Devotion for Thursday, May 17, 2018

“But He, being compassionate, forgave their iniquity and did not destroy them; And often He restrained His anger and did not arouse all His wrath. Thus He remembered that they were but flesh, a wind that passes and does not return.” (Psalm 78: 38-39)

Lord, Your ability to hold Your hand against those who do evil is more than I am able to understand. You give freely to all and do not punish the wicked before their time. All things are in Your hands and You have a reason for everything. It will be as You have determined and nothing will thwart Your perfect plan. Help me trust in You in whom all things rest.

Lord, it is often difficult when I see the wicked spewing their lies and deception. You have given Your promises and many reject You. Help me to not be one of them. Create in me a new and clean heart that ponders on all the goodness You have brought into the world. Lead me in the way of righteousness that I may forever walk humbly with You, my God and my Savior.

Lord Jesus, You who was put to death by the wicked of this world and for the sake of sin which infects us all, by Your humble example, help me to walk before You as one who knows that it is You alone who is able to accomplish salvation for all who believe. Guide me this day to do those things which are right in the Father’s eyes, which will provide a witness that it is You who guides me. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, May 16, 2018

“But they deceived Him with their mouth and lied to Him with their tongue. For their heart was not steadfast toward Him, nor were they faithful in His covenant.” (Psalm 78:36-37)

It may seem for a time that those who say one thing and do another get away with what they are doing, but the Lord who knows the heart will hold all accountable. Do not seek to deceive, nor be deceived; as a man sows, so shall he reap. The Lord cannot be mocked. Learn faithfulness, come to the Lord and know the goodness He grants to those who fear Him.

Lord, take my words and make them true to You.  Guide me through the pitfalls of this world and help me to become the person You have created me to be. Lead me away from those who with smooth lips destroy and maim that I may forever be in Your presence and walk upright before You. Guide my lips to speak what is true and lead me to do that which is good in Your sight.

Lord Jesus, You willingly took the derision of those who, with smooth tongues, spoke all kinds of evil against You. Lead me by Your example to move through the nonsense espoused by those who hate You that I may live in Your example humbly as a willing servant. Guide my lips and thoughts that I may be truthful before You My Savior and do what is pleasing in the Father’s sight. Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, May 15, 2018

“When He killed them, then they sought Him, and returned and searched diligently for God; and they remembered that God was their rock, and the Most High God their Redeemer.” (Psalm 78:34-35)

Like a child that wanders off in their own way only to discover that they had it much better when they were at home, children of the Heavenly Father wander off into sinfulness and meet death. When they discover that God is truly good and holy all the time, they return to live in His presence and purpose. Some will do this and others will blame God for withholding the blessing He gives to those who look to Him.

Lord, Help me see the reality that if I ask you to leave my life, You do. Only under Your protection do I receive the blessing that comes to those who look to You. Guide me, O Lord, to walk in all of Your ways knowing that You have given the words of eternal life and only in You is there hope and a future. Lead me into Your arms of mercy.

Lord Jesus, You know us better than we know our selves. While we were yet sinners, You died for all of us. In thankfulness, bring me under Your wings of grace that I may rest in Your presence in the hope that only You can give. Guide me in the way I should live life and keep me from ever rejecting the truth You have already shown in Your gift of love to us. Amen.

Devotion for Monday, May 14, 2018

“In spite of all this they still sinned and did not believe in His wonderful works. So He brought their days to an end in futility and their years in sudden terror.” (Psalm 78:32-33)

No matter the amount of blessings the Lord provides, many still go through their lives as though it was just their efforts that avail and with no thanks to the One who provides. It is not that the Lord “needs” praise, but everyone understands dealing with selfish, unthankful people. If the Lord withdraws, so do His blessings. He is under no obligation to bless those who curse Him. In futility do our days end when we live only for ourselves.

Lord, there is so much more that You have given of which I am unaware. Help me, I pray, to see more clearly all the goodness You have showered upon me that I may live a life that is thankful for all Your goodness and mercy. Teach me how to be thankful to all people for the goodness I receive and to appreciate the ways in which You have blessed me that I may have praise upon my lips.

Lord Jesus, You have given Your earthly life that I may join with You forever. Let me learn to respond with a heart that is thankful for all of Your provisions. Guide me now and always in the way I should walk that I may forever live in the goodness You have provided. May others see that I am thankful by what I do, how I do it and know that I look to You for all things. Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, May 13, 2018

“So they ate and were well filled, and their desire He gave to them. Before they had satisfied their desire, while their food was in their mouths, the anger of God rose against them and killed some of their stoutest ones, and subdued the choice men of Israel.” (Psalm 78:29-31)

What is in the heart of a man? Only the Lord knows. He who knows the hearts of men judges them according to where their heart is leading them. We see the outside, but the Lord sees through us all and judges according to what He knows. Live in the truth that the Lord sees into Your heart and knows the direction it will head. Come into the presence of the Lord and live there.

