Devotion for Wednesday, July 18, 2018

“I shall mention Rahab and Babylon among those who know Me; behold, Philistia and Tyre with Ethiopia: ‘This one was born there.’” But of Zion it shall be said, “This one and that one were born in her”; and the Most High Himself will establish her.” (Psalm 87:4-5)

From all over, the Lord calls to those who know Him. Yes, many come from within the established fellowship, but there are those who come from the outside. The Lord knows those who are His. He has called all to come into His presence and walk in the ways He has established from the beginning. Come to the Lord and see that He is good and that His mercy endures forever.

Lord, I sometimes do not see that You are there and love all people. Though I have been amongst Your people, sometimes I do not see it. Help me I pray to move beyond what I see to grasp Your goodness and mercy and walk in the ways You have shown. Guide me, O Lord, that I may forever live in the truth of Your goodness and mercy and abide in Zion forever.

Lord Jesus, You are the Savior who has come to call all who hear Your voice. Lead me, O Lord, to walk with You as You guide me in the way You know I need to go. Help me now and always to see in You the hope for all generations and abide in the grace You give. Grant me a heart that looks upon all in hope that they too will one day know Your goodness and grace. Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, July 17, 2018

“His foundation is in the holy mountains. The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the other dwelling places of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God.” (Psalm 87:1-3)

Those whom the Lord has always known are in His presence. Though we remain in the world, yet we are also in the Lord’s presence. Do not fear, but rejoice that the Lord knows you and loves you. Be guided by His word of love and know that He has plans for you, and they are to prosper you in His presence. Come then and dwell in the house of the Lord and be comforted by His grace.

The Lord knows the troubles we face. Before it happens, He knows the difficulty we will face. Do not fear, but rejoice and know that the Lord is always with You. Be guided by His presence and learn to obey all that He has commanded. Be prepared for what is to come. Trouble comes in the morning, but the end is in the Lord’s hands. Know that He loves those who are His.

Lord Jesus, in great love for all, You came that we may not perish but have everlasting life. You have come that those who are in You would rejoice in the provision of Your grace. Lead me this day, O Lord, that I would walk humbly with You knowing that in You is the hope of every generation. Guide me step by step to live according to the word You have given. Amen

Devotion for Monday, July 16, 2018

“Turn to me, and be gracious to me; Oh grant Your strength to Your servant, and save the son of Your handmaid. Show me a sign for good, that those who hate me may see it and be ashamed, because You, O Lord, have helped me and comforted me.” (Psalm 86:16-17)

When we come into the presence of the Lord, we are witnesses of His presence. Those who walk humbly with God are an accusation against those who do wickedness. The Lord is comfort itself and walks with those who are His. Be comforted by the Lord and know that His plans for you and for all who are in Him will work to good. He will teach You what is right and true.

Lord, this world is sometimes difficult and I do not know which way to turn. I meet the hatred others have for You and I am perplexed. Remind me constantly of Your Word and Your presence that I may hold fast to the truth You have given once for all. Lead me now and always, by holding fast to me, that I would walk with You in my thoughts and deeds, and with constant reminders of Your presence.

Lord Jesus, You walked this earth and You know how difficult it can be. Bring me to remember the truth of Your word that I may hold fast amidst the trials and tribulations that come my way, Lead me, O Lord, in the way I should go and help me not to veer from the path You have set before me. Lead me through the crowd of those who hate You and would lead me astray that I may be faithful to the calling You have given me. Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, July 15, 2018

“O God, arrogant men have risen up against me, and a band of violent men have sought my life, and they have not set You before them. But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.” (Psalm 85:14-15)

There are the strongmen of this world who seek for the lives of the faithful. There are those who for a time prosper at the expense of the lowly. Yet You, O Lord, are above all, and in Your mercy, You watch over all and keep things moving as they need to move. Help me, O Lord, to live humbly in Your presence and see in You the hope of every generation that I may abide in Your presence.

The Lord knows every hair on our head and nothing will come our way that He is not aware of. He is not far off as some think, but always present. Come into His presence and know His comfort. Yes, some things may happen that you do not understand, but He has promised that all things work together for good for those who love Him. Come and find your rest in Him.

Lord Jesus, You met some strongmen who took Your life, yet it was for the purpose of our salvation. Guide my mind to understand that You hold all things together and know all things that will happen. Lead me to simply trust in You always knowing that in You alone is the eternal hope of salvation. Guide me this day to humbly accept what I can and trust for all else knowing that I am in Your hands. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, July 14, 2018

“I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and will glorify Your name forever. For Your lovingkindness toward me is great, and You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol.” (Psalm 86:12-13)

The wages of sin is death. The Lord has come and is our Savior that we might be saved from being left in the pit. Come unto the Lord and know His goodness and mercy and walk humbly with Him in the way He would lead you. He has shown His love and mercy and gives His kindness to those who fear Him. Know the Lord and know the deliverance He promises.

Lord, I struggle in this life with those things that come along and get in the way. I see the difficulties all around me and do not understand things. You are there and I know that Your purpose and presence is over all things. Guide me to see more clearly the truth of Your love and mercy and to walk humbly in Your ways. Guide me, O Lord, according to Your purpose.

God in the flesh, You have come that all who are in You would have light and life. Guide me in the grace You have given that I may do what is pleasing to the Father. Help me, I pray, to simply do those things which are pleasing to You. Help me in every time of need that I would hold fast to the truth You have given me that I would praise You now and always for Your goodness. Amen.

