Devotion for Friday, January 5th, 2018

Friday January 5, 2018 Devotion

Shout joyfully to God, all the earth; sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious.  Say to God, “How awesome are Your works!  Because of the greatness of Your power Your enemies will give feigned obedience to You.”  (Psalm 66:1-2)

The Creator of all things is the One through whom all things have their being.  To give thanks and praise to the One who made you should be a natural and good thing.  Alas, in a world of rebellion, the creatures glorify themselves and ignore the One who made them.  The Lord will not force any to praise Him but looks for those who will because He is good.

Lord I understand the principle but find myself in the struggle where I see You not as the One to be praised but as an object outside of myself.  Lead me, O Lord, that I may be led by Your goodness and walk in Your ways which are right.  Help me see through the cloud of sin in this world to do that which is natural; that is, to praise You in all circumstances and sing Your glory.

To You, Lord Jesus , is all honor and praise due.  You have come not only to lead the way, but to provide the very things that are needed to bridge the gap between what is and what will be.  Lead me now and always to seek through You the glory of the Father in the grace You provide which enables me to do all things.  To You be praise and glory and honor and dominion now and forever.  Amen.


Devotion for Thursday, January 4th, 2018

Thursday, January 4, 2018 Devotion

“You have crowned the year with Your bounty, and Your paths drip with fatness.  The pastures of the wilderness drip, and the hills gird themselves with rejoicing.  The meadows are clothed with flocks and the valleys are covered with grain; they shout for joy, yes, they sing.”  (Psalm 65:11-13)

In every season you can see the hand of the Lord.  Life is created, sustained and given bounty in spite of all human interference.  God provides and keeps the balance.  Do not be deceived, for the mocker will claim it is chance; but the hand of the Lord is clearly seen for all who will look.  Look, see and rejoice in God your Savior who provides for even the birds of the air.

Lord, I get caught up in the propaganda of this age which continuously throws things my way so that I am unable to think clearly.  Help me see that You have provided for all of our needs and have done so amply.  Guide my thinking to see each day the joy of the bounty You give that I may be one who praises You in all circumstances.  You are good and Your goodness shines through each day.

Lord, the greatest bounty of all is the grace You purchased from the cross.  You gave Yourself that all who look and see may look upon You and see the invitation to come and join with You forever.  Lead my heart to follow after You, Lord Jesus, knowing that You have come to lead the way into the greatest bounty of all.  Help me walk through, around or over every obstacle to remain with You.  Amen.


Devotion for Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Wednesday, January 3, 2018 Devotion

“You visit the earth and cause it to overflow; You greatly enrich it; the stream of God is full of water; You prepare their grain, for thus You prepare the earth.  You water its furrows abundantly, You settle its ridges, You soften it with showers, You bless its growth.”  (Psalm 65:9-10)

All things move and have their being in the Lord.  Apart from Him is nothing, and in and with Him is everything.  Come then into the presence of the Lord and see life, its meaning and understand the One who causes all things to be.  It is the One and only LORD who blesses all things and brings about the times and the seasons.  Know the Lord and know life.  He will water you and flow both into and out of you.

Lord, Your presence is all around and often I go about my day as if it were nothing.  Guide me in the truth of reality which is You.  Lead me to see from my depths that You alone give meaning, purpose and being.  In You is everything and apart from You is nothing.  Guide me, O Lord, according to Your purposes now and always that I would see and know that You alone are God.

Lord Jesus, God in the flesh, You have come that all who come by Your grace and the Father’s mercy would know life abundantly.  Guide me through the Holy Spirit to see in You the hope and glory that You have come to share through what You have accomplished on the cross that I may live wholly in the truth You have revealed.  Lead me now and always, my Savior, into the salvation You have prepared for those who come to You.  Amen.


Devotion for Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Tuesday, January 2, 2018 Devotion

“Who stills the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the tumult of the peoples. They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs; You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy.”  (Psalm 65:7-8)

“Who is this that even the seas obey Him,” the disciples asked?  Who indeed? The One through whom all things have their being was standing in the boat. How Can God do this? With God all things are possible. He who knows all things intimately knows each one of us and calls for us to come to Him and know Him. Come then into the Lord’s presence, and be still and know your Creator.

