“O come, let us sing for joy to the Lord, let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, let us…
But the Lord has been my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge. He has brought back their wickedness upon them and will destroy them in their evil;…
“When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul. Can a throne of destruction be allied with You, one which devises mischief by decree? They band themselves…
“If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have dwelt in the abode of silence. If I should say, “My foot has slipped,” Your lovingkindness, O…
“For the Lord will not abandon His people, nor will He forsake His inheritance. For judgment will again be righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it. Who…
“They have said, “The Lord does not see, nor does the God of Jacob pay heed.” Pay heed, you senseless among the people; and when will you understand, stupid ones?” …
“They crush Your people, O Lord, and afflict Your heritage. They slay the widow and the stranger and murder the orphans.” (Psalm 94:5-6) The world has always been hostile…
“How long shall the wicked, O Lord, how long shall the wicked exult? They pour forth words, they speak arrogantly; all who do wickedness vaunt themselves.” (Psalm 94:3-4) The…