Lord, You know my heart and You know the way it will go. Help me now and always to see clearly what comes out of my heart, for I know that apart from You and the Holy Spirit working on my heart, there is nothing good. Only in You can goodness and mercy come. Fill my heart with You that I would abide in You and Your presence always and live according to Your Word.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for coming to fill my heart with Your grace and mercy. Lead me, knowing that I am always in Your presence. Guide the thoughts of my mind and the attitude of my heart that I may be one who is thankful in and through all things. May my daily life be a thank-offering of praise for all the goodness You have done that we may abide with You now and forever. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, May 12, 2018

“When He rained meat upon them like the dust, even winged fowl like the sand of the seas, then He let them fall in the midst of their camp, round about their dwellings.” (Psalm 78:27-28)

We may not understand the ways of the Lord, but this does not mean that we should not see the ways in which He provides for us. Look, and not even that carefully, and you will see how the Lord is kind and good to all His creatures. The grace of God abounds. We may focus on the harshness of evil that has been unleashed, but there is more grace to overcome the evil.

Lord, this world focuses upon what it sees as bad and does not look at all of the good which reflects You in the world. Help me, I pray, to see more clearly Your hand in all things knowing that You have provided for all things that live. Lead me to have a heart that rejoices in Your goodness and mercy and shares the truth of how You provide. Lead me into a renewed view of things.

Lord Jesus, You are not what we would have expected. You have come humble and lowly, living as a most ordinary man. You have set the example by simply pointing to the Father. Help me, O Lord, to live into the example You have given that I may abide in You and You in me all the days You give me on this planet. Lift up my heart to be thankful and sing Your praises. Amen.

Devotion for Friday, May 11, 2018

“Man did eat the bread of angels; He sent them food in abundance. He caused the east wind to blow in the heavens and by His power He directed the south wind.” (Psalm 78:25-26)

The Lord is always before us, leading and directing. He will bring you to the place He promises. Why do you doubt when all around you are given provision after provision. He who grants life, gives the food of heaven to those who turn to Him. He who knows grief carries all your grief upon Himself. Come then to the Lord, see His goodness and walk with Him always.

Lord, I see the paradox all around me. There are people who go about their business and do as they should and then there are those who abound in wickedness. It is the reality of this age. Help me now and always to simply look to You who provides for all for what I need. Help me to walk humbly with You in all things knowing that You who made all things knows what needs to happen.

Lord Jesus, You are familiar with pain and death, for You suffered for us all. You know the anguish that comes in this world, but You have prepared a path for us all to follow. Lift me up with You to partake of the heavenly food which You abundantly provide that I would feed on heavenly food and not the garbage of this world. Guide me in all of the ways You have established now and forever. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, May 10, 2018

“Yet He commanded the clouds above and opened the doors of heaven; He rained down manna upon them to eat and gave them food from heaven.”  (Psalm 78:23-24)

The Lord provides in season and out of season for all.  He causes the rain to come down upon the just and the unjust.  He who is faithful provides for all that He has created.  See and believe.  Know that the Lord who provides in every circumstance provides what is needed.  Come then to the Lord and know His goodness and mercy.  Eat from the bounty that the Lord provides.

Lord, I know these things are true, but I hesitate because of the bad things that happen in this world.  You who knows when a bird falls from the sky, why do you allow some things to happen?  Yet, there is so much evil that I let these things I do not understand outweigh the goodness I see.  But then, it is not You, but we who have caused these things to come to pass in this way.

Lord Jesus, You have come that all who turn to You would be given the bread of heaven and live forever.  You who have brought all things into being have given us the greater portion by uniting us with You.  Lead me away from wavering over things that happen which I do not understand to those things which I still do not understand for they are too great for me.  Lead me into You by faith.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, May 9, 2018

“Therefore the Lord heard and was full of wrath; and a fire was kindled against Jacob and anger also mounted against Israel, because they did not believe in God and did not trust in His salvation.” (Psalm 78:21-22)

In spite of all that the Lord has done, the nations go their own way and do not look to the One who brings all things together and has done all things for His glory. He who put the stars in their places and has always provided for us is the One who is often ignored. Open your eyes and see that it is the Lord who gives and provides. Trust in the One who sustains, saves and lifts up all who come to Him.

Lord, I become selfish and want what I want. I do not see things the way I want to see them and think that things are not fair. Guide me, O Lord, to see in You the hope for all people and the great love You have lavished upon us all. Help me to see through the nonsense of this age to come to the place where I praise and thank You for all things. O Lord, we all need what only You can provide.

Savior of the nations, You have come that we may know the way and truth of life. You have come to lead the way of all who are willing to follow after You. Guide me this day into the way of truth that I may forever hold fast to Your goodness and mercy. Help me now and always to have a heart that is thankful and willing to serve as I have been served. Guide me in Your way, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, May 8, 2018

“Behold, He struck the rock so that waters gushed out, and streams were overflowing; can He give bread also? Will He provide meat for His people?” (Psalm 78:20-21)

The Lord provides. Daily around the world and throughout the ages, the Lord provides. We sometimes focus on times of need and forget about all of the times of plenty. Look to the One who has provided for all. He causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. He brings good things and asks that we share of His bounty. Will the Lord provide? He always has and always will.

Lord, let me see through the sin of this world to understand that You have always provided for us all. Grant that I would have a gracious heart and see in others the gift You have given me. Lead me to have a heart for You and one that loves others as You love. Guide me, O Lord, in the way You would have me go and then keep me on the path of Your goodness and mercy.

Lord Jesus, You came intentionally to a time and place where You could teach us to take joy in life and all its circumstances and see the truth in You and what You accomplished. Lead me this day in the way of thankfulness for the many good things that You give for all. Amen.