Devotion for Monday, November 26, 2018

“Beside them the birds of the heavens dwell; they lift up their voices among the branches. He waters the mountains from His upper chambers; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of His works.” (Psalm 104:12-13)
Have you ever listened to the song of birds? Have you thought that maybe they are singing praises of the One who created them? Have you listened to the songs of nature, the waves crashing on the beaches and the water falling from the heights? God created them all and they sing of His good work and the provision He has given for all that He has made.
Lord, open my eyes to see things differently. Amidst all of the struggles and turmoil of this world, all around me is the truth of Your creation and the goodness that You have set into place. Guide me, O Lord, according to Your goodness to see what is around me and to realize that all around are signs of what You have created. May I join with Your creation in living a life of praising You.
Lord Jesus, You taught us to pray always. Often I think of prayer as simply asking for what I need. Help me to understand that prayer is continued conversation and that I can just as easily pray songs of joy and thanksgiving. Lead me, O Lord, into a life of devotion that is thankful for all the good gifts that are all around me that I may be one who thanks You always for all things. Amen.