Synod Assembly

Last weekend I attended the online synod assembly for the ELCA synod in which I was rostered before I retired.  My two strongest impressions from the gathering are as follows.

First, the words that I heard most often were “diversity,” “inclusivity,” and “equity.”  That is what almost everybody talked about and what everybody seemed to make their top priorities.  After the assembly was over, I wished that I had kept track of the number of times that somebody mentioned Jesus.  I did not keep track of the number, but I am certain that Jesus was mentioned far less often than diversity, inclusivity, and equity.  I also definitely got the message that the diversity and inclusivity that they were talking about do not include people like me. 

In mid-May that synod held an online pre-assembly gathering.  Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton was one of the presenters.  She told the group, “We talk about justice; we also need to talk about Jesus.  We need to name the Name.”  Please pray with me that what she said was meant, was heard, and will be heeded. 

Second, the discussion about the proposed budget was amazing.  It was mentioned that during the last nine years – from 2012 to 2021 – receipts from congregations to the synod have dropped from $1.4 million to $800,000.  Which amounts to more than a 40 percent decline in nine years.  And that does not include the drop during the years immediately following the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.

The proposed spending plan for the 2022-2023 fiscal year included income of $899,000 (the major addition to the receipts from congregations was over $70,000 from the assets obtained from the sale of a former church property), but expenses of over $1.2 million.  The assembly rejected the budget, not because it was not balanced, but instead because it did not provide funding for all of the favored ministries.  The attitude of the assembly was, We need to sell more buildings from closed congregations, and we need to use more of the dollars already obtained from already selling buildings from closed congregations.

It is astounding to me that people want to fund their agendas, values, and priorities from the sale of properties built and paid for by people whose view of the Bible, theology, moral values, and view of the mission of the church they reject.  They show neither appreciation for the past nor any concern to do their part to make the future viable.  Rather they just want to have the financial resources today to fund their agendas, values, and priorities.

It was also mentioned during the assembly that twenty-five percent of the synod’s 107 congregations (twenty-seven congregations) do not have a regular pastor, and several more are challenged because of their size and/or financial instability.

If all that is not enough to tell the ELCA that something is very wrong, what would be enough?

To read the entire June letter from the director, click here.  

* * * * * * *

Dennis D. Nelson

Executive Director of Lutheran CORE

Lutheran CORE | PO Box 1741, Wausau, WI 54402-1741

Letter from the Director – June 2021


I experience great joy as pastors tell me of their congregations’ being able to resume in person worship services.  Many are again having delightful times of fellowship after worship.  Gatherings which last year were either cancelled or held online are this year able to be held in person.  One pastor reported that his position has been restored to full time.  Another pastor shared that worship attendance is back up close to what it had been pre-COVID.  And many pastors tell of how their congregations have been able to expand their outreach and ministry through technology, in a way in which they had never anticipated and which they want to continue.  We all thank God for seeing us through.

In many ways the past fifteen months have been very, very tough, but God has seen us through.  When I think of going through tough times, I think of the apostle Paul’s relationship with the church in Corinth.  Philippians and 2 Corinthians are probably his most personal epistles.  Philippians is a very joyful letter, as he is thanking them for their love and support.  2 Corinthians is a very painful letter, as he is dealing with the conflict and strife between him and them.  We all thank God for relationships and experiences that are like Paul’s relationship with and letter to the Philippians.  But we also have relationships and experiences that are like Paul’s relationship with and letters to the Corinthians.

The Second Readings for the Sundays of June and the first Sunday in July are taken from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians.  As he was writing this letter he was experiencing great pain in his relationship with these people.  In the fourth chapter of this letter he gives us four things that can help us deal with the most painful of circumstances and the most troubling of times.

First, knowing that God has already taken care of the most critical; therefore we know that He can and will take care of everything else.

In verse 14 Paul wrote, “We know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus.”  Since the Father has already raised Jesus from the dead, we know that He will keep His promise and raise us from the dead.  And if He can and will raise us from the dead, then He also can and will take care of all the other things in life that trouble and overwhelm us. 

