Devotion for Sunday, December 16, 2018

“They afflicted his feet with fetters, He himself was laid in irons; until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him.” (Psalm 105:18-19)


The Lord has promised that everything works to glory for those who love Him. The truth is that all of creation is for His glory. Do not be dismayed by circumstances, but look to the One who knows you by name and has plans for you. Be guided by His goodness and know that it is He who will guide You all the days of Your life. Live in the presence of the Almighty God and lean not on your own understanding.

Lord, guide my heart in Your presence that no matter what befalls me I would know that You are my God. Lead me through the valley of the shadow of death of this life that I may learn from You in humbleness. Lift up my heart so that it is based upon You and Your presence and not upon circumstances. Lead me, O Lord, and help me to follow You all the days of my life.

Holy Spirit, minister to my heart in those times of doubt, of anger, of desperation that I would not let circumstances define who I am, but Your Word alone. May I look to You in and through all things knowing that You will lead me into the will of the Father. Guide me now and always to walk humbly with You and to learn to listen as You speak. May I now and always be faithful. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, December 15, 2018

“And He called for a famine upon the land; He broke the whole staff of bread. He sent a man before them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave.” (Psalm 105:16-17)


The Lord allows what He allows to befall the people. There are those who think Him unjust. His ways are not our ways. You, who are a sinner, knowing that all who sin are under the death penalty, is it “fair” that you live? Such silly questions are meant to distract. The Lord is merciful that you might have the opportunity to be in His presence now and forever. He has a purpose in everything.

Lord, I live in an egotistical age that demands to know things, when they do not know the elemental things. Help me, I pray, to see the truth that You are God and that no matter what happens, I am in Your arms of mercy and grace. Guide me according to Your never-failing principles to see in You the hope of glory and the way of everlasting life, that I may live in You.

Lord Jesus, You have come to rescue us from the condemnation which is ours. We may think in terms of fairness, but have nothing apart from You upon which to base our judgement. Bring my heart to look to You in all circumstances knowing that You are my Savior. Keep my eyes upon You and not the noise of this world. Lead me according to Your goodness that I may now and always abide in You. Amen.

Devotion for Friday, December 14, 2018

“And they wandered about from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people. He permitted no man to oppress them, and He reproved kings for their sakes: “Do not touch My anointed ones, and do My prophets no harm.” (Psalm 105:13-15)


The unfolding of time is in God’s plan and purpose. Though the people be disciplined, it is through the true voice of God in prophecy that the Lord reminds those who will be faithful to hold fast to His never-changing promises. The Word of the Lord is forever and He will prevail. Come into the Lord’s promise no matter the circumstances and know that He who is forever is with You.

Lord, Your faithful prophets have spoken time and again the simple message that You are Lord and that Your will shall be done. Guide me into the promises You have spoken that I may now and always live according to Your will. Help me in every time of trouble to come to You knowing that only in You is there hope and a future. You are God and there is no other.

Come, Holy Spirit, and minister to my heart. In You is the hope of the ages as You lead me in truth. Cause my heart to flee from unrighteousness and to cling to that which is right and good. Give me eyes to see the difference, in and through all things. You are with me. Help me to be with You. Lead me this day in grace and mercy that I may cling to the eternal Word of truth. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, December 13, 2018

“Then He confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion of your inheritance,” when they were only a few men in number, very few, and strangers in it.” (Psalm 105:10-12)


The promise of the Lord is from ancient times, before any of the existing tribes now present were around. This is not politics, but promise. God gave the land to Jacob. The Word of the Lord has been with us throughout history and it speaks not wishes, but truth. What God speaks comes to pass. Live in the promise of the Lord and know the truth of the ages, for He will accomplish what He promised.

Lord, I hear so many conflicting messages in this world. Help me to see through the false ones to hear Your Word of truth. Guide me in the path of righteousness that I may be one who inherits Your goodness and mercy. Adopt me as one of Your children that I may abide in You and Your truth, and Your presence may abide in me. You are the God who has always been, Who makes unbreakable promises.

Lord Jesus, You are the fulfillment of all promises, for in You is hope and eternity. Lead me into the way You have established that I may abide in You and You in me. Teach me as Your disciple that I may come into the heavenly promised land and dwell in the house of the Father forever. May I be found this day doing Your work and living in the hope You give. Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, December 12, 2018

“He is the Lord our God; His judgments are in all the earth. He has remembered His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations, the covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath to Isaac.” (Psalm 105:7-9)


The nay-sayers and skeptics discount the Lord and do not believe this is His creation. His judgements are upon the earth. People do take into themselves the recompense of their actions. Come into the grace of the Lord and His Spirit will abide with you. Know the covenant He has made to redeem you and not let you go down into the pit. Walk humbly before your God.

Lord, You know the struggles I have in my heart. You know the problems I face and the doubts that rule me. Lift me up out of the uncertainty of this age to stand up for Jesus knowing that in You alone is there hope and a future. Guide me according to Your goodness to learn the way of the humble servant. Lead me, Lord Jesus, that I may be guided by Your grace and mercy now and always.

