Devotion for Friday, February 14, 2025

“But he answered and said to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what is yours and go; but I want to give to this last person the same as to you” (Matthew 20:13-14).
Some will receive more and some less. All who believe are given the right to become children of God, but we are not all the same. Our world yells for equity, but that is a worldly lie. We deserve death but are given life through Christ. That is not equity. But we are all equal in the Lord’s eyes. He loves each one of us. Do not look at things the way the world does but see things the way our Lord has created them to be.
Lord, I am filled with the pollution of this age. Help me to move away from how the world thinks and put on Your mind. Open my eyes to see and, to the ability You give me, understand things as they truly are. Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to live into the life You have given me. Guide me always in Your way so that I may live according to Your word and not according to this world’s ideas.
Lord Jesus, You have laid out principles that are easy to understand, but hard to grasp. Moment by moment, guide me so that I do not slip into the way of the world. Lead me to be thankful for all that You have given me and for the position You have granted for me to live. Help me to be obedient for love’s sake so that I willingly do the things You give me to do. Guide me always in Your love by the abundance of Your grace which I need. Amen.