Lord, can it be that simple? Yes, it is. Guide me into the simplicity of life knowing that the complexities all around me are still there. Help keep my focus upon You that I may abide in Your presence now and forever. Lead me, O Lord, that I may walk humbly with You always and learn from You how to live and have my true being. Guide me by Your Spirit, O Lord, that I may abide in You and You in me.

Like You, Lord Jesus, is what Your Word says I shall be. Journey with me all the days of my life and teach me as I take Your yoke upon myself and willingly learn from You. Help me step over every obstacle and walk always with You, learning along the way what You will teach me. Grant me a heart that is willing and able to go where You would have me go knowing that in You I will find life. Amen.


Devotion for Monday, January 1, 2018

Monday, January 1, 2018 Devotion

“How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You to dwell in Your courts.  We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple. By awesome deeds You answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation, You who are the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea; Who establishes the mountains by His strength, being girded with might;” (Psalm 65:3-6)

The Lord brings whom He brings and they are blessed.  In our world of ‘it’s not fair’, who are we to argue with the One who created all things; yet many do.  Come into the presence of the One who calls to all, but selects those who hear and follow.  Be blessed and know that only in the Lord of all creation is there hope and an eternal future.  Be guided by His grace and mercy all the day long.

Lord You have called and I have heard, but often I am perplexed and fall into the sinful snare of my own thinking.  It is You who IS the salvation and in You alone is hope to be found.  Guide me in Your grace to follow You all the day long and throughout this life.  Lead me according to Your goodness that I may walk humbly with You my God and Savior and do what is pleasing to You.

Lord Jesus, You stand at the door and knock, and any who will come into Your presence can know the inexpressible joy of mercy and grace.  Lead me, O Lord, to walk with You now and always in order to know the blessing You give by the grace You purchased from the cross.  May I be found in You at all times, walking in the way You have established and humbly learning from You.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, December 31, 2017

Sunday, December 31, 2017 Devotion

There will be silence before You, and praise in Zion, O God, And to You the vow will be performed.  O You who hear prayer, To You all men come. Iniquities prevail against me; as for our transgressions, You forgive them.”  (Psalm 65:1-2)

The Lord knows everything you think.  The Lord knows everything you pray.  Why then do you and I turn to things that do not hear and do not know?  Turn to the One who knows all the days of your life and the plans He has for you.  Be guided by the will of the One who desires that you be with Him now and forever.  Be led by the Spirit of the One who loves you more than you can imagine.

Lord you forgive, and we all need forgiveness.  Lead me past my iniquities that I would see them as You do and flee from them.  Help my heart and mind to be guided by the goodness of Your presence and purpose that I would forever hold fast to the truth You have revealed once for all through Your Word.  Help me through the obstacles that get in the way that I would serve You with a clean and pure heart now and always.  Lead me in Your ways, O Lord.

Lord Jesus, Word of God, speak to me that I may hear the truth of Your Word in my heart and live according to Your never-changing principles.  Let not my iniquities prevail, but live into the righteousness You give through faith.  Guide my heart to be honest before You and others that I may praise You at all times, in all places and through all things that come upon me.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, December 30, 2017

Saturday, December 30, 2017 Devotion

“The righteous man will be glad in the Lord and will take refuge in Him; and all the upright in heart will glory.” (Psalm 64:10)

Do you look to the Lord for all things?  Do you praise and thank  the Lord in all circumstances?  Do you see that the Lord is always good and His ways righteous?  These things are true, but often the attitude of our heart gets in the way and we do not praise the Lord at all times and in all circumstances.  Take refuge in the Lord and let Him lead your heart always and you will be blessed as one of the righteous.

Lord, I do have attitude problems and often get carried away by my own thoughts.  Help me shift my thinking to You, that You, who IS the center of all things may be the center of my life.  Guide me in Your eternal way that I would walk humbly with You, my God, now and always.  Keep my heart upright in Your sight that I may live according to Your precepts which You have spoken from the beginning.