Second, knowing that there can be redemptive meaning and purpose in all that we do and have to endure.

In verse 15 Paul wrote, “Everything is for your sake, so that grace, as it extends to more and more people, may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.”  We find renewed courage and strength as we realize that what we are doing and enduring is for the sake of other people, can be channels through which God’s grace comes to others, can increase our attitude of thanksgiving, and can bring glory to God. 

Third, remembering that the pain is only temporary.

We have all heard it said, Tough times don’t last; tough people last.  The difference between the hero and the ordinary person is that the hero holds on ten minutes more.  In verses 16-17 Paul wrote, “We do not lose heart. . . . This slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure.”  Those words remind me of what Paul wrote in Romans 8: 18 – “The sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us.”  Both of my parents grew up during the Great Depression on family farms in central Minnesota.  I am embarrassed to admit how long it took me to realize that in spite of all that they had to endure, they survived.  My parents and my grandparents were survivors.  If they survived what they had to go through, then certainly I can survive what I have to go through.

Fourth, remembering that the power and glory of God are revealed through our struggles.

In verse 7 Paul wrote, “We have this treasure (the Gospel) in clay jars (that’s us), so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.”  As I realize that I have been able to make it, I realize that the power came from God.  And then in verses 8-10 Paul wrote, “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies.”  What we have to go through – and are able to go through – demonstrate the power of God and the life that can be ours through faith in Jesus Christ.

After I retired in June 2014, my wife and I moved from southern California to the Phoenix area in July 2014.  One thing we have done to help us make it through the hot summers is to go someplace cooler for a few days each month during the summer.  Fortunately, in Arizona, there are many places that are cooler because they are at a higher elevation.  We have learned that up to 105 degrees is not too bad, but when the temperature rises to 115 or even 117 degrees, the sun hurts.  We had been able to go to cooler places through the summer of 2019, but obviously were not able to in 2020.  We are looking forward to being able to resume doing that in 2021.  Plus I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the various in person meetings where I will be representing Lutheran CORE.  I missed that during 2020.  Again, I thank God for seeing us through. 

* * * * * * * * *


Lutheran CORE continues to provide monthly video reviews of books of interest and importance.  Many thanks to ELCA Pastor Kevin Haug for making this month’s video review.  His review is about the book, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller.

Pastor Haug writes, “This book falls square into the field of apologetics and is helpful not only in dealing with agnostics and atheists, but with ‘progressive’ Christianity’s assault on the orthodox faith as well.  Keller provides concepts and arguments with reason and logic weaving together philosophy and theology to show that belief in the orthodox, Christian faith is…well, reasonable.  Well-written and easily digestible, Keller’s work gives solid argument to defend the faith from without and from within.”

This review, as well as seven others, have been posted on our YouTube channel.  A link to the channel can be found here.  Many thanks to those who have made the reviews. 

We continue to publish a new video book review during the first week of every month.  Many of the books that are being and will be reviewed are described in the List of Confessional Resources on the Seminarians page on our website.  That list can be found here.

When you look at a video review for the first time, please click on the Subscribe button.  As enough people do that, it will eventually help us to get a channel name that will include our organization’s name.  

* * * * * * *


Have you seen the newest addition to our website?  It is the Young Timothy page and is intended for high school youth and young adults.  A link to that page can be found here

One of the features of that page is an annotated list of book resources geared for youth and young adults.  A link to that list can be found here.  These books cover such topics as the reliability of the Bible, an explanation of the Christian faith as understood by Lutherans, the life of Martin Luther, and how to discern God’s call for your life.

The Young Timothy page also contains links to a video book review made by and articles for our newsletter, CORE Voice, that were written by members of our younger persons group. 

Please check out this new page and tell the high school youth and young adults whom you know about it.  And please let us know if they or you know of resources that should be added. 