Devotion for Friday, July 13, 2018

“For You are great and do wondrous deeds; You alone are God. Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name.” (Psalm 86:10-11)


Look through Scripture and what do you see? People rebel against God and do wickedness. Amidst this, the Lord gives mercy and grace and calls to those who hear His voice that they would come and live according to His will. He unites those who turn to Him that they may abide in His goodness and mercy all the days of their lives. He unites us with Him if we turn to Him.

Lord, it is hard to walk in truth in this world filled with lies. Many will promote all kinds of things that are wicked and evil. There are many temptations all around. Unite my heart with You that I may humbly but boldly stand in a world of lies and live according to Your goodness all the days of my life. Lead me, O Lord, and I will be led. Guide me, O Lord, and I will follow.

Only in You, Jesus, am I able to fulfill my heart’s desire which is to be united with You. Guide me today, Lord Jesus, in the way You have set before me. Help me overcome the obstacles that get in the way that I would now and forever live according to the riches of Your promises. Help me through all of the obstacles that come my way to live faithfully in the love You have given me. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, July 12, 2018

“There is no one like You among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like Yours. All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and they shall glorify Your name.” (Psalm 86:8-9)

The world is impressed with what it invents and the things it imagines are powerful, but what are they compared to what You have created Lord? Heaven and earth are Yours, for You made them. The people wander in darkness, but You are light. You name is glorified because You are the author and finisher of life. Guide our hearts to praise You Whose work alone endures forever.

Lord God, though the world rejects You, You still give grace and mercy. You provide for the just and the unjust. Guide the hearts of those who are turned to You to live in the light of Your countenance that we may do Your works in the light of day and declare Your goodness. Let us not be forced to bow before You upon Your return, but to bow willingly now in humility and with thankfulness.

Lord Jesus, You have come into the world to share Your rich goodness and mercy with all who willingly turn to You. Guide me in Your grace this day that all I do would be a praise of You who has made eternity in glory possible. Lead me, O Lord, in the way You would have me go that I may now and always praise You for the goodness You have given amidst the evil of this world. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, July 11, 2018

“For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon You. Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; and give heed to the voice of my supplications! In the day of my trouble I shall call upon You, for You will answer me.” (Psalm 86:5-8)

The Lord is gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He has sustained all throughout the ages, both the just and the unjust. See that the Lord provides for all of creation. Come to the Lord and know His goodness. See that He has provided all the grace needed that we may know He hears and answers. Come and know that Your God walks with you always.

Lord, in troubled times, when things are not going the way I desire or think they ought to go, You are there. Open my eyes to see that You are always present in every time of need; for You are present always. Lead me into a deeper relationship with You that I may abide in You as You abide in me knowing that in You is goodness and mercy. Lead me, O Lord, in righteousness.

Lord Jesus, You are God in the flesh who has fulfilled the prophecies and are the Savior. Come and lead those who hear Your voice in the ways of righteousness. Guide me, O Lord, to walk humbly with You now and always that I would know that in every time of trouble, You are there. Lift my eyes up to see You always and know that no matter the circumstance, You will lead me. Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, July 10, 2018

“Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to You I cry all day long. Make glad the soul of Your servant, for to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul.” (Psalm 86:3-4)

In the midst of turmoil, when this life seems overwhelming, we often cry out to the Lord. Know that He is always present and not just in times of adversity. Make the Lord glad, for he longs for You as He wants You to live for Him. Come to the Lord in season as well as out of season and know the graciousness of the Lord. The Lord will make glad the hearts of those who turn to Him.

Lord, You are there and there are times in my life when I go blithely along my way without a thought of You. Guide my heart, O Lord, to include You in the whole of my life, for You are always there. Lead me in the goodness of Your grace that I would rejoice that You are my eternal companion. You are Lord and God and You have included me in Your family. How blessed a thought!

Lord Jesus, it for grace and mercy that You have come. You have come that all those who hear Your voice would come to You and rejoice in Your provision and presence. Lead me, O Lord, in the way You would have me go that I may walk in the grace You have made possible and live according to the will of the Father. In all things and at all times, lead me to look to You. Amen.

Devotion for Monday, July 9, 2018

“Incline Your ear, O Lord, and answer me; for I am afflicted and needy. Preserve my soul, for I am a godly man; O You my God, save Your servant who trusts in You.” (Psalm 86:1-2)

Those who look to the Lord and seek to do what is pleasing in the Lord’s sight are the ones who have an ear and hear. Listen, for the Lord speaks and He has given You His word. Listen and you will know His counsel. Be guided by the Lord, for He is good and His love endures forever. He will save those who hear His voice and seek to walk in His ways. Come, listen and learn.

Lord, incline my ear to Your voice that I may hear when You speak. Guide me now and always in what You have already said. Keep me from the empty arguments and hollow words of this world. Lift me up into Your presence that I may joyfully abide with You knowing that You are abiding with me. Lead me, O Lord, in the way You would have me go and point my footsteps in the direction You are sending me.

Christ my Savior, You have said that Your sheep know Your voice. Speak to me today that I may hear. Remind me of the goodness of Your leading that I may follow. Shut out the conflicting noise of this world that I may understand the way of righteousness. Lead me on the narrow path that You have established by grace that I may walk humbly with You. Amen.