CANCEL CULTURE STRIKES AGAIN Last month there was a discussion in the ELCA Clergy Facebook group where one person mentioned concerns that had been shared by a member of the…
A “MARY” CHRISTMAS Christmas is filled with things that take your breath away. In fact, one person went so far as to say that life at its best is measured…
“MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU” The first time I began to really understand and value Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians was during my second year of seminary. It…
WOE TO THE SHEPHERDS The First Reading for July 21, the day after the conclusion of the ELCA Youth Gathering, was from Jeremiah 23. In verse 1 the Lord says…
THE COMMISSION FOR A RENEWED LUTHERAN CHURCH: HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE The ELCA’s Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church (CRLC) was formed in response to action taken by the ELCA’s 2022…
“WHY ARE YOU FRIGHTENED?” The Gospel reading from Luke 24 for April 14, the Third Sunday of Easter, tells of an incident that happened on Easter Sunday evening – after…
RUNAWAY TRAIN A pastor colleague recently wrote to me regarding the ELCA – “The question remains as to whether this progressive freight train has any brakes at all.” I replied,…
YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO GOD This Christmas season we hear again what the angel said to the shepherds, “Behold, I bring you good news of great joy for all people:…
SINCE GOD IS FOR US I am a Phoenix Symphony groupee. I feel very fortunate to live in a metropolitan area that has a symphony orchestra of the quality of…
WILL YOUR CHURCH BE NEXT? There are three things that I would like to say as follow up to my last two articles about two ELCA congregations where their respective…