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We are continually encouraged as we hear from people who support, value, and appreciate our work.  We want to keep you informed of what we are doing to fulfill our mission of being a Voice for Biblical Truth and a Network for Confessing Lutherans.  Here is a link to the most recent version of this document. 

* * * * * * *


Last weekend I attended the online synod assembly for the ELCA synod in which I was rostered before I retired.  My two strongest impressions from the gathering are as follows.

First, the words that I heard most often were “diversity,” “inclusivity,” and “equity.”  That is what almost everybody talked about and what everybody seemed to make their top priorities.  After the assembly was over, I wished that I had kept track of the number of times that somebody mentioned Jesus.  I did not keep track of the number, but I am certain that Jesus was mentioned far less often than diversity, inclusivity, and equity.  I also definitely got the message that the diversity and inclusivity that they were talking about do not include people like me. 

In mid-May that synod held an online pre-assembly gathering.  Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton was one of the presenters.  She told the group, “We talk about justice; we also need to talk about Jesus.  We need to name the Name.”  Please pray with me that what she said was meant, was heard, and will be heeded. 

Second, the discussion about the proposed budget was amazing.  It was mentioned that during the last nine years – from 2012 to 2021 – receipts from congregations to the synod have dropped from $1.4 million to $800,000.  Which amounts to more than a 40 percent decline in nine years.  And that does not include the drop during the years immediately following the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.

The proposed spending plan for the 2022-2023 fiscal year included income of $899,000 (the major addition to the receipts from congregations was over $70,000 from the assets obtained from the sale of a former church property), but expenses of over $1.2 million.  The assembly rejected the budget, not because it was not balanced, but instead because it did not provide funding for all of the favored ministries.  The attitude of the assembly was, We need to sell more buildings from closed congregations, and we need to use more of the dollars already obtained from already selling buildings from closed congregations.

It is astounding to me that people want to fund their agendas, values, and priorities from the sale of properties built and paid for by people whose view of the Bible, theology, moral values, and view of the mission of the church they reject.  They show neither appreciation for the past nor any concern to do their part to make the future viable.  Rather they just want to have the financial resources today to fund their agendas, values, and priorities.

It was also mentioned during the assembly that twenty-five percent of the synod’s 107 congregations (twenty-seven congregations) do not have a regular pastor, and several more are challenged because of their size and/or financial instability.

If all that is not enough to tell the ELCA that something is very wrong, what would be enough? 

* * * * * * *

Dennis D. Nelson

Executive Director of Lutheran CORE

Lutheran CORE | PO Box 1741, Wausau, WI 54402-1741

What Does Lutheran CORE DO? May/June 2021

Lutheran CORE defines its mission as being a Voice for Biblical Truth and a Network for Confessing Lutherans.

As a Voice for Biblical Truth we alert people to ways in which the authority of the Bible, the historic, orthodox Christian faith, and traditional, Biblical moral values are being compromised and even rejected.

  1. We offer guidance in evaluating ELCA communications and decisions, such as the social statement, “Faith, Sexism, and Justice” and the “Declaration of Inter-Religious Commitment,” both of which were approved at the 2019 Churchwide Assembly.   
  2. We challenge the ELCA to keep its promise made at the 2009 Churchwide Assembly to honor also the traditional view of marriage and human sexuality.  We confront the ELCA over their complete lack of support for traditional views, as evidenced in such things as the choice of keynote speakers for the 2018 youth gathering and the choice of workshop leaders and topics for the 2021 youth ministry extravaganza.
  3. We provide assistance for pastors and church leaders who want to gather examples to communicate ways in which orthodoxy is being threatened within the ELCA.
  4. We include articles in our bi-monthly newsletter, CORE Voice, on such topics as critical race theory, how to share your faith with people who are hostile to the Christian faith, and how to communicate in a way that is relevant to technically sophisticated, younger generations.

As a Network for Confessing Lutherans we assure confessing persons that they are not alone.  We provide connection for them with many others who share their concerns and are engaged in the same struggles.