Come Holy Spirit and in the gift of grace bought by Christ, counsel me this day. You know what I need to learn this day. You know the obstacles I will face. Help me today to see You, listen to You and walk by Your direction. You have brought me into the covenant promised of old. Sanctify me to walk in the way of salvation and to do those things which are pleasing in the Father’s sight. Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, December 11, 2018

“Remember His wonders which He has done, His marvels and the judgments uttered by His mouth, O seed of Abraham, His servant, O sons of Jacob, His chosen ones!” (Psalm 105:5-6)


The Lord has called all to the truth that He is Sovereign over all that He has made. Do not linger or tarry as those who are asleep do, but come to Him by His grace and know that the Lord is God. He called through His chosen servants and He calls to you. Marvel at His work. Marvel at how history is unfolding according to His plan. Do not rebel against Him, but awaken and come into His presence.

Lord, the world feeds me pablum and satiates me to lull me to sleep. Awaken me, O Lord, that I may abide in Your presence now and forever. Guide me according to Your goodness to see in You the hope of glory. Guide me by Your precepts that I may now and always walk humbly with You, my Lord and God, rejoicing in Your goodness and the work of Your hands.

Lord Jesus, You have come to lead the way. Guide me by Your grace to live according to Your never-failing principles that You have laid out for those who will come into the salvation You have prepared. May I learn to marvel at all that You have done and abide in You as You abide in me. Guide me, Lord Jesus, that I may learn more this day about walking in the truth You have revealed. Amen.

Devotion for Monday, December 10, 2018

“Glory in His holy name; let the heart of those who seek the Lord be glad. Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually.” (Psalm 105:3-4)


A life of faith in this world is not easy for the Christian. If you believe almost anything else, some will listen. Sharing your faith in Christ is often resisted. Be gracious and kind, but always willing to share the hope that is within you. Know that He who made you is always present and an ever-present help and support. Seek the Lord always and lean upon Him for all things.

Lord, I am often tempted to go it alone. I think that I need to figure all things out before moving forward. Help me, O Lord, to lean upon You knowing that only You know all things. Guide me in the way You know I need to go that I would follow You all the days of my life and speak praises of You. Strengthen me for the tasks You have prepared for me that I may fulfill Your will.

Come, Holy Spirit, and grow in me the image of Christ my Savior. Help me to lean upon You more than just to seek knowledge. Lift up my spirit to always seek Your counsel. Help me in every difficult situation to see that in You is my hope and glory. Let my lips speaks to others of Your goodness and mercy. May I learn to live in the grace You give and share the hope that is in my heart. Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, December 9, 2018

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples. Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; speak of all His wonders.” (Psalm 105:1-2)


Do you share your faith with others? No, not to convert anyone to anything, but sharing that the Lord is a part of your life, real and present? Living with the Lord as your companion in life is no different that acknowledging any friend you have in this life. Make His name known by how you live, showing that He is present and lives through you. His wonders are known, in part, through those who share this truth.

Lord, in this goofy world I will share favorite movies, places I’ve enjoyed, and experiences, but I often am quiet about the most important person in my life – You. Guide me, O Lord, to never be ashamed, and to speak of Your goodness in my life all the day long. Let Your deeds shine through me in all I say and do that Your presence in my life might be known by others.

Holy Spirit, remove the hindrances in my life that I might speak Your goodness through my life. Keep me from being insistent or obnoxious, instead learning how to genuinely care for others as You have cared for me. Lead me in the way of salvation that I may now and always sing praises of Your grace and mercy in my life. You have done great things for me. Help me to share these graciously. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, December 8, 2018

Let sinners be consumed from the earth and let the wicked be no more. Bless the Lord, O my soul. Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 104:35)


Lord, I am a sinner, but in the promise of the redemption by grace in Christ I am a new creation. Let me see the upward path You have prepared for those to whom You have given eyes to see. Lead me according to Your will to praise, thank and bless You in all things and for all things. Let my heart be transformed by You to become one that is full of praise and thanksgiving now and forever.

This world is difficult, Lord. There are so many obstacles and barriers that get in the way. In spite of these things, You have granted great promises through grace to those who learn to love You. Guide me now and always to walk in the way of praise and thanksgiving. Lead me to see in You the hope of all eternity and to not waver from walking the good path You have set before me.

Holy Spirit, by the example of Christ, help me to live this day and every day in praise and thanksgiving for the gift of life. No matter what happens, guide me to see through Your leading the hope that is always before me. Let not my circumstances ever hinder me from seeing the truth that eternity is before me. You are good, and it is right and salutary to always offer You praise and thanksgiving. Amen.

Devotion for Friday, December 7, 2018

“I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. Let my meditation be pleasing to Him; as for me, I shall be glad in the Lord.” (Psalm 104:33-34)


What is the direction of your life? Are you looking to the Lord for all things? No matter the circumstances, do you see in Him your hope and future? God is good all the time, but this age is filled with trouble and heartache. Know that there is purpose in everything and that what the Lord is doing is beyond our ability to begin to comprehend. Rejoice and be glad in the goodness of the Lord.

Lord, You know me and my circumstances beyond my ability to begin to comprehend. In spite of my own sin and rebellion, You have provided all that is needed that I might now and forever abide in You. Guide me, O Lord, into the depths of the goodness of Your grace and mercy that I would walk the upward path of being in Your presence. Lead me in the way I should go now and forever.

Lord Jesus, You provide the way to walk and the example by which to live. Lead me in the tensions of this life knowing that often I have to choose between two things neither of which are palatable. Help me to know that only in the grace You give am I able to abide with You. Lead me today to praise You no matter the circumstance knowing that all things are in Your hands and for the Father’s glory. Amen.