This January marks the end of my term as President of Lutheran CORE. I have been on the board of CORE since 2019. In that time, my own congregation held…
Most people would call me a “conservative” Lutheran, although I would prefer to be called orthodox or traditional. Nevertheless, I will accept the label. Therefore, as a conservative Lutheran, it…
In my previous two articles, I talked about the dilemma facing De-churched Lutherans. Some cannot find an orthodox Lutheran parish in their area. Some have been made to feel unwelcome…
In the September CORE Voice, I reflected on my time as the pastor of a mission congregation. My question was whether the Lutheran Church is prepared for a time when…
Does doctrine matter? That is a question that has been asked again and again in the Church. Sometimes, the question is asked because doctrine seems so dry and boring. It…
One of the familiar clichés within Lutheranism is that making the right distinctions is the key to doing good theology. Admittedly, clichés are dangerous, as Robert Jenson warned in the…
It is always a joy when you go to a Pastors’ conference and leave with a sense of energy and enthusiasm for ministry. Over my twenty-eight years of ministry, I…
A concerned member of the ELCA contacted me, asking me to do a review of a new curriculum from Augsburg Fortress’s Sparkhouse. That curriculum is entitled T.B.D.: Think. Believe. Do.…
Several years ago, I sent an email to Bishop Eaton sharing a concern that I had about seminarians with traditional views on human sexuality and marriage. Earlier that year, there…