  1. We provide Facebook groups in which orthodox pastors, seminarians, and lay people can engage in conversation with like-minded people.
  2. We have a private and visible (Facebook terminology) Facebook group that includes pastors, seminarians, and lay people with several different church body affiliations.
  3. We have a private and hidden (again Facebook terminology) Facebook group that is only for orthodox ELCA pastors and seminarians.
  4. We have a third Facebook group, Lutheran CORE Worship, where people can post worship services and Bible studies.  
  5. We also have both a page and a group on MeWe.
  6. We are working with a pan-Lutheran group of younger persons to do four things: (1) develop a support network for orthodox students at ELCA seminaries, (2) develop a support network for college students considering attending seminary, (3) support people who are leading and/or seeking to start young adult ministries, and (4) find ways to communicate the Christian faith to younger persons in a clear and compelling way.   
  7. Through the Clergy Connect page on our website, we help Biblically faithful, confessional congregations find a Biblically faithful, confessional pastor and vice versa.
  8. As requested, we work with congregations that are reviewing their church body affiliation and walk with them through the process.
  9. Through our Congregations in Transition ministry initiative we have a group of (mostly retired) Lutheran pastors who have been trained to be coaches for congregations where the pastor either already has or soon will be retiring or resigning to take another call.     
  10. Through our sponsoring of the July 11-17, 2021 week of NEXUS at Grand View University, we are helping provide a way for high school youth to attend a week of Bible study, theological reflection, fellowship, involvement in ministry, and being challenged to consider attending seminary and become involved in a life of Christian service.   
  11. We hold our annual Encuentro festival in the Chicago area – a day of support, connection, fellowship, inspiration, and resources for pastors, lay leaders, and congregations that are already involved in or are considering becoming involved in Spanish language and/or bi-lingual (English-Spanish) ministry. 
  12. We provide on our website daily devotions and worship resources, including prayers and hymn suggestions.  We are also developing a bank of sermon resources for congregations that do not have a regular pastor. 
  13. We also provide on our website an annotated List of Confessional Resources – books, magazines, ministries, and other resources recommended by confessional pastors – as well as video reviews of some of these resources.
  14. We provide a listening ear for pastors who want to talk about such things as congregational dynamics, personal health issues, and/or are anticipating retirement or transitioning to life after retirement. 

Devotion for Saturday, May 22, 2021

“That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead” (Philippians 3:10-11).

Not obtain, but attain.  What is the difference?  We shall all be raised in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last day.  But not all shall be raised with Christ in a resurrection like His.  Those who have loved the Lord will receive in themselves the resurrection like Christ and the others will be raised for condemnation.   The Lord is at work.  Is He at work in you?

Lord, help me to pay attention to the little things so that I may be guided by Your Word and walk according to Your will.  Lead me, O Lord, in order that I may attain the resurrection You have prepared for me in Christ.  Help me not waver as many in this world do, but to walk boldly in the truth of Your presence and purpose.  Help me Lord through the difficulties of this age so that I may always stand firm in the faith You give.

Lord Jesus, You are the way and there is no other way beside You.  You have been glorified through Your death and resurrection and have invited us to join You.  Help me today to be raised up for good works so that I may do what is pleasing in the Father’s eyes.  Help me now and always to humbly walk behind You and in Your example.  Grant all that I need for this day is to do Your will.  Amen.

May 2021 Newsletter

Post Easter Giving Appeal Letter

April 2021

Dear Friends –

Every year the Gospel reading for the second Sunday of Easter is from John 20: 19 ff.  I remember how last year – when we first went into lockdown during the middle of Lent – around the middle of March – many felt that certainly we would be able to worship again in person by Easter.  But it did not happen.  Who would have thought at the time that some churches would not even be meeting indoors in person by Easter 2021?

As we have been living for a year now in various stages of lockdown, and some have been under quarantine because of exposure to COVID-19, I have gained a new understanding of the position the disciples were in in John 20: 19 ff.  The Bible tells us, “When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week (Easter Sunday evening), and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews.”  In that kind of situation, what did Jesus do for them?

  • He gave them His presence.  “He came and stood among them.”  (verse 19)
  • He gave them His peace.  Twice He said, “Peace be with you.” (verses 19 and 21) 
  • He gave them unmistakable evidence of the resurrection.  He showed them His hands and His side.  (verse 20)
  • He gave them a renewed sense of purpose and a calling.  He said, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”  (verse 21)
  • He breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” (verse 22)
  • He gave them authority.  He promised, “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” (verse 23)

If we are going to be able to not just survive, but actually be strong in our witness for Christ, if we are going to be able to advocate for the historic, orthodox Christian faith in the midst of all of the pressures and opposition – not only from the world, but also unfortunately from within the church – we are going to need the same gifts from Jesus.  We need His presence, peace, unmistakable evidence of His resurrection, a renewed sense of purpose and calling, the Holy Spirit, and His authority.  The good news of Easter is that Jesus has all those same gifts for us.

I would like to tell you about one of our newest ministries.  We are working with a group of younger persons that includes two students at an ELCA seminary, four college students who are planning on attending seminary, and others.  Of this group –    

  • One of them is leading a young adult group at his church.
  • Two of them are working at starting new groups – one at his university, one at his church.
  • Several have written articles that have appeared or will appear in our newsletter, CORE Voice.
  • One of them made a video book review, which has been posted on our You Tube channel.
  • Three of them attended NEXUS while in high school.  Two of those three have been college-aged mentors for NEXUS and plan to be mentors again this summer.

NEXUS is a program of Grand View University in Des Moines for older high school students, which includes a week of Bible study, theological discussion, fellowship, relationship building, and being challenged to consider a church-related vocation. Lutheran CORE is sponsor of the week of NEXUS which will be held this summer.  

  • From this ministry we are seeing develop –

A support system for orthodox students at ELCA seminaries.

Young adults leading and starting groups for young adults. 

Opportunities for NEXUS alumni to stay connected and continue to be involved in ministry as they prepare to enroll in seminary.

Seeing the risen Christ, the disciples had the strength and courage to face all the challenges and opposing forces in life.  Because we know that Jesus is alive, we are able to continue our work of confronting the forces that are undermining the historic Christian faith, offering guidance and assistance to congregations that are or soon will be between pastors, working with congregations that are reviewing their church body affiliation, providing a system of support for orthodox ELCA pastors and seminarians, hosting our annual Spanish language and bi-lingual ministries festival, and challenging the ELCA to honor its commitment to also provide a place for traditional views and those who hold them.    

Thank you for all your words of encouragement and your faithful prayer and financial support.  Please click here for a form that you can use to let us know how we can be praying for you.  Your timely gift to Lutheran CORE will help enable us to continue to be a VOICE for Biblical Truth and a NETWORK for Confessing Lutherans.

Living with hope because of the resurrection of Jesus,

Dennis D. Nelson

Executive Director of Lutheran CORE

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Are you a worrier?  Do you know someone who is a worrier?  Are you married to someone who is a worrier?  I know that for me most of the things I worry about never happen, and the bad things that do happen, usually are things that I never thought of to worry about.  But still, I keep worrying.  Whenever my wife says to me, “Now don’t panic but,” I always start to panic.

In the Gospel reading for the third Sunday of Easter from Luke 24 Jesus asked His disciples, after He appeared to them on Easter Sunday evening, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?” (verse 38)  Those are good questions for us as well.

Many people are worried about and are afraid of the future.  For many the pandemic has made their fears only worse.  The disciples also were afraid of the future.  Things were looking pretty bleak, and they were having to face some pretty tough enemies.  It would have been very easy for them to wonder, What will the future hold?  Will we even have a future?  So Jesus said, “Look at my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself.  Touch me and see.” (verse 39)  Jesus wanted His disciples to know that He was alive.  It was all real.  Death has been defeated.  God has won.  The Gospel is true. 