Lord Jesus You alone are able to lead the way for this heart of mine which often seeks after its own thoughts.  Lead me to live in such a way that I seek to do what I do to please the Father.  Yes, the flesh is weak and I need grace, but teach me to live through the need for grace to the place where I willingly and with praise obey all that is commanded.  Help me Jesus to become like You.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, December 29, 2017

Friday, December 29, 2017 Devotion

“So they will make him stumble; their own tongue is against them; all who see them will shake the head.  Then all men will fear, and they will declare the work of God, and will consider what He has done.” (Psalm 64:8-9)

Lord Your power is almighty and all the attempts to thwart You throughout the ages come to nothing.  Guide my eyes to see and my mind to understand this simple but profound truth.  Lead me in the way You have established and let my deeds be openly known and not hidden.  Guide me, O Lord, according to Your Word and let me be among those who praise You all the day long in every circumstance.

Lord, You know what is needed and You know those who devise their plots and schemes.  Help me to always look to You that I may know that Your hand is upon all that I do.  Lead me, O Lord, that I may be led by You alone.   Guide me to consider all that You have made, Your handiwork, and ponder anew each day on the marvels You have created.

Lord Jesus, King of kings, lead me in the mighty way of Your grace this day to see all the wonders created and praise You.  Help me look through immediate circumstances to see Your hand upon all things and know that in You alone is hope and glory.  May my life be one that praises You at all times knowing that You alone are the hope of this age and the one who has already conquered sin.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thursday, December 28, 2017 Devotion

“They hold fast to themselves an evil purpose; they talk of laying snares secretly; they say, “Who can see them?”  They devise injustices, saying, “We are ready with a well-conceived plot”; for the inward thought and the heart of a man are deep.  But God will shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly they will be wounded.” (Psalm 64:5-7)

The plans of the wicked are all the same.  They think what they do is secret, but the Lord who sees all things knows what the wicked do in secret.  It comes to naught.  Look to the Lord and know that He who sees all things knows what is needed and provides before you make the request.  Yes, it seems for a time the wicked prosper, but what they do amounts to nothing.

Lord, help me to have a larger view of things that I may see through time how the plots of those who devise things in secret are thwarted.  Guide me to know truly that You who sees all things cannot be shaken.  Help me trust in Your provision at all time knowing that You are working all things together for good for those who love You.  Lead me, O Lord, that I may be led by You alone.

Lord Jesus, You went to the cross through the efforts of  those who plotted in secret places, yet it fit perfectly the Father’s will.  From this simple place, let me see that no matter what happens, Your hand of grace is upon me and all who turn to You.  Guide me according to Your perfect will to see in You the hope of glory that You have won at the cross through those who desired otherwise.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Wednesday, December 27, 2017 Devotion

“Who have sharpened their tongue like a sword.  They aimed bitter speech as their arrow, to shoot from concealment at the blameless; suddenly they shoot at him, and do not fear.” (Psalm 64:3-4)

The wicked of this world shoot arrows of contempt and lies at those who seek the Lord.  Calling others what is in their heart, they prey on the guilt of sin that is there, while they themselves could care less about truth or what is right.  It has always been this way.  The insensitive prey on the sensitive and blame them to shame them.  Be not one who blames, but one who turns to the Lord in every season.                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Lord, I have been affected by the wickedness of this world.  I have desired what is right, but listen to the voice of the wickedGuide me according to Your purposes that I may forever hold fast to the truth You have revealed.  Let me not be distracted by those who would seek to destroy me, but to be led by Your Spirit all the days of my life.

Lord Jesus, You are the hope of every person.  You have come to save us from ourselves and the world.  Guide me in the salvation You have given that I may forever hold fast to the truth of Your presence and purpose through grace.  May I now and always look to You first for all things, knowing that You alone are the author and finisher of my faith.  Lead me this day, my Savior.  Amen.