Second, many people are worried about and are afraid because of the past.  Once again, Jesus speaks to our greatest needs.  He said to His disciples, “Repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in (My) name to all nations.” (verse 47)  As followers of Jesus we have a way for dealing with sin and guilt that will work in a way in which nothing else will work.  And it is God’s way.  Repentance and forgiveness of sins.  Are you worried about and afraid because of the past?  Believe in the Gospel.  Jesus has the answer.  Jesus is the answer.  His blood can blot out and cover over your past. 

Third, many people are worried and afraid because they feel powerless to deal with the present.  They feel overwhelmed with the here and now.  What did Jesus say to His disciples?  He told them, “Stay here in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” (verse 49)  That’s what we need – power from on high.  And that’s what the disciples received on the day of Pentecost.  Human power is so limited when we compare it with the circumstances in which we find ourselves.  But even the worst of situations has no real power when compared with God’s power.  And God’s power is available to you. 

So, to get back to Jesus’ question, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?”  Is it because of the future?  God has the future under His control.  Is it because of your past?  Your sins can be thrown into the deepest sea and because of Jesus need never be retrieved again.  Is it because of the present?  There is power available to all who call upon His name.

* * * * * * *




After more than a year of consulting and writing, the ELCA Committee on Appeals has completed a draft for the revision of “Definitions and Guidelines for Discipline.”  As required by the ELCA constitution, this document was reviewed by the Conference of Bishops in early March, and now will be considered for possible approval by the ELCA Church Council when it meets in mid-April.  The document may be found (here).  The report from the Committee on Appeals concerning its work may be found (here).  This document describes the grounds for which discipline may be imposed.   

One of the first things to note about this document is how little of it actually has to do with human sexuality.  In section B., which is entitled “Conduct incompatible with the character of the ministerial office” (under the larger section “Guidelines for Discipline of Rostered Ministers”), only one out of fifteen sub-sections (B.5.) deals with “Sexuality and public ministry.”

The Committee on Appeals has published a summary of the responses which they received to various surveys as they conducted their work.  A link to that summary can be found (here).  People who participated in the surveys should be happy to note that the document does address such issues as confidentiality, relationship to family, addiction and substance abuse, fiscal responsibility, harassment of persons, inappropriate behavior on social media, plagiarism, copyright infringement, and even an inappropriate relationship with a prior congregation.  The list of organizations that a rostered person could be disciplined for joining has been expanded to include those that are white supremacist, racist, sexist, and homophobic.  There are also sections on Guidelines for Discipline of Congregations and Members of Congregations.  Those who responded to the surveys should be happy to see that harassing or attacking a rostered minister is also included within the reasons for discipline. 

The next thing to note is how basically conservative the section on “Sexuality and public ministry” (B.5.) actually is.  This relative conservatism stands in sharp contrast with the actual current practices, emphases, and priorities of the ELCA.  Footnote 9 refers the reader to “A Social Statement on Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust” and the social message, “Sexuality: Some Common Convictions.”   “Sexuality: Some Common Convictions” is a social message adopted by the ELCA Church Council in 1996.  “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust” is a social statement approved by the 2009 Churchwide Assembly.  After acknowledging a lack of consensus within the ELCA on how to regard committed same-sex relationships, and after describing four different views, including two more traditional views, held by people within the ELCA, the 2009 social statement says that the ELCA, “on the basis of ‘the bound conscience,’ will include these different understandings and practices within its life.” (page 19)  The ELCA website says that the social statement, “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust,” “now serves as the primary and comprehensive teaching and policy document of the ELCA.”  

Page two of “Definitions and Guidelines” is entitled “Grounding Context.”  The final sentence on that page states, “No language in this document may be construed to contradict or override a current authorized social teaching of this church.”  That sentence in and of itself is pretty amazing.  We have written much about how often the ELCA rejects any obligation to honor the commitments expressed in or to respect the boundaries defined by the 2009 human sexuality social statement.  But here in footnote 10 it says, “In 2009, this church expressly addressed the question of sexuality and public ministry in ‘A Social Statement on Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust.’”  Later in this same footnote it states, “Provision B.5. is substantially based on this teaching of this church.  This provision does not change the aspirational teaching of this church, set forth in its social statements, that all members of this church should abstain from sexual intercourse before married.”

But before we become too optimistic, we should realize several things.

First, according to the report from the Committee on Appeals referenced above, the Conference of Bishops held two separate votes on the document.  The Conference first voted 57-8 to support the draft document except for section B.5.  Then the Conference voted 33-32 to support section B.5.  It would not take much to have a different outcome to the vote.  In fact, just the election of one new bishop in one synod would do it.  And we all remember that the issue of blessing and ordaining persons in same sex relationships was pushed and pushed and voted on over and over again until those who wanted a change in ELCA policy and practice got what they wanted.

Second, the use of the phrase “aspirational teaching of this church” in footnote 10 under B.5. is interesting.  “This provision does not change the aspirational teaching of this church, set forth in its social statements, that all members of this church should abstain from sexual intercourse until married.”  What in the world is the status of an “aspirational teaching of this church”?  It is not required, mandated, or even expected.  It is just an “aspirational teaching of this church.”  Talk about a weak and limp statement.  Is this intentional so that the most famous ELCA pastor can continue to brag about her sex outside of marriage?

Third, it is interesting that the section on “Definitions” does not define “promiscuity.”  It defines all the other behaviors listed in the second paragraph of B. 5., which are examples of “conduct incompatible with the character of the ministerial office.”  It defines infidelity, adultery, and sexual abuse, but it does not define promiscuity.  As in the previous paragraph, one wonders if there is a reason.    

Fourth, my greatest concern is that the relative conservatism of this document will be just ignored in the actual practice of “this church.”  As stated above, the final sentence on the page entitled “Grounding Context” reads, “No language in this document may be construed to contradict or override a current authorized social teaching of this church.”  And there are three places where footnotes 9 and 10 for section B.5. refer to the 2009 social statement, “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust.”  But do we have any reason to believe that the ELCA will now actually take any more seriously what that social statement actually says?

We have written often and much on this subject.  Examples of the ELCA’s ignoring if not actually violating the commitments and boundaries of that social statement include the ELCA’s claim to be celebrating the tenth anniversary of LGBTQIA+ persons’ being able to serve freely in the church, a transgender activist as keynote speaker at the 2018 ELCA youth gathering, another keynote speaker at that same gathering who led 31,000 young people in renouncing traditional views as a lie, providing a link on the ELCA website to resources from ReconcilingWorks but not also to resources advocating for traditional views, the choice of workshop leaders for the 2021 ELCA youth workers extravaganza, and the refusal of “Living Lutheran” to publish or post an article offering an alternative (traditional) view of the Netflix Queer Eye episode that featured a gay ELCA pastor and a gay ELCA bishop. 

The ink on the Conference of Bishops’ acting to approve and recommend this revised version of “Definitions and Guidelines” barely had time to dry before two ELCA synods acted to ignore and even violate the covenants, commitments, and boundaries of the 2009 human sexuality social statement.  I assume there have been more.  These are the ones I am aware of. 

The Rocky Mountain Synod in their email newsletter dated March 31 promoted March 31 as the “Trans Day of Visibility.” A March 26 email from the Southwest California Synod announced Elle Dowd as the presenter for their April 14 spring multi-conference assembly.  Elle Dowd is a graduate of an ELCA seminary and an ELCA candidate for ordained ministry.  On her website she describes herself as a “bi-furious pastor-in-training who preaches, writes, and teaches about God’s desire to liberate us from the things we use to oppress each other.”  Those oppressors include cis-heterosexism and queerphobia.  The next sentence reads, “She believes . . . that a queer/femme interpretation of scripture is at the center of grace.” 

How could two bishops – even if they were among the thirty-two who voted against approving section B.5. of “Definitions and Guidelines” – so blatantly violate what had so recently been approved by the Conference of Bishops?

But if you think that is bad, it gets worse.  The email from the Rocky Mountain Synod was sent out on March 31 – the Wednesday of Holy Week.  Even though it was Holy Week, top billing in the email went to the Trans Day of Visibility.  The second item was a letter from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton about gun violence.  Holy Week came in a sad and disappointing third – with the Easter letter from Bishop Eaton.

Even worse is the choice of presenters for the Southwest California Synod’s spring multi-conference assembly.  The promotional material for Elle Dowd’s book, Baptized in Tear Gas, describes her as “an Assata Shakur-reading, courthouse-occupying abolitionist with an arrest record, hungry for the revolution.”  Assata Shakur is a former member of the Black Liberation Army (BLA), who was convicted in the first-degree murder of a state trooper during a shootout on the New Jersey turnpike in 1973.  Assata is wanted by the FBI, there is a two-million-dollar reward for her apprehension, and she has fled to Cuba.  I have written to the interim bishop (this synod was my synod before I retired), saying, “It is outrageous that the Southwest California Synod would lift up and choose as a presenter someone who would be promoting those kinds of values.”  As I expected, I have not received a reply.        

Fifth, section B. 2. under “Conduct incompatible with the character of the ministerial office” reads, “Rostered ministers must be honest and forthright in their dealings with others.  Dishonesty, deception, duplicity, or the manipulation of others for personal benefit or gain is conduct incompatible with the character of the ministerial office.” 

With very few exceptions ELCA leaders consistently fail to respond to the communications I have sent about their not abiding by the commitments in the 2009 human sexuality social statement to honor also those with traditional views.  In addition, the ELCA does not remain within the boundaries of what was actually considered and approved in that social statement.  I cannot see that behavior as anything other than the ELCA’s not being honest and forthright in its dealings with people with traditional views.  The social statement and ministry policies that were approved by the 2009 churchwide assembly are far more traditional and conservative than what the ELCA is fully embracing today.  How are we to view the 2009 social statement and ministry policies as anything other than dishonesty, deception, duplicity, and the manipulation of those with traditional views for the eventual benefit and gain of those with highly revisionist views?  Did anyone really think that what was presented for action and approval in 2009 was “as far as it was going to go” rather than “presenting what we can get a Yes vote on at this time so that we can go further next time”?  If the ELCA expects its rostered ministers to be honest and forthright in their dealings with others, does not the ELCA also need to be honest and forthright in its dealings with those with traditional views?     

Sixth, the fifteen and final paragraph under “Conduct incompatible with the character of the ministerial office” (B.15.) is entitled “Adherence to covenantal relationships.”  It reads, “Rostered ministers who actively and affirmatively incite, initiate, or encourage a congregation to leave the ELCA are engaged in conduct incompatible with the character of the ministerial office.”  That sentence references footnote 18, which reads, “Consistent with the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America . . . Each pastor with a congregational call shall, within the congregation . . . encourage adherence to covenantal relationships with this church as expressed in the Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.” 

We have already discussed how the ELCA does not abide by and adhere to its covenantal relationships.  How could it imagine itself to have the integrity and moral authority to discipline rostered ministers whom it says are not abiding by and adhering to their covenantal relationships?  Also, since the process by which a congregation can vote to disaffiliate from the ELCA has been defined in the Model Constitution for Congregations of the ELCA (Section C6.05), how can the ELCA say that a rostered minister is not encouraging “adherence to covenantal relationships with this church” if that rostered minister is urging and leading a congregation in following the provisions provided and outlined in the Model Constitution for Congregations of “this church”? 

Writing all of this, I find solace and protection in the fifth definition on the “Definitions” page of the “Definitions and Guidelines” document.  There it says, “’Harass’ means to persistently annoy another or to create an unpleasant or hostile situation by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct.  Mere criticism or disagreement is not harassment.”  As always, what I have written is criticism and disagreement, not harassment.    

Dennis D. Nelson

Executive Director of Lutheran